come to a ; top ol 1 rerdict of $10 damages cand the verdict will leave 8 po Tot of so- fos Behind It. The wives of r en. who carved the Toust | : superior alts over those : bands merely cleared away | York cnr, ol course, is + suid to the guard | this carriage.” ie He found soon most owent Ten jossnn : ok POR bis dart outied, raightway bade his soul Take uy the task begun, Nor paused until the goal Gf Bis desire Was wih, After ply . Tron Theres, al Lin po dur, Thrice pivrione ke ob Thaw, with here And is Ber outete i“ Toe shining gifts of Day, athe OU ampanion. AE This was the secon} bad made since jesving Trissie and pi ane had got into the carriage; and opened saothor voll of Pus By well shawls and rugs in fig novel DC Buddenly an uprar of tongues arose on the pintiorm; the disor Wak fered open and a Pont woman stom. by another | behind came x drove of children, all sersaming, pues | atl LE px if 42 had bled through tf, followed Regzine a big basket as to moth and sig. 2nd smeared, Ringers, with some sticky black com pound which they were devourisg greedily. ‘Beatrix gave oms glance of horror { began to gather up her scattered : nd beg as p i mags of remorse oh} Bop I Sant Burt yom | belongings. “You must find me a place” FF ennnot help 16 ba muttered: “H 118 a carriage for ladics alone; deboll i these are ladies alone—the train fs | oe there is ne time” at mts wer was oid or). For answer Beatrix cast her rugs ani bags upon bim, and soatehing up Sor umbrella, books and dressing case, ti ends her way through the soramdb | i) Hing children, i places at the windows, and deahed out { upon the platform. who were fighting for sounding; evidently there was no time to lose, the guard opened the sear sat door, threw in the bags, and gave Beatrix an impoise that propsiied aer s | the entire length of tae carrings _ {other jolt and the train was off, Beatrix was aware that the was be # | ing steadied upon her feat by & strong | arm, the arm of the man whom she had caught a glimpse of sitting at {the farther window. and spon whom le sho and per traps had descended af warm ‘bere, don’t you think? 1 bups you would like to have your win. A iter the manner of a whirlwind, Stam- 4 mering slio sank upon the opposite seat and “Mille pardond, monsleur'” endeavored to regain her composure, " iher natural color and the dignity which befitted a young lady travel i ling alone. There were three other “parsons in the carriage; two gleepy {looking women, past whom she had 1 shot without apparently doing them | any damage; and the gentleman oppo | site, who was now reading. holding i & large hook quite close to his face, | “1 This gave her a chance to examine | Beatrix was ninetesn—and distnaly He was all; aot too young *nlea” looking, she decided. His gray tweed clothes looked Roglish: thie scarier fez he wore by way of & cap suggested the East His grape? { Yes there was the bag of golf sticks ang the foiling bath-tab—se must be | : ® He? Beatrix tad Just reached this con | {clusion when the book was dropped and ths stranger sald in a very agree able voice, — “I beg your pardon, it ier very hy | GOW raised.” Beatrix xusented with thanks, think : tog she would lke to ask hum how { bo knew that English was her native { tongue. face; it was a delightful face, with » She stole & glance at his i | rave, kind smile that stowed very ey in PEE cable lines rs. Cable cars were used ¢ best that is available g superior can be em-| costs considerable to do and only people In a rich country Is, in a lecture delivered fore the Royal Institution, | , made some statements which widespread interest. He the amazing searchlight which has brought out 50 the remotest past were cnst future, by seeking for operat. , We might tell with certainty sppen. The man of science, will believe that the events . 4000 are fixed and unchange- with the exception of man and ) dren. He believes that the er f the earth will change “until the ‘drag bauls one unchanging face get toward the sun” : at great men are only. bulongings, scattered by her Hirani; came to her ald so paturally and sim | ply that It would have been fmpossi ble for the greatest stickier for the it, but it Is the sure way to | reflects the Baltimore Amer 5 iv. & {freat many fauits—eoh. I know BY alone sides, and He holds, _| white teeth, and a nose that might | have been supercilious but for a lit | the frregular ripple in the middle of | in eyes was injured’ But what a pity that one of his It was closed and the eyelid drooped. She wonlered i her were In the army and had lost an eyo—~perhaps under “Bolan” Presently she began to collect her violent aud again her visavis propricties to take offense. Refors ‘i bor various parcels wers recaptured atl reduced to order, they had laughed heartily over ber misalven ture, "Here's your umbrella,” he sald fusing It up from the floor, where {t had fallen for a charge.” Dia 1 charge? sald she, sorry!” “Oh, well. you Atnericans are so tmipetions. don't you know? One ex pects little things like that” » You Americans!’ How Jdid you know that I am an American? 1 thought 1 spoke beautiful English.” “T'm so “Why, so you do, | assures you. but =dhere is something—I can't exactly tell what, but you have a quick little way with you, and yon look different from most English girls 1 know—and ~=and-—you must be tired of hearing about your boots and your gowns." “I don't know that we are evir ex. actly tired.” almitted Beatrix slow “1 know what you mean: we have shy sighed. “Bu! we do pol let pur skirts hitch up in front or an the wa always make connec tions in the bark. How frivolous that sounds!” she thought “He will think 1 am one of those dreadful free ant | easy Americans he has heard of who have no manners and will take op | lepths that wouroiled baw them. HR ONT OF pi stop the train } Boa. | trix congratulated Berself wnat Uncle ! George's fee to the guard hal worked gloss the tof a mise | RE, By Helen M. Palmer. Bho baried boreal? solved to be very diund tare. 4 A abhower had arisen: the raln wus hoating in and ir was Becexary tis wind LS of 1he inferragtion and sized Hoto make dorse remarks apon country they wers paising Ag he lay down her bool 3 + of and Uhm ho “You wers pald for | | scarcely feel it now” : assure her Tha whistle was An Van Duser, whom I have Jotned meariy 80 many as your game by when you canfon wha noticed £8 lo SL EOT Chee abs har sitention, Wis right eve wasn it wm Almost mae lk pra Ed YR her, although 1 eff! droped a Hr. Hy Ew that bap gir iv fashod upon whe met he bw hig speoch abet the umbrella “Your eve gia stavaniared, mean, very much!” “It wae nothing, really nothing: 1 a2 if she wore going to ory. “But I right Lave put your eve out!” whe gasnel “You might have Jone many with that deadly umbrella Hat you didn't—plenns don think of it again” he pleaded “How good of von!" she murmured. gozing at aim with admiration “May I pak" he resumed after a moment. “whether vou were at Shen hord's some weeks ago with tha Van Imzers "Yeu" she said, “Mr Van Duar is my uncle; 1 went np the Nile wih Bira and mv aunt Wore yon is Calro™ “Unfortunately | reached thers just A% your party was leaving, I met Mr often son at home In-er--Engiand. but 1 only Bad a glimpse of the rest of his party. : 1 was sure, though that | remembered you. I am—er—8ir Hy ugh Chester ™ Bo added alter a pans, tioned ma” So Sorry that we missed You as we did. pan on fou in this way? “It's wncommonly me” i 3 me.” “ Uncle George” ~ ha gueried with & quizgical expression. fn a Hgat lsughtor. “You see he thinks so much of you,” she explained bearted burst of I am properly presented, and you'il ‘cheon. Here's where we stop for food--xnch ar ft a “And you wont think I'm ome of those dreadful American girls wile background and just stram around having a good time regardless? There ars a few specimens left, but wot novelists would lead you to cunpose” *T won't tall you what [ think” Nhe Cdeclarad, “but 1 abonidnt mind tell ing Uncle George ™ The long hours flew by In discus sions of books and peoplifor they found some acquaintances {n compen ~=38d the egehanee of what Peatrix called “views of lite” Together they laughed over the queer dishes of thelr returned from a smoks at the nest stop, he found Beatrix watching the risisgg moon, "Please, whon you next Americans” sald she-"yoy CHAS US How, you know: dle go nded ne with the outer harharians the hahiy They are pot all so spoiled as I am: 1 confess | am ape to do what 1 like” “T don’t thisk I shall judge American girl by you” sald Sir Hag, Then, alter watching her a moment “Bince vou are speaking of vourself don't you think you are rather a per - verge Hitle person? Las dimples ™ “Is £7 sald Beatrix more abour thar Reform club; 3 it ' pE It was amazing how much they found to talk about; ope stout sll lady got out and another got in. but 12 bo tourists appearsd to interrups their tete-atete and as the and the train elirabed the haighta f the Semrpering Pugs ther worse “Do toll mie deliahtiul Patitiest I am #0 interested In right Gall HE the deep blue spaces of the sky Willng the valleys sith a mystery of siivery light and gandoy da ft $s HE a Bir Hin i drow the gre Pver th af the gli ¥ 2 Hupertinenog ng Ba. Ane elie radisnce they gazed into the sha. bye in ths i 1 i Ber face in the great disk of dewy | petals, framed joa stiff rio of plerced (7 Ltrs, with Z the chareond a It padden re : I'm not ay to Iv + have hit Bim when gone made hor vie |) [lent entry--that was what pieasant—-fioy | with that weetcbed umbrain? | Uncle George would pever have for ] given and they “Well then vou aught to Tee! that let me take you out to get some lun. | keep ‘mommem” and ‘popper’ in the apanions Heay. | pave fa tant 13 Yh lg A i pain and {11 announcement of the price. The 3 t FEReteeL gy a great : yw 5 Land of : Stlailes nf Mahagony arth ny Marh aw 4 1 Frulin Ra: he i$ KE % song pace hu it wirack the ranks below, “it geen like x dream” sald Bea A gigh, silenes in wh Beng th Begs ol 1 E! mpd. “and | shall fen Ti YB Tat singer oh voyapn when | arrive in Penna with thie” Ang she bharisd Hy seiiopnd pase Hienaa? Of cotran: thers, and your sofing you snd isl {this Journey sv people will ba Tay BWEY, 5 rian about ‘hee adden aa if to alone—al Raver rin abont Anded Sh Easy umbreld Wr erer good Tou pay be about | i. Youre it And eho LENE Bane yon now? i + | brown eyes anxiously to hiz “Oh, well. of courses there ix the i bunel of Sowers fon” cdreoning her even fn Ba Bastenad fod for her evebrows weirs | drawn together sand her lips wera | i quivering. and altogether she looked | things : he can tell that 1 hava met vou ‘lrg sorry the journey Ie over: Am nol going to tae FOU Bow, | PY anna” Caos hal shinlen into the big ; looked gt each other and fount it har) (to leave the memories of the F [crowned by the poetic charm of the | Lie rhododen. Jrome. which abe #011 hall He stole a plates at her and Bin $a Hilo ronsclonsly | oles was steadily when he next synis “Ome poser knows exactly how to nt 1 want to aay im mores ging than and ita “You said Pagtrie softly “May 1 come tomorrow ha urged. mr To ghee sald It was midnight when they drew hustling station: they | moonlit algae “They will be here In a moment” : Beatrix thonghbt., “ihe boys and Unols “f don't zap | pose Mr Van Duzer will have men | Archie. and I shad be going home | and yet, In 8 war. 1 seems an if i ; belonged here toe ™ 5 “Bat of course he 4i4'" she cried, “He talked a Jot about you, and wis As for Sir Huzh, he turned sway when the door opened, and her poo. | ple seized upon her with kisses and Isn't It odd 1hat | should Lap | BY the photographs of stage and music | : : rs : , Phall celebrities makeshift dinner, ang when Sir Hugh | the autograph of ita original, {ley Magarine damp place dwn greetings Fat thera was an | instant when ie caught her hand and pressed I 0 ‘and they hot "But supposing | had put your eys TeeR! oat whispering, “Tomorrow Anew that fomorrow "Forever and a day Waiver #38 A Hin a Yd, QUAINT AND curious, Caine ad the | it drooping Into | ; 3 enuing sersell Tram Ey RE 2 : slserver might {plies for a nding wool facto recovering the wolf possession wich his earnest. "1 sal! be delight. ad and so will moms Joan sure” wo shall soon | { cus iv epshienwond. bot ir all Hes there i seemingly i be a furgutinn i 1 chiipos sria g Tho i L eomna & ix a great ad. 3 § : i i 3 3 Jong and five feet thick, and was the Hirt pleca of the wood that 1 fave | choles wood fs all cone, and thers is I not epongh to be had pow to supply | ope-bundrodih i Wasps may often be observed Ae | tacking from fences, boards or any oid | wood the fires witch they afterwards manufaciire into papier mache pe Matwatchin, on the borders of Rus Ein, Is the only city in the world peo pled by mea only. The Chinese women | are nol only forbidden to Hive in thi territory, but even to pass the great wall of Kalkan sad enter into Mon. golia. All the Cainese of this border city ars exclusively traders es The Hawaiian (slands must ba ® i reported that one ‘Monday night at Pakaikow it began n to rala and the next morning at 7 ¢elock the gauge showed 11 inches Im five Boury at Sanpaloesos the gauge measured 10 inches At Papaaion, in 24 hours, the gauge showed 40 inches in the city of St. Taouis. Ma. there 1s & certain hairhressing saloon the eeliing of which is enlireiy covered Tivery likeness bears | step fadder 3 Invariably kept in the pensgively : shop In order that doy patron may | inspect the curious ceiling at close | quarters if he #o desires. dla | the time has been opened a not Kay that | the Amerioan itl a8 her travels ia in | talking a doven hours ea | 8 streteh ih the Pon ; jen sends der “It's not a “had weapon | Even your dims | phe i 1 Ix > Tain : ple Is in a place where go one else | as local do i kinda of glass detiva was uillieed in i the man ture of the pavement. and | ths The full moon wad fioodiag | and | in Puris, that has to the is paved with glass It wim thought that the surface would he glippery. but an th LRIrary proved to afford an excellent sid for Larges, and will nok Te ard Bith. All A mirest France : oul ay fie it has the inventor of the process 8 sanguine of iis adoption on a large scale. The [ndinng of America wers gen erally Polviheists, or believed in a plu eatity of av Home wers considered thers Wis one ‘supreme God, or Great Spirit, the creator of the rest and all creatures and things. Him the of New England called Kichtan, They believed tial good men. at death, as Deended to Kichtan, above the heavens, where they enjoyed Jeparted friends tang all gand § went and knocked at the gate of glory, 4 faut hing, that bad men also Kichtan bade them dapart. for thers was no place for surh, whenes thay wandered in restioss poverty, This Qn preme Being they held to be god, gad prayed to him wh { sny favor, and paid a sort of acknowl : rien ment to hiny {oy plenty, Daly by the » alt ¢ fost moslip of the tongue may franture o | Weve, what do you think about | rfetories A slp on the lok may fiadt tars a leg Putation. & and ai . ¥et they believed that | natives | wor they desired | of war doliestin i thin, about omivthirtieth of ag inch, BBY. ! Ling were remdrkable. 2k you--you are guicker than wo | are And yoo may le maehing at mee. | intel | determloed by Its marking and free. but 1: F : FR eold ie the rotigh. as you see them May I coms to see you In Vic | bore there is # big elment of chapee fn thelr purchige. to tell by the gineral look of the loge | | the marking wihich shows on the ort ehie ts apt th coptinpe through the timber pretty correct ) fooled once in a while anid thet ts one of the uncertainties of the bosiness, was the king of woods aod be was! pot far wrong. It fs certainly the most though, wood was designated is San Domingo. Tt] was the Dest thut wus ago, also, but Il was found to be ois -#inex, but is It is from Mexico, though, that the there Is ne mote good mahogany and Oulped in by 8 few. That Ia untone. ; : wicnPRiIcED LOGS ™ new York | risge windows, accompanied by 8 | : LuvBiR YARDS dn fd Eontnaniier Lamber ¥ ren Mare Ba prnsive.w Fine Weoads Hard to Corton | SrosRewoad Dinvresy of an, 3 In the hmnler yards fg nt Rivnr. hatireen Fi aivhe He Lied Up in rough. une Belper lanse punibers of HEY Hag. An loner ‘rake theses to bw sup. gg | sroereieent to learn Ser Are the alae sepals in the Horid in thelr pouch form, for that is what they £0 tainly wold Be ame x There i mbtiogany thers, aay quup- thy of #4; eleny, Black Sea walnet sid | sngnssded anil Dedten Br air ns thoupd It were the! owinrt ofl wikis plone, See X vir val tontle. oes | | the J Thiet at te the wud ak Pay will be worked over en a1 dade to Le most bean al wosdwork that tone can buy, “That ote Big log that those work: | Emon are carrying fs worth $2000. sud | I have seem 2 log of mahogany ouly 8 little Invger thin that which way solid for $d Tt was twenty-eight feo! sestly ¢ VO shen. “Protiy pond price for a single stick, fen't ty ing, though. and ie coloring snd mark. That s why " Vromght saeh 9 hgh prtes “Malogany is like dpmonde” be ton. The valve of each stick in dom feom Bawk When the logs are “The expert oan fudge them only by i outward spreatinees, snd most be slits whether they are sound and whether | plete. After a good deal or wXperl- etn one Is ald site up a ploce of | dy. bat we are MBomeons once sald that maloguny | durable on account of its Bardness snd the polish that jr takes gives It a right It isti't what it gsed fo be “Thirty years ago all the best of the from the places In which ft grew. ever cut and sitained 8 great reputation, but ft is aimost jmpossible to get mow. The part of the dettand for “Tin texture was the vory finest and the coloring superior to 20 ather. but tf all sreond growth, smallcr then the oid mabogaty and much In ferior to §L “Mabomasy from Ceniral America wan scid bn large quantities hore yelirs | and straight grained, and now It lias practically stopped consing fo this mur | ket. Nowadays we got the wood fom Cilia and Metis, Ibe Cubln product comes In small of good texture and hand great markets =f the world are fiw supplied, not only with the best nia hogaay, but abo with much thar Ix soft. though mich Detter than {he old South American product “Many peopls have the Mea flat that all that i» cot now {s soft. This assertion Ys the outeothe of individuni | experience In procuring good or roer wid; those who have recelved the bast grader pronounce the Mexlean wood Bard and DBeantifel in texture “An Impression also exists that ma bogany ia expensive and only 1 be ine The facilities for procuring the wand | and the <devidps for mdueiog it nm Inmber havo zo Improved that is cost today eormnnres favernbly with sone Aan woods, oueh as CARITY, ; “Phe cont of working it fu certainly RU greater than any of the domestic! waedn, Ir Dots Dettar than the mastic artivie, though The process of veresriie ix what mes all tie Bard woods expenaive, 4s tile wark costs as much us the Smber In the rough. The wood ls cut very § Si & TA layer of plug is placed aver the wacd to which the strip is to be ap. flied, after which the strip 's Inid on, smoothed down by Imad, asd then clamoed betwen two hol presses, or canis, as we call them, I takes sone | time for the glae to dry. “Then the clomips are removed, the wood sandpapersd and seraped and the | real work of polishing begins with the application of filers to Al the pores of wood and make it smooth. Then ale! most endless rubbing has to be done | to develop the polish. “Ir 1s a long process and ospensive | for that reason, but ne more costly | lo the case of manhogany than ary otner | wend. The average cost «f miabogany | in the rough lu fram $130 to $2 ala thousand feet. 3 “If you think mahogaty is very ox- | p which wu import from: BG fth ana Ten iy ; Pexpedsive ay mabogany. RE FAA RNB Fb Sehr, tlie ovat It was a perfectly sound | Yar She bu Feat ee ordings railivis and : ings, Wei | still get the wood from Ban Domine to oaet, §oentersd the room hastily { paing with the eurrent; “aut by nature herself Xinslee's| i azine, she stows her age. duing nothing and we hate 1d Pman for werking away instead | {the missionary, as A. and i fully sw ih ealozing. It is esd but Hiese; how : on peshunt of Tm cost “Hatin wood 8 prodoet of the 1 Fost as mweh as fos wad, fon This a beantifel ew wood, which “inatish 4 own ook de ales Billy AS At p it ie megnbe Ag (be supply is lanl awe rentnivling the suttiug of § Siw vary dedeotive, and tole Teel BR vest fnouat Bp. “it nat fhirty conte 8 for 08 jor. spd the waste pinkes the road be Wows 6 a prost desl nue ir fold mie recently that Be at 4 guanticy of English sak is the | pew home of 3 milionnive, sad tht tf he toe the porfect plovos had | peo of the woud gonial 16 F1 a Tone "It ls oone of fhe ust bheayrifed oosls we Baye when polished © 8% te bet & fad 8 rich deep Teosin Por | contains many i histales, “Elamiy is all going out Desa de £30 ear, Bk ibe in? of gray streaky whieh sna “Very little sarle maple axed hens dupe, und Rieder mane Booolip Lively cheep for oa hende me It wile in De roneh for ten is aimed ine sd oud ot dw RY = Loot and Sepenrs cheater they wjet 8 be ethers. Walnut hme pone Phe, ton and Bas given way io na welt and gonrterad oak, ask, cher A nl Bile, “hiness tenk word Is Another AX Ther pial x ¢ and shu, TREY Sa I fe used] very axle vedy, pial 0d ehutet ts won made of feo oaud § 1 Bnow that it cost ig Gove HT Pretty penne. je Diritieh Adiiinaliy tues 2} adanttr a7 thle weet for the feel of the British warahios, avd © ul oeed sommonly on the swell vachid for bateh cotahizgs. pfs BR the wotther cxeeileniiyc, TIiat fw the most expensive Iw thas I bone af? Reale wood 1 fuess It i= imported from the north { pars of South Amerien In Joew weikhing from ffiv tw 00 poumde and conte stands { from fey to twenty Sve conte a Hann “It he very hard and wien polished {shows a grain mach ke the mark of x snake skin. It ls wed ant walking eides and Tor Taney Risch Sena walnut costs a Inf from tlirty dre to Afty cents a #0 You sce that mabeziny i fot a expensive, after all apd ax 1 sa fore, it is frvly the King of all wi ~New York Sun, Iva omest liollers of sceideot insan aner collelen frequently put com pants physicians to peadioss fonbh by ohvindne darvage for Bidinr pus which ander the law entitle thm © wlbing. Some deliberately prhetlion fenad, sym 3 parsivias quoted fn the Atlanim Jevraal apd pretend ti have nails whet they are sound 1 jevery A few days ago, says the phvdichan, owas snamoned To a hospital to ex amine 5 men who protended tol have bad bis bearing raslly destrordd by the premature explosion of a biget, | Piaf an iden from the start tht Be wag shmnming, bat all the tests that 1 conti apply seemed to show that Hews steredent, StL 1 was not satis and rsaived te try 8 Bie stvathey Coaching the nurse beforehand how and erted: “Quick, quick! The fre pxtl gulsher! Where fs 1? Never mind the deaf man! Save yourselfl™ Then we both rushed for tue] door, hut the patient was quicker than we wore, and got out before us. Hi had the good sense, however, to reall the gimme was up. aud be nerd peared] again, SAA ap BAR AIA FMA IY. Rivers Which Traverse the Oeems 1a the ocean the longest way Trou Wo ofttines the shortest way Dome Par instance: If a United States rans. port were to leave San Frasciste for Chinn, the moat logical course ould Pacers to De straight scross the [North Paeifle fo the laud of the Boxes, Bat ion oyeslity the ship would be steered to southwest alonly the sqnptie ard past the Thilippines to the Adten csast. This course winthil be several hundred sidies longer, J world tke the vessel to her destion- tion taued quicker than the sipaight sur. In the ape cose she wobld be in the other Fong against THE cus Lia shige would be rent, The swan lo not 4 simple, patiiless sxypange, over which short futy may be mde, but a system of highway erossvwala spd even blind alle which fare been surveyed ang VATS, nid Mag TT Mere Opinion. It is the desire fo bent the oth low that makes men get along. When & woman begins to We senld the rich man's = dg somebody olge a chance. Civilization may not abwavs but it goaerally in Bot pursait of the fuel comb After all Urocsns was only m ably smovessful He never was hailed “Napoleon of foavce” : Polo ia probably the sldest of athe fetie ora. It has been wared jo. $0 also takes 8 aie very dark. afjmost te wn Jed tO ped mond suevirens|ef Fo enrsliave | oer .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers