SONA on Rag IN NE Se the of one ot Patten. and vill oon: | rv do so. apil the Crews that do! na rel ik Comes id i 2 PATTON CAMBRIA C co, PA, THURSDAY, / APRIL 10, 1902 same aio +0 Pastors in the Contr Pena Fema ». SE Confrence. ndent in the Wilts mport Kenmbine, Ashville, 1.400. sd tion to H.C. Miller, Ashviile, $500. ThaNsacTIONS | ®m pEaLYY. Sm Proportion Sis THis Bil of the County That | : 0 a wn Uhanged Mand Bodenily, Spangler Improvement sompany to! Ellis E. Clawson, Spangler, 850. Bpiingler Improvement company to 1 George Zolinsky, Spangler, $40. Homer ©. Miller to George W. Citizens’ Butlding and Loan associa James Hanlin et ux to Albert (launt- | © ner, Ashville, §2.500, George M. Resde, by treasarer, to Cambria county, Reade township, $828 . Unmbria sounty to BE FP. Spine 2 Minas township, $1. Ta B. F, Myers to Annie NM. Holan, Ia - : Hesde township, §2.000, r pany to Eagene A Garvey, Vinton. 1 dale, ¥i FBO ws they | will be il neat Patios. wid i notifying the | f crew that they require more that boars rest will remain hore, and | 1 { bo fackawanun. Cenl and Coke com teorge 1. Geos to Giearge Baker, Sax quehanna township, $1850, Frank X. Krais, of ux to James Lo Shobhan, best townsliin, $505, Annis EB. Powell of virto Janes J. Hen ry, Carrolitown, $50. Coy, Reade township, $75. 4 B, Rodger th Lelal Marks, Pal | Laiah Slarks ot vir to Jobs Perial | Parton, fay, A E Patton, trusted, to Joha Suze, | : Perey to Jans (8 FoAREIAN, Pat- | ton, $2,500, ; Martin L. Varner ot 8x to Luke A i | Byme, Busquehanna township, $50. | Bimon P. Lantey #t ux to Lake A. | By roe, Susquatinans ta aship, $50. WOTHER ARD son RiLLED : © relief crew will take the engine on ren, one seven years of age and the {other about one year old, and a sister | jof Mrs Brady were going down the track between Glan Campbell and Ray- | n town, inside the borough limits, when i suddenly, without a moments warning ; the local freight engine came upon J | them, ropning down Mra. Brady and | | te or - Murs R © : ments’ willbe. served and an enjoyable time is nasured all who attend. The | fairs conducted by the ladies in the past is & sufficient guarsutes of the 2 wiqualiied Stoo of he one pro- : it tha Patton. The engineer and conductor of a | sient to a former Pation lady is taken | irom this week's Glen Cunpbell Jour: | {ach pump and other remedies to count | | eract the action of the drug the tie hii by an ERgine wt Glen Cawpbel : Turaday Aliernoen, The following acovunt of a fatal ac. Tasadsy afternoon at about two | elock Mrs. William Brady, two ehild- | grinding ber body into a terrible con- dition, outting sn arm off at the elbow oof the seven year old boy wo ax to necessitate amputation. The latter - | boy died early Wednesday momning. The children were taken to the home | on- of Oliver Lewis. : The family were just abont moving | eo Gettysburg to Raytown. The funeral services will be held at the house at 2 p. m. Thurday. Both mother and son will be laid to rest in | one coffin. Interment at Burnside. : A Close Cail. Fiizabeth, three-year-old danghter of 3 i 5 & i : mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Yahner, came | very near ending ber life on Wed. | nesday afternoon by taking a quantity | of stryehuine pills, medicine her father | | had been taking for some ailment. The | s ehild in some way had climbed ap to { the burean and had probably taken | ‘a dozen or move from the package when her mother noticed her bocowm- | ing Rushed and soon she fell from the chair in a rigid condition. A physielan was at once sent for and 8. Marray re sponded. After using antidotes, stom | Lone bocama all right. 2 Philadelphia & Erie freight train weie Wok at Rock Run. ited recently at Johmsonburg charged with blocking a crossing more : yr allowed by law. They guilty, and upon payment of : 3 costs, the payment of a Judgement entered against each of them in the sum of $25 was suspended. : Advertised Letters, The following letters remain unealled | 3 for in the Patton post office for the two : ding Saturday, April 5, 1902: A Breo! i F B. Brown, : C. In. : ‘the Pittsburg division of the Peuusyi- 3 | vauia railroad is to be rushed from A freight wreck at Rock Run, on the Beech Ureek ratiroad, these miles from Gillintown, at § o'clock Sunday (morning blocked the tracks and de. layed the east bound passenger train | three hours, The wreck was caused | i by one fredght train colliding with the | rear of another. The eagioe wos dam. aged, a caboose snd one car burned, : bat none of the teatnaw six were injured, | 3 Werk Mast Move, The prodigious work of rebuilding now on, No excuse for deisy will be i tolerated and all the contractors have : orders to hire as many men 28 possitile Spangler Improvemeut company 0] {Tames B. Clawson, Spangler, $50. Jeroen Donglass ty Harry Fineberg. | 7 Par Jans Turns of Court ne Fuersburg-A. | Axbville, $50, | IABGL Frank Bunmuan snd Albert John John J Deitrick of ux to Margaret | | Garrity, Elder township, 575. | Aogustine Danglass, ot ux to Jas : ms 5, | Dogan, Ashville, 81. i Anthony Semelsherger of uy to Isane | was given by Jodges Wels in toe : - Bolinger, Elder township, $110. i | the Northern Cambria street railway (on July 31390), was casted and the {will be given the charter. | John J. Districh to Frank W, Can- | pA , | niogbam, Carrot township, $4000 : { Phied with all the requirements of the the second one receiving the charter, Cite. HM Wen a, or I Fhe ank: HF ship. Rigler, of Madera, Miss Mary Evans, A Decision is Given in Dauphin ¢ Cenmrts, JURORS ARE DRAW \ Wma son, of Patton, in (he List--Othars Prom hs i Sorihers Cosibria Coumy. Ve buy the best that money can purchase rs aim to stand at the top in offering you m A decision in the Patton trolley case § 18 that’ s dependable. a Danphin county Court last woek and In MEN'S | CLOTHING we are © showing. | pompany, which wan granted a charter [other company by the same name In the que warrasto proveedings, . ea i we ane ry ; fuk : hich were mentioned in a previous W§ hair cloth fronts and hand-made butionholes. beste of the COURIER, 8 was charged the same as local tailors make. The price is 2 the fied named Sofspais had been Gy under theirs, that's the difference only. | i teak a chuirler alter another com. ty hat previously applet sad tots Men's Suits range from $8.50, all wool, to $16 Boys’ s' Suits, from $1.49 to $1 2.00, Sah I an sie Sha iow of the ame We try to give a fit also. Never let it go out SEE ARR Dig . name Jef 1 the error which resuited'in Tess it does fit. Do they all do that? Best assortment of Furnishings, Shoes and H 15 n the county; don’t except the cities. we We Sell Onion Made and FG Boia. . ns Rem. » Clot hing, H 1s, Caps. Oversiothes. Shoes, Trunks 4 a The company which x now free to fo business bs compossd of W. 1H. Den (linger, of Patton: FP. H. Barker sin a | brands BR. Peale, of Lock Haven; J. a Bags, ( Joves, I te, Rte Fred Bland ot ux et alto 8 B Mo Alnor of Hustiugs and Thomas {Barnes of Barnesboro. The capital Something f for the labor unions to Took at, 2 they do too. (Rok = Dimon, a pro If we accidently sell you an article that 2 in | poses 10 rn itn trolley fie from Pat- to standard we stand pledged to make it good ne ton to Hastings, to Spaogler, to Oar: § instance. Dis not forget that. rolitown and } back tn Hatton, a cironit £3 of miles S : ‘We Give Beautiful Gifts for jomons ne ova. 8 v F he Checks. For June Term of Comet at Kheasburg- GY eo Three Fram Puteon. . Come and convince yoursel i of any statemen The following Hast of grand and petit Wa we make arors from this section has beon drawn §2 for the Jone term of Ceart: GRAND JURORR, ates, Wan H, laborer, White tows. Weakiand E En imyman, artes boro. ai Yeckley, Charles, fuemer, Carroll | township. ; PETIT JURORS ~ FIRST WEEK. ASA GC bons, Putten we] | THECRITICAL EYE Bearer, Engene, undertaker, Barnes. | S000 detects any little thing ‘boro. 0 wrong with a watch, If your Eekenrode, H. J, farmer, Carron, : ai township WATCH or CLOCK Git}, Jobn I, mersbant, White town. | ship. has that tired feeling, it needs Good, Lincoln, fireman, Spangler the attention of our repn | borough. } Hahn, John, farmer, Elder town. man, We can restore the ship. ‘most debilitated Watch or Haid, George, farmwr, Allegheny | Clock to strength and useful township. ‘ness. The removal of clo; Hayes, Edward, miner. Spangler dust, the repair and adiustment of whe barongh. £ . Svs Miller, Anthony, miller, Spangler ing of the entire sy tem will not cost much. i borouplh. Nagle, August. miner, Barr sownabip. All work guar anteed. Strittmatter, Andrew, farmer, Car. : : : | out township. fl WE HAVE A FINE LINK OF SPROTACLES. Switser, William, farmer, Carroll | township : | Eyes tested by the celebrated * * Retinosocopic Test” amd glasses corre TRAVERSE JURORS -8BCOND WEEK. Otted. Lenses changed, from of Susp, at any Sma, | in spectacles mold by Banman, Frank, carpenter, Patton that cont $2.00 and over. borough, second ward Beringer, Joseph, farmer, Clearfield | J C township, ! = wef Holtz, Michael, Srmer, Elder town. | abi, Hitch, Adam, farmer, Uhest town- | ship, | -— dohnans, Albert, miner, Patton, fivst hes A.B, farmer, Reade ove Men’ Ss, ‘Boys’ pri ship. Lebniire, Wm, merchant, Carrols Wome ey : | SF F Il town. 1 \Q : Long, John, farmer, Chest township Maddigan, Thos F,, miner, Reade towship The 3 I Masiesis. - . . ba Bright, smart, new effec be annoal musicals for the bene. Boo te at fo : p> te a tera fit of the public school was beld Mon- co} SF Ty T Sprig. There 15 2 toye. day night, aitended by as large acrowd | Ey A - REO Meme, Of Style and finish about the 85 was ever In the assembly hall. The : ATES Su : A that usual clataing does 3 program, a8 published in the Covrn have, fast ack, waa Saltnfs hn Sapited out opened up, in » Single Od Double Breasted Sack Suits, he CRE en Bppreviates an addition to Ww "pe r Ste . = aii » toc excellent bore tolent: Mn. Sophia 27° inners sure. yle and worth are stamped ou eve |G. Hasson, of Clearfield, Mrs. Guo, R Satmient. Exunune. them well; none of the little nieet Details of Shaping, lining, trimmiw ‘of Ebensburg, and Miss Jean Straw ng Yooked after ourselves bridge, of Williamsport, aided mater. inlly in the success of the affair,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers