ril showers are dune, : You can do better at Miller's. Loe o-morrow will be Arbor Day. ~ ~“Counei} meeting Monday night. —Bpring fever germs are incobating : Have your watch repaired at Cecil Mitchel! wis visiting in Clear. | at Cth printing cn is printing’ at 2 the Courier office. SE ~Plant A tree oemorrow, : doesn't snow too hard. He Harry Mation Johnstown aver Enster, br A. Saltz spent Faster parents In Freeport, Pa © «BN. Walker, of Lock Haven, was a Basins visitor in tawn this week Anadis the Coorier will relieve Sha tired feeling” of yor business. : ~ Snyder, the jeweler, has an inter co ting new advertisement in thin laue if 3: Noonan. wha is now. om. = ployed at Conemangh, was home over ~ Sunday. Ce P. McCormick and C. W. Hodg: kins were in Oak Grove this week on | 2 ne 3 year ago today there was teen inches of snow on the ground Kane's orehastra held one of ita § bails’ in Firemen's Hall on ima A. Mellon has “Just a Pow! Words™ to say to the people in a new ~ Oysters in every style, fresh every , At the City Restanrant. Families _ served by the pint, quart or gallon. oe —Ex-Congressman Hicks has been pd chairman of the Bepublican county committee of Blair county. : The prices are a prominent featore of Mirkin & Kosoer's new advertise. ‘ment. They relate to spriog weara. ties. Kane bas resigned his tion as mixologist at the Palmer House aod is succecded by ex-COhief-of Police News items concerning you or yar friends are always thankfully re | ed a the Coumen office. Don't bank were 5 the only Patton - tion % to observe Good Friday asa “Rev. N. 0. Patterson, of Jersey will occupy the pulpit of the A charch this evening and also on of the Episcopal church | will be held in the Swadish Latherse | barch on Tuesday evening at 730 p. . All are welcome. «0. K. Crossman, of Chest Springs, purchased the Patton feed mill of Perry, took possession of the same on Tuesday morning. : “The ‘Patton Bapply Co. bave an in ‘ advertising ipsee thin week & truthfal tale concerning | ean be rend with profit. aud Mrs. W. H. Denlinger, and. Miss Mae Cowher and Dinsmore attended a Masonic ban. | 3 at Clearfield on Toesday night. Af you want fine laundry work, | ve your laundry with W. E. Pro. the barber, Magee avenue, the t for the Empire Steam Laundry. pproaching marriage of W. and Miss Eva Litzinger waa | need for the first time at Bt RC. charch on Sunday morn. | r ckiond will open a first rant in the room formerly r room at the Miners Rest wots to be ready for busi. oa thunder storm on ernoon was followed by an snow storm. Patton | Save all the different kinds 1 er extant. -For the qoming summer season the uniform coats of the New York Central railroad will be cotaways. oy will be more comfortable than | the long tailed sweaters formerly used. ~W. H. Sandford read a paper ab’ the laymen’s meeting of the Metho- dist conference at Bellefonte on Satur. day entitled “The Relation of the Pas- | and the Official Laymes tothe ances.” An enjoyable sscmbly fas held in stein’s hall last night, which was ded by a number of society peo. ym out of town, as well as many : this place. The Lock Haven or. ' str furnished the music. Last Hatarday the Beech Creck troad broke all records for handling On that day 4.7 ad over r the Beech Creek cay : sion oe the largest movement of ne ay in the history of the | 4 {time | ba smenirert all wh was home from now in effect the lovers of with his year. £ Tone newspaper and printing plant. lof hisson, A. E Patton, in building up | fein organization of ti Ab inane’ Uae 4 Haid on Easter Ui sitocese in every gas hove are proud of thts fF organization is js gro inne and already hus chip here, The ladies of = church will Bad a eharch bullding on Bataan | Taeaday, Wednenday Pig» | April 19, 21.8 9 wna HW Bf | ments will be sr ve 53 ry’ favre py 4s aE anys d [fairs connected thoy Faden | past ina suflciect gow § (angualified saoeess of the bs Yo Sa fa | posed i “The trout Asbing whason wil qe Lon the 158th fost aned ax the pew Low be #4 fe ig will have ffteen Aan Yongpor then Leet : The last day of the coming sen son will be Aagnst 1, insted of Soy 18, an hepato foe, frie going to be an extnpti rs iiy Fish are enld to be peat, and Call steams tire and a | pected to yield barge matches That's Our Motto % Lies hy and we hve up to nt. BE wd REVEAL TE WwW el have one of the Vo 3 ares the Che alamuas Bala Uressng wiviely is being balit by CM. Schw nb, prea Cent of the United Biater Stee aston, with san be connty LER PGE. dpsed amd a in a is sock AL 48 please, Fag tn a FB 4 3 SOE I Bde, fail tos. on Mr Schwab will pooaent the rir ht to the sisters of the aed ary. Ader the dedication ceremonies a badgues will be hetd, followed by an entertain. “ment by the pupils of the scademy. The hall, which is an extension of the aendemy, is equipped with a foe stage ‘and balcony. ~ Another “long felt want” will be supplied In Hastings by the organiza tion of 8 stock company Ep of fifteen citizens of that town for the porpose of establishing an opto ik ate The paper will be non-partisan asd BH. J Easley, the farnitars man, will tes the | business manager. IU is onderstood | that Wm. Kibler, manager of the Hastings opera honse, wil mount the editorial tripod. Hastings is a lve. R eryiring a Specialty. town and deserves a good newspaper, > i z | Here's success {0 the new ventur:, J. B. GORDELL & GO. ar years. He was 64 years of age. i Mr. Brobyn was anfortanate enough I ift h Av © ‘about four years ago to have both legs ; =r Henry Brobyn, an aged resident of : jamputated, with the result that gan- | Y £11 are not acquainted with us ina business wav, we will be pleased 10 Serve you and guarantee that you will come again. Estimates freely given on all in w ork. this place, ded st bis home at the fat ; on Monday morning at 8 o'clock after an Hiness extending over a period of ry PERT * ag as above stated. He leaves a wife and | PA I I O N ' PA. ‘two daaghters— Mrs. Fred Mitehell sad Mrs. Harry Davis, both of this ~~ place. The funeral was held Toesday | afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by | ‘Rev. Erneat Fryckinnd, with inter. | ment In Fairview sem WEY, : REV. DEAVFR WILL LEAVE. Comtinaed from Page i, " ws noon in woraan’ 8, foreign and Foie offerings) the amount ix swelled to the still larger som of $13,200. While nearly ail the Ss ‘charges have done well, some have “dons mort excellently, ! “Pao thousand one bundred souls ‘have bowed at our altars and professed | saving faith, while 1.750 bave became probationers. Almost 100 have united {with ather denominations ; : “Tha new church at Pation stands Pon the hill, graceful, imposiog, com- plete in all ita appointments, and will soon be Appropriately dedicated. The - pastor already oooppies the parsonage. | Capable business men are back of the project, and it cannot fail. Dr. BE. KE | A. Denver is the conspicuous figure in | | achieving this happy result. It will : Leost when completed $15.000. Dr W. | P. Shriner officiated! with ability on the pocasion of the corner stone laying, “While the benefactions of the Jate General John A. Patton, of _urwens. ville, are still freah in our memories we | New York: Ralph Waldo Emerson, In an essay on eloquence, said, in speaking of a man whom he described as a Godsend to his town, “ He is put together like Waltham Watch.” It is this time P.M. in Paris. y are pleased to note that they are | greatly enriched by the deep interest rN Methodiam thronghout the Clearfield | Wath Ynchs splay region. The graceful and cordial spirit | = with which he extends his helping hand gives a delightful charm to bia Niutiee. 3 A great many people residing in the territory in which we do business do not understand that we doa strictly | wholesale business, and with mer chants only, We bavea great many inquiries from private individusis and | (boarding honses, which lodoces ns to take this method of advising our friends that we do do a retail business and, ander no circumstances, | do we desire brads from anyone aed 5 Jagitimate seller of merchandise. PLATT Barer Co, Wiatesale Grovers, Philipsbary snd DuBois, Pa. H A. SEITZ, Dentist! Office up-stairs in Good Building. of : ‘flee Hours—-8 5 m. to 2m. and P| - TH. 035 Be wm. ‘GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office in Good Bild: ng. Collections i prompliy Ea ~ Emaportant Fourth Ave. fet PATTON, PA, - Dealer in (Giroceries, and Provis- ONS. Goods. Give me a call. EUREKA ; tha winsyards, per bedtle, feom 400 RHINE WINES, PURE PELLE OF DAUPHIN | Magee Lime, Feed : First-Class Stock and New JUST A FEW The Shoe business WORDS to mnform vou that we handle ‘a complete line of imported “and domestic wines, and Purit brandies liquors at moderate prices. and age guaranteed, Give me a tnal and be con- vinced, CLARETS, direct from tir #5 00 FREN & Cie, por bottle, from 80e fo $1.50. imported fornias, from S00 to §1 50. sed © all PORT & SHERRY, direct from the Californie vineyard, per quart, from Mic op. CALIFORNIA BRANDY, quart, 760 ap. paar, 75¢ TIPPECANOE PURE RYE, per quart, $1.00, per quart, $1.00 *OLD PUT" RYE, 16 Years 014, | For Family and Medicinal Use, - quart, $1.50 ED. A. MELLON, Ave, "PHONE. As spring 13 below cost to make room for new goods: [are Jardinters sold at 31, and 1.80, ete, at 4qc. 1.25 Others sold 10¢. at 23c, Horse blankets $1.10 1.25, while they last at 59 and Hoc, Three Red Cross and Sum- mit Heaters will be sold at ‘good bargains. Come and see our Summit: ‘and Red Cross ranges. Fully guaran teed or money refunded. G1 ass, paints, white lead, mis—miners’, kerosene, seed, etc, at lowest prices. : Large: st ‘hardware ture in this . {ine gener: | and furni- ‘ome and tor vou rset Set county. { The Old Reliable 5 Store, 4 E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. per PURE RYE, here we offer the f following same. to yo 10 end of the If it is shoes that are made right, look right and wear right, we have them. tis low-priced or high- pri oe {shoe we have them. is all coming our way. Because we ‘buy direct from the ma facturer, we know how. {Od buy god shoes a Soto hel save you from 235 to 7 Here are a few of our brands: ? : OH CLARETS from Marie Pere : /HY ? - $y / § LEE EVETV pair. Our New Shoes and Oxfords are cormng mn from all th best shoe makers in all th down to date styles. We have SEE OUR NEW LINE OF HOSIERY. | the largdst MONONGAHELA FURE RYE, per STOCK and lowest prices for quality in Pattdn. We are agents for THE PREMIUM BRAND SHIRTS It will pay you to come miles to bf from the Money Saving Store. Patton, Pa. | If not, now is the tine vou selection from our immense line of snitings and i All the newest shades and designs. h The best Shirts for the ‘Morey. Have you selected your Spring and Summer Clothes? will Nao tw Dinsmore patterns Make an early selection and we will lay it hack for ypu. Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa. o IVERY ve : doubts suit that will his back. Why? andwdivver There's artistic ! in avery o My fit he don't believe are fen to one he foes out There's style here. Ther's tallaritg, There's a guarantes, DO UBTS r. with the hrst “Hr ¢ “don't believe” robin, he ran i "¢ bond pean? i pr ' him: be anything or anviedy and with « He OH On oh bawaty There's proper finlshing, 7 x comes tne There's nan get a ready-to 1d vertiseme vet the charjoes r Spring Suits care in meres good maigvial And, best of all, the prices ire thers, proving themselves, ane, below the flares of other stores, Beonase there is proot in our stock to convines the most Sunil et haves nes ‘eouble making a e ho r ts: on Pa We want the man who doubts to come in and see some of the aoveltiol we are are showing in Reader, have SPRING SUITS. " “thou art the 1 im store for you, WOLF & THOMPSON, pan,’ come The People’s Clothiers. in and see what
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers