MOST EXPENSIVE TIDBIT. Peanut Bud | Paste of China Costs an | Enormous Sum. China, possessing the oldest aristo eracy, may naturally be expected to, tarnish the most expensive loxuries. ghe certainly does In so far as ly food is concerned. Compan h the peanut bud paste of China, such dishes aa nightingales’ tongues or starwharties at Christmas are merely trifies, This paste, a combl fon of peanut Luda and ginged, is wilah In color, and is to be obtain. od In small jars. The price ls $10. n ounce, more than hall itst weight n gold, an almost sufficient guaran. “that it ls eaten very sparingly. : it bud paste is said to have a flavor for Oriental palates 10 times 0 more exquisite than that of birds’ nest At the tase of the kernel of & peanut is a small cones shaped for. ‘mation, usually surmponuted by Iwo microscopic leaves. The nuts are first ronsted, then these minute] growth are carciully extracted. They | are so small thet many thousands of them are necessnry to fill a small tea enp, but when a sufficient number are collected they are put into a mortar mand ground into a fine four, which 8 afterward mixed with ginger jolly and rubbed down to a sooth paste. » soup. Bwedan's Regular Army. LL Mhe regular army of Sweden on a © peace footing In eompousd of 34320 Uenlieted mien, 3.120 officers, 1.065 must ‘clans. 4) “iddera, and 623 moau ‘bers of the staff making # total effec tive fighting force of 39.114 He 5.391 ae caval ry and ’; 43: artilery. Feat Yor the Bows. No matter whai aile von, Bowdashs fo a aneer, you will never gel will until vour Dowels ars pat right, Cascansrs help nears, eure vou without a gripe or pain, prodose CeeEy natural movements, cont You jont 19 i ‘oenbs te vinei gating your health bask, Gis: oo ransrs Candy Cathurtie, the gasning, pat a im metal boxes, verry teblel has ; a ; Bawars at imimtions, A woman way not he maminl and shill he always harping wn something, : Nov 15. dk redial author. Ar yn: Thate hardly & Taindly kn whores fin which Carfloll Tas dase not alten take the plas of the Family Physician, for pmetially sveryone snfers af tines from disrders of stench, Hyer, kidneys or bowels, Ceriaingy from no sirher med teins can sith good resniin be obtained, This Herb remedy make peagie owed nnsd thie sreeatly inor esses thelr capacity : for enjoying lite; it begs pd for young PT A fellow may have a tarning jot an his file without hing | Aeramk crank i So A FI S. H. F. ROBERTS to All Sick k Women: “Give rs. Pinkham a Chance, 1 pow She Can Help Yon as She Did Me” “Dear Maps Fissnas: The world _ prajses great reformers; their names : Cand fames are in the ears of ev ory bod: vw, and the public press helps spread the ; mong them all Lydia, Hf MES. HF. ROBERTS, : Cousty President of W.C.T. U.,, Kansas City, Mo. with a softly hreathed blessing from the lips of thousands upon thousands of women who hove been restored to their families when life hung by ® thread, and ty thocrunds of others hose weary. sching 1is:be yon have ened ard whose puins you have Bway, 1 know whereo! I speak, for Ihave ved much valvable benei't myself seh the vee of Lydia E. Pink s Vegetable Compound, and years 1 have Ynown dozens of wie who have suffered with displace- ovarian troubles. uleerations inflammation who mre strony and to-day, imply through the use of sound. "Mus. IL. ¥. LOEERTS, Kareas City, Mo, — forfeit If above testimanial {3 not grruine. hesitate to write to Mra. Pink. She will understand your case iy, sad will trest you with | Her advice is free, aud the up n Collapsible Tubes. i a Bubatitute for and Suparior to Mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister tha most delicae "akin. The pain allaying snd (arative qua itiee of hie arth Jo are wonderful. It will stop the &. AoAhahe Monoe, and relieve headache and seistica We recommend 1 ay the Dost wad safest external oumten rian kn wi Wise a8 ai external remedy : i She ehenit and sioa seh aad all rheana de, ait: ond vont Goamplsinta. Sedal will prove what we ciatns for it, and it wil be fount to ba fnysluabls in the Bovsehold. Many ¢ Suy *7IL ix tha best of all y ar preparstions. B cents, oe ail dengyiste, or other dowd 8, ax by mading this amount Wo na 13 postage siamps will send you « tubs by mail, Mo article should be sacertel by the publi nulses jacxien cur labs, a otherwise it 1s not | Of these | Theawn From Mis Oud and Killed, The followin is a most interesting and, in i one respect pathedls tale { Mr. J. Pope, 41 Ferrar Road, Streatham i England, pagel i “Yon, poor ithap, he ts gone, dand chores : Bolted, thrown off his seat on his oab he was | driving and killed poor chap, sod & good mort too, made. 1b was Bim, yoo ses who cave ms the hall battle of 8b Jas “anew man of me “Teas Like this | Bowman were weigh friends, caman had given him a botdd which had done him on lot of good | he unity | goed BAIT the Hottie and remembering that 1 had been a martyr to rheamatism aod seintivg i for years, that I had literally fried every. ‘ thing, had doctors, and all without benshi, | became dwconraged and looked gpa it thal ; there wis no balp for me. Well" says Pope You may nol believe me for it iss mivaedy, i bub before I had nasd the tostents of the | hall bottle of Hi, Jacobs Oil which poor Bow. | man gave me, [ was a well man. Theres (Ls § Yuu sen, after weare of pain, after ageing ferme {dies olla, embirocations, beter liniments, and i spent money in dontors without geting any hegier, | was compiviely curd (oa [ow days 1 bought snsthnr bottle thinking the pain Cpakght come back bul it did not so I gave the | botiia away ton friend who hails lame hack 1 can’t speak too highly of this wonderful | pain hilier.” Rub the nner oasing windows ; Dahove up and dows hard a Jittie Ha sii: treat bureau drawers in Way. Epeeady Unie ing of Baggage. ‘for transshioping malls and baggage Lin connection with the eras channe {garvies has been brought into opera ting at Dover. England ance is In the form of an endless tray ning platform and is worked by alec cAriohty. it ht 15 peconds, Rome of the packages un loaded socdntly welghod seven Credwe Sekt, and required four mon 1c {ft them, but they wers ashore as ossily as a handbag, ‘than half the usual time. IEA Midge Thirty minutes ix abl ths tims required bo | Hold by de with Porxan Faptinsss Drs, druggists. Of Toe atte of work dans in : Creat Br fain thirteen are szesmnlished by man frower una pd bey mae liners Beware of Ointments for Catarrh | ‘That Contain Meremry, a8 mercury will anenly reed] and cotipiatel vr deratigne the wiiale sve. fori. when entering 4 Whiraugh surihons. Suchoariodes vhoan sxeapd on preseriplions from reputable | By sigan, Ae the Anrming eo they will ilo is ten told 0 thie poor vou fan ceihiiy dorive freon then Hall's tntareh Cire, menaiactored by FJ Cheney & Cu Toledo, 0 contains np mot: cry, and is akon iniernaliy, aslihg upon the blood and wie a surfaces of the winter, Ju baving wes to grt the gonaius, iv, sl 3 made in Tolede, Olas ( Aenay & Ue Testimonials fron $a Aedd by Draseiets : prises The tr bottle Yinil's Fads ilies are the bewt, Among the M82 medical hahiedd in the Ui ad Staton are devoted exclu: vely to hvgiens. Jornal in pub WORLD'S LARGEST TABLELAND. | On It is Located t Thibet. Lelk of Thilist is the Chang, of Thibetan plateay, the The real enrth. he obtained from the Captain Hamilton Bower, mont highly regarded of recent author ities: the miditly of November the average aititgdes of our CAMPS WAS 16.000 feet, the west being and the Highest 18.768 fend During the period already referred 10 eanrmong siretech of county oro by Captain Dower'a parly du show & single tree and only tw “5 at sarah and nese rarely id six inches n Lolaht ” se ri AT Belgium | Im tates China's “Cash.” A year azo toe Bel has resolved to imitale ‘eash” by lasulng nickel of bored throuun the ing wala af Sand 0 centimes will be a fornieht. Mexican Postal Drafts, The postal drafts exchanged be tween Mexico amd the United amounted to RASH in “maney during the Orst six thin year, Mexioar In the recent German military move ments automobiles ni | pieyeles entirely replaced {Lhe gon al #1 faff service. When You Urder daker's or Bakers Cocos examine the nnckage you receive and Clhiaealate make ware that it bears the well known tradequark of the chocolate girl. There are many tmitations of these choice goods on the market. A coby of Miss Parloa’s choice recipes wil be free to nny housekeeper, Walter Baki & Co, Lid, Mass Address Dorchester The discovery ia Palestine of vaiun lle miners] treasures making it prob ahle that there will soon he an indus trial awakening of the Holy Laud, t In Tndin a bax of 00 safety matiehos imparted fron Sweden or Heigiun can be bought for three cents 11, We the sommes and early fall in this see: a I» YEARS, sis. 00 GUN F NUNTING CLUTAING, BOGIE, LOADED os to general than we can sell so seinary Jow Prices Prices money. gusranics sented tand ull value, : sold by ver er the in Bit that made me wnd fame goats. | «of 81 Ineobs Of thie same | An ingenious time saving appliance The appil ingn packages of any } walght ashore #t the rate of one ino nund | brought | The Ciraneslipmont was performed in lew £ Aseteny the sense of | the mucous | paver be need directly : Hall's Catarth Cire bo {1 fn taken internnl. | by ¥ J 4 twenty vig ht Greatest Part of highest | : i au well as the largest tableland on the | An idea of its elevation may | statement of one of the! “pea the end of Jupe until; over 14.6211 the | lgian government tha Chinese | with a | widdle 1 is now announced that tho pew pieces | road in| i States | months of } toreveies and | horses in| sent FITH permananily cured, No Abs ar nareonts ness afisr fired day's ues o De. BH. Kraise, Tad, “wl Are & ide own ash drawer. Mrs, Winslow’ soothing Syrup tor ahiideen {esdhing, vollen the grins, redigoss Infasgims tiem alisys pain, cares win palin, Hos w soths 5 Sunday is the day af strength ir rE are weak days Plan's Cures « canal ha on highly ®t, a seough care J, W, O Baiwy, #3 : Avenues, N., Minneay: ols, Mine, dun, B, Huss Australia has more than. 100 Hows: Papi The bast that Money and Experience can produce, At all stores, of by mall far the rion HALL & ARUCKEL Naw York, Der. Kisses Grea) | Nerve Russtorar, $24risl bottle snl irentine fras | . Phils. Pa. : The felinw with a bank acionot ds bis | Arsene DRTAFT. PEROT ST. NYCITY 5000 TO $1500 A YEAK ont in Hetiigent len med Women as : ; : fond Managers 3 Hil 6 eprek med doe a Protest Sipsnd Map fale position peeieied, Adireds. Dept, B THE BELL COMPANY, Phitmieiohin, Fa NO GUESS NEEDED. When tom woiglion a Jones w6 Lh, Bekie , FULL PARTICULARS. ¥ Frys THE FRRILHTY Bison TIN, * 1%. ; Gold Meds! ni Batinin Eepositinn, MILHENNY'S TABASCO ie wr A EPR TERR, » see Cross Tie,” 2 Erancer Twist Tags beung equal to one of others mentioned. « E. Rice, dreenville,” + Cross Bow, esty,” Master Workman," * Sickle’ wine," © Planet,” « Neptune,’ «+ Ole Varginy.’ TAGS MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS. Our new illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 will include many articles not shown here. It will contain the host atiractive List of Presents ever offered for Tu be sent by mail on receipt of postage—two cents. (Catalogue will be ready fur mailing about January 1st, 1902] Los Donolsa BLOOD tt Ba Gr Fixe line Ca Fauaied At Any Fries. FIr Mane Thre a Juries of oy | Ta of Ww, ww. 1. Dontlen g1L00 asd 83.50 hos word yates of the spn Ere need 1a B00 and Are Just » good in every way. 1 t d sik tara Thompson's En RR SR WF ssn * «Old Hone * vw Brandy= «+ Razor,” « Tennes= 7 gs, and will Our offer of Presents for Tags will oxpire Nov. joth, 1902. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPAXY. containin Write ey our name and address plainly on outside of packages g Tage, and send them and rejuests for Presents to C. Hy. BROWN, 4241 Folsom Ave., St. Louis, Mo. pnw MASAIISE ROLE Ho CALIBER L990 TAGS. WARN REALATING SWOF GLX. rom ty BUSA LNEik WERERE #5) a i BARBER MPw GR Rowk TRE PRRALES § Ee... sl hl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers