IA Yilinge Pracksmith Mumwid His ave wosn ow File Mr HH Black, the well enon vi Your Kidneys. tage blacksmith at Grabamsvitle, Sal | en ivan Co, N.Y. says: "Our HErle won, | Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. five yours aid, has always been subject | All the Blood in : yor body saaens hrasugh 3 eronp, wad sob ad have the stiac ke your kidneys Goce 8 i three mipntes FE a i Seen ; Seon that we have feared many times oo ; inary are your | +h ot YYidkee | that be would die, We bave had the Li, Oh blaid pari they fil- | Beech Creek praere. doctor and asd many medicines, bat | | SSPTRE LN ¥ to — dri 3 Condensed Time Table. Fhines in a Chwmberiain’s cough remedy is BOW | LL al [i gb, they gre sick or out LE A i Now, i . Notes and Gossip Concerning People and is" " Lour sole relianen. Tt wma (0 dissolve Hu thing Borough—All the Hap penings About You ander. wen ne oy gig ro Ira] ieee de | $812 Woo nee from x. D boos ApDenr wi have found that the a cms of uric acid in the | {l= direnrlont conti 8 eared belore ol gels iain min. Wd Fland, dus 12 negiecind : Ey ipa § S | kidney troghle, sortie.’ There b= Go Gangs in giving Tae REE giving Kidney Fasble causes quick or unsteady Serving of [Liberal Patronage—Keep Y our Lye Pecled tor the mis remedy, fo eoutAInS BY OPIGTY | hese! beats, dnd makes one fen! a3 uy though | ie 5 , Lar other injurious arog an dd mny be they Ba ree : heget 3 given as confidently to a fabs aK 10 an : ‘admit. For ssi h 2 Hodg ritine, | Patton, and Hs oa harmney ¢ Busmess Mn who arc # oo Your Neighbor— Ente rprisin Latest od Ii oy B &@ &t : tvertisements, News hems, Real Sie oh be [oft with Dan. Reamer, 5 is Authorized to Transact Busi Covmier. It al pa 2 ; Ee : LFS Paha # yr F802 51 3 eR § v0 ¥ r the Hi ASL hd 5 s Fait Ire) of the L Rit K ante sly SU ovis : Xe ; ih 2 - raREe Bo 5 y Re iris (lo. en TA poet Look] containing aboot $11 : UMW DFR - STATENS. = the opera way lost either in the opera house or They rave ri thie streets on Tuesday night. The ant arta mines Fad fhe ands | finder will be snitabiy piomnrded if ro mi vary foi Hy plese |} turned ty Rohae fers drag stor, As Faved hy The Snditars io Tiselr Fame ie sation at Indianapolis eatin tis Sew our new Hine of The big hodidiy stock al the Hast a Stings. i the latest ings Praariasy will be opened on © Wo iimiis, Preee fie peywirtne Ruler : a hr Iam by H oe of Bmpr Ret Seatch and English noveitine, | Thanksgiving day. The Inrgest stouk SEOFIre i wo oi if Ra hire; or Shudder heir 05 . ae mL lt am Dinas Bros. ever put on exhibition in this town, a Eo Auge 1. TANTS ere i wy WE writing | asns wan writing Dir. K : fin indays’ ’ Patton, Pa. | H.C Protzman, A. B Clark. J.-H. 7 5 fuer AsiYep iE oT j : Gas ! : The Chicago Optical Co's. sped iatiat, Alport and H. J. VanDusen spent { Baflulo, wan at Rehaeffor's drog Sanday in Pittsbarg. : oi Menistay testing ves snd fit. WL Nioholson and danghter, Miss |. Edna, spent a part of Monday in town. : Donahoe, the jeweler, has 2 pew aide | rertisemenit is thin jestie. Rend it. Join B. Hoyt, of the Webster Store hd * : « | Miss Mamie Weller, af Piusburg, iv Co, was in town on Maaday. ald for amples, JU I, enim Se Ei ‘ = a a j ! db rey 3 and Pastas visiting Mm B.C Bratmbangh Miss Nell Sweeney, of Hontadale, bx Paid feta expenses, £353 5, 000 a : 0 : _ : | ion rad at Mah fey ith te ; N. Ruiner ph Sealey, of ation, spent | visiting Mrs. 1). 8 Bice, ler sister, Lp ; sront. Jair ig pt. 4 Scme nD. k N; 11 : i : - $ ined BET WH, Nomen, Buna in Law . ® 3 & Pk bat Fukas 4 - BEE 3 £ A750 oy g & R T i 3 £9 Pras Aut pes APEDE, 3 AV . Entie Jage Hahn, of hiladeaiphia, Sh A Wil ei : guise a vainabis was in lows on Monday, it will groan vou than thers are 4 good TARY : rdf eA PA AS 8 Bladgett, cel Sgt, Howard Dinsmore, of Patton, spent Got. dda rangle iv in town this Monday in town. week on business. ( M. Schasffor sapsnt Sanday in Cherry Tree GRR BREMEN TH ai d¥ 2 mR PE Sis ra LT CH a a4 wad Ledery Bing clepnses the Sys and butids x Pas seins Timidlien, Har “f have taken Kodod ay ape pais cue Moko rn Surgery Sajaased. = garsmuty Sade hy ® rh Ee comes Pope 52 100m LB pear pele and have never gaed anything in my White soffering fromm 8 bad case wo of Total paid HEL iar m. DP nr Spy oe SER TURE Cf cum some pabion med | fiver disorders life that did mow the gordd that did,” piles 1 cotisaited a physican who o i Relist a Board Cs Sek Paint fo gras St oho quali, gy cari Besta asd iat thar male ays conuty physician Gen. W Scroggs, vised me to try 8 box of DeWitt's w dither sos antiao, Sndait bok | FEE ft, wd workisaahiy She bat BUREN ogpery. King enres Nerve, Slouch, Liver f Hall sonny, Gia. ‘Being =» phys | witeh hag! salve,’ Bays {i FF. Carlier, ois ftR re er A a ¥ v ARERR 3 shoe fiber oo aR aad een dom aa Kine of besa. : clan | have perscribed it and found ib srianta Gs “1 procured a box and | Amount in Yar yma Wewsefarn : ® CW Hod patton PhErmacy. Le glee tho bat, restrita. 1 the food Ws sotively ogre, DeWitt’s wileh | Laan ih dnd 3 . % ; A IER Wie SURE MH gn te ee I LAIR ; ET atin i, 4 on sat remaing andigestad In yORT hael aalve bs a spleudid care for piles, ; Total. wok tw that & HH : i | stomuch it decays there and poisons giving relief instantly, snd 1 heartily | Bain : Lida the system. Yon san proveas thie bY | pepommend it to all sufferers’ Surgery Berks outta ling Ghd AEE, of ou dieting but thay mse REATVR LION. | jx aunecessary tO curs piles. De Fitts CL sara by ail tans do Kodo dyspepsia cure digests what yon | witch haw saive will cure any case. | ns 1 Moser ; «+ Pay Las sad Dress Better.” oo Xon ped auifer neither from Cuts, boris, heroin and ail oli | dim 3 a Ws hase thie exclosive hocal mde of Howat ype i nor staryation. The wo wounds AVE ais (uickl ered by i : : ELE rm ge : u al t be i tc = 7 Tuvenmsg, Ee tha bine Siw FRiTRvE, wend alle 5 Oa grickly pured, Never falls Beware of counterioita. €. W, Hodg Sd a ahr on BEL ws wide ks range of choke that we expect ta : : “. Soagetus, Patan, and tine! ine, Baten, and Hantios Pharmacy. fteduwr, DEH, wan 3 Lgl ts every man whe will bok it over. Wa 3. cde | fae i A : Phe Chitdron's Frisnd. | rensuTer, 30s EVIE a i Bali may sob, but that's what we expe tis din lad . Arrive AM ! PEALE HALT iB ; 3 5 X13. ite dig Rye diy i Heal tevin Teves dutior To remove b troublesoms COrg Or You'll aayp a # hd this winter, | ta a | barons First woak Lhe tart or Bunion | Maybe you have one now, Your child. iter Fratton Hate Movi SOUTH NY dm wath water to soften it, thet pure ren will suffer too. For coughs, croup, ; Gdns inl a aidan’ aise iw alla erm L avy Hn AN it down a8 closely 2% Sombie witht | beondtitis, grip and other winter com- In pursuance of ita apnual customs fnaqe bald ¢ Mgits nn allow Ess Xo other preps titer... drawing blood and apply ¢ hamwr- plaints Ooe Mingle cough Cure never. i halts twice daily; rabbing fudis. Acts promptiy. 16 f& very peak vigoruusly for five minutes wl each BP Ant to the taste aod perfectly harmless. plication. A sori plaster should be CB. George, Winchootor, Ky, writes: "ie Hast and South, and Lo all cit hiss voix of Ty or digesting. worn for fant days to protest i from ors Hite girl was Sanat with; o.oo. Ll rT > Go A WwW GLASSER re {EC got Ba, Shieagn he whos, AR A gon ral lniment for croup lati one night antl was so Boars RiVitg Wo Fates asd itn rotites thd ! : ¥. Ho I P m pra He broises, fumentas afitd rhetia REE eat haridiy § Hp nk We gave hey oo i pin of routes of tra Fo! : ; Hastin ; S Pa ism, pain balm is oneguaind, Far a few cos Of ic Minute congh enre, fa the pata Aion of al Ea ald Sia u r . sale by CO. W, Hodgkins, Patton, snd [4 relieved ber immedintely and she xan Yalizond stmpany: in SX is Stritimatler Bros Hastings Pharaacy. & went to sleep. When she awoke the Excarsion Book™ is x model of ty po ” y \ graphical and cleriead Lpext morning she had no mgns sf ¥ v There is probably nig disease more ; beatzid in a handsome and artistic ay : i581 hy Sew : honraenes or croup”? C0 W. Hodge : ; ; ! i ; ie . lata Siam distressing and appoying than prlion, BC sover in Salons, and fontains mash Vase 1 i ies aw Waller's horkeye pil ointment’ is kins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. daily coring tases of yours standing | Sf have used Chamberlain's eo, anid travelers io general. It can be " f MiL! of itching anid Weeding piles, The cholera and diarrhoea remedy and Aud Bad free of charge at the priscipa .] { & by eure begins op the first ap rphicy ation, ®t to be i greal medicine.” says Mr fiolrer offloes of thw Peaneyivatis Nitto parse varones makes the ure LE. 5. Phipps. af Potean, Ark i can. Cratos company of will be sent Dowd Price 50 cents in bottles. pot spen to highiy of it.” This rem pail. upon application to fio, WW. e w. Hodgkin | Ledy always wins the goods opinion, if Boyd, assistant general passenger Lot praise, al those who tse 3% The agent, Broad Street Stating, Phitadet £2 og at C5 awe of sib Fhe Bs $x pre $i ather wards ha - 5 AE : [K8 FIEUCR Biks \ FE oY Xe 2a assortment the passenger department of the Penn. toe apd aie PY emmy ee Ey : Et avin, : AM AM sy Ivana relircad company has juss wan 2 pire Wigs pnd rs Eel 0 LY + Wed ¥ 16 tied an sttractive and comprehensive i : ps Hud BREE te a “book descriptive of the lading winter AN i le Ee wuEE gus a vs wk § BY seb don en Eon Po Fe . AREY gable information jor tor tourists - ; k 3 Abilities] fenin Leap hie f quick cates which it effects even in the phi . Seym : We 4 N.Y. writes: | a vere oa mak a . d v i 2 i S vas $34 Bo i avo AS i “1 have been equbled with my kid- : Change of The iy feverywhere. For sale fry ¢ Hour A + ys 5 Nurgen s for twenty years and had tried: | kins, Patton, and Hastings p ¥ racy, The winter sohedule on the Sew ¥ G Shak 4 : i % Lge Eo wy w eral physicians, but received no re- », Patton, and Hasting Atisa Vark Central, in «foot Sunday, Mov. WITH Hale Hef until 3 hought i bottle of Foley's Retiahli sid Gentle, Ard, makes bat few changes in Whe AN Kk ann kid ; tira of DRM at DRYING ronda whore the ney care. After ping two battles “A pills a pill,” says the saw. But time of passenger train on the Penn. dota. well assorted an ; i . 4 3 take » i i ud < : Ft i was absolately cared. 1earnestly rec there are pills and pills. You want a. sylvania division. The Saturday ¥ OPTICAL GOO 11s A wn naga t Freya ivi SO 4 Fiala : 5 oy * AX INT & Xk 5 5 Fria + As CAR £34 fas M53 : a a A 8 = bo 2% # kidney cure Take pill which is certain, thorough and special from Williamsport 10 Philips | Se Em ah OE TUTTO with sandmnae day acim 3 only Foley's: All druggists. i | gentie. Mustat gripe. Die Witt's little burg iw withdrawn, aml two Sunday hay . | XA oie A 8, bt : i : te rads HAT aLese : $33 rh ay Gs aie shes be Ep " trains between Corning & vO HL 8 41 EAE AEE Yo ae a ha ; als i WE Ae 9 Geo, A Points, U pper Sandusky, 0., carly risers fill the bill, Parely vege a Teh ee i oTning id Lyons, Conin the lust fow years and d the mmt | ” 2 hala ating : _Bullain and rE wad Rovostes writes: | fave Been using Foley’ ‘table. Do na fore bat AREAL the bow. a are run Qunng fad ummm ex improved ALY lew are shown bog ermslos season have b hy with fog SEs £533 is ¢ Ra Ras SA ney and tar for hoarseness and And els to act. Strengthen ai nvigorae, an o pancr, § ily baie R Site mwa, EYE TESTING : a sue dion, o it the best rersedy 1 ever tried. It {Hall and CARY to take £ x . Hodg- ol {ie w an Fiss THE aided oe bantriitn stn Rave har od i} atic raf Vihar Parsangie ead fev bay : Be 3» +5 Se J 41 tian * : 1 £ 7 : ~5 kt his E % 5 ¥ i183 Hy ree PY : E ; ; ; stopped the cough immediately and re- kins, Patton, and Hastings py MPINAcY. If % Easter Beane h between improvement and tests ary inde Juntingdon X Bread Top Mt Heved ali soreness.” Take none but | Mabaffey and Arcadia. There are sev. gh an atcuracy whoa Wa re R RELIABLE DRUG STORE Rai! i or 3 Anadis : pes Eas eiw § re Ln the tires of peg Serva vl 7 : & . PX Ra Eh doe 5 1: ren Foley's. All druggists. | For all fresh cuts or wounds, either eral minor changes in the time of regi mpossiing. 3 Warironda, ; ‘on the human subjeat or on animals, ; _ Herbine aweetons the breath, bright | pailard's snow liniment is excellent; Detailed int srmation will be furtished tings are anexeeiimd, as much attention is paid to see tha : ens the eyes and clears the potuplexion | wh i ipr Rit ra ne , Dpon application § : HE for PUL BUSENTS 1 radi eis : ! § £ #2 ope tr 1 ey wg i i okak wt badd 2 without the slightest ill effects While wrists, barbed wire cuts an a > fox GH DONRROGE TRE JEW ELER. pent parchass an Sdsaeils = : * ! ea NR hited a oramn. voren itm one Lib Eritiany ak ft tan dollar par: § ut Mail haves Huntington (eve ever, And gars the nataral bionm of | working horses, it cannot be too highly | White's cream ve reaifiizs removes Hastings. Pa ; “ ’ : by Mall vee bun a ha § ; _ health. Price, 50 cents. Cc. W, Hodg- commended. Price: 25 and 50 cents the nnbeaithy than upon which : 3 chase, 12 swans a doug store whens wee : a fui a kins, Patton, and Hastings Pharm! AY, TY 1 Hodgkins, Patton and | Plantings warms thrive, i brings, ans guinkiy, 7 a ohild san Femede with as sat infactamy wanithy Wy i WHY pity i ™ § Chamberlain's stomach and liver tab. | Pharmacy. Li Bithy ndition ; al benly, where Geo. Sim melsberger, 8: : =e rma cantot exist. Price LH gnnis, wr Err Py RD TR er : ; ; 1 2 } Sone : i ¥¥ 0 i i Gil ND FER 8 Aik be bhad Tog wipe Towa pSedOndl A BE ERR, Ste Riad €atambeord Jets cure biliousness, constipation and Many people are suffering fearfully W. Hodgkins, Pation, and Hast LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, Te yp ward x : : = z RYE Sg ad Na Be RR C32 EE ais Sad 814k. headache They are easy 2 jake 2d from indigestion or dyspepsis, when ings Pharmaey Draving and i Yisiir Arse on nd pure drags, Wo RBow We CBB] goin Neos Mus mus Mt Plenary in gioct. For sale by C. W fone single bottle of Herbing would Pa A ng a Ss > le era Hannes at Rte ta aTiNIRg a gkins, ¥ atton, and Hastings | i bring aboot 5 prompt and permanent ¥ Ney op try fay ix & cin iP cong Bb TPEIT OE 23315 : Ha ti Ph m Pharmacy. eure, A few doses will do more for a | use the remedy that anfailiogly con : 15LINgS armacy, aye § at trgenl wis ? “4 + 5 + 7g gh yA y lar passenger trains 8G load sta . Our Eyeglass, Spectac apt Ob That means a drilg store where Recommends it to Trainmen. | weak stomach than a prolonged course qhers baths, Rallard's horebound HNF : 0. M. Bohaefer, Pro bi Ne, ars entyi Waxes Mi. Dab SoG H. Hansau, Lima, O., engineer L. | of any other medicine. Price 50 cots, SYTup is the greatest specific for all Anh Ins to Putin yp t, BETEYIEN al EB & W.R R, writes: “I have been ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hast. throat and lung troubles Price, 25 LTURESS, HATING ¥ DA! FB. EVANS, wu i lake close connections with P. troubled Bs . groat deal with backache lings Pharmacy. ad 50 cents (0. W. Hodgkins, Pat. Path Sime Or Feet wivl Baekod Meds cof BR Bott vast ail hi it Hu ntinsdon and Wan induced to try Foley’ Lo kidney | ! : a | fo, and Hastings Pharmacy, the He Pi tie Ha hi Ci atl MANTENGE, PA ! A Ar cure, and one bottle entirely relieved | When you feel life is hardly worth | : BIRR lial \t Comet Hotel. Bar a tl me, 1 gladly recommend it to anyone, I the candle, take a dose of Chamber. | Adolph Blaner, Grand Mound, la. i Iie manag i Al Comec ial Hotel, ORT Patton Courier ’ i - 2 hp * ch RR : a : ; al aaa oy LS aw acters toy friends among the train: : | {ain's stomach and liver tablets. They writes: 1 have osed Foley's honey is esbor 3, SNC I hursday men, ‘who are usually similarly af {will cleanse vour stomach, tone up ‘and tar in my family and think it & FEPRONY ANN : 3 3, Hcted.” All druggita your liver and regulate your bowels, | the best cough cure on the market ANTHONY ANNA, DYS SPE PTICI IDE ry Promoter of om i Do 2 making you feel like a new man, For | wonid not be without it in ray home, : JUSTICE OF THE PE CE The greatest aid to BIGEWE ION. dns. tes mate ayy Ww oe Fou wan he prising as pat. le by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and | a there is nothing so good for coughs | an i dln ea Then Lastin Phar ac and colds.” All druggists. L Qollecti seombpily atte o. La your job work: Bast Has gx macy. oe Ah eruggwts, | Collections promptly attended to Fole ey 'S Honey and ! a ~In this your paper? 1 vWhose COURIER are you reading? Dealer in real estate, ete . beals lungs and stops the my BENE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers