WE Fo Nh RI pir uis Officers Blamed for Death From Lockjaw. ™ DEPARTMENT NEGLIGENT. Si Bn AR Committee of Paiteriologists Conclude, ‘After an lavestigation, That the Serum of | Bor 30 Was Isswed Without Having Been Tested by che Proper Meitiods Comment of Ober Officials Rt Louis. Mo. ‘(Soecisi 1 etidered a ed finding | unkhottser rendered a # cago, Barlingtun a the 5t. Louis Health Department negli Lin New York and gent in the preparation of diphtiteria an ptly caused the duaths by fockjaw (te ws) of seven children The verdict in part is as follows: We find that the deceased came to their death from tetanus, following the | administration of diphtheria antitaxin nigg tetanus toxin, uni dightherss $souxn of the bank's paving heen prepared and issued Health Department of the oily St Louis and bearing dutes on labels | | were held to the grand Wm Chicago « | charged with the purder of Antone Nata part of the Health Department 1 8 barrel on the prairie, at the edge Luf the city, on November 2 . | At the annual nesting of the United | Daughters of the Confederacy, at Wil. Cmsington, N.C, it was announced that i$ 3.00 ooo had been opllecte ed the past your for the Jefferson Davis Monument or : . ment has been taking antitoxin for : Furd, which ig AOL nis to $18,000 # ithe HINONR wracticn Li a 5 wh Vi ryinia adopted the report ef the edu ) WW pein SYR 45 : hronghout the caty free ui charge sod : of Augiist 24 and September Jo. 1001. The presence of tetanus toxin tn the theria antitoxin shows migligence preparation of said Caind dn the Tasuance therend, bert M. Funkhouser, Ctironet. ‘rank Booghar, M. 1. John CG. Fitzsimmons, Deputy. oie time the City Health ee usm diphth ria Casey, wed 10 the city matitutions quite gen The serum was obinined ed te have con Afr rend ring hie verdict Cortner “Pur the presemt 1 ye done all that 1 can doo 1 am not Cte say 1am tirough with the case, hut, wo fir as 1 know now, there | sekbogser anid is nothing more for me to dol Cororet’s verdict is based wpon eth iy if physicians who attend | the wkinw Chen, the Sent asl at of the hacteriologists “afte bee the city to mmke the tests of | of persons, including | the | axing: wry gt | master; for unlswiully selling liquor. tected rer gid mscerixin the re 0 SAMITE UNDER A \ BRIDGE TC Railroad Officials Discover Plass of rain Robbers to Wreck Traian n. Neh (Special) col bea © ob precaution way taken fol the discovery, last Sunday, of 25 dymamite, together with 4 7 masks hidden under a britige teide the city. Sunday mght men attempted to board the ex: $ car as a tran pulled ont of Lin i for the Fast, but they were diven Monday ths same three men were and ap effort was made to thems, but they disappeared. Ais Bas been eit on the birkdge where 4 te was itored. but no one has | h married in Basie City, Va, to Me. Reg clam it I AS ST OS CON P13 ExrosIION OWES $3.128.114 a Fair fo its Promotors oy, hia othe die to waist die tnsnrance companies, ad 5 0 f the Pan- American Exposition and a number of creditors, and listened to the reading Sia} pont of the company, The renort | he Teport | ers to the cha s of the com awes oe r sein Bx of work Sir. ‘ item is. nf opurse. em Ee of total Yiabiiitios. fact shown ly the re ost to the company of | atself. The cost, accord: the report, was Mozy The receipts from admission after May ie Sa ghrotiel and the recep Dns were $3011. tau, {A pe nT So pipes re Gnasers Wirth Bad Eyes. { Special) Although at or a fine not exceeding 81, ' or carelessness which : : ’ ” an OHNE effectual attempt to CUnlombian fromtier and offect a with the royal oiary ftee re very heavy. A petalivr feature | situation is that in several of the the shots have been fred by persons meeord up io Sint shoves that 13 persons ceived mstrictions from he i Mmpress | shot by accideni, and tha five victims hive been either killed er wounded so that death re. a 1 RL Bs Me Starvation in Texas. diphtheria | nurses, charged with starving to deat F¥ 4 SUMMARY oF ™e ; LATEST NEWS, Pomestic. A thief outered the room of EF Low enthel a New York damon Leoker in 4 hotel 1 Portland, Ore, amd got. awa) with $1o.000 worth of diamonds and $200 i cash, The general missuar the Methoalint Enron tioned the funds for i Held 4 Ho Wheelie Jr a Re Barnitie na nen s : hel din New York fu wltin J eek cronies ‘ HIRE Kobbers dyngmited the Bunk « fitoxin, the administration of which re | chester, in Oklahoma Terriary, cored very dintle booty. The fruit jar combine has heen dis {sblved, a ar? euch concern will now sd Con 10s wn hook Genrge Zollinhotler, receiving teller af the Willambarg Savings Bank. con foused ehiat foe and Harry bo former paying teller, sow dead, fonds and spient the money in sock spect 16s, Filiot Riri and Dommiek Bravmonte i. whose sputidsted body NH fons trie ‘Phe Baptist General Association of ational eondetence recomupendhing that the denominational schools be deawn to gether in & spite of co-ordination. dn fanny cases it ie said to have The sher i of Concho county, Texas Chins ddentified the picture of Longhe j the train robbie suspect, ai that « steick, the "Lone Texan,” wanted there Yor rgeder: Before going to the waffald, in Mich ian City, Ind, Joseph Db Keith con {eased that bl kstied Miss Nora iter because sho annoyed him too much. Rev. Charles 1. Brent, of St Steph “en's Episcopal Church, in Boston, ac cepted His appointment to the Bposcopal dlocese created in the Philippines. The grand jury ol the Rockbridge Connty (Va) ‘Count dicted a number The town of Buena Vista. Lod, was i shaken by an earthauake. Huge beaded - ers rolled down the sides of the Bloune CARIBE, £ The United Blites transport Hane k. with the congressional party on bard grounded on the Straits of Shimon oseki Mra Lowise Huddle, an aged wim C was shot and killed near Rural Ket rea leaving Lincoln have gone ont d armed with Winchester | Dassmssinate lunisgh Bolbn, the 5 of the Txxngion i Va wwe} » Vi. by Henry Rateliffe, her simandda An smauccesiful attempt was ade 0 principal Ligh Suhel Cover typ dell at New York, Tae eived a communication fram the Beco retary of War asking hin to convey x g the Lt SoerE of the law ny SRPTCRNIIR gif i satisfaction aud approval upon the gifec- te and dignified meaner in whuh Yu ends of Mastice had been attnined an the Crolgosr case. Miss Phyllis Langhorge, daughter of . 1: Langhorne, of an marie. and sis ter of Mrs. Charles Dana Gibaon, wal mald rocks, of Now York. Mr Kate Latecn arid Mis Mav She a ko ¥ #5 * two mitients at the Dunning Asylum, : Chicago, were exonerated by the county Coan ssion, ¥. C Rathbim, scemsed of attempting 1rpiit- ted hiv identity to Deputy Sheriff Al Chichester, of Little Ruck, Ark, The defendants in the Hava Bits Coffice {rand cues have © been anted an extension of 10d A Rome dispatch to a London COLT SBYS ng setwithitanding de 3 that the Pope 15 in any imminent Sumi * LL i of death. there ure dications thi Send is no far off The Hungarian Prem i the Ihet that the 1 guaranteed to all of security that no of give fn the French Chamber an anteclerick] report submi budget chnutlie provoked : debate and turbulent scenes, | ieuwtenant Hildebrand, of the Ger nan Army, | w billed © Lasutenant $k Blackowiz in i 1 has been soidenc etd ol to two years ampdisonment General Uribe has mad Miss Marie Joseplune Eastewk, Pinladelphia, was semteweed in London ta six weeks imprisonment as a second class misdemenanant Prince Ching is reported y have te Dowager to conchade the Munehurian treaty. H. St. John Dix, an Eagl i 0 be the eldest won of Fand who furared oe 2 Pdulged in various bar ) Texas, {Special } Governor | Carmy, was brought up in WHR a COmiginsary genet Cf ponrt, charged with larceny int ct Zapata county is situated, in that county arc unless immedizte relief ani nearly | the entire popula. Mr. Seabury says there is of food on band and ap- Cal, (Special).—The | xpected leonids was s city just before daylight. one time was brilliant, { Verdun. i. is no chance to: { crops earlier than next i States A Paris report says that “deteriorated American tiated foods have been dis, covered among the military stores. at The Minister of War has or dered all tin foods in the army stores to be sold, The Chinese court has arrived at Kal Fong Fu, capital of Honan, the along the route of the fenperial march having been left nearly destitute by the contributions ley ted upon them, I leascial The Chicago & Eastern fHinois and | Illinois Central will build a bridge || across the Mississippi River from Lray %! Poash ona stated by the hank othemis Point to Thebes. It is stated that the Canadian Pacific will build from Winnipeg to Duluth and compete with Great Northern and Northern Pacific, The American Sugar Refining Compa- | ny of New York has been incorporated | ‘with a capital of $2 500,000. tors are FH. O ] Thomas, 1. The direc A. Donner, ¢ of New York city. voms probably prevented seven poopie Ll ukennire, ther Twi . Havemeyer, W. E ‘M. Palmer, C. N. Senff and tegland Has Yielded in Matter of! Coaraniee of Neutrality, TEXT OF THE PACT IS WITHHELD. MINERS READY FoR REBELLION. A dee rd | Alleged Conspiracy in Alasks to Overthrow | Gaverament. San Francisco, Cal. (Spe : Call print2d an unconfirmed stiay trom] Alaska under da el 4 x i ¢ of the disenvery of what sibs Uy bie & bone ein chip exalt * Obey fs We RT PER C0 FN ae wily Formal Ceremonies Attending the Attaching of the Sigastgres of Secretary Hay snd - Lwbeeindor Pauscetole - United States at Pull Liberty to Consiract and Control (he | Lacal at AH Times y goverment Ww ttn & few ryan airesh hetuwern ford Pann sep Eote a bach the wignatore pd fi iE of x sh senive of the uadweryed $i SNeviste wherever thy State Jheparin 4 Yd i waking pobhc the vention, and that will tervals itet if thie Sprate itself shall break fhe send ¥ ¥ Ww § confidence. It ix saul at the Date department that the varus (4 1 ! ia de Bo rik Sy pd TH ta el mon sates uf the purposes ol it hag been possible of the consent, The principal taeen the new thie withdrans ths ioint guaran tie 4 canal, fies thie a ie Kuar Rit SAVED BY COOING PIGEONS The Birds Awake s Philadelphin Family in Time to Make Their Escape. Philadelphia, 7 ; 4 LEM af TO pas 5% piilened PIR: t Pa ( Snecitll, ~ The from being burned to death mn the resi denve of Robert Lukemire, Twenty sve nth street and Oravers lane Chestnut Hill As it was, the house was ba di damaged by fae that started no irctive Bang after three acl Robert Bewive, was awakened by tie Linh roan filled woth hy "while the 1 pny BE of oe £ . ad ¥ Crack by flarees ¢oull SEE 4 the 8 BEE ELT MARE hee PRE sh Thi hogs, Melion- Luv the alarm, and Mr and Mr Russell and x WTArs, mat Dime William, aged eight and » Me and Mrs Garwossd had CALA IN their night clint hes. MOUNT AINS SHAKEN Fartbquake Shock in Colorado -lreat Asrm in the Towy of Buenas Vista Buena VYiita, town and 1 rienced an eartguake shixk w fein their Bs : tenes Win we demolished glass 5 wignda : rhat the LB He nl iii Hy huge rsd arsed des of the mountain trembli serrnedd to travel frome sesgddiigeeet | ay ive snr 3 : ‘ This i af Huena 3 § BpUr als 18 | ight From Decayed Meat $e sesnd 3 & tr cid BRK CHIC RGR lows Bank Robbed Ciresnville, Towa, { Specral) ated He faink here, tang ail the y [he vault was blown and the bhadding sdly damaged by the explosion. The | : ; red upon the eldest son of the late Chu otal damage amounts to $i £00 Mutinecrs Liable to Charge of Marder. Leavenworth, Kan, {Specialy J. BK : Earl Li, upon whom the posthumous Waldrupe, a guard at the Fort Leaven worth Military Prison, who was shot in | confers dignmities upon his grandsons, to- i sured mun, named Wilson, will probably 8 gether with lucrative offices, the mutiny at that institution on No vember 7, died Saturday of his wounds Ear y 3 Neaahiwest Sin PS fa te gageans : When he sat up mn fond the NE > Fok ws RiGhbers aw : rvren vn Tap : . money and papers, but the amount in RIFINE the late Li Hy ng th iddering the gyeainnn Yer ERy 1 pear his burtl dace The 5 special ref oF ae % = =~ ie wn fromm ny a 7 es “transports inter sy 5 fhe ty aadian Lae LEEIOEY, NEARLY aoe tw wioR ANTS Of These 07561 Were Usable to Reed of Write, Waashinptoas 13 C1 ¢ af Commas pf ghee lm % WIR, roiRy Powderiv, shies the Listed Stadey due begs gRy oa® an CELINE Year od 6 fer Cent An this Inedene sim cume t han ports ¢ why ex sen £3 ig a LF TRA 4 LAER. Hirsh se . RT Ci Cinergy La witlin The no sips laey pid SH dps 3.340 A TRAIN pyaamiTED 7 Pe ; ot $n LEE ses x thins ef ROT EN of an 5 pee Rtelids ashy FRE Hanils Wants Paciiic Cable. t By Cable £ anmeree Camense red Tag id 3 Wilipgis FE TARY ENA aRiiness Further Nogors for LL Pein, | By 3 Dowager say 5 ed snot ie reets that the rank of marquis. confer. | nese statesman in his own right shall descend through 24 generations. It ¢on. | fers high rank upon the other sons of ¥ i 3 % i They Drop the Amount Miss Stone's Relense, THEY CALL THEMSELVES PATRIOTS, - nt Hy ; My Swenson, United States | There Is No Longer Any oar Regarding fhe Brigptaas’ Intentions Towsrd th Captives . Deciary Themeeives Patriots Porforming #0 Cbuoticas Task in the Imterest ofs 7 “Holy Campane’ *Kiduappers | Are Peasants. i gata x t Cate jot he! wi 1 Lo Ellen x. Helhsiaom SEE f ah ciney foirther alate e i% BO hone 5S an an ort £5 that take in kidasping ize 4, herwever conuiter 1 wii sider bo release Ber within 4 Tansian niger any fear reg aed ET LR dest Pa Hes 4 arse Baie or fren 15 the was $1. BB & ¢ Feuer r imo the haz ey Fieaviem. The ent rely itegtetitieled ime for a ; backward and rolled he with dragged Deats Mask of Ww Siam x Mekinier After Ao 5 fodiens Want Sepueate Schonls, aR Re 31 besiat TER Buried Under Teas of Rock, Colaba, On len wert kitted amd four miinred as the ¥ ¥ hiast ‘at ‘the Caspari's stime guarry, prihwest of Colambus M. Vacei and Joha M Antonio burted 45 fev: in the air, but his in ratik of maranis has been bestowed, and | 1uries ane not serious. One of the in | ihe, i Speduslt ~~ Two | esuit of the premature explosion of a Cession of Danish Isinnds. The négrtiations between ‘the United States and Fatah Govenments relative the former of the Dane é¢ have been transferred rv. The negotiations were Minister to (openhagen. about three years ago. and later Mr. White, sec of the embussy at london. tool ‘griirk in behalf of the United ’ 5 Washington was thrangh the desire of rnent in place Ms [Fi 57 the hands of Mr. Ae ginister here. Po i aah ington oR carey forward the th Secretary Hay ft is in last few days activity in the iter: al a TORIES fares mnsce tow ward the completion 2 ik # ideale 61 cra fiat More Then They Givow. Cominderanie tine at The ie Cabinet meets suleration situation in the Rispesrts received by the War Depart. ment indicate vegetables grown there are ing owt ard there Wi mediate fo X 2 iy distribution of Rowt told the Cabinet we. which ix the great there 16 meet loeal cons ip an Soererury Wilion will send one of the a's experts with assisiants fo du ivest] gate the Inna. v many things not heres can be produced. ! hestedt gratis, Phat the President, derect fee- ied to the rec Paris freenn "i Plants. recent second sesuion of the an- of the Association of Age cultural Chemists, at the i University, the sobiects of fad adulteration, mirogen, {der fermentation and day rich were discussed. There was 3 ong report on insecti- edie which revo ended the conlng~ anee af present metho hs for detersun- the presence of forpmldelyde in Fhe Jos} 3 ry Tiuwle debate res 3 green a% 30 ae and the cenlive of May Examis: Raral Postmen Ww Mach 5 at the af the Postoffice with the mame Camoiaaon mcsitien 1 transfer wry branch to the There are pow be- TEER pers HIER employed sabe; § of fhe cone iin ar? ment off Kpoes intend nue lias added weil Monadanck. sent by the Philips isp woEE after Mama Po Rgang Mami Ww % th SF » 3s Hp gp LI when it el A x ag Lean rudd the BEd = in Febroe WEL Se 5 24 & habarved an attorpey ol toe sracticing before the inlerna Department bBecavse it 1a al bier saul afte avassupation of Hie rs am glad of x, I hope he will die, as there will be Hire tyrant bess > Over 50 Seek Two Places... Prevident Roosevelt has two vacancies Stes, | at the Naval Academy to All, for which a great amount of pressure 15 being ex- 2a | ertiedd The dead arg The appointments must be made in ¢ lithe tor the candidates to appear for Ihe two men ailed were working | he ander a ledge and were buried winder | tons of rock. Thorne, the foreman, was | entrance examinations pext May. One +f tie boys will be from the South and the other from the North. The son of a i Virgoraan is said to have been selected {for ose Of the Annapolis vacancies and the san of a well-known naval officer for the ‘other.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers