Ee RA BR RR SBA A BR ip leon chains art aes The attendance during the second LL RL A 0 i i RN Shon Aine resins & 00 PER YEAR. | Cyril Fisher, John White, Bert Wil. flame, Willie Eime Harry Jenkins, Willie Ross, Russell Barton, Earl Woomer, Francois MeCormick, Well woud Winslow, John Jone Fred Kahn. of Paplis Prisent Every Toy Per Average A Hennes Peptbrse iit ke and Sitggretboris The Parsiits fon Kotieited, hh owas the largest In the history he behools gud from records at 8 the best, Beguine pttend. Ho essential and condpcive to advancement, Even pupils will that a day's absence now and means an simost irreparable Los, the : altention of pres and (Holes, Velma il ‘encourage thé best : poe during the re- of the terra. Here they are: boy learns to feel that be may duties 4s a scholar for trivial sake his business when a man. ‘ time of the teacher and the | pie Hughes, John Hodge, Wm. Mo | Muldron, John Notoaghe, Eric Nolan, | John Tober, ley, Ralph Miles, Lorie Hoss, Harry MeNumire, Anthony Choby, Crawford Nelson, Agusta Swanson, Holyrt Ane CERO : Erra W. Holincase, Teacher, POLURTH PRIMARY Numer tenants, Of 1 fh G4 These toni Broneau, Je Paar Waiter irvin, dann gan, James Wile Gay Binok, Yio Guodd, Mary Holer, Plizabeth Boawiryiiie, son, Patriek Osidalbian, Andrew. units, dogs rigs Med abe, Botivis White. Howard Yarger, Ruth Dreamer, | . Annie Danieison, Agoes Harper, Delia L Montgomery, Siolis Watkins Dogorny Sorrer, Teacher, FIRNT INTERMEIHATE, Maite tendance, 52; per cent of attendance, private. BRL RYE rage 95. Those present every day: Johns Choby, Thomas Eddy, William Gwynn, Edwin Grenninger, Harris Gould, Ben- Jolin Zaburesky, Tilia F Boyle, Alice Boyle, Margaret Camp bell, Maggie Commons, Clare Uamp- | bell, Minnie Gore, Loey Gutwaid, Mag- | daiena Gagliardi, Tillie Hanson, Eater “Johnson, Iva Lansherry, fiom Noonan, Magiie Powell, Nelle Stevens, May Strachan, Annie Thomas, Mary Wik Hama, Lillis Aostesd, Margaret Ander. | Hon. the Class in wounded ; in their stadies tone of both teacher by failaren, which and ally gio! ol parents, bat we attendance and co-oper- Loner BE Priore, Teacher, SBCONT INTERMEDIATE Number enrolled, 8; sver £ of 8 al inten reacuens INSITTUIE. The One for This Connty Will be Held at! BH Foonsdvieg Nokd Welk, The thirty - Ath annual session off the | Canibiria connty teachers Monday. Prof Myers, of this place, 1% a member of the comnulions on reso. ptions apd Prof. Burd, ons of the MERE CATR. wh pending secretary, institute | will be held at Ebetisbhurg cominencing Alias Cora Nuaiter will be jit thei gran Jury rou ob Wed: | SBR pony ato P Wh imtrielard ambraoe Sapt. N.C. Sohsefler, ox e-Supt | ahiar, Hon 27 orson, of bus, (3. Dr Sanfor i Bell Mass, fir, 8B LL Sos {aster 1 0 iis, if f Baitimors Md, snd De. Chas, G, Woolsey, of Philadel in. The program is appended MiaRiAY MOURNING, {fice of the Superintendent. : MONDAY AFTERNOUN Slasie, Uasts andl Dogs, Dr. 8. Mosc. The Right Attitode, Dr. Savford Rell, O. Sehmucker, What the Teacher Can Get from the Jostitate, Dr. O. T. Corson. MONDAY EVENING, BOT. Picture Piay, "Beside the Honnie Briar Bosds,” De. Albert Armslirong. FTUBSEAY MORNING Muasic The Teachers Language, Dr. Corson. Music. “Gyymnastion,’” Boys of the Ebens- borg Schools, directed by Prof Ander. ker, of West | Enrollment of Teachers in the of The Right Attitade Toward the World and Seif. Dr. Beil, for Chiklren, ams, Lillian W illiams, "Ethel ih Resa B. Lew, Teacher, THIRD INTERMEDIATE Number enrolled, 81: average at tendance, 49; per cent of attendance, 89, Those prosent every day: Mar. ard, Ruth London, Ellen Witlie paret Whit mab rie, Cuivre Astbury, Poweil. John Cornelins, John Wilson, John Sheppard, Lirace Anstead, Rosella | . Joe Gagliked], | | Stanley Tober, € arfie Baomasn, Joho Wilkinson, Katy Anstead, Gertrods Thomas, Lithia Kirk, Frank Jota, Glaize Smale, Howard Ww ager, George Lorrie IL MeCroeky, Tencher. FOURTH INTERMEIMATE. Number enrolled, 58; mverage at. tendanos, 52; pwr cent of attendance, #0, Those present every day: Clark | Cowher, Bert Delozier, George Delogier, | { John Goods, Albert Jenkins, Wilkie Mew han, Elizabeth Mantieth, Efile Trueman, tod, 73; averige at- er cent of attendance, | Awtbary, Father Blair, | Boyer, Phebe Gwyne, Annie Ha. Kubnley, Nellie Kaiden, elson, Emma Nu- a, Mary Boanserd, Cath- ; Bessie Williams, | Philip Bauman, Willie} , Earl Ivory, Carl awk, Joseph Orvis Shunk- Toon Leo Thomas, | , Harry Williams, Alred i Vanetta 2 HHOEMAKER, Teacher, enrolled, 78; average at- ; per cent of attendance, present, every day: Harry | Elmers Cole, Alex Hodge, ar Morgan, Thomas Powell, | dsley, George Shekn, Wal- George Debranski, Lizzie 9 Margaret Susie Dvorchock, May Eims, nn, Liztie Hertzog, Ethel Lilly, Sara Long, Lizzie h, Janet Manuel, Mary Me. Rath Noonan, Agnes Bwan- | Sharbaugh, Gertrude Short, | f i } Edith Weaver, Hannah W ison, Olean Wilson, Fritz Hanson, Maggie Crowes, ‘Janet Laney, Elizabeth Nelson, Lula Holes, Hope Irwin, Annie Sheka, Jose phine Short, Gertrude Williams, Mary comer, Fannie Wilkins, John © wp | . bell. Sana UossinGs, Teacher ARSEMBLY ROOM, B. 1. Myers, teacher of [ipso Jatin, history, geometry; W. H. Burd mathemation, geography, German, | book keeping, algebra; C orabel Sniter, English gramniar, general history, shorthand, rhetoric, B Grade--Number enrolled, 27; aver- age attendance, 25; per cent of attend. ance, 94, Those Arthur Jenkins, Charles Abbot, Tsaae Jenking, John Bhort, Janet Brano, Crowell, Fraonees bell, Masle Dertric, Myrtle Mal ligan, Nellie Hopkins, Lacy Mellon, Dora Prescott, Ida Foresberg, Sadie Somerville, Thomisine Holter, Mary | Bomerville. A Grade Number enrolled, 25; aver- age attendence, 4; per cent of attend. ‘ance, 87. Those present every day: Charles MacMahbn, Grant Perry, Har | pd Yeckley, Thomas Fisher, Lewis fardi, Pearl Lewis, Myrtle Walter, | on a Woomer, Rachel Haden. FRESHMAN, Namber enrolled, 14; average at jeudance, 12; per cent of attendance, Those present every day: Carrie Holter. James Jones, BOPHOMORE, Namber enrolled, 7. average at | ‘tendance, 8; per cent of attendance, 95. Those present every day: Margaret ‘Jones, Enid Levis JUNIOR. Number enrolled, §; ave RENIOR. Nomber enrolled, 8; avera W t every day: illiam Harper, W Potter. SUMMARY. n Suber enrolled, 609; aver per cent every day sat every day: Camp Paul Barton, Thonn Harper, Daniel Jones, Hubert | p attend. | ance, b; per cent of attendance, 77. attend. cenit of attendance, 98 ‘Mamie William Yeck- The Papif i'% Language, Dr. Comon. Music. A Family of Spinners, Dr, Soh & madi Rer TUERDAY EVENING ety of Johnstown, Prof. Tum Morgan, Hector WEDFADAY MORNING, Muoaie Modern Mound Builders, Dr. Sch- ticker. The Truly Practical Education, Dr. : Bell. Masie, Tie Relation of Superintendent and | Teacher, Dr. Corson. The Study of Words, OC, C, Ellis WEDNEADAY AFTERNKIN, Music. More Words, Prof. Ellis Needs Fears. Dr. Schmucker, Address, Han, N, C. Schaeffer, Music. Report of the State Directors Associ- ation, Win. H. Sandford. School Sanitation, Dr. F. U. Pergu- wD. Address, Dr. Corson. WEDNESDAY EVENING. ‘cent, The gains were made in the Conger by The Philharmonic Bodl- ‘1. Three resilents of the second ward of Patton votend fur him for Supreme the official count. Sheriff Davis on Saturday night. The : Cenrtifleate now goes to the secretary of wtate at Harrisburg, who will hoid it ope month pending a possible con | tesit, and barring which Mr. O'Connor Monday in January. ties of the district, accompanied by | the affidavit of not less than ten of sach | pititioners, presented to the attorney - goneral of the state and complaining of ondue elction on false relurns “Tt Famine,’ in Pantomine by girls from the Ebensburg Schools, un- der the direction of Miss Julia Conneil. Jacture, “A Jolly Earthquake,” Dr. Russell H. Conwell. THURSDAY MORNING Music, Cuariomities, Prof. Ellis Music, Some Dangers of the Profession, Dr. Beil. Music. Correct. Aims in Edacation, Dr. Cor. | son, The Nature Lover's Library, Dr. Schmucker. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Littie Brothers of the Air, Dr. Scli- - mucker, Music, “hr. Arnuid,”” Proll. Ellis, Musio. The Hope of the Fatane, Dr. Bell How the Home Can Help the School, Dr. Corson. THURSDAY EVENING. “Music and Magic,”! Maro, the Ma- gician, : FRIDAY MOURNING, Closing Talk, Dr. Corson. What is the Use, Dr. Schmucker. Music. Through a Boy's Eyes, Prof. Ellis. Bell. { Report of Committees. withoat delay, direct the three judges living nearest the Court house in the OFFICAL IGURES! 7 Connor for Judge Made a it Net Gain of Twenty. PATTON'S ND WARD o D § Linwe hm Threi Vole for Saprewse | ware) ; Jinctge. Heausiog his larly That Mach & . Barker Gintual Dae Tn the OMeini | ie The thiher Rowuwlon ‘ s official ¢ gonnt ma shown in the wl statement on the eighth po Wives she following vole in you STATE TREASURER. on Dem, 8.517, Elnrris, Rep. 5,775, Coray's plurality, 102. POR SUPREME COURT JUDGR Vorkes, Prem. 4.79, Potter, Ee gin 4 Tal | Yerkes’ pluraiity, 2. FOR JUDGE OF CAMBRIA COUNTY, CPCosnar. Dem. 4.023. Barker, Rep, 8852 Connor's plamiity, 71 | POR DIRTRICT ATTORNEY, Bephbens, Rep 9,0550. Biome, Dens. 8,263. | Stephens’ plurality, 1,317, : FOR FIOTHONOTARY. Troxell, Hep. 9.215 Bower, Dem. 5 44 | 'Troxeii’s plurality, 769. | POR REGISTER AND BRCORDER. Herages, Dem @ 48 {inton, Rep. 3 Heraoe' plurality, 1122 FOR POORHOLUWE Din Jones, Rep. 9,157. HL Dem. 5,453, | Jones’ pruraiity 794 FOR CORONOR, : PUR COUNTY SURVEYOR. Eider, Rep. $508 Rhcemaker, Der, 5 538. Elder's plurality 770. a will be noticed that in the Jodge- | Bip contest O'Connor makes a ar gain of 3 wistes in the official following districts, Fraoklin borough, 2 Histings, 4: Johnstown, Fifth ward, 4; Johnstown, Eleventh ward, Johns town, Rixteenth ward, 3; South For Soeond ward, 5, West Taylor township, Court jadge, making his net gsin 20, Judge Barker gained bul one vole in| The certificate of O'Connor's election wiki filed in the prothonotary's office by wiil take the oath of office the frst A contest can be instituted only on pitition of at least Aly qualifhd elec The attorney general shall immediately | nitify the Governor thereof, who shall, | ciintested conaty to convene ab ance thes court of ach county and proceed to hear and determine the complaint | of the said petition, deciding in favor of the candidate shown to have re. oived the greatest number of legal votes, Such ¢ontest must be instituted within thirty days after the election. As to expenses, the law provides that when a contest is instituted the contestant must He a bond, with satis factory security, which will cover ‘doable the probable expenses of the contest. In case of failure, the con twtant must pay these expenses, hal in case of success the expenses must be borne by the district which it concerns. Aditiars’ Regent, The COURIER In io receipt of a copy of the anditurs’ report of the United Mine Workers of America, through ta courtesy of BSeoretary-Treasurer Michael McTagrert, of sub-district No (2. who is one of the efficient anditors of the National organization, Lack of space prevents its publication this week, but it will be given in full in o : next issue, i Who is the Truly Educated Man, Dr. = —Patronize the home print shop. | We are better prepared than ever to i i f i tun out commercial printing of all kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli-, Whose COURIER are you reading, cated for good work. | Price and that the Keystone ii in Ln vn et Si, k Best coat on earth for £10.00. 1.50 to 8 3.00 New stock Al i wool suits £8 and 210. Best fleeced un or a dollar a suit. ¥ * All wool underwear $2 0 to 3.50 ik suit. inclusive, 2 W ear | Children's underwear soc to $1.00 a suit. Boys’ and small men's nnder Fess | a 3 Spey We | kirep w hat you want and the ; is correct. ow est, [ Yrcet c v C Dpposite Bank u, Santa Claus Headgnartes for Dells, Christ. mas Tree Candles and Ornaments, Christmas Cards, Tovs, Books, Novelties, Perfumes, Smokers’ Goods. Games, Notions, Blocks, Albums, Toilet Cases, Ete. Ete Call and See the Goods. ETA Li we per PATTON PHARMACY, Fabbabbbiassabiabiiid oh ooo Jaen Sis go. x Overcoats, m all the newest designs, at 36.00, $g.g0 and $12.9 aa 0 VErcoatls at $2.30 and a cans fen's Hats, in Bee, Suan,
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