About Starch, ietory to advise : i Bay .-No. 1 timothy t added to cold starch is nn reventing it from stick- ; me me after starching will then fron much f after these precautions you starch Inclined to stick to it 1s because it is too siiff— hea a bb perry We sort stay from the household Melting the latter in . we bottle the soln. | ane in an poe kit : the betier ORD we Hh nge — ick ont the un- od pleces, and: to a cupful add eupfals of boiling water, dissoly- oroughly and adding Jaatly oe T 4 article to che cleansed pe perfectly dry with a To the scented bits of . an tavaluabiy convenient ¢ham- [ of the family, a fad. bi pounds them to & pow it. A it with bran to sake hand a decoration ine testing The Hy who look well in of thelr households apprec- | the value OF & stitch in time, The | ple ineidested by the prover bé carried fo all departments of ee household belongings | are kept continually in order by mended as soon ks they fied cannot snddenty give out and be replaced. Prudent houdes keep i pot of glue remy to toe Land once a monti or one it may be convenient, hey : fron. bot hi ran ba | | necessary a hole in lmost any Common met. ded. Usually all that is is to stop & leak in time, pllent practic £ to Kees a thing about the hooss thal and every six months , it oftencr, see that Hi is ight. The best time Ix just after ring and fall housecleaning. If done the Louse can he easily er, and at much Jess cost : ory repair needed in left 14 hecoms necessary to the of the home that it stiontd ve—Creain one-half cup- lin one saltapoon of salt, I sufficient rice in reeten to taste, then d to cool. Peel a hick, cut the peel into gths, cover with water, ites, pour oft water, n half: plate them baking dish with a tea- } butter over each one, sugar and set in the ke: unt] they have obtained golden brown color. Salt is a8 some do not wish it with half teaspoonful, hows inklsd evenly over the hot po- 800 hs they are pecied will rePeel. halve and pounds of pears, dropuing at o colt water to Beep from dis g Put io a preserving kettle nds of sugar, two cupfals of : fufce of two lemons and A of one Jut in strips and an ounce ginger root. Ball iogether 30 min. on, 4 in he pears, put in the syrup 15 minutes, or until THE MARK =TS, ¥ res 8 RG. Grain Fioar and Fes L Carat No 2 red, Rye Noo 3 Conx + No, 2 viiliow, —-— Xo, 3 yellow, sheila, Misolonr Oar {Re 7 white. Noob owhite, Frioor Winter patent. Fano y Biehl Winters Z Clovis Na, Lo { Fre No. } white mid tor Briown wilditings . Bran, ball, 00 aaa CE RemAw Whee Dalry Prodasis I Forres. Blt crenmiory, Ohio prenmery | Furey sonntry poll Course Olin, pew New York, new Poultry, sto Hexs.gor Ih Sn ¢ wickrxs-drimeed . Fa. nnd Oblo, fresh, . Fraits and Vegetables Gury Brasn per bushel. 8 1 Be | Fosatoes Fane white, wh 210 CAERAGE ~twr barrel... 1 0D : gis BALTIMORE | Prove Winter Patent. 36:9 Worst Noo deed. 0000 TH PComsaominnd i, El CINPS iis i CR, eb ea Ho Brryes- Ohi MRIHETY . “3 FHILADELUV IA Fiore ~Wintre patent. ........8 1% Weeat No dl md ek Cops Na 2 ed CE aie Casa en Bowls. ol ea CC Rerten Cioaptiory. oxtrs o Fotis Pepasy ivan Sein oo J NEW TORK, FrovnoTalents, 0... 000 Wesara Ne Semd. |. CORR RG B00. isis Bare. Nee § White ETRE 2 a : . ate and Poona. : LIVE STOCK Central Stock Yards Bai Wssety Pe CATTLE. Prime Beary, 150 to 1000 Ba. ¥ Frise, 1900 to 1400 8. 00,0 Medinm, 100 te LEO bs. LL. Fat heifers 3009 6: 5 5 ies AB Bate, 000 To 1000 iba. 34 2 2 id Common to fair, ih Oxon, common 16 fal... Cotnmon 16 gonad faz bailed: sows Mich eows, sich. ; is Extra mfioh cows, onch. ........ La BOON, Prise pedis weligina, 8% Fest heavy ¥] Joruers and sodiam & Goon Yo cholow packers, ... 5 Good plc sod Bight yorker Siw ign, eonumon w groiel,. sani Prime boas y hogs. awAr aaa Conon tu far. EAA KRERP Extra, wediam weight wetham § 2 Cio boy wdiisine, | iv Medium, 5 ow Cotton 16 SME, LARUE bh 5 ee A SBR Sh fanzine cltypen Lambs, Rod 8 ehoion, Lambs, Byron Lar : Yeal, exten. : Youi, pod 3 holon, : oy COGN ERY Y Yeai, Sotnol Lo iar ie TRADE HELD BACK. Raiircad Facilities inadequate to Car ry Shipments—S8horiage Feit in Coal Trade. a pasa RG Dun & Cox Wes! of Trade sass: Although railway retiirng indicate that transport ing facilities bave greatly dmproved, the nation's business has expanded more rapidly. Car shortage has, la fact, bheeconie the chilad retarding infin ence. Prom all sections of the coun try and muapy lines of industry come plaints are heard regarding the inabil ity to move goods. Probably the de lay has heen mos: aZEravRLIng in ihe cage of cond, unseasonabiy high ten perature alone preventing serious in. conveniences, Not only are domestic requirements enormous, bat cosl is be coming an bmportant article of export, partly owing to jabor controversivs int France and Great Britain and also in the British export tax. Mill weather affbots retail distribution 10 a yoery marked degree. orders for heavy: welght goods being canceled in some cases where manufacturery wera bee hind with deliveries. That the volume of legitimnte business i8 not belug Ceuriailed, however, is evidenced by the gain In bank exchanges at New York of 27.4 per cent over last year, and 7.9 per cent over the same week in 1858, other leading cities the increase is equally striking. 20.1 per cent over 1600, and #8 over 1888 Bheot mills are many months behind orders, and prompt deliveries commanding premi Wms, even where poods are ready {or I es ht fg often impossible 16 ship because of inadequate railway fa cliities. Structural material is Hrgent. ly sought. Bteel rail orders Increase and the {ancy prices asked for billet Eave brought Imports from Germany Domestic quotations do not alter, though ligt figures are not copsidered on deliveries before tha years end. | Jopper ia nriificiatly sustatood by clos ing mines, Footwear manuiaciarers bave made a general advance in piices restoring the figures of early spring Textile markets are wall sustained Woolen mills have ample orders and &oge guantitivs of raw material holding win! prices firm. Cotton goods are in brisk roanest wilh no ev 3 BOR of exceasive atooke. Speculators sa CNR a | inet aediine Irom the un usally high position decently attained hy pork products, while at the sane time corn ade a farther advance. Bhipments frofe Auantic ports tor the weet wore only 498485 Basho geaingt 1104 009 Qasr week and J a 631 a year ago. Interior receipls were also Neht, 2.217.126 bushels, against 3.838.020 last year. Wheat came to | market more freely, arrivals of west ern cities amounting to 7,060,590 bush- 8 t 6.182.843 in the previous sek rd S437, 60% a year ago. $000 TO $1500 A YEAK] LO We wet inteligest Mew and Worien as Fraveling Representatives of Loci! Managers, snisry Fro to Bive a Wear a . | mcarding By #enet iene ane kha Warsi gE TY es AY | ween and cnn i | Beanted Sed tare far 1 Sate position prefersd. Address, Fan BEI COMPANY Pay 4 a ES Bn A $8. 00 For this i AY YOUR £7 ATION C—O £3 128i 2 SW Haw Fie HL esty,”” * Master Workman,” wine,” « Planet,” « Neptune,” * Razor,” » Tennes- see Cross Tie,” + Ole Varginy.” 7 Fir Wire than i Quy oy hig ] i 2 Goan Twsst Tass beng equal toane of sthers mesiaved « BE. Rice, Greenville,” + Cross Bow,” » Olid Hon= Sickle,” Brandy- TAS MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS. Our new illystrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 will include many articles not shown bere. It will contain the most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags and will be sent by mail on receipt of postage-—two cents. {Catalogue will be ready fur mailing about January rst, 1902.) Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. oth, go, CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. Write your name asd address ; plaimly on outside ol package taining Tags and send them and requests {or Presents to C. Hy. BROWN, 4241 Folsom Aves, Louis, Mo. RENE ivy BARRE HANMER FAS SHCT SEX MRM MEGRTME RELE el lM a a he Ah hC
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