: UNMITIGATED GALL. : PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. I iF ELECTION - Pur un Pook Ball Teawa Like South Fork to | Pithy, Folvted Panciitogs Pertaining te HEL LLULIUR Ford np 0 Rick, : Pape and Places. : J " a esirs : | ; ; ‘What Candidates Will be : A very hotly contested game be.! .dtis not an onasnal thing fora at Candi lates Ww ill be | tween Patton and South Fork took Patton young man to be caught away Vaated fr He i place on Saturday, Oct. 19, at Patton, hora hate ¥ Stranded.’ a it! : Voted for Here. resulting in neither team scoring. The | ! oe [me 9 o gine — : Tr i Tee JUD en : [ Routh Fork team was outwelghted hy | YOUN infos itm aiBeye at. Two pope | 'DGESHIF “OINTE ¢ : oc | twenty pounds to a man, nt put up wide yooh ladies wha went to West / GE: HIP CONTEST. : 6) | one of the best fights ever seen On A over on 3 ; | gridiron, features of the grove me the superb holding of i nspbi i Ey i tonday, however, alablished | gunner is on Both the Demoreatio and Uiion Tiekets Sosialists snd Prolibb: oo 1b was eiiber steal a ride! st or swale boas. At this nT Li wl a : : a ti not informed their Wew Talephove Line Will b BREN EE We Fone ent hit 1 aid patient fy bebe wives} bey tia this Field Anther Uaniiidaies, Le : Pavan Fashion dn on forty yar ras : : f syed vary dirty fon] tianists Have Part of a Cousty Ticket in : 24 i In Goldstein's A Ll £ i ing AY or SA pa wi ds : en who compose nie to ent Tih Past ha : ; "8 a ERI Hare nine tickets to select from next : range 10 Bhd iH or ; 4 ; Wonk Yop A writ Sele even ” L > a hia 3 council wa at pres- | tackled jn the PE BY end : Gown ds tha Young Tassday, vig: Democratic, Republi. and the secretary with fair treatin i : or = “ oe i enti, Prohibition, Bocialist-Labor, Peo | seating held in Mu. with Patton's profess nl 4 : Pros os : Abe ples, Union, Manicipal League, Pablie SAFC RT dant, Pes oo : ey 4 i : olitwa: Presuint, ADE. guinion and Putiic Ownership. ; [heavyweights — South Forel The Democratic county ticket in its | ; The voters of (fambria county will. . M onday SYenine | "Well, well, well! Weukdn't this | Goldstein; Vice President, Way. Nelson; Br Cteagse wn man who never een 4 Recretary, Fred Kinkend Bo i eT oa al "had: accumulated, ns C2003 man Who nover syed ars | : entirety in inporporated in the Union J J noe the honorable | 100% Pall lo Eiik? As a mepdacions, | Miss Hara Luma ags, Wh teacher | ticket, which is expected to give the | the session Was 8 { cowardly Lie, without any bs or ands, | of the fourth intermediate room in the | Democrats some ndvantage, expecially i ae i : Fit dn entitied Hr & place i he tales of pubiic school, is st Ler home in New ithe Judgeship comitest, as B mark : witative of the Huntingdon | Munchausen. i | Washington, Fa, suffering from 2 lice at the head of the Union ticket | Teleph Co. was present | South Fork his a yory fale. foot hal} (severe attack of pneamonia. Her wanld be a vote fr OF Conner and his gion to erect poles on { team, bait after beating Altoona a few place is being filed temporarily by colieagues, as well aa for Coray and § saes. He a Nocks ago by 4 fuke they insgisied Edgar G. Yockiey. Yerkes However, the Union voter they were the whale thing and when The sanual corn husking at the can vite for Corsy ind Yerkes without . Ho EE en Sagem bY 3 Woeaklard farm in Elder township was voting the Demooratic county ticket b a dl { : : Er eel held on Wednesday evening ard was hy placing a mark opposite each name TAL” NH CITT The whole of the Bouth Pork editor's attended by a large crowd from Pat- wanted, bat not - he head of the STOCK OF OVE RC {pan graph is a Series of untruths, Bon and slsewhers, Supper was served Union column, i ee | the aforesaid scribe ought to KBOW. | 0 jugnight and the nsnal good time. {he Democratic and the Union ticket Ll oe doesn’t, he Las boon imposed : (art exactly alike in this county. The fe io : eo { The room in the Good Building Prohibitionists have & com shete alate ‘| In the first place, the Fatton team formerly used sa a paymaster’s office ticket and nominees in ints for : does not outweigh the South Pork boys, {by the Beech Ureek Coal and Coke Co, Prothonotary, Register and Recorder, De r- and ia the sud piace elitr | aikie i has been rented by the Hanotington & Foor Director and Coroner, while the bjected to gran o Ey of It a ein aay | Clearfield Telephose Co. Socialist-Lalisr people have a full, Best fleeced under wear for a dollar a suit. wanted the company 10] sie eed a . { ~The rooms lately vacated by Mra state ticket and 8 county ticket, com- AH ae ol Le i. oo Hla : | “dirty foot ball! it certainly was not o uy ge vans and Sister will be ocu | posed entirely of residents of Fatton, All wool underwedr $2.00 to 31.530 a suit Sizes 34 to 46 done by Patton, aa ia. well known hy pind by a jewelry firm from Bedford, with the exception of Poor Director inclusive, So Jeveryone who saw the game or im e- | o, and Surveyor. The Peoples party has |quainted with the personnel of the y panolph Seeley, who has been a state but no county ticket. | home team. a Cs main gyn Western New York for some time The Muonicipal League state ticket The only texin ncensnd of diny foot, returned to Patton Toesday is the same as the Democratic and pla i Ch | bali playing in this section in the ® outh on Union snd the Public Opinion the We keep what you want and the price is correct. One : Fork buneh of troughs. They play od ~The paymaster's office of the Beach same ax the Republican. The Public Price and that the lowest, : i | the Janiata's of Altoona on their OWE | Geek Coal and Coke Co. was moved Ownership peopl ave & district state | | grounds last Satarday and were beaten 4 Lo office building on Monday. ticket of their own, but the three last * 6 to 0, and the thoroughly reliable Al- : : 4 a ma fad K ST N : (1 ih " nd Sh a 1} a : PS, = | toona Tribune furnishes the following ~ -Born--To Me. and Mes. Bamael RAI parties have no county ticket! ey 0 : e ) 0 i In : ad J 0g L \ i€ ns tn opr ' Pyne ob Sunday -a son. whatever. : 0 wl ] ds : in its account, of the game: ob ie As the COURIER was not one of the : | i ‘i “The Jopal boys went up against FATHER EDWIN ATTENDED. I favored ones 1 iis. the election. | Booth Fork god and hard and despite Ha favored ones to receive the elechion be all the obstacle thrown in their Way The First Confirenes of Frisia with the | Prociamakion, although published in jon out. The treatment Jutuived on Pishas of the New Dini ‘the biggest borough in the county, the Des Lirageous from Le es Wl ‘ib w the foregoing statement as an ginning to the end of the game. The Hev. Father Pierron, of S48 Marys | sna the 1 ht En a1) game was mule ander rojes Lo sit the charel, attended the first sonference | 2 Stirs to he pe =p . ol ep ath Fork team and they were is coy TE tion so that they may know where they 8S ath Fork team and they were op. poy Bugene A. Garvey, bishop strictly enforced. Frequently the Jan. ~~ © Aigens A. Larvey, or are st. The only newspapers in the iata’s were canipelied to hand over the Of the new diocese, with the priesta of. ¢ the connty that received the ball to keep the game in progress. the district at Altoona on Today. It |. clamatic oil at i Boveral of the lotal boys were pretly | began at 2 o'clock and wan attended © TOR proeamation, Ere sa badly used up in the contest through , aa. : : is bris Tribune, Ebensburg Mountaineer. I BN py fifty six priests from various other o_o. ea pe the in Herald and Cambria Freeman, : 5 For your inspection. Best coat on earth for $10.00. Boys’ 1.50 to $10.00, Children’s 1.50 to $5.00 New stock of Men's Suits. All wool suits $5, $6, $7, £8 and $10. “ ls Children’s underwear soc to $1.00 a suit, Boys’ and small men’s underwear a specialty. Directly Opposite Bank. mm 8} lerference of Suisidars and the points in Central Pennsylvania. The : {slugging of South Fork's players. Hol. POIGs In LE08 nosylv b itkan to the Pennsylvania sloc | land wa Kicked jo the bead by a tsi bishop presided and spoke of the needs 1 addition tothe Ponngy | vu or Cand Holman Was re i grouse of the Sllatriet, ita extant, its eondition, uther states will be as follows: bady in this section know bo that we “1 for carrying the ball across the line for the nature of the episcopal office and towa, governor, state officers and ” . ~ . Boop et i ty Mt Un G0 0 in erty, mesa E2 are always here with as fine a line of ; py > 3 Ky » t 1 ok fe Es 4 - . i 5 ‘3 : or it) ; a i of ARE 3 . on ¥ . = oo o i. i 2 . 3 aon See 0 That a woul scented Some time was consumed it defining | Nord or tne court of appeals and the B= LOYS. trinkets, novelties, etc, as are to od itself intos' Isn't that a sweet scented gang 0 the history and future policy for the lied sth sin po iia hae be found anywhere, Will soon be here and every- * legislatare; Massachusells, governor, sn government of the district. The sta Se i 1 Be . : state officiirs nod legisdatore; Miss fween tho two. even hint at “dirty foot ball 7 hy | To the bragadocio with which the tates of the Pittsburg diocese were . ar 3 “brilliant (2) fairy story weaver ends adopted for the guidance of the clergy huipyl, seansiary : af state, State Seas | e~— "EHEC 8 his wonderful prodaction the COURIER of this district. | ares; : . ? Fa ay justice of Fue rh | L 11M] has but one word to say: The Patton The consulters in the diwtrict who A ail Loan legis ar THs team is composed entirely of home will advise with the bishop ln certain | NRO ae ork, legmialGre; LHS: ea \r aw fat ny a s : | players, all CF Thom reputable and te airs dings bn welfare. of the BOVErDOR, state ofcers and legislature; | ee We are always to the front and this year will use { gnected citizens of the town. They are | dioces: ore ix : in sumber Bishop Oklahoma territory, delegate to con gl MOTE SHCIZY than ever to SUPy the best stock of “professional players” and “heavy. Garvey appointed Very Rev. John gress ane leg! Ep Bo, $ sland, &- Holiday Goods ever brought to Patton. Come | weights only in so far as they are good Boyle, V. G., of Jobnstown; Rev. M. Jie rranal ae vlicers ans lepine early and get your pick of the stock. : lamatear foot ball players and sot MM. Sheedy and Rev. John D. Zwickert, South Dakota, circuit Judges; Virginia, go as : > Where : ¥ TITTY ! ! | Hwgueelers.” of Altoona, and the clergy elected Rev. governor, siate officers an d legisiatare. If South Fork really is foolish N. J. O'Reilly, Rev. T. P. Smith, of enough to think it can beat them, an- Altoona, and Rev. Ferdinand Kittell, sae i other game oan easily be arranged, bat | of Loretto Nt Only Metaphorieally, bat Literaily ithe home eleven think too much of The examiners of the clergy selected | a | their lives to go to South Fork and be (are as follows: Rev. Emeran Ringer, Ebensburg was clearly outclassed | sseverely choked" and ‘kicked in the 0. 8 BE, of Carrolitown; Bev. P. Mc- the foot ball game with the home team nn head by business men’ while playing Cardle, ol Bellefonte; Rev. Ferdinand <u Satorday afternoon at Athletic - i what ought to be a friendly game. (Kittel, of Loretto; Rev. T. P. Smith, Park and the latter was victorious by a : Prot votion or the Farmer of Altoona; Rev. J. N. Bausch, Rey. score of 17 ta 0. A large crowd was | Sn The farmer: will find Among recent John Farran and Viear Foraine, of present to witness the contest. All of { S— | mote of assenibly one that will asare TT ONtown the playing was done on Ebensburg's him. protects ny from an objectional : : territory and the visitors were never "| form of trespsss that has annoyed him re jdlangerona st any stage of the game 4 for years. It provides a penalty for | It Will be Open tor Busisess on Monday (Une 20 anc one 13-minute half were ne | iifal trespass "by gunners upon cul | Morning Next. played and the game lasted almost two | tivated lauds. All the farmers need to: The new Patton Stearn Laundry hemes. The line aps A do is to give the public notice forbid- owned by Irvin Martin will open for > nit =: i Left End Ebenstorg @ "ding trespass. The act imposes a fine business on Monday. The piant is one onl 1 TT ee oo taal * of $ for each offense and payment of of the best in Central Pennsylvania Ye ney : L a . : K en | oosts. Information may be lodged be- 4nd contains the latest and most ap. | “837% at Brean | {fore any justice of the peace or alder: proved machinery for doing all classes oP kes Ri oy hfe 1 Joho | man. The defendant will have tho of work Truman, Bitgond Joh L right to appeal, if convicted and fined. A big Loomis fliter has been in sh - Tigh an d MeRnntiek Half of the fe will go to the owner or stalled, which will insure that all amor Qaarier Bac - = Bey — — lessce ofthe [and ang Use remaluing | Fete et Is free A of Yeckley Loft Half Anderson Boys’ Suits and Overcoats at i pay the fine will involve going to jail workroen has been engaged to see that iliiece and | Right Half Elder |} § / 21.50, $1.90, $240 and for a period not exceeding three none but fimt-class work is turned oot. po epacker PaiiBack Mos JET] 1 7 $2.00. PATTON ON TOP Duritg Most of (he Game, C. W. Hodgkins, Prop'r. E & PATTON PHARMACY, 7: PATTON STEAM LAUNDRY. MEN'S Suits, latest styles, at $6.90, $9.90 and $12.90. IEN'S Overcoats, in all the newest designs, at $6.90, $0.00 and $12.00. RO IO sas a wa iy IE AB SB A nis Jo Notice 10 Tuspayers. Lo yn | months. The Courikk ls prepared to The foreman is Harry E. Rook, an ex furnish the necessary notice to tres- passers prompily and at a low price. | The county tax duplicate for 1901 is | ho s Constabl e ‘ : { Tonch Downs—Dunsmore, Beeger, |perienced laundryman, formerly ofl yeogjey, (joals--Penepacker 2. Ref | Willismsport, A delivery wagon will eree—H. 8. Lingle. Time Keeper { be put on the road in charge of Alex .. FE Prindible. | Mitchell and regular trips will be made ane ns to Hastings, Barnesboro, Spangler and | Nene. ies who hive not paid said taxes | Patton. | Patton Steam Lanadry will be ready requested to do so within 30 days The Courier gladly welcomes this for busines on Monday, November 4. js notica, otherwise same will be | new addition to the industries of the Everybody is invited to come in and {town and earnestly hopes that the inspect the plant. All work guarin- | people will show their approciation of | teed. IRVIN MARTIN, | ‘it by patronizing home inclustry. i Proprietor. | Men's Hats, in all styles, at 88c, $1.40, $190 and $ 40, : : | $2 A $3 Black Vici Shoe at 1.05. MIRKIN & KUSNER, Good Building.
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