oy dN 1907. BP snainad 3 “gt Hons EA a la 5 7 tie rest was Lhe cdisail 5 a Rie hustling Whi was ot of them confident, the polls closed at To velonk the streets go joe | were crowded With 8 happy and good | natured mass off homaoity, vosiferous : but peaceful. | Both potitiesl he the Good Building, ceiving the new in the room formens 1 the Lhaxiie gent ib BOWED cated DY Lhe 9 : WD diastase, Pagton work teain orew, with a Sow York Latah argu the McEwen curve, Was wonid have bad the peeRsure fh 2 ard gilepuirlers were in 2 RY o LF 3 : is East are Ioutin tng with grand saeco, Li palnionne ee TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. S priquerties a This Bad of the © pers Tiamds Hoeintoy i B. Wibuy TA whi 1 play , $a, samuel D. reoshiip, SWE HH ¥ kd WESTOVER. HEIRTGaAY bast wer hand ginte RO 0 Ruoibe i ¥ engines ow Lhe whiaiiant A nteiotor dae B Tear 15 Soman, was loading Bes ad ghagine oul Gn man irsck. resdy bu ran Ladoss siding, aork fran a eatled io their flag preparatory 10 bast tailed, as jum ai that lime Bp Ed le A. Eapbrad oon bl FARE : Lie rade of 2 mis a5 Feay. While Lhe SlgLlient train stock 10 his pst i a avy tem nod Lhe disianue FE wn te ele pd lhe demying of trallic for Why Lhe pegretted, all thal Liwdte W Tha above age in toe weltten, Wf Ee part of Lhe Wreck wo olf or af ans af Lon FTIR WL 18 BV enti y dante to gel away of CREE WN i> feds. fais Ck, fies we was the (raat #3 seas & 100t race on Lhe one hundred ead LE een for the genlioman goilig entanged rane ow barbed wire fence ¥ Fara shasly wt 1 Phen Therion bas moved to wa Wii take charge af the market owned by 5. A Woda. A pow cost bask will be pened | We {he near falas 30 above WORE ia the understand Mat Wagoner | the Hvering. 4 Prank B. Markie, the cash grocer goes 10 ladote to Bunt one day of each : iweek, bul he pever gets Bearer the WOU thas Poo Hurd's ia ond as get it here U The Gre wi O1L. oy pad We will is youl there is Bo older place on Gils globe aa convenieni, apd we all sdneerey {hope there is Bok x oe . 3 aan ohn 3 SE FP. Moser and friends (rom Ww taking a hog p TIOW, a they » sO SE Hind ht varker Been De occupied by Pugmaster Dale, of the game bag Sin Linton Dy. | ! Beech Creek Chal and Coke Co, 28d L Mosier Re | his assistants, While the Democral victory was of the G. O. P. pews received not being d by 7 The Socialist: r» from A new train | Pittsburg & Hastern Branch bet ween A Proscolt for judg | inspiration fur shooting in the lstock exchange. Tim wore deserted early. beadquariers oonducive to jubification or late hoars. | official, are the totals of the retarn will not differ very moeh from thi of {second page. Change of Time, The winter schedule on the New York Cuamtral, in effect Sanday, Nov. sylvania division. The Batusday | pjipesial from Williamsport to Philly {burg is withdrawn, and two and trains between Corning and Lyons, which are ron during the simmer ex cursion season, have heen withdrawn. | has been added on the | {each : dy 2 Linonibiy, The figures given above, while not | sheets sent Lo Prothonotary Jones and | ficial count. The election outside of | the county will be found in foll on the | 3rd, makes bot few changes in the | time of passenger train on the Penn. | ft ts mini that our town boasts lady whoo uses LWO boxes of ko Loar buses sor pleXion EpArt 3 FE walers, ane s bear's oll, three botlies Lair bottle axle groam latter for shoes so hat she way be able to turn around and yel ber hair ma wb GRe vy Town ARAL BR, | golden Bion de. Prigecied Tanne WwW. H. Brown, chief th ro Pennsyivania ralirosd, bas proposed to the company the construction of a tunnel op the main line seven miles i lopg fran Cresson 0 the Horseshoe ‘curve. The proposition is suid to have | received favorabie sonwderation. The tonne! woild be one of the longest in | the world and would cut out most of | the most plelaresqoe portions of the road bat the gain in grade atid meage would more than compensate that loss. | Almost twice the length of the taapel would be saved in distance and Lhe hardest climb on the monintain divi | win of the rosd ell iminated. Wage. Change Pumor has it that certain changes in the computation of working Bours a loss of 2. Meehan, | : : pi | Mahaffey and Arcadia, There are sev-. in oy into effect on the New York r, had 45 and | 54 votes for District | ins the strong: ‘Bars un eral minor chinges in the time of regu lar passenger trains at local stations. Detailed information will be furiaished | upon application to ticket agents. i workmanship. With this job printing as any office extant. Central railroad and will pesult in a materind wage advance. It is said that under the new plan engineers and | firemen will have their time computed | on a scale allowing ten bours a day ov —New type, new stock and oh rio stead of eight and three guarters as COURIER can do as good and as cheap | sidered a day's run. inow. One handred miles will be con- | —18 this 8 your paper? _ Hungarian Christe CUT WITH bey ghaied, OF LON, Baviag Ap) LHe y ; glasses, TOR BP wore Wisig of Bove 10 5 ER of : Phas iE ; Lawy wr Nail Live Seal I Bhe Gee of her engineer of wrnty Plot ning Flan: ean Ruan, dh i Sam Berisesiam ane Todas Peowrdely ight wm Wows hswsdi and John FRR Fike Pharos oni Rey Prete Wan ini 3 fai oad pomy of John Bes John is bearah by GY dst than ropdibne. Before, kal pro A duel snsoed bs which Boog WW A oul} 50d wit. he : other ten proses, . did fet f awed an lnelinalios Tosathan 8 wule it hammer pdd of shia with | #9 who would have victory had Jobin ght was not 1 tng ‘o * fish rapidly ant a Snife and grocesded 10 carve hin fy the most spproved man jie alanbhedi Bim of Lhe head and > nt VE. eng, CIP Pa & Her. face, until Herires who bad bean HR HE The Hing! a alee pe RAL AhTOWS Is 8 sansGge fGiviieie enden) he Was randay even Ht in the borough peleament on Monday hall which was fur other, Boars, hastile, being HOrRIng mse) 1 {ie 5 CAV TIRT. He was given a hearing £ Sefaite Monday Hoemerviae Peerage BYERINE. Wan Gow Rttoriety and af Carroiltown, looked | after Lhe snlannis of By Laidterable avidet and Foe arish was held for bis appedranos at WIPE IY Pa Bite which 5 bia Bspather, Periraein. wie widuead Ls giahedd b Morsay Mims Ida Ce resdidant of thas place, died last Cerlonsiay af the Alcona Hospital She ested. & 3 years, § months and 1 day sedi Lind hoo tae a3 was fi survives be tor Mra. M TarTie Brand, ¥ if five Patton Mie tows, Mra Henry Thonn {ag Ham. Hast ES : er ary enon, hE SR Wyre e i snty, | sf Har ristia rg. Wi Caer: The Pi # brought rade Mr. Reunite Mex dled on asd i Loti min Mellin of brain fonersl was held Monday o'clock, conditeted by Re of the M KE. charh Fairview catheter, satuniay sear 1 the at 3 at En bee resi] ote £553 ors ¥. i Wedkil ing Apavaarese it Annsunvenenis | Dave ived in Patt af pearriage Miss Katherine, the daughter of Mr "and Mrs Sumon MM. Wilson, to bir, Lea Georgy Nickerson, whic Lomi place in Dulbois on Wednesday, (XL 30, 1901. The coup at after December 1st at No. 83 W, Wash inglon avenos, Di Bais. Lens ie the A253 ¢ will be fone Mallowe'en Frade, All Hallowe'en Was to say great extent in Patton this year and on the whole the youngsters did remarkably well Depredations were few. and aside from a number of dirty sexi there was Rome of the windows and winghows 169 not much dain needed WRie Pr SNYWaY. prorning an appli of soap { ontral Phot sad, real Hotel ad ward roa by Wm, Ads Walters, who as rand, The well-dipown Can Fifth avenue, : Yeckley ¥ UW biog based Dy bus pure het Thomas aud Obas wil take possession if So00 a8 We Bonita Mp. Yeckiey plas for the fhe same Lransier has not completed any vgn be ¥ Wrsih Ly RH ~~ Mail orslers tor job print careful and prompt sttestion at the OuURIKR office. Send in your orders, Read the advertisements in the | CoURIES It pays to deal with mers | chisnt who advurtise, Wa 3 imaditation (00 0. fy Deaver, pltertpent in at yikbure as well 88 A KNIFE. - STOCK OF OVERCOATS HERE iri ead} phat g - wt ELE Gn io eh XT ex) A shi we Directis Ew yh dig or » TEE, ym—"E ST TE wis again fur. : | —— og ¥ ver: an § We —— —-—r coin afterncong se sinters and if Po Johnna & for fa / not celebrated Pe mm fm" a oy, of Hamtings, le favor. agp hres ge af - raat Re x a . {yi WLS, Cases Cail and See the Goods. PATTON PHARMAC Y, ¥ FAL” lena Shiiiisbssissiiidiis Aibiih dbbbbbbabsbaAAARS i i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers