ARGUMENT COURT ape Fhorxiviimn Transovted at the Seaston Hed at Ysepahuty the Finr of thy Woek ie d. on the who Have Teen Call N : wart held : Long Home § han i Fiovwes fing Hamitons Fase ERNIE it & Wieting of Ha Fact x Ia Fe She tres) Chwen ann i wn Vii £9, gphr gene (ia i shes the Great Majority, 0 a Milter, the funior of the Patton Photo and , died at the brome of bis Carroll | towaship on : t h 0 o'Sock after risus Lithe iy 2 {4 ww jademant of BASEN NE Fr Hap the poo a3 the Vity af the Gp Barker, Foy SESE r an Rolls Seraver ve Jenn sven deren. =r a oad. was about quctane and Rider thanships for ape age and was theo nemant of viewers to lay oul pubs and New. San C. Miller, | (lie road from Jacob Glaser's farm ia 4 | Snsquebanna township to farm of Ane n on Outober Tth pony Yeager in Eider township the company has | viewers appointed: J. L Eider, Chas. suffering from what x ailigr and I P. Vahner fever, and bis. sugditore’ Feport in the assigned Alberter, drove bim 10 gate of A. G. Byem, Thomas HL. Larr township. He Myers, assignees. died as above | pugivion of Milton 8. Bush for leave | He located in | ito adopt Stella Hanley, minor ohiid of ago his month and dor | yeu obs Hanley, as bis child and heir, made many friends, Sssume the name of Stein Bush, courtesy and quiet de- | granted. ; was beld at!” pion of Mary Hindle for trans on Tuesday morning at fof money granted to Jobn Hindle, atarment in the Catho- | in Barnesbore; granted. i Petition of Mrs. BH. Miller vs Joseph | (. Miller, libel in divorce for subpoeni; awarded. y this place, died at the Petition of Vivian and other minor his parents, Mr. and Mm {ohitdren of William 8. Thatcher, fur y smpinn Boulevard, (he appointment of a guardian. Geo. ou Sanday Syening of Penden 8 Appointed and bond filled and WESTOVER. interment in Wild. The ball tenm has disbanded for the ry. Mr. Otto went to season, aftar playing twelve hard. : Patten and was em. genes and towing but one; the railrosd company At lost ta professional texm at Cle arfleid was taken ill. He fair. However, by winning wo out nly-two years of sge. of thice games played it clearly lef pon of Ralph Leisch, of ‘the championship of Clearfield couuty | died on Batorday at one o'clock after an illness [07 month, The little one | thes season of 191. barn where he keeps & fire driv n at o'clock, conducted | ing horse. Nothing remarkable about Dr Dea the pastor of the ‘that, eb? When you take into consid. urch. Anterment in Fairview eration that Mr. Yunung is past eighty years of age, itis a feat that but fow are able to perform even at many | years younger. bold a the bouse on Sunday to the hi bv a Bene sa the Law for the Young Man | : | car joad of fine horses last Thesday. | ‘Also a large car load of first class | leather, destination unknown. who will be 21 years Grant Thompson was looking up his aber § can vote on No- | political friends In town list week, court bas decided that Wish we were as sure of heaven as , year is completed on ' (hrant is of re-election. the anniversary of bis DW. Michaels, of Chest township, ge | the most popular Justice of Peace in bo has Just reached his the county, wis calling on his many can vote “on age’ friends Saturday. the ran, of any tax | he can continue to vote | family. til he pointers that shold be Mr. Roland Js now em. reaches his Iwenty- ioved by the Cresson Foundry Co. aa wh Be must, pay A pattern maker, n the tutlon' oq A. Kuhn is havin subject is gE his hogse {painted inside aud out, from wllar : yuu Jeary ol attic, adding much to the general ap ave pal | praranoe, n state or county tax, ; | Williamsport his bird dog, Mart understand the price paid was $100. Mrs. Samuel Lowman, of near New Washington, spent a few hours with | friends in town Saturday last. % Potatoes are a very scarce article in| © | this part of the county and are selling | "| for an unusually high price. i © A. Corry bought a botel in Mill {| Hall, Pa., and will take possession at once. + [108 on his many castomers last Friday. - Pat and Clark kissed and made up. Very Pretty. A COURIER representative church last Sunday morning. | the minister's left ear twice. styles of millinery affected went 10 Heo saw by | there is certainly enough of it, the two. story idea being in great favor. One HSoreation” of the “grand, gloomy and | | peculiar’ order that seryed as a total | high eclipse was three feet bigh and | wile enough to drive a team of mice Sa ¥ elo he oh she rom and fell to hats in church ysspeviaily when of sach hepoh ab Ehal was : {in the hands of the Westover Tigers 1 Henry Young was seen whesling a seven years old. The fu. ‘sack of chop lat week from the store Win. F. Mosser shipped to Boston Kuyse Roland spent Bunday last wi th : AP Fry sold to a gentleman in We KE. A. Ulark, of Johnstown, was call- The fall the | ladies are doubtless very pretty, and around. ladies should remove their | EDIUN F007 BAM 50VES A i Eig get FARTS LP itn Team WIT Pigg at Riaedie cioan oul oh the foot bas gatos 1a 2} ELS he 5 difforonds Satnrday alien dyad PAT yore RY fos Won aed i Ther Si ohh enh EE Whats oe Ske eet FY PAREY RETIN worm bay fa evar Wik Lar pes psi Nonth Farle 4 Halu Bef § riasir Jessa Chines Brewes Trae I Mitchell Reamer Raine “Ye wiey Right Fix Quarter Ruck flr Back (ritilece Right Half i Ponep Aa Fuil Bark The crack {our ball team fake day aftersoon to the tone of #10, will try conclusions with the Patlon ave at Athlet at 2 pom Admission 25 conte. The liao up: Vattan Diners { Peegay Pogarty Truman if Hilion Mitehall Bennet! or | Harper | Matty c Yeookiey Hilece Pp SIeRNG kori Noonan or Ebeénsburg. 1oft End Left Packie Left Guard Centre Right Guard Right Tackis MoKenrick Right Bad Cuarter Back fof Half Right Haif Full Back Harton Kon Evans Boleinger Anderson Eller TRANSACTIONS iN REALTY Pepertios in ike Eat of the County Phat Changed hands Bigontly Henry Hoppe! of ux to Samuel 8 sordiinis township, $05, Land and Tmproveniend : Patton, $60. nx to A. T. Ww anbery. Carroll township, $1,000 DJ. Boucher ux et al to lama Long, Bartiesboro, $200. liza long et vir to John E Doug- asx, Susquehanna township, $60, John Toth to Lizzie Toth, boro, E3% Mike Horan of ux to Paal Kohar/ Susgochanna township, $00, David Atherton ef ux to Peter Jon ker, Barnesbioro, $100, dangh VEE Ho i £ iy Say Hawa, % Ww si iand wh £ ay David Atherton ef ux to Joseph Fer. rera ob al, Barpesboro, $75. David Atherton et ax to Michael Darko, Barniesboro, $0. Emma 1. J. Binder, Carrolitown, $238, fanddore 1. Binder ef ux of al to Fred: erica Stich, Carrolltown, $1. Isadore LL Binder ef ax et al to Phil olpena Plician of el, Carrolitown, $1. Bpangler Improvement company to Joseph A. Gray, $65. Ellen M. Heed to Joseph Urda, Eb ensburg, L150 John J. Dei witon, 82x Jakin J Dieterich ot GX Pell, Unrroll township, 3300, YP bons, Uresson township, $80. trick et ux to H. 8 Boek, Tx 1 tn Baneces Jobin Pilsner ef ox to Frank Harring. Cbon, Ashville, S40, Edward ¥. Binder et px to Fagan, Hastings, $1,050. T. Barnes et riweatner, Barnesboro, $5. Mary A. d'lavilliers et vir to Robert Merriweather, Barnesbors, $50. SK Miles ot ox to RL. Blandburg, $100, Edina J. Bower, BR 1. Bower et ux to David Davis, Blandburg, $155. “atherine Kelley to Margaret L. : Kelley, Gallitzin township, $10. . Bengele, Gallitzin township, $00, Janes Mellon et ux to Aline C -nier, Carroll township, $115, Aline . Beonpier et vir to Emma Johnson, Carrel township, $375. A. J. Anderson et ux to Thoniss A. - Randall, Blandburg, $40. CX. Miller et ux to Elder townsiiip, $500. John Courtney, by sheriff, to (hallit- rin Building & Loan association, Gal- litzin borough, §25. Ben- Uronager, Thomas B. MeClain to Abraham L. | Good, Spangler, $125. Joseph Wiley, by treasurer, to Cam- bria county, Reade township, $5.08, : Duclos, Ulearfleld township, $400. | Charles H. Winslow et ux to Harry {E. Barton, Patton, $1. _Jobu BE. Reese to Eliza J. Bowers, Crdyiora Handars Reovwe Stinsnian of Ebeiis ‘burg, who beat Johnstown iast Satur- Park on Sawn rday Joris | Brown Johason Fy O Gentle Dove,” Slope Barnes. Derneott eof vir to Haney Samker ef ux to Edward (ib | are 15.700 horsest and mudes in Use in ux et al to Hobert Mer: : Alanzo Litzinger et ux to Joseph : Thomas J. Litzinger et ux to Cyrill nxt Ehenshirg THE Wis CHOIR Gp mew pases, Vii Be Flim ane REY Crawl Pinan and Exe oh Readies dnl esting WiakietEs Fran Ab vioues Moparts A boty Ausnplisy ang artis fray was the misled wens Hall on Wedaesday unaer Lie auspiues Mury’a R. U, charnth, The Best numba, © w chorus, was wel recoived aod wi followed by a plato solo by Mis don Nicholson, which received merited ape WER be, Yai GF the choir of BG Millers Wooing “Hops Bayon” Crerteada Nootian., Howard br solo, “To Mighty Deep,” FAVE Mire," won new laurels for ar istic rendition of difficolt vocal music, Alien Minnie wud Jas Gillisce caught the audi wilh an dtedl, NMoquite’s Parade’ and obliged 06 responil Lo an shoore. The two recitations by Miss Asana V, among the best things on the program ‘by Miss Eons Sawyers, MUSICALE. : 4 5p) AFTER : bony Mititesg : pi it Dine : evening | planes, as did th following Bamber, : Ww suprano and alte | duett by Mea J. P. Eddy aod Mies Dinsmore sug a Dass ai good volo and Mrs, H 5 Livgie ih » soprano solo eh. Eariey, as she is always oncored, were marvels of excellence. and given in her asoal faoitiess style Black a Soprano solo Wiks well renderod and ended the fest half of the progr, The swond hall was opened by piano solo by Mise Helen Prindible, a pianist of ability, while Baumao gave a pleasing rendition of « voorl dosti. Miss Sang & pretly fove song in a omanger that woti an encore and a quartetic composed of Mrs, Eddy, Miss Noonan and Messrs Howaed DD. DHustiore and PB Will Greene likewise recaived sal | vos of applause that calisd for snother | BL Myems gave & Vous solo in bis usual good vowe and Mrs. | Eddy sang & sols which merited and Rumer recived an encore. Al in all, plensed and received commendation on all sides. The hall was filled aod many were suable to dud seats. The proceeds wiil net a neat little sum for a worthy object. MIKES AND WINING, LC Intecesiing Figne from the Khests af the Resort of Chief CE Roderick, obitel of the burean a the Misses Sara Godoharios it was un program that o Er Interesting figures are given in the advances sheets of the report of James of ee a mn iftons at very a ever shown in this section 1s now ready for ¥ our mspection. Norfolk and Vest- The The R Russian Blouse, American Sai lor, N Price es range from 31.25 to $5.48 and 26.00. styles are perfect and the colors elegant. fstramental ai : were a LA sats with large pearl $4.50 in any other store. We shaw handsome Reefer Ove 4.4% that can’t be beat ors reoats with belts at $3.50 are Red. Blue, Oxford and Risian Blouse Owe #1 gi The colors: 3 tog years. The Ages 5, Sweaters and for the little fellows. stock anc d Via ER We se hod : and fact, 8 the prices are Mothers it il pay you to come and see us. Respectfu Keystone Clothing and Shoe Dealers. E — Advance - mm mines, regardiag the mining of goal} So daring last year in Pennsyivania. In the anthracite districts there mined in 1800, S2.217.318 ons, the miners working an aveeage of 171 days, There wore employed in and hou the mines 143.828 men and boya During the year 411 persons wera killed and thers were 1067 accidents. To mine the coal the miners | used 1,238.180 kegw of powder and 1.454.841 pounds of danamite. There Lhe mines. la the bituminous coal districts there were mined T5319.362 tons, and we ‘coke production was 12,185,112 tons. sylvania. The number of persons ein. ployed at the coal nilnes and the coke ovens was 108,018, and they worked on an average of 210 days ‘use in the conl noid coke business. Eo ey BA gh a ind pan Wager Decided. Eptror CouRikg: — To decide & wager will you tell us in your next jase whether there is a law in this stite to pension judges aller serving a pertain length of Yme. SUBSCRIBER. Hastings, a. Oct 21, 101 Bills have been Pennsylvania legishutore from time to ‘pension judges, but all ‘nons of them lave ever got farther than the committee room. Ab | tute books at the prasent time, — Ep. Jimmy Dunean Drownded Jimmy Duncan, a base ball player well-known ia this section, was ' drowned in the Allegheny river, near | Foxbarg, Clarion county, last week. | i Duncan snd two companions had gone ! fons te spear fish, and the next day the | | upturned boat was found on an island | | below Foxburg. : There are 30,130 coke ovens in Penn. 3 introduced in the have failed. | Unless we are mistaken in the mater, any i rate thers is no such law on the sta- non-fatal The puny ber of deaths by accident was 265, and there were 584 non-fatal accidents. | There were 9,833 horses and males in| © 3 # i § sm i & Wers — Directly Opposite Bank. Will soon be here and every- body mn this section knows that we are always here with as fine a line of toys, trinkets novelties, etc., as are to he found anywhere. Pr W 5 aArC 4 ; ak Gre Hal diy ig ariv r wil 1 use Mery ek af pa wih Goods eve he iA PATTON PHARMACY, ZU di A SH 1 A A 0 ME NS Suits, latest styles, at £6.00, $9.00 and 212. go. EN'S Overcoats. in all the newest designs, at $6.90, f¢.00 and £12.90. $3.4 X Hats, in all styles, at $1.90 and
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