Notes and Goss ' Husting Borough--All the Happenings About Your Neighbor— Enterprising Business serv ny Latest and Best, News Reamer, w aif the Uoun yt for Advertisements, een Se, rah be Ieft with Dan. for ¢ the Hastings Edition 5 “ rem Pat dint, ang Heir: A i. i find production ‘over seen on the Balturday night a oping Miller Hr ire iii His uli Gat | Sauok Prank Beadle y on the head with : ti kik sanon; he save for trying W koe 0 his from stopping the fight. fawns was merely Woolting on when fir | He git Hpht ocurred on bbe aliedils id Potusinia Brady Je Hr slrack Ww ge Ea ong dives. | In the cast | this in this issue bs worthy fl Duniot Wheshan and the fui perosal. Mr. Donald ahi was with the pert jeweler, as well ax a gentle season. The exomilont gradition snd cents | Pe of iw free Hil ©X yeaa od Uo UPhat new Tull sai Fini] and winter siitings, if ari ators, with the Umbria [goon and English novelties. sly Co. of this piace, bas ogee | DixsMorE Bros, amit on resigned by D yrd Mahal. Patton, Pa. See ane pew line of the Intent El Ro EG | Joseph Howley has moved into Lis Y | pewly fitted up more room. Thomas Netwon will occupy the room vacated Ly Mr. Rowley fur a pod room. a Bn dkwith wid fins Genoo Ake, John Bower, formerly with the Cain. mphell, drove to Hastings v aay | position in a few days The yoonk Lachiod gave ik very nice in the Speers house on Wedtem oy point 4 fow days this week with iene iu Www Fravee Lawoun, ape spending a few Me and Mra it | mien Usinpheld, ne. Lays in town, her Hye, stork ab the New Ceti Gog Protzmad expects 10 leave for inited kis nother an election rex on Monday in search of better a | henlth Mahaffey bas sige his posi | Howard Lay, of Pidsbarg, spent postal clerk at this place. {last Sunday with Thor B. MeClain, Sweeney, formerly of town, | : of election day here. : fer Bent Lant Pveryoie was thirsty on Tuesday. The resoiv oir sestoed Lo be drs. igh Mra BF. Notley Ix spending a few | days in Alloa, Mode: 1 oF dey estelainiay A Physician Tintifiow. o taken Bodol "dyspepsia core pever ukod anything in my piles 1 consulted a physioan who ad did me the good Lab did, vised moto try a box of DeWilt's county physitian Geo. W Beroge, | witch hazel salvi,” says GF. county, Gh “Being a physi Atlanta, Ga “ procured a box and wwe perser bed fit apd found it wis enlirely cured, DeWitd's witch we the best mesults,’ If the food based salve is os splendid cure for pile ont remains undigested in yoar giving relief fustantiy, aod I heartily sachs It decayH there and poisons recommend ito all sufferers’ Burgery wystoos. You van prey wal tiis DY i unnecessary WW cure plies. ng but that means starvi tio, witch bagel salve will dyxpepsia cure digests what yoo Cuts, burna, oti need suffer neither from wipsin nor starvation. The worst quickly cared. Never falls Hodgkins, Prytuon, S54 Husticgs I Yl have used Chamberiaio’s | cholera and diarrhoea remedy it 0 be a great medicine,” says Mr, First soak the coru or bation | ES. Phipps, of Fotos, Ark g water to soften it, then pure | ant spenk too highly of iv! us closely as posit le without ip blued and apply ‘hamber- | badm twice daily; rubbing i if for Avo minutes abt each Gp | most severe casts make it oA corn plaster shioald be a few days to protect it from . As & general liniment for 8, brivises, lismeness and rbeuma- | pain balm is unequaled. For w CO. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and a Pharma: iy. ip MGrgery sar hassel birulses and all other Beware of ocounterivile king, Patton, and Hastings Phas Hod 8B roiscy. & X¥ b CIPI, and Bua I ena. Thin retn- not praise, of those who use it. The a Lavorie everywhere, For sale by CO. W, Hudg- Beltalde and Genlie “A piil's a pill,” says the saw. Bat there are pills apd pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn't gripe. Thero is probally no disease more | sarly rivers fill the bill. 8% and annoying than piles 8 chars pile ointment is} els to act, Strougthen and invigorate, Small and eusy to take. CW. and bleeding piles. The | king, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. 1s on the first application, a! perseverencs makes the cure. For all fresh cats or wounds, either te. Price 50 cents in bottles con the human subject or on animals, ¢. W. Hodgkins, | ' Ballard’s snow liniment is excellent; 1, and Hastings Pharmacy, ‘while for corp-hoskers' sprained Seymour Webb, Moria, N . XY. writes: | working bores, it cannot be too highly : have been troubled with my kid- | commended. Price 25 and 50 cents : for twenty years and had tried | C. W. Hodgking Patton, and Hastings physicians, but received no re- | | Pharmacy. until 1 bought a bottle of Foley’ . oy cure. After Bsing two botties # absolutely sured, Iearnestly rec. from indigestion or dyspepsia, when mend Foley's kidney cure” Take ODe single bottle of Herbine nly Foley's. Al 1 druggists. | bring aboat a prompt and permanent | Leare. ever try 0 coax a cold or cough, | weak stomach than a prolonged course the remedy that unfailingly con: | of any other medicine, Prict 80 cents, quers ‘both. Ballard’s horehound | (1, W. Hodgkins, Patton, syrup is the greatest specific for all ings Pharmacy. throat and Jung troubles. Price, 25 | nd 50 cents. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat. ton, and Hastings Pharmacy, When you foul life is hardly Inin's stomach aod Hver tablota Herbing gweetins the breath, bright- | will cleanse your stomach, and clears Lhe complexion slightest 11 effects what. $ the hatural bloom of | “ W, Hodg: tone making vou feel like a new mun Hastings Pharmacy, ; For Honmscness, Chamberlain's stomach aud jiyer tab: Benj. Ingerson, of Hutton, Ind, : ¥ ilious)iens, constipation and says be had not spoken a word above are easy to take and | a whisper for months,and one bottle of sale by C. W. | Foley's horiey and tar restored his and Hastings voice. Be sore you got Foley's. a ina | drggists. | ip Concerning People of Liberal Patronage—Keep Your Eye Peeled for the The now advertisement of T. ©. ons CAVEAT Bei Wane appear we Pdeeaded cough is cured before i gets cpt” Patton, and Hastings birt Bupply Co, will return to bis ld Miss iin Beckwith, of Glen Camp ren will suffer too, Cbronctinls, grip and other winler vom if OB George, Winchester, Ky it rellevasl bar | BOBTSELON OF kina, Patton, and Hastings Planmacy. SWhile safiuring from a bad owse of | BE & W.R RR, writes: “I have a troubled a great desd wilh { aries, ; VEE goo ° . tr. a 3 os (and was induced 10 try Foley's Kiduey DeWitt's | CUPe RADY Case, it the beat remedy 1 ever red, wtupped Lhe cough immediately and re. | Hoved ody always wins the goods opinion, it quick citres whinh it effects even in the kins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. | . : b ’ ly ing of Banner salve, says: (bave tried 8 great many Kinds” Cdrngists. DeWitt’s little Parely vege. table. 1)o not foree but assist the bow- lungs, and gives them VE heal Hodg- the worms thrive; it brings, and quickly, & | | wrists, barbed-wire cuts and sores on LC. ings Pharmacy. Many people are suffering fearfully world A few doses will do more for a | and Hast: Geo. Simmelsberger, worth | the candle, take a dose of Chamber They up your liver and regulate your bowels, | Par: sale by (, W. Hodgkina, Patton, and emda, | sure in a very earfoua manner. He | “gl eck for crowing, and | | the Hrd which ean aiterow Hs fellows | has reached the highest pinsacle of | The mode of operation is | to nlnece the cages containing the roost. in long rows, for 1 appears that one bird sets the other off crowing A | marker appointed by the organizers of told off for each bird, his | | keeps a sp Things in You He It : and a ATs | Men Pe. who hs riphions, Fic, Tra ; A Yittigy fran Savsd Hie Jats artim Lite ir. H Haedk hiaskumnith at Urab Cal aE the well Lnown vi PANE TN Fd faee ASIN ha, BNR San five yi ba pe onil, B06 ra 3 5 Eo Lehi BEM Boe That RY fonrad many tin dowd SE set. bint fhat be wonnd din We LIE Cdoolor andl wel many Cistig ty PE rediance we Langh fo inmate giving free eronpy wy bile ; found 1hnt the iLwedtne micas and by Li SE yuan tiimEs 1} ben There ia no datger in thie remedy, for it sontalos no ur other jurioas drug and may be yaving ay STETTG given as confidently to a babe as % 3 AL Casini MW. Hud Pharmacy. . Pur sale by OU Kio, The €uibdps Friend, You'll have a Maybe you have one now, Gold thik Winler Youre chibi For cong hs, oronp, plaints One Minute cough cure hever fallin. Acts prompliy. y plese But to the taste and perfectly harmony, Pri wor Wes: “Our little girl was attacked with Leronp Inte one might and was so hours: | , whe could hardly speak. We gave her a fow doses of One Minote cough cure. immesdintely and she went to sleep. When she awoke the next morning she hal no sigs ol croup.’ UW. Hedp. Fomine it tv Tratumann, (3 Hausan, Lima, O., engineer 1. Fst Backarhe eure, and ane bottle entirely me, | gladly recommend i especisily my friends smn | men, who are factand.’ i relieves Man Vole 2 Sha Brats asaally similarly af dragpisis, 54 A 3d Geo. A Point, Upper Bandoeky, O., writes: 1 have been sing Foley's wounds are aled quickly cured by it honey aod tar for bosrsenes and fod I 2 Take All druggists all soreness. Fuiey's. hone bat Adoiph Bluner, Grand Mound, Is. writes: 1 have osed Faoles's honey aud tar in my famdiy aod think it i» best cough cure on the market. 1 wonid not be without it in my as there is nothing so good fur coughs Al druggists, the fe, aixi i Ceriela, W. J. Shively, Batesville, ()., speak “1 osed it : for piles, and § has done me mare good than any salve | have ever nad, and | Alt] To Care 5 Cough : coughing, as it irritales toe Bo chante 1490 and tar cures a strain in throwing Bio i Foley's honey without causing off the phisgm like common cough ex- | pectorants. All draggists, White's cream unhealthy PEMIGYES | upon which | varouliuge tissue healthy condition of body, where worms cannot exist. Price 25 cents. | W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hast | Today take Foley's honey and tar. It positively prevents pnesmonia, o el other serious remilts from I Al drug | eoaleda, may be too late We morrow. Line, x Ruabsoribe for and advertise mt the Patton UoURIER. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, Draying and Hauling short notice. YRHNER % FRY, BUTCHERS, HATING PA Full Hue of Frosh and Sonokad RLY Mogin pot vay hand. Pouliry gist gains in A portion of sour patronage cordially so i Hietted, CS jetted tine Phe hinve re he in CELE Cape Town, many of bE cid Ctiowal his aleegioe ful Tranwsanie? eis in every Cerigin tn the fart ay Madam, 1 1ry to Keep of candy and gave UW 4 Reuel Crawling Watehes, The Belgian artisan spends his le} perfection i the show ix Aunty helng to note carefally the num. her of rrows for which it {as responsibis tn the samme fashion As the lage are re Cporded noa Bioyoie race, ary duration of the watch is one hone, | the winner he ing the bird which scores the highest number of crows In the al Aigtrion Liege bots Have basin made on the resall, Radinkon. fadichea originated in China, wheres cultivated far many grow ws b ny the fred in evans eases Lavy centuries and samelitaaR nese ahd congh wits od with wag Lee mi ris marly their kiimrge BLIGE PRT OND (ania paiatahie A dney Mosm fivomnm, : or rte if a Bi address bo tx tla To Fn Perokiah Joe, da mogr in ative” Tee Rad Bites. i A hat ie that wt daperreas iogs bone! wi : “el fairs the Diite of & rept ret : bwpats that of Efitine F hen C Enrland Cohijert of eh spopngers on boand the finer fr ¥ BW With « for the fisut fooe day On Inguiry they gia on deck. where he we BD When eked bis feasin gity replied, Vi ¢ BWAY O60 SIDELAYE | Eugitehmen. ® Thi k : BHda who was Badu Xan pan trying Won when 4 wae expired to him that Lis [RmsaAge money Gu sided Lis wands on board.’ 35s eRying, Laiw LAT wTH for Lamy Tine A Mirletan te Every Closet, Toe vaprossin £1 re ts on saelvtil cli tw sald to have 4 that & maids Snee nailer, whe complained th have ane sew by soto he Who AL aad win werned SHE £0 Lia pnhapp ioe, done for him fay CRIPR OF onlien pr fond B wWolaR fie Lave no trantdes, ug whet wher Bald Linsiness the Woman OR Ger 16 8 closet eolitsining 4 skeleton aud mail: Hy traglites 1a wraiy of her lng 2 Lie miynell, but dvery pelied by wy host etoll, who wae you, thes, 1 i cant bar 1 SPRY SFT His Bi snoain, badd one po we its I HEE yo ape HE your Teche os Srp SNE iw Jittle sister atid ope fourth tle brother, What would you i self? Heholar— 33d 1 guess Tid base the menses or Retin, ne so's I wonhint fool mitch La =8ll Park. $s ¥s Ra Ve Boarding House amor. landlady ithreatvningly ~ TH give you 8 piece of my mi 6d oie of these days I youre not smrefal Boarder—1 guess | can stand it fit soy bigger tian the plece of pie yau gave me. Detroit Free Press Promptly attended iO. ee EL IY od Asya ys Labi TTY Btu and compicie and il: Call RRS ate he yo LOCKS ali K1 nds, up-to-date assort THE JEWELER, Hastings, Pa. Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA, | ; Pe | ofice in the Hood Building. The canton A great number of these somputitione Bave taken place In the Sk an hand ANTHONY XA Gor EAA SR bea AAA He BEN RA SPB ER | Uslery King clones the syste od builds Ran : LY salen tha Blooet pes FE fenntilon the complexion, It svives (neti sation sod fiver Amopdere Th sires lsioine lee aud ost oT aohae Colary King estes Nerve, Stommeh, Lon : sad Kina (Lsmasen. Ldakins, I attin Py paar i Pharmaoy, Hastings, Digests hp you cat. = hie ocd Bn Sib Kn ati her johns ioe i els ney. it ine sit permanently cures hin Hi ary rn, Tous asd 1 Des Bee” 3 wy | athe re oe gh CW. H a, P Ee Gimnn's Pharmacy, Hisstiogs. A RELINBLE DROG STORE. Tha! means a drag store where as mach attention ix pald Yo see that a five cont purchase 8 a satisfictory og ciaslomer ae the ten dollar pur chase, It meas a drug store where a chill cus trade with as satisfactory reanitn ia the bead of the family, With this reputation, low prices jute droge, we Roow we an A.W. GLASSER, Hastings, Pa. © amd wat rash ‘Hastings Pharmacy, Over-Waork Weakens Your Kigneys a oir ir hot ill panes through | © / three mina, : # Hidreys kon your ¢ 5 hey file : waite or | in ihe | booed. ’ > he PPensiagt tenn Dvn] iF PE 2 Fue pd ty 4 4 gt Er wars | Bech Creek ra Fairs, schesandraew | eatin Hemet i Fup 4d Ral Nak tp pan [a * id 3 * Maha ty Rerraper {Ea A ARE Rerenuni Now Moors iAgnia Mitehvlls cisnrels hh og FES nest heats, & thy 0 Fd Bi maka ft bas Ru th Roart is | ok, kidney. | and nroeries. Ge hat only urinary be traced ie he Xp ineys, sexrly | Went iaad Swamp. Root. : SO nal Bap » ous ae =i 8 EE arbi HE 3 voy wou eine Home of Sensi Book millng you Dow 0 fond PE BERANE ar bisdder frsuhle. Dr. Kilmer | Ar a 7 BETH Fra HEE NR Strittmatter Bros, PLANING MILL, Hastings, Pa. | Tip ey nt arabic, Vicabees, © ite He X orth reg, Lary, Adel New ¥ Aga fom Bloteetd, tmnt sapt Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt | Ratlre oad. Doors, sab, monbkiiong, ole i HARES Yar Patronage Solicited R. F. B. EVANS, DENTIST, HASTINGS Ate LON IeTUa » Ard lit 3 PR he XY Shien cv gndetioss with BP. sash heed west ul Huntbugdon, CARL M, vend YSREPTICIOE | Yea sreatast aid 1s DINE ANNA, JUROR OF THE PEACE Collections promptly attended to. Dealer in real estate, ote. 4 § i AY SR SR rd Same Ah Whose COURIER are you reading?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers