EAR JOSE. PU S27 08 TR ROL AS - | SUMMARY OF THE LATEST NEWS. wr i | Husband o His Former Sweet: { Cant Freaty ¥ {PE ved py vires for. Stree Lora Hiaerise by shite E Wiliam ; i” i mooprise. 5 wit alg WY Ev Hird Coreen, and +h tr sxnelied from «1 Ref BF crbodiorpar sttentd B : a : Rovere bi bide wihenitred a tepond 4 a praduot of snare 3 EW on y ht ey Aa fie { Loon Bb Tos gen THEY WR Mrs, Teen to oy itt Alves Bar mot Hw headgirarters what Ty k : 41a) hrearhing had toetr dhl im the Jef shoubder amd the ton of hor head was cat (pen with a hatchy Efforts were msde by ans mw erivacitate k i been shot in the Deck Hm e head + wos cut open jn several places ¥ having itten) From the postion as win a oR tht Ni nd i conld be ween tat Be | and Maeriond Ral Hrowd, hard for Life FAY Reschigrove Ky. ad taken his ar 3 ¢ fotiseli mm fhe heart shoat i rio doubt been pemsidering the mia whe, for hs pi were bbe A wr on Wa rden Haddox gi pepiem TY. pote Laporte Larter 2 (Special). whe Pa niin evden] BL e Saturday mght © At mudaaga ident Jubn Gr. Milburn pressed an fic button and the Tights in the Celegirie Tower EYew dirs fay se. Slowly, one by one. on poy and pu Auach Hae fom er away. A corps of bugiers kbd he tower sommded tapes.” and Ah wreatest glories ¢ Fx he sleetrieal iHumning OWT Ma xpppsition Ras nol Leen a Bran wmoeest, Let 38 1s believed tie bene fram i wild be i 4 PAY OF THANKSGIVING or | President hectare Roosevelt Fixes Thure Casualties in Recent Engagement Were sels Wan x he CATTAC ver M0. 4 MADE D DURING HEAVY MIST. | A Terrific Fagazement Near Bethel Tn Which Col is (38 vrs Among Thos: Who Fe id to Heve Been a Thousand Sereng Beacon Commanding the British Force, Horiaily Wounded {hee Prominent Roses Hee CROPS AND THE WEATHER The Month of October Was Mid and Brier Sates va spn nok ¥ French sasal det et ath ; are diy trie, a tan. alarmed 3 at ‘ the 3 ppro Prepay fell Bas ently snk the the Premeh atnthorities of Bis aooeplatt Ed A Call the Prepon elas \ } Wel his wife Som wire shot frie a an Ce person the attach from the hank of the Brazos river. Hegeoss colin whic the Gb fx county line, and boats wore | ARIED ete fehiing and were pens sore one fired vpn then abst 20 yards from Toe ; fad poo yards aw it y very sha iE lens & Uo. armed our Alter (he i ak he | under. enrol any fe with xgioded Fatal Boiler Explosion. Pa Ha (Speial) pri Shor : ‘aver the bi ttaburg and oad blew up nes Si nme at the rate miles an hout > gineer. Li Killed and firerian, was fatal ‘fer. a hry hospital not known, EA Bunglios Exccation. om a vonng Rite woman, West ie Cumberland connty, mot : 4 Comer was ase He replied © HRrtar snd, and th : aking the cross fron Coun th 4 AB ely vania pany : dle red him in arent When tig Pew et : tie rope broke and the | he floor. Another © the Lmited Seates Steel Corporation © prisoner o cooly | Wentern toads are said ta be larger ie before known. The orders for steel rays feceiven by fro 1: fig i diana oy 2 AE Se en Si Than Usual Pleven Children Dead After Usiag Diph- Theria Ant tevin, Life fOr £5 Lala Lie alti YFP ring § anc i x 2TX as wW iE 1 AB EoNin oat x ted An aracis $4 grinen SRL $i £X3 . cendani Ww | Mental Specialists, After Thorough Exe | tc aminaticn, Forever Settle (Question. | WAS GR# DUALLY DEGENE RATED We censgs report aa — venting ages for all States : Foes the todiame Eg summary for a8 RB wis gE A 1305 are DY Fre wate and 1 3 | Rh {fn are | Physicians (live 8 History o His Cave, Declar: jag as a besnit of Their Investigation That the President's tusassin Wan & Product of Ansrchy, But Sst and Wesprusibie He {isd No Delaxioas ate a5 SAFE BLOWERS IN THE WEST. Bast Wrecked, $2000 Stolen snd a Fire 0 Pivert Attention. gan te } Bt id BI er with 3h d “Twa fen id gen Siac 3&8 p by frist Fuge veer 4 loon un the Plnasslca: ia road ach 3 wirk rain shilie of nolna age. WH fo. 63 : mative Dorn. a. age #.3mRi0 of sees native born, and & 3 wa wher prt Sia Lafing 8 5 * Hales : rraedd aropartion gre res eYCEDY at. fataep Aecrease 0 si Fersitnries of the hy pe in off rental in ile North sr snng to each weal a oo 30 i amd Public Dedt Swtement staresiont of the public wr vite eloke oi bow 1 the et cash or the Sie 3 032 034957 a 2h Fo; dete bearing Ho Sad: pal Bae g ATE shding abiich are i sworn: of cash Mm they r redempizon ; 'reasury i classified af eres) depuvitaries \ ral $i a1 roa8 rn iw there are demand tabi ; amounting 1 $88. % Ah Balance on The Treasury Pepartment. Roberts, Treasures of the i sq His report of the rans during vive Just Bae eth Treasury Wis ger han at the close of that perations. which were of th in variety and mag- : in ote ws rihy changes afer currency. as well ax a healtivial growth af gold mm the general stock. ¢ revenues for the a9 pcrease of ] $44. 485 Ad es 4 sere the pext highes geoorded The AorPrRaa came af the heads meson. Bat + fd fporen Int) save. On the side of the expendi ¢ ye total on Sze: hy 383 has been eredud any $31 FEI endl] 186%, she REE srnidd \ fhe arnian of rr 17. (Rg was vatdder 32000000 § sche of the trapsat- the public debt, the ag were «S110 3% 100. and ents $1077.00, a repo ort on agricul Wh that the ie Suite 8 repre: i the United States ing yy § prelimanary 5 Huresg had somal “Ei lisl In 1000. per cent. Hnee & with oral SzIul 0 for Pensions Ihe epaditures of dur ng the fis fuly aggronate 1 ie 1h 200 ww asks siya rave ies $1 064.7 SR DRT SOR rmbt into West Peiat. of the Military okt sandurd of ad- geomets wi compo Aion anid Lit. rature. phys og xy snd Dygene *
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