and {; YOSSI (_oncerning | Borough—All the Happen Ings People and Thing al About You and Neighbor—Enterprising Business Men who are De- serving of Liberal Patronage—Keep Cupy for Advertisements, News Items, Ca - be 1 24t § Pan Reamer, astings Edith i of the Cor RIER. Can pated by H Busey pont Toesiay night lure bear being seen with a Seaton at Johnstown wean ig town Mr. Soanlon is lying at the point of gree Joss death, He was a former resident of avweny town. He hos been employed as of ork ti the at the Merchants Hotel until his recent it ee how he [llaess. i YA Breery Time at the opera bonsa 1 be drew a crowed house and the attend. worth of their oh HW whi house on suts received the '« prohestra of money. areish the mole, The. Byrd Mahiffey fell in love with one, will bei Feud from the | of the show girls who happened to be a man. ow al walt. Sove onr new line of H. C. Prutzman spent Friday last Aaltings, in the latest week at Ulenrfield watching the races. i Torrenoe Beckwith, of Glen Camp. (bell, was in town on Satorday. RF. Notley and H. J. Easley spent part of Wednesday in Ebensburg. ; John B. Hist, of the Welsler Store | Co., was in town on Tuesday. Drxewors Baow,, Patton, Pa nidrew Ladtay and Miss Van | fay morning for Pitls- w Lantsy will reside, eas given in the opera house ight in honor of Max Hon- day i Bhenshury. Beiter and Mat Frederick, | J 5 nine is agsin running fall Mrs T. Briddieman of Parshailvilie, | Mich, wis troubled with salt rheum | for thirtien years and had tried x nam: | ber of doctors without relief. After {two applicalions of Banner Salve, her pet ie in the mountain ; time she wan entirely onred. days ant nights I suffered of sabmtitates. All drogyists. froma at attack of chol- ; Lis by eating ea 5 DaWitt's Tinto early risers [Yer din. B Lowther, clerk sppolnt. They are safe, prompt, gen court, Centerville, Town. | 1 should surely din, snd. purities from the liver and bowels, different medicines but Hmall ae Teent for a bottle Of distress. (0. W. Hodgkios, Patton, | colle, holers snd Cand Hastings Pharmacy. Backache: ould never be neglected. odin, Piston, aud (ft means kidney disorder which, if al- | NR TUT lowed to ran too lung, may resall in ¥: Bright's clinsass, diabetes or other ser. | safferva trom indie Jour and often fatal complaints Foo A. LaDels, Usdar City, | ley's kidpey cure makes the kidneys Hers I tried many prepar- well, All druggists. ser found anything that good until | took Kodol WV wire. Ope bottle cured me. relish your food and feel dull after sat. bo nad suffered similariy 1 jeg you may know that you need x ol dympepuin dose of Uhamberiain's stomach and fast and will spon liver talieta. Price, 5 cents Sat Beforn be used Kadol | ples free at Hastings Pharmacy and C. indigestion had made. WV Hodgkins, Patton. This ems ini | £ ow. Hodgkins, | 8 A Ingalls, Crows Point, N.Y. Pharmacy. ! - far coughing, trouble fur rears, She wax induced to that any one try Foley's kidney cure and in loss : [than 4 week alter bottles cured her. Al druggists Cornhuskers! sprained wikis’ Hacerations and external injories of iment. Price 25 and 50 conte. C Ww. | Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings Phar A new revoedy for biliousness is now on sale at Hastings Pharmacy and C. |W. Hodgkins, Patton. It CATR FA 18 at AL lets. It givis quick relief aod will pre. vent the attack if given as soon as the first indication of the disease appears. Price, 2H cents per box, Samples free. Chas. R Wesmar, By rau sever Send] y and make me feel | ain, thorough, gentle. Evanston, IL, 1 treatment until we tried Foley's boney and tar, 6 | fore using ome bottle.” Take none bat . Foley's. All druggists. the beginning of a cold will save you many weary hours and even days of y Gholsonvile, Va distressing sud harassing cough. Price, “Your One Minute ives perfect satisfaction ton, and Hustings Pharmacy. say it is the best rouiedly | 5 | there is nothing so good as Chamb: {lain’s pain balm. Try it. For sale by 10. W, Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings ] Pharmacy, began t iL, she was groatly on ed Bein (sion ou those whose digestion is go wud, i called | | Chamberlain's stomach and fiver tab. | For sprains, swellings and lameness Pal _ ds. H. Morrow and A. G. Neff spent tle, effective in removing sil the im- and easy to take. Never gripe and To Mechs punt. hands became better and in a short : kins, Patton, a1 Beware : Your Eye Peeled for the, Job Printing, Subse ha is Anthorized to Tea 1 Happenad in a Droog giare “One day last winter a hidy my drug store and seked for & Brand of oomgh medicine ifs at I ald not have % ha : in stock,’ says Dr OR £5 Balin, B, ‘popular draggist © ¢ {Fite id Pash was diss pointed wd wants od ter know what cough preparation [could renomymend. 1 auid to ber that I oor id frosty reentamend Chamberlain oough remedy and that she con) i take n bots te of the remedy snd after giving it a fair trial if she did not find i worth the money to bring back the hatitle and | would refund the price paid. In [ihe course of 8 day or two the Indy carne back in company with a friend in | ped of a cough medicing and advised {her 4 buy a bottle of Chamberlain's eough remedy. 1 consider that a very fir, ,. good recommendation for! hei permed. tis for sale by CG. Ww. Hixigkins, Pat (tom, nod H astings Pharmacy. Rodol dyspepsin cure 1s not & mere | stimgdant to tired natars. 18 affords | the ptomach complete and atmo- | lute remt by digesting the food you eat. You don't have to dist but can enjoy all the good food yom tanh dyspepsia cure instantly relieves that distressed feeling aller INE givin, {yom now life and vigor, CW. Hodg- and Ser £ Pha ling antold tortare from plies, becanse ‘of the popular impression that they | cannot be enred. Tabler's buckeye pile ointment will eure {hem and the patient will remain eared, Price 5 Lewnté in bottles Tobes, ents 0 W. Hodgkins, Patton, shi Ha tings Fh | Pharinacy. When you have no appetite, Go pot school, gd absolutely harmiess.’ 5 5 tre Overy where praise {ue Uinute congh cure for the safferings x ein relieved and the ives of their C3ittle oes it has saved, Strikes at the root of the tronble sud dry inflaunation. cough cure. WwW, Hoye} os, Patton, yand Hastings Pharmacy A report from Bupt form the same io : Kodol oy. There are thousands of phople suffer. : wa out the The children's favorite wr us i bn writes i by Me ithe Johostown company, i 18 also Bepub CHEE { | ptlenraan in What was formvr ‘borough of ohare. now the Eighth Ward of other ¥ Francis do #5 ps for Judge lof « nari uth letters, Those who resd pars Hpinions, To the Bditor of the Johnstown Tribune, Rip 1 received the accomplnying : Jota Fada or tw )Es the pontents of | i merely wih Mr. vied badness i thing relalive 1h Li Yours taniy, Johnstown, (en 22 Y SH DA te He Vis chicas, And ber is the jetiae passiadl Mr. Harshbergir ane Tribune: { pneiousd Jodinstanwn, Pa ol 8, Be Mr. Freeman Herehberger. Prag Bre: If has come by my pars several tines that you are sine niating | La report sbott me which Is not ony {antrae, bat which vou must know sa ard represented as declaring that T was the : Heout of the whole cloth. You leader, or that took part in the riot | whleh ocetipred kt the armory In this GIL during A ik of a oe ; by the name of Shepherd somg two years sinew 1 was not only nod pres ent, bot did nod Enow taal the wid Wades was going to speak, and you vertainly | know this to bee a fact, or if yon he ad any doubts you toald wily have set {them at rest. Yon have known me for some years, and you have sever experienced aiiy injury al my bande i am not ‘only interested in the com. pany whinh employs yoo, bot Ha oft | cers are pambared smong my friends I believe if it were brought home to them that you are engaged in cireniat ing a villainous hie aboot me that you | would nol long retain your position in (thelr employ, You have a perf this eAmpAign, for thar privi lege of ir the glorious : Alri gu tat privilege or interfer wi ik but | do Bok purpose To be sland Fy or CRETE, The Pritsine 1 thinks it haat to pabiish ¥ Ly HRN Waki ; kinds are our special tie ; right to Appr whom you pleases ih any nein eitiven to any essnpaign and would In no Wiese eh A the Soot : ‘ rigor, am employes of Passenger Railway Kidney troyble, : Kidney tragble pauses quick or uintaady : shen ane fuel gw Hough | 5 becaung the Heart is We test your eye x £% and furnish Spectacie I cndes im ney refi x 15g OZER, The Patton Jeweler tritt matter Bros., MILL, Hastings, Pa. Mins ji ger ahr me ad Kal 3 Pos ai fe | "The Ol 1d Re Tiable ? Plumber, John C. ‘Gould, is still on deck All Kinds of W Ladi aN better prepared and Roach than ever to do all Lumber. work | in his Ine. B= Al kind =, of plies, porches, store fronts, win frames: con hmnlding sn = po en on stair work, dene and ds er} r work. racting Repairing promptl y at- tended to. JOHN C.GOULD, Yeager Building, Patton, Pa. Proora, mash, am hand Yonr Patronage Solicited. mon faite TT ered apd bed sboul in mallers wit : “which polities have nothing to do, and 1 flea uf | shall demand a relrsctun fale statetsent in every quarter where | I shail you have given 1t of roniation. furthermore require some evidence taal ion re ASHE } i i Tab es wit atten plexi to purpeteate REAinst me, J “ fiigek, re farm school, Pruntytown, W. Va, Oct. 18th, 1900. “After trying ali other ad yertised cough medicines we have de- ded to use Foley's honey and tar ox. Insively in the West V tegin reform | I find it the most effective, writen: “My wife suffered from kidney Happiness depends very much on the condition of the Hyer and Zidney's barbed. wire cuts, burns, bruises, severe i Any kind ate promptiy snd bappily | cured by applying Ballard’s snow lini. with hazed save x writes: “My boy 21 years old bad 4 we | vere cold which refased to yield 10 an¥ | of pad a very bad attack of kidney complaint and tried Foley's kidney He was completely cured be ‘two bottles’ ¥ 3% pid : leva, A “stitoh in time saves nine, ard a ry dsoef Ballard's horehound syrup at 8 Fonid if taken in time. 256 and BO conts, OW. Hixigkina, Pat The ills of life make but little impros You enn rogolate your liver and kid ‘peys with Herbine and enjoy | and baoyancy of spire. Coens OW, Tantingx Pharmacy. 0. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vi, hin child was completely erred of a bad cam of eczema by the use of DeWitt's Beware of all It | piles, c. w. Hodgkins, Patton, and : Hastings Pharmac ¥. Do you walter from ites? if so do’ ‘not tarn to surgery for relief Witt's witch hazel salve will act more Cquickly, surely and safely, saving you the expense and danger of an opera Hon. ©. W, Hodgkin, Patton, and; H astings Pharmacy. J. Odgers of Frostburg. Md, writes {eure which gave me 0 sprint Felinf and I was perfectly cans aller taking Be sun yan fake Foo All druggists. After exposure or when you feel o Conld coming on, take & dow of Foley's honey snd tar, It never falls to stop All draggisin, Apsiteation fist Lard Warrant. tad we Ban fed oie oe 3 edie soo or bee of vient Jand Howdy pownship, Onmba i oi nua bonrndead ms ads J Pomaniail ni the i North, Levi iewirs ony the West and wn i Com the Basth : —Sabwdeibe for and adverts ino in the instantly relieves Des | All drug. health | Prive, Hodgking Patton, gad BUYS ¢ Durk Night Bb wil acon to thu that thew are 4 goes many prod wien who are profing good wll prices for pod Billowing. | Aad Then Sou ay recall the fact that vise come Kind of good talaring i isnt 134% bw, ad vo Sh tn 10% i ie pret We wil Royal Talluring ~ garments made be The Rawal Tallin of Chicas me -tisy ius a span Bers poesds You WAY select ye, fr, and work mandi shop labir — tarsfaction frciney — faze eravagh, ma't 7 "TA man who buys tailesing soght to ae fo gonad nilaring. | Hae it good own if enn have to pay a high price fe i, hut # you can have good wishour the high price } Sue, In other words ‘Pay Liss asd Dress Better.” Wo Rave ihe exchidve local ale of Rows el asd af Ton bear Saale Le TOR keen wonr vorhat Hw wilde keine of choice that we expel ta 5 erry mau wha will lek ®t over, We to repay the wrong which you have : structing the stantly reliove and A pe rans niiyoures Pivapenaia, all other resuits o£ A RELIABLE DRUG STORE. | R .eshoro, every ANTHONY Sh FirstNation’ Bank OF PATTON. ” Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. i, hat you eat. ad Jrarttilciativ digesia Lie foeak and abds Natura in strengilening and recon : restive o CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. RURPLUS, $19,500.00, Acdbunts of {arporations, Firms, indivite- Lats aust Banks meeived Gpon The moet fasinras « Bie perrne sorsaintent with safe nd some vative 2 hal 24 Stwaenty feelin ov ante for all the leat i Teurthurn, Cds. Fomign Dsfis peysble in the principal 30% : sities ins Ont Wai 3 Ast SREP AS ee will have our prompt and > Sigestion. rt plas Sept HE rien bias a Listerent pa ah Sims Miguel tn Prepared by E. C. Ded £2 3Cou Caleago. 4 § patron, Wa. KH. SaNoroRD, CW. Hodzkios, Patton Pharmacy | : TE ag : President. Cashier. G Gann’ Pharmary, Hastings : Chop, Feed and Meal. Post seuipped Mii in North rn Cambria County, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR A SPECIALTY. kinds of Fapey Spring and a Wheat Flour, Whale Crain, Middiings, Brag Oil Meal Baled Hay low prices and Straw. kao we ean Patton Feed & Buckwheat Mills, Ww. J. PERRY, Proprietor. x: f ; Hans. Its the latent discovernd ¢ nt and tonie, No Giher preparati A approach It in elficlemiy, is oi Flatgience, | Biek Headach as mneh ditention ik paid fo see thal a five ovat purchase 3 4 sitisfactory 16 & customer an the tn dollar pars It means a deng a child can trade with as satisfactory 1 the homsl of the Saly choses, atop where Fens te as With and pire anit you. Hastings Pha rmacy, RE 5 shae fer, BP rp. 5 FB EVANS, ENTITY. HASTINGS, PA. jal FH Barn- kiab Cane hy this rep devs, We B fa % At Leas 5 tel, Es JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Collections promptly attended to. Dealer in real eatin, wes. Geo. Simmels sberger, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, Dirayi ing and Hauli short notice. ER 5 FRY. =, HEARTS Ae, PA. = ng done on § Ripnokedt Menta XW iube Pogitre and gains In
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers