ES ERASE UorP SPUN eT records. oe ou rmed wit eyes and curly bair, armed with A i protectorate over part of Bomalliand, "while another portion of the same re: the nominal contral of jtaly. The natives decline with thanks the girotectorate of Bugland and under | | & fanatic leader the Mad Mullah, are they at- ¢hi dish imaginings, and dH Sr ARH 2 A A Bi eg eb 3 BN Sl mS ik KEPT A SECRET. FOA SEVEN YEARS, a nd who Tatight School Daring the Kevested by ao Pupils Marder. A kiss 1s the new factor in criminal It has broken the seal of a pevén vears' secret. brought a war. derer to justice, end revealed the man in woman's clothing who had for sea- oo mons derelved an entire community “Jennie” Sears of Huntsville, Ark, who was arrested vregently as the ‘man wanted for a erime committed in western Texas. was betraved by a kiss, The ethics of the kiss masculine and the kiss feminine does not so mich ‘enter Into the evidence as the simple | physical fact that “Miss Jennle” had 80 long neglected the barber. There fore, when a little girl carried away the excess of her affection for the - #mweet young school teacher, threw her “arms about her neck and planted her rosy lips full on Miss’ Sears’ mouth, - 8be became conscious of a curious iprickling sensation. Being a ¢hild of an inquiring turn of mind, she medi- | : tated on the evolved a theory, and it wis her &x- planation of this unique discovery that (led to the detection of one of the clev- | . erest desperadoes that over eluded the | | sherift phenamenon til she AR has heen told, “Jennie” Sears had an admiring sudience in the little r- todenl Fourth of July when both Bad | jarstion of ally when asked why he : | woman's garb, asserting that ft was MAN WHO POSED AS A WOMAN | ; | Biers Eamity Betwesa Oren tion — Fugutive for on Awful | Alongress. Adams In office. the On the day of Inauguration friendship and tal settlement of Arkansas. Her ap- pearance was the immediate sequence muphoa yi. xa KB cr warergeiyily., Pears had worn caster to make a living as a woman than &s a man, are ot A RWIS i BRAT Sl JEFFERSON AND ADAMS, Se Esrly Presale ste i Thomas JeMfereos oad john Adams were two of the hori of men In ta notable body, tie Dootiaal Ur AY inane, Toy tlio they worked fOr ¥ i independence, together they served on | the committee to draw up the declara- i tion, and for more than a dozen years | alter were the tloges! friends. Political differences, alas! comfdants and | i Bereen. separated them, and their close friend. | ship was replaced by the bitterest ani. mosity, Both beeame presidents, and) i strong presidents, of the country they had done so much to bring Into exict. ance. “Rut so sharp was the estrang > ¥ 4 of Eoee Pr 8 Oio troah | men! between theses now gray-hal «1. dar-Pu. and Goi, fre rivals that upon Jefferson succeed. nf latter. late at plight of his Inst day as president, ao pointed and signed the vommisgionz of & number of judges that congres; had just created. rather than let Jef Fv The slur of "midnight jodpes long attached to those thus elevatyl Adams left the city rather than sss the oath ad. ministered to Bis old ramrade This feclish and unfortunate guayrrel ig the greatest stain on the memory ol after years had passed, renewed their then until death eed tHe fiftieth anniversary of that his. signed the a Ww hen go firmly and proudly fnttependents, [Afar [oll the deathade w (Oming Hj hie own forehead he thought loving tol his old ‘thongh Adame knew it not : CYENNIE” SEARS | a singularly eold-bloodsd murder in | the. Lote Star gtste. The victim, ag | comrade, already 4d ad aan wii Mves! he $310 ha murmured Vind gvnr!” and Expired. ANOTHER PETTY WAR, Sa EA Creat ritalin Hay Aoother Confliot on = om mon to Her Hands in Atrios Seldom if ever is the great Brisa Wars are continually empire at peace. going on in one quarter of the world ar another, generally of course, with shvare tribes and in PER aR mo reals from eividzation that th ing Wags: The flerce strogle | against the Doers 1s familiar through | newspaper repurts in every colviliped land. and yet while this war was belog | waged in South ‘Africa Eagiand was Cin conflict with thé natives of the Gold | Coast colony of Kumasi, on the wes | eonat of the Dark Continent, { Boing ended, i ihis time in Somaliland, Gn the east i Hmenned 19 Teach PFehool When a petite blonde with sky blue | education and musical aceom- plishments, sought pupils in Hunts le, she was accepted much as & gift from a benignant Providence. Charm- confiding young wemen, with possibilities in the social line, are au: over «day occurrence fn that adison sannty Presatsy 1. abe bee char trustees yielded pp volee, “Miss Jen- “in open | tarkisd | MacNell and were it not that the Brit. | ish were entrenched it is not unlikely + | that they would have suffered heavily. | {As It wag they lost ten men. | Mullah was defeated and retreated, Lo | rally his forces anew and again attack trade sas: | const, Susp gonth of the Gull of Aden, England A eroivas ar seeks In exercises gion Ix unde; revolt. Recently British forces ander Captain + when opportunity offers. | half, saying: . seats, my son, and lemonade for both 4 ¥ oe) x { - shiny face fairly | cine fnfuence cof you! glowed as Ne took the cash and faint ily asked: “My son, 1 have never known When a boys gets 0 to the stage where he washes his neck | ht | and ears without somebody telling him dh 2s; ¥ | to do it, he bas a girl and a creas in| 0 in ; | his mind.” at oughen who the sus the person of a tictan, I; Bressed his Bult in and i the sign to fail oh ool she arsently bind > y Ditroutsed, The Jounal 4 3 e d in turn er pricking sensa- tion already alluded to. Mary made comment at the time, bot when that ing she ¢limbed upon her father's axperienced the same stinging of | tender skin from his unshaven | i sage the euineldence moved her to er story, at first discredited as brought to mind other happen. ; So era was the matter ; n “Miss” Bears that when Irving of Baird, Texas ar- h 8 hig Warrant he rounded up finally be- ! muse, imide OSH PAE Sure Nign of a Uirens A Wanego, Kano, observed by his father scrubbing the “That The boy's “How did you know, dad?” a a ir. A Hen on a Phessunt's Nest A correspondent of the Field, who | keeps a certain number of common purpose. of | hatching pheasants’ eggs, states that | about a month ago one of these Ness | i suddenly disappeared and was | barn-door bens for the j up as lost. She turned up seain res | cently, accompanied by nice | nine others, lately hatched off. The hunted the pheasant off the nest. or else takap possession while she was out feeding. | L—London Globe. i hen must have either Br: tout». Great Men Who Deapised Music. 1t is gaid that Edison despises music enllarly | | averse to its charms. That is a strange * Many believe that a person: who does not love music has ng soul But some of the acknowledged geni- | meen of history, among them true po. ots. could not bear the sound of the and that Nikolas Tests is prey freak. sweetest melody. Byron had po ear | for music and neither vozal nor instru. slightest mental afforded him the pleasure. Edmund Burke, whose ora. tory wag music to his audiences, hated Daniel O'Connell. still a hall of these ran away trom the 80 nd ¢ of muse. thames yer Corres; sondend from Death ema to ith : ¢ gensral pub. { He searcely warns of thom. This war snother ham sprude up. | The Mad lad, who is noted | ee | tor his careless attire and citer disre- pe > Anil | gard for cleanliness, given | i UTS 0 haiehiels in INE a hile Westion : young | “3 s | pheasants newly hatched ont The! keeper searched round and discovered i the same field, near the pen uo | wild pheasant's nest containing five i rotten eggs and the shells of about! Charles James Fox, another | thems two intellectual giants at Rs iday. | They repented it for seven years played the woman 10 | TE MARKS PITISRE Ha. Crenln. Fioar and Feed Two of the & HIRAW oN haat Lat <¥ "Wk 7 a Dairy Protas Fn vreaiaery a Chin érvamery Fianey BEE Fy rol i cE RErsE Olin, pw New York, pew FPoaitry, oo (Heweper I... L008 CHIT R ENR esa Fralis and Vege wiria nee Leawe por amid OB CYAYOEN Fancy white, # Hi LAEBRGE por REL, Uxioxs yer barra BALTINOR ferson select men of his own way ol r HER ¥ ager Patent 5 & Tw +5 Fach thinking for thess important offices | DM"! s 4 tend was Kote het Fadia : ea Boies Ohio creaimnrye. PHILADELF HI Y Frov Water jalen REE co Tha : Loan LIVE SPO. Contra! Risek Waris Eoin Lis CATTLE ~ ; r. HEY Lh HR Des, PORNO i XTi wlan SH Wh ao Hons Pais pddiom weigins Hew Lousy yorkere and ELEY. Exton, meaadines woiois adhe ¥ Covoni 12 Aho, nd af. ni 16 Lacie. common Binney Lami Vea, exten, Vem, pp mek u3h bes MARKED IMPROVEMENT. Th: Business Sky Almost Clear — Phanom ina Lhipment of Whaat Abroxd Passi. mits Pradiction; Not Verifiog a RR A RG wn & 0s BR ai Even ig cottof bev the slowest vigorous fans of Ppravemnent Pressure a Was one day ng reds 4 | became #1 0 dirt from his face and neck. The par ¢ i Lent has a pretty long memory, and as | «visions of his early days came before | him he handed his son & dollar and a will buy Iwo a : fvort the guaniily | dale iv Prone tions far whiar are view of the genera CrEdae pRiltaies of wand! FAG Heures CXHoris hwlow he . Baoveient the Sear rag weoeka ¢ yp 4 iy 5 po ox Ee ta ve Ah wal Cire Wore xii Ye seal xe TRG Ay ey $7 Bent Angnset how ever, grogating These Gani ths Sau Lo parts, ust alls Psirts aad cane BE oi Dnetual sate of WB ¥iend of Doaewiaws aes ba, hese Ehinn efile Vy gre falling Ho Atlan axniris fo wink were hut 407 500 Bushs EA a a i di 2 RET GT have a vear apo and 4 Pocrits Weal HE rent with A428 io SISNET bushels last vear tha farses Hew sr ¢ month efi 3 wi ix nimusr clear an than of work at an the pr witpetive Lapa eid orders for ; ere iG the dr reinstated Bok Ee Boo 3 conned fall poonis } ions Peli $ Bank exch vent iarger t ey Teall ite ¥ and 25 per CEH , bv. Al searvity of frotani cars bods bag & arse tong, 23.8 over INE) Quotations of steel products arp sil nominal owing to the difficulty exper fenced in scouring prompt delivery, 1 1s estimated that not more than 2 per cent of the steel company’s capacity has been stopped by the strike and | | tus Proportion dali decreases. cotent Ta Aurciax ar enurrent prices | kL tase izon thar railway tary nes thos l far reporvied for August show a sala | of 121 per cei over Misi year amd} Lae frst eed dt Aver's Sateapariiie : in the fad of 1548, Since then | have taken ir every spring 8s a blood - purifying and nerve. | streng aening medicine,’ n 5. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans, NW If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your § erves arc weak ‘and your § blood is thin, then begin | to take the good old stand- ard family medicine, Ayer’ s Sarsaparilla. | It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood | builde I. sovarete an ii — what Ka thinks of Aver 3 RiNpoE fhity Fru * ES Se Siw ndvide pail Shad 4 ATER Ch, Tawell, Mans, “her VP That's what you need; some- thing cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digestion. Sal Pills are liver pills. hey 4 cure con- stipation and iliousness. Gently laxative. An clugzins, Tob ® oat Hay rm pen Eh banda april bhoak Vo Then ag BUCKINGHAM'S DYE! Whiter Be Son se Sein uive dn in EL Wks SRO Mares x Catarsd Traoos by War, In view of Me, Cla dheris ins i Seley ahr nay has { SEE eR ch A rhe, Thee dane prs To wee FER. The temnh “lyre SY ih are ERE %3 rotates] of Bn LT phe iy Lo geria, rhat of : was pale bide Wars of aw It va EVES fa arensioin The Ew bh at rho a Afgan 5% wl baad Cciinng and prisoners Jk fis aver Bape tie Pay Copvinaie Ferrnint of disviod 3 te dein. and eventumiy Mai solves atl on nubenee That tie LER Wee vipy glad To ose Oe aE RON 3 A perieal of Ave Secale bet tees a fash of lighting apd thimsier Seals shut the Bash ja a nile dean rem tha abhserver Thunder has ever testy heard over 14 miles foam the % flash: though artillery las been heard Cat 120 niles. he first patent was granted to Rammed Hopkins in 1390 for makisg “pot or pears dalien Porvan Farxron Drm do notepad streax or give viar goods an anevenly dyed appears ape, Sod by wi drs Tinta, A BR SAE AAA It has been estimated that it will re quire eytity dive men working every dav 1} nntil RT to weesrih the entire reine of Pomped, TT Hew's This * Wao offer Ome Handred Dollies Beard fo any case of Chlarrl 154% cannot be Halls Catarrh Cura. PJ Carnes & Co Proow. Toladn Va tha undersigned have known FJ ney fiir tim Dawe 15 years and helices him foetly Baparahie in all business transaetio and Saancisliv able to carey ond any obligs- | ton wade be vaeir fem Wan: A & Teriy Wholesale Dirugpiste. Taleda, € Witnrsa, Krwwmaxy & Slaaves, Diraopies, Toledo, Chin, Hall's Catarrt Core ia taken internally act. ing directly apon ths blood snd MUTOON ST. tacew of the sistem. Price. wer Dott, fold be all Draggiets, Testimonies Troe. Hails If ami br ii is are the bow. in Whidasile Kans {ty Ms. has a ity forewior whose daly ib is to plant and protect rees on the put ALY tE. Rent For he Rowels. Na matter what alle ven, Realas ha ta a aencer, Yoa will never pet well antl vane baowsls srs put right. Caxdanzrs Help patie, enrw wou withont nw zrips & emay paliyral movements ciel 3 cents to dart geitiag vour health back, Cas cxnzvs Candy Catharsis, the gennine, = wp fn metal Loses, eTery Jalies has CoC, < stamped on it. Deware of tmitations. A chestnut Tres planted by ward, grows Besds the tomb o ton at Mit 2 For re Years Frey's ¥ crmituge Liane, HAFY sling oi Hea le: aia the nerve to arfaid Tea On i: rsoklyn ‘NN smmpies A single ir Ametie ST firm nas rented six teva shops i Vienna, Austria, to sell Nankee nade shoes, Ci i A EI 5 Mi Ap Ss A nes asd ald oxr glass pattern in a clrenlar spiral effect ds called | the "Orohid,” Black walnut is less thio half the Lwaloht of a corresponding guantit fof ebony. , FITS permanently eared. No fits or narrones | | ness aftir first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Kerve Distorer. 5 trial bottle and! seenting frag Jiatie Pa ir BH Rtaxy, Lad, ; $51 Arch se fatnad naturally be aus wie oa Bw stare il Pe 1a Stn pb i mint fens + Mes, Winslow's Knot! ning mein far shit Teen ROSEN ths gions, radnosd inlastme Prion Waves pan csowin dandy, Bia dab | teething, Fos man whe males Alarm Cooke paght bor Coal renting Dasitens Dine wo {vs ia the best muadie me we ever neal innes Wu, | fer a3 n¥entians of throat El LU. EXDELEY. Vanharen, ind, Feb. 10,1900, fi fiont ys ths af the wr Te Area of Xan 7m ge 8 Ye of putivating inlke tha mal {arity of remedies far head. elias a fearfiaad Headaehs Powders postal | sothitng that harms ar ders gos the svstem, CF ihin ie tha g nice t sind ses? su vessel tome duy rt red. A fra JE ves ia war ih : Hertian v EERn, of &: Loi ww, Mo, bas eanyiruicted a Tt irish bath house ts TUN AK KB S70 0 OY £900 TO 5130 A YEAR EEE We want ainlileeiv Men wal Women ay Traveling Reprewentatioes or Lawl Managers, | saiary Sed to Sikes a ved: swell 8 ex gocskaing tO FEper Anse amd Alidy ears duel relareses ainyrs salary BS 10 Jil a word Avid ECR iRRil Gene aaliag utes The Tithe frcated Few stemn For Pat] nations aad tute position predered Adds ress, Be ent. B 1 res Bursary x ota : ANS. Eu "REY DISCOVERY: _~ J rioni pu Tf wed pares wo and ID dave a Cow KE SERA tori Sus Avissis. Su Loeree Nance hat made (Went Polue Piatt oan eglinkry bes not MCIEHENNY'S TABASCO. areal welghing it oangl shnwa x 0 Faveizhiy the fMvethaussaudts part of 8 Eoound, sa that 1 takes S040 bees 16 Lminke a pound sui the omded hee, | Aekds and when (it comes in fresh from the i yr - g Wa amo = pa onded, SE pach CWE Baxias mils more 33 Sinarse shoe BL Bs S450 ot Cov oe frofghted with Lhopeyoalen wei oe Bless mere. | TT er XK KX * * %k & %* % ® x Tr XX AOR A Kk RX Itai add resoris and Aiwavs will, the inte ant ag Aches and 7 Paine Acts like magic Conquers x Rk * = AXE Rokk af Preventing wach x olf Cue. * TN aa tions Fxnignatione of Botanien! Practics Carreet Use of Ordinary Herbs x x RUge ny & New Fditon Revised nnd Fularped with Book in the house there i no excuse f4r pot knowing what to do in an ene Pon’ t waif until von have ness in ywur family hefnrs your order, but - send at once for this valuable vo lume Send Dostal motes or pstage stamps of say dencmination aot Inger un or 3 psd piv J Do not at fe wee the Canadian Exhibit : hen you vist Hefain A Slight [iness Tees bi at Oren will Frequently and A This in 3 most ¥ aluable . Book for the eH: unehiold, teaching a8 it does the x esmiv dustinguished Symptons of differ. Ihweases, the Causes and bh Dhseuses, and 120 5 Loa Pages, Profune.y Hiustrated. d Means jo pest Remedies winch wil alieviate This Pook is written in phil ereryday English, and i» free from the techloal terms which render most dove or Books a0 visueiess 10 the generality of readers. This Hook =» mtended to be of Servies ¢, and is so wonled as Ty understood by all. By SO Cts $a The low price oniy being made yogmhile he the immense edition ham hy printed. Not only does this Buok cntain so much Information Rel tive to Ihseases. but very property gi es a Unmniete Anaivsis of every: hing pertuning to Usartship, Mar riage snd the Pro sehitetion and Rear tr of Healthy Famihien! together with Valuable Recipen and Prescrip {lamplete Index. "ONLY 5 CENTS POST.PAID. With this .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers