Ss aR oie. LP ER EE a ae i £ : 1 + { & + ¥ GbR APU i Ws About the Different PATTON, CAMBRI A co, p A, THU RS >D AY, AU GUS ST 2 29, 1903, $1.00 PER YEAR. TF mL, CRIRINAL eouRY. {Pe Large fas of Cases fur the aeiitey. thon of the Grand Jory, Oring Court will convenes st Eb | pnshurg pn Monday, Sept 2. Proscens {hors and thelr witnesses mi ost bos Teves Lent on the days that the cams in which * i they are interested go before the Grand , | Jury, defendants and thelr witnesses need not be present until the day set for trial. FOR GRAND JURY SEFTHMBER 20. Commonwealth va. Shandor Cohen, Roads i in Pati tardy; Ella Knapp. | Stephen Madigan, fornication and bastardy; Hannah Mobley. William MecClare, fornication and bastardy; Clara Williams. {| Wiliam B. McCortney, fornication | asd bastardy; Ella M. Bowers, _ William Neff, assanlt and battery; | David Plummer, Elizabeth McClure, ssmsult and bat John M. Lapotha, assanlt and bat ey; Annie Lapotha, | lseorge Barnhart, assault and bat ery, Delila Ross, ; intent to rape; Thomas Perrin. ro Jesse Green et al, assanit and bat | by the a York Cen ery, Pritz Karson, * year My » drowiy was | John Latha, assault and battery: wn, N. ¥,y winch position he Joseph Kowalisk, assault and bat : ey; John Latoha the. Poaneyivais division i Mary BF. Wills, assault and battery: Yor BDJ Wits fulin Forgaca, assault and battery: : Kittie Kopyar. Tharies Delete, sssanlt and beat | J iy; Alfred Deletire. . lotin eC. ow it, sesanlt and battery; a GRAND JURY, SEPTEMBER HARE, wkd a aud battery; prosecutor, George pe {| Btabolek ¥. gre (Rehiris, assent and balleryy otah oon |. lamael Long, sesapit sud batiery; ehoug S| Mbel Hauser. lass din : ws James F oust. wi id Cowhan, violation Pare Yood "lls; James Foust © AM. Haupt, violation Pure Food a, James Foust. Pod ln; James Foust Fod law; James Foust. Fod law; James Foust. Phomas J. Fearl, aggravated assanlt ad battery; M. H. Miller. CA. Fifer. | ad battery; John Dibert. {Jhn Dibert. i oy Dibade. © | Garles Dibale. | Ubaries Dibale, adultery; Minnie | Lidley. 1a; George Eller. : loseph Golumbos, assault and bat. i tey with intent to rape; Mary Gall. Mize. : | dary McAlecr, assanlt and battery; : Ree Carville. v | Wham McDevitt : Alois Hildebrand, assaalt and bat. ey; H.C. Wright FOR GRAND JURY SEPTEMBER 4TiL sommonweaith ve, Julius Vendorf, | : sont. headed by the laseny and receiving; prosecutor oo Cornet Band, will be held. | Gorge Brown. al and. dance. i Firomen's | lonivant Stieger, malicious mischief, abn Say der. robbery: William Hofls Will go te Phiaciphia. ima. Patton Fire Department will | Seve Dobranski, horse stealing; Ye state Sremen’s convention, | Gorge Simelsberger. will be held in Philadelphia in Hke Broskinski, perjury, Steve Daa. ,. The boys will travel in a body, ® i ive not decided as yet whether il go over the New York Cen- the Pennsylvania railroad. Nike Litka, suboruntion of perjory ' Stee Dunski. Mke Litka, burglary: John Coskey. y firemen from this place {Jan Gumza, defranding il Reepor; attendance. It is not wo- Matin Drink. Lo that t ey will be accnmpanind | oh n Mottin, horse stealing; Angie Fe Favipayiinnns Rewmseh woof a Jolomstown WN UNFOR I J fornication and bastardy; prosecutrix, _Jobn Juanda, fornication and bas Tony Bell, ssanit and battery with | Wd. RK. Piper, violation Pare Food XB Balkeld ot al, violation Pare | W. J. Weakiand, violation Por Anthony Werner, violation Pare Iharies Estep, larceny and receiving, | john (. Bentley, felonions assaull ] John C. Bentley, concealed weapons, Minnie Dailey, violating lguor law | Minnie Dalley keeping bawdy bots : deory Goldberg, violating gor) Jiram Walters, assaglt and battery; pa Second Meinber of it to Meet a Violent Death. ‘WAS HIT BY A POLE. f Jas. W Sharron, or SL 51. Awgasting, Roverved | Carremperndion Manager Keilor last n ht closed an Engagement with the Hastings team of tis county to ome to fohustows | next Saturday, one 3 with the Athletios. Patton tad a team t at (thing in the sodnty except ton andl this year Hastings has a team of Are made some one gains by it. We made several the same caliber. Muny people Saf Injars While on » Trotisy Car from | this season. The first one was when we bought ENTIRELY A SLOW Km Feit ¥ Se Hastings foam, hot the manage of, "WhiR he Died. Father Rising Four yes TOO MANY Children’s Suits. Piles of these ou our the latter Organization assures Mana-. Ago This Momih : Ber Keller that he wiil show the Flood | : —— nor expecting. . Johustown corres | pondent to the Pittsburg Dispateh. John and Mrs. Eilers Sharon, of po ‘Except Jobastown” Either the aforesaid correspondent is woefully ignorant of base ball history Waverly Field near Altoona while {coming in from the park on a crowded | day night. varicates. Johnstown never did bave : tise ball team thiat donid bent Patton | 12 had gone 10 the park with », when the latler was in iis prime. As 17°PF mas ssmed Chas. Cupples. | the time the correspondent. refers to, | TVeY Were standing on the running when both Patton and Johnstown Doacd. Sharon. warned his compan | bad the best nines in their history, a | {jon to beware of the poles. A moment | series of five games wis played, all of} later She cotidustos éasme tion sells | . | them in the Flood City except one. | ing fares. Sharon left go: one hand, "| Patton won three out of the five games, | to reach in his pocket and threw back ‘even with the dissdvantage of playing his head too far. He was strack bya "| before Johnstown rooters like the Dis. | Pole and knocked off the car The patch man. More than that she can do © WA stopped and Sharon was | the same trick again for money, blood, Picked op, taken to Altoona and sent marbles or fun any time Johnstown © » the hospital. His sknll was frac. vise your base ball history, Mr. Dis Gay morning without regaining oon. | patch man. It needs it baitly. : : de also met a violent death | . mo e Bil four years ago this month. While re ; x = of sonal, be fell fromm the wagon Bear to Pay for Hi " Ken the farm of Tim Sheehan and ther Win, Hopes, & Polwader \pesiding in Beary vehicle passed over bis body, ¥ tured. He died at 1140 o'clock Sun- | a | gets conceited enough to try it. Re. Children’s Regular Ps 00 Vestee Suits Reduced to $3 counters. _Tmink of this now before school comes again. in good | Augustine, was fatally injured ax 2 00 o Suits, $1.50 0 Suits, a NY : . That is, $1.25 Suits at in this county or else be wilfally pre-. trolley car about 10:30 o'clock Satar. | | Remember these are nice Vestees All Men’ 5 and Boys’ Summer Suits reduced away down: Men’ s Regular $15 so Suits Reduced to $12 50 : ; 14 £0 Rk a $# ie we 12 30 Pe ‘ : is Eo 11 ~% wi Boys’ 1200 it 1000 1 + = 350 i ix i &% Fi Fie) aE WF 1 a eo as 3 Ee 2 2 oor ~ The same liberal reduction given on all ; Bis Irie Gr Ye SWE Cals Bins i it Lo * pm Prog Bitebs Hah Ph 2 is 5 35 J . a VEE CL 5p % A |S 5a > ra a wa at portion of town knewa ws Robi, | inflising injuries from which bo died. Clothing not quoted In above prices. scaivilie, was before Justiveofthe | Jamies W. Bharon was horn at Si Tiwmday eveniog. Angustion in March, i376 He has | 5 § dhutructiog the work of been in the enploy of the Pennsyl- thes “ts wet Chit etd From the testimony sddoeed it ap year as a brakeman. He x survived ars that the Boroagh owns & weil ad: i by bis mother, one brother and three from which a number of his peighbory at home, May, of Aloona; and Mrs imwnre their wapply of water. Re lawra Wharton, of Blandsburg. He The members of the family st St manger, procesded to OH up We ote Augustine were wotifiex) of the AGE ‘owned by the borough, dent, but did not reach Altoona unt ROR roll £3 CRT pRnY for lest ® at Hier at £G¢ San HM Some S100 and &2¢ Shirts nicked out and on sale Men's Shoes in ¢ lines (ut 25 per cent. Same in 3 : 5 ria Dea pad Rd of to the pewidenc of Mr. Rogers, sisters, ss follows: John abd Catherine, LSOTHE SLY Ch Oh Poy 5 eumtiy the Polander dug a well of hin was a member of the Catholic church. K a1 sione - | and Shoe (o Sewn, und emalsting the dog in the Be : : Pein Papnile gi iy ANS ARMIAEE . Hmmon wealth vi. J. ML. Bhieidy, as | Street Commbsioner Storm 45 after his death. Ils sister May was [Directly Opposite Bank. Lemnpted to repair the damage, whan with him when be passed away. | Rogers tarned on him with a volley uf | The reinains were taken 1o ab guder- thirests and oaths Lhat would have pat takers, whert he was prepared for | | the army in Fiasden lo shame. Re burial, and later to his late buarding | Was prowptly arrested. The case wis bose, thie residence of James Corling, mottled later on ihe basis of Rogers 307 Maple avenue. The foseral was pay ing the costs and also “ooaghing beld of 36 Augustine a § o'clock on Jap’ for having the weil thoroughly Tuesday morsing with interment ia the Cleaned, a total of $7.17 7. : Catholic cemotery al that place. CARROLLTOWS Fam DF SUCH 15 Te KINGDOM. An i fhe Srwed rogram for the Tho Paps Foor Baie Owes Bho Have Ham Catied | Next Week, : Frou: Bart's Serrews : The Carrolitown fair will be held Mr and Mrs 8S J Wilner, of near ‘next week Wednesday, Thursday and town, mourn the loss of their infant Friday. The speed program of tie dssghier, aged nine months, who races is appended: died of cholera infintam on Thorsday WEDNESDAY, evening. The funeral was held at St. 3:00 Trot or Pace, Parse $200. ‘Marys RC. church oa Batarday 2:98 Trot or Pace, Parse $240, Wovning st § o'clock, with interment THURSDAY, 5 the Cassidy cemetery, 2:33 Trot or Pace, Purse §200. An eighth-months oid daughter of Free for all, Purse $300. Mr. aud Mrs Joseph Beckwith, of Lang syenue, died at midoight on Mon- FRIDAY, ‘day of cholera infantom. Rev. Dr. 2:40 Trot or Pace, purse $300. | Draver tonducted the funeral at the Road Race, for gents’ road horse, hogs on Wednesday afternooo ab (pare, 360, 3 o'elock, Interment in Fairview cem- i Ge Joe Spahr Cute the Teatn. | etery. i | Friends of Mr. Jowsph 1 Spabr, the! A" infant won of Mr. and Mm Ww. ) funny common counciiman from the Hubbard, died oo Friday afternoon, | Fourth ward, were very much soos aged ten Wee ks, The fanern. was held ? | at the sensational run he made to catol *' the residetioe on Sut day at 4 o'clock 1 la train at the station at 8 o'clock P™ conducted by Rev. Dr. Deaver, go { Monday morning, when Pacific expres °F he M. E. chareh. The mierment left for the west. Joseph had a heavy | "2 In Fairview cemetery. grip in one band and a bottle of wei The prevalent disease, cholera infan- goods in the other, anal just fot front dee FRED claimed the monib’'s ld Lait of the gates as the train started off. He Mr and Mrs. Geo. Chobe, of Flanna. ran op to the platform of the pear cur, gan Ray, on Friday evening. The in. {and tossing his suche! on board, grab: ferment was in the Catholic cemetery | hed the rail with his free hand and on Sunday allernoon, swung abroad. He was red in the fale, ‘3 bat very happy. - - Altoona M ror. How About if Gewege 7 A rewiile sat of Pat wa, while retarn- Rinkead S04 Out ing from a Philadelphia on fast ¥. H. Kinkead, who has oo Aap the billiard and pool room & 20 stare in the balling adjoining Commercial Hotel for over three year | past, has dis of the same to DD Holes and the taty ir took posstas! Tuesday evening Mr. Kinkesd siill | retains the news stand and will renandn a i as 23 £2 = 5 in the same le ation for the presen 4d Fetiows Pelt Patton lodge No, 188, LO. OF, Lwill hold a basket picnic at Westar on Tuesday, September loth, Those gatherings of the Odd Fellows do much to promote the spirit of fraternity | ‘among the members and are yory hay ing ver property destroy od sidons successful social events. That the 008 pq thrown down,and mean to have NEW hin year will not be an exception goes it stopp CHARLES ANNA x Rae law or diracts We wie getting ¢ tired ¢ | Fn , i | mi A Sure Cure For Pain. In this preparation w e have concentrated about twenty years study, ond in compounding it, use the purest drugs, and feel safe in guaranteeing it 10 do what we aim It will cure any pain, internal or external. Full d firections ; inside of each package Price 25 Cents. OUR GUARANTEE. If you purchase any one of our gan preparations, and it does : vou no good, we will, spon the FP of the empty botile ar isckage, retum your money jost as {reely aa we took i. We feel safe in saying thin, becanse we know the goods ave wight and all that we clans them Ee PATTON PHARMACY, CW. Hodgkins, Prop. Pars to Save Our Cath Register Checks. Are vou going to fake line of tranks and valises just
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