ERR 3 NEV ES PEE A RHE Rh TO Es ‘the saddest of the year.” renewing scquaintances in town on : ny. ; Labor 1 ny 5 resi pany ai 13 15% 8 companied by bis wife. friend, Wm. L. Meehan. “and his bride on Friday evening. torial talk on John Bunyan at the “ mpails Geo. , Coen B Worth as soperintend. | Pittsborg diocese, has been WH Wagoner, one of the oldest | School. = © loitisens of Clearfield county, is th shool. | guest of his daoghter, Mrs P. TF. : “AtEm, { Young. ~~ September, ~:Oysters R here. traveling for the Patton Clay Mfg. Co. .~Renben McPherson, who has been In this your paper ? for the past five months, is in town | this week. ~The fine atable of Charles BM Begin fall advertising. Mother's bread at Mellon's. Pine job printing the eoviirer office. poi . . gia damage was done, LiThe Carrolltown Fair is in foil blast. fo : wh Gi i commissioners of the state of Ponge ~The new Pittsburg exposition 18) cuicania will he held at Belisfonte now open. | September 24, 25 and 26. Sehwab at Loretto was struck by the | | electrical laid Friday or Saturday. No ~The anraial convention of connty Great Reduction in Prices. «Are vou registered? Wednesday aries Mollie Mellon is on a visit, was the Inst day. Fresh broad. cakes, buns, pies ate. | several days at the Pan American et at Mellon's, «daily. | position before returning home. 0d newspapers for sale at this! Geo. MacDonald Flynn, of Altoons, offen 5 cents a bundle. at Mellon's. Try it. through a siege of typhoid fever, 8. 0. Daggett was visiting relatives IW H Denlinger was in Tyrone on in Bellefonte this week. Monday attending the funeral of “Born--Tih Mr. and Mrs Ress | Harry Brooks, a traveling salesman, Leary on Friday -a boy. i who wis wail-known in Patton, "The melancholy days have cami, C _.If yom are in need of a new sult of . : * plothes dem't fail to see our new fine if ~Born-To Mr. and Mm NF fall snitings fost rece ; % a as don 4 Passue Bros, Shaas on Saturday a Bon. : Mes. Harry P. Good is on a visit if you want fine lanndry work, 4 i leave your lanndry with WE Pri ith her parents in Chicago. op BY ’ : : : » pe 3 ‘hert, the barber, Magen avenue. Hw There are about ten cases of dliph- agent for the Empire Bleam Laundry. theria in Patton at present. in town Taesday on business. {careful inspection of the same Dani rE ©. Brown was in Huntingdon | pc pn mew anit antil you have ween Vt pH county last week on hosiness. thik display. / {AE ¥ “Richard Lilly ie erecting a nite _donble house on Magee avenue, Miss Byrds Hurd is enjoying the cor sed sights at the Pan-American pxpoailion. presumably on sooount «harles Lloyd, of Lock Haven, attractions, was vigiting friends in town Inet weed, he Catholic picuie Badd at Short's Prank © MoCiure was attending a | Grove Monday ¥ Was wed wedding in Juniata connty this week. Paar Giaedl mind Mrs 8M. Wikon and Mm, Jay Yor med Hoy, of DuBois, were in town this Rp week. : «For a good shave hair ont or ¢ poo call on Garfield Witking, #4 avenue, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Kane are visit. 8roes in town on Baturday. 3 Pris Ee | Yul i, SRK & fis : St 3 Fgud Pits ahs YT, EHP PRT gaint. | ing friends and relatives in Jeffirsan Prttom Fire Dn, No. 1 has peivesd | county. La oheok for #30 from the Pennsylvania is “Miss LaRue Winslow, of Bent railrosd company in recogpition of | gotte, is visiting her sister, Mra IL 1B. heruic werk in extingaibing the re 1 A : Ka Barton. pant confingration at the anion sal rh L Jos. A. Gray, the congenial boni- | woofs of the (face of Spangler, was in town 0D 0 hy HE he held in Bells Fall Tuesday. % Pity Man 5 See Ru 1 1 £3 3 Folk RYE 5 1m MeKenrick and Ed Kaoe, of 4. av BA Potter fiartor. Bar Ebenshurg, were Patton visitors (0 gobee Celebration of the holy FOTN. | Saturday. x . SEDI. Henry (3. Dill. of New York, was yy Henry (i Dill, of New York, wa is. HO Moore, a former pops supervisos for the wLomt A silver shaln bracelet with ooo vn 00 friends in large links. Finder will plese leave aro store is now |] nt this office. LL town, Pa «Clark Loomis uses 8 crutch todas QJ Lat ther, one of the Ath $ aint locomotion, the result of a plese of derrick striking him on the foot at Midas apd made this ofe a the clay works, pleasant Mr. luther wiMrs. John O'Hara, of ‘that the recent heavy flores did an pe tat the home of her sondn- siderable damage in bis section ow, T « N. Nagle. ; CL W Steattift and Harry Straw eM. a. lows made a trip to Wind. Lad anyboct Eh Fos hull & al Bek ber on Monday, aecompaniod by hig over on Badariay lelveen tha sine ofl son and daughter, Ph bof Mr. and Mes JS Dugan, of Cant. portare visiting Mra. Dugan's mother, Mos. PP. Young. snd the Clearfield HT. Peters and Bd Wenkland are running » refreshoent stind at . the Carrolitown fair. The Patton Stock Exchange wis Celowed from Friday antil Taesdny on int riot of he N “aecount of Rabor Day. on iin +4 Mr pr. iron i ¥ SW salted = 4 3 : ent wf the division ~Jobmn (&, Gould made a busiryms trip. : La. Bdgar (. Yeckley, sa graduate to Altoona on Tuesday, He was ac Seld Steam Taundry. , Cartel, the | ' make the law his profession and will Patton barber is agent. ; | matriculate at Dickinson law schol | «John Btapleton, of P unxsIAWney, after a year at the normal. ‘wasin town last week, visiting his ~~ A drenching rain on Satarday we ternoon put a qouietus on what prom. | _ =~For Bale-—A good six room house ju to be a very interesting game of ‘in excellent location. For farther par base ball at Athletic Park between ticnlars apply at this office. Patton and Galliitzin. Jupiter Plowi Five persons were taken into the ous upset his sprinkling oan daring M. E churchon Sunday on corifession the tast half of the fred lnoiiogs when of faith and three by letter. © nelther side had mat in ~The new advertisement of the Key he architest eroeting the pow stone Clothing Co. in this issue is short. : p ark neansion ur Maple P but full of “meat. 2 Bead it, : Boing, al Bheunsla says the porches Misses Annie Swoope and Annie Of that edifice be Anstead, of Westover, were visiting {than any residence now \ The mansion will have Rana To0mA A wile 9 being ‘ether Pittsbarg party, the erection of an op { | dence. — Bbwnsburg Mount, The Patton Silver al tendered a serenade to Harry F. Good ~J. Minnis Johnson will give his pic : i The annoupeeniont Baptist church on Friday evening. [the Yery Rev. Faher J { pastor of 8t. John's Catholic ob Cecil Mitchell, of Clearfield, sue- | Johnstown, and Viear-Foran oF the 8. Good Bleetric Light | {on for Viear-Oeneral of the pew ; Co. toons diocese of the church, recon! ~The Patton ; ball club defeated formed with the Rev, Monsignor Fu the Carrolitown nine at the latter gene A. Garvey, of Pittston, Pa, as place. on Labor. Day by a score of 6 ‘its bishop. The Vicar-General of A : | diocese is next in anthority to its lord Frickland, of the Miner's | bishop. He officiates in the absence of ‘has just installed a BOW | the bishop from the See and is empow- | is $ said to be the finest in | ered, like his superior, to grant dispen- sations, ete. with friends In Altoona and will spend : wns bi town this week looking quite Jonathan Owen's celebrated bread well for a mun who had just passed : ow Ihnsmore Bros have just received weal {offman, of Cresson, was Julius Ho - WHA new ling of fall soitings and Invite a uring August. if 2 3 Ed £ Fede SERA $i 3 sob tae Paton higo gehriol left Monday! for Indiana, Pa. to enter the normal ~All work gu by the. a * school at that place. He intends to Call early and get good bargains. » a sacrifice. Mellon's ( as N. B. Bring in your Cash Register C hecks , for redemption. No new checks issued. ‘the continue who have Xa i aT Quality of material is the 3 founaation of god wealilg. ¥ That whieh A ~ K it NOS 3 aly em RG Canned Gos ds, Eee. Dont fail to call At Lowest Pr antl eel ine Special Flour eric Feed £ vat hy kn 1 % Prices for this month only. 3 Et +R Foal iim Woli & ; } ‘ "sh ; : u = = ® a hs ; gry 5 1 ¥ 4 |F arly and avod the crowds, Thompson. 7 an En Fog rs 1 3 Baratd gra ha PH TS es Lda alain 1. yo : ies, etc, 3 ry 4 va line we ha 4 SAEs B Wr A XA bak Dinsmore Bros. THRE OP.TO-DRIE TAILORS. vob aml met averse . ‘ce 1 eB A Wk SB : 3 & FE & 3 % hh or yy Ins 4 3 % i Lhe np ‘xy You have ever fous We ih { ever own. fees, oo Furniture and at the night price. ware, stoves, ranges, paints, oils i house Magee Avenue, Magee Ave. f{ shine goods A PATTON, urnishing goods. A PATTI EATTON PA. Chop, Feed and Meal. Or. V. A. Murray, Sie 1AX & ®t HGE uy. Hest expaipped Mill in North. i B grit Cambria Couuty BIUCKW cat Somerville, Gis TOrnin, x Fovhsane 1d ; 28 Li foul Bailes! Hay ” andl Straw. Pra Patton Feed & Otfive in rhe Ciood Building Buckwheat Mills J. PERRY, Proprietor. JA, CORELL & 0,» + sere | Office in Patton Bulging, nest door to | Ea lac’e Harness a AT N i Post Office. Office H : Frit? vy and Ta PATTON, PA. gap ps = : die work cr 1a eas ~Raad your own COURIER CCLALLY, doi loz. BOONE, JC STICE OF THE ¥ EACE. in our large hne of (iroceries the m al i frvors LN rte 2h JOHN GANTZ, | rierinoge, we Everything ¢ in hard- DINSMORE BROS. % Hardware Co... Ofve on corner of Lang and Fifth Avenues. Collections promptly ab. | tended to. Properties to sell and rent. i i we know tha # in the be * § Ars KOU fore Per contra if vonr # ws wr ed ig aE AS oy An X ‘colored - Envelopes, State- ments, Cards, Ship- ping Tags, Sale Bills, Dodgers, Posters, Of. fice and Mine Sta- tionery, and in fact Everthing and Any-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers