SING N 1 1ers of Sub-District to Convene Here. MCPH ERSON'S REPORT : What the Miners fan Mest 2 ing to the Prechifimt- An Intrresi bg Daper | : From DR Hide Lhe ABest Salient Pods wre Taken ate Reprodiesd, pw Cats The next convention af suhodistriet misnner of conducting subdistrict your ale No. 1 fairs to which © desire to onll The method of pay. Dg bank committe, the andl Loo Heating : : Land the rule governing the holding of Doli Avenrds | Piirond eard tor heading Work at vow mines, Leention, fixed gin poe gusttor bs arged by Tiere are several mallirs fatnely: chéedkweighman’s | would recommend that a paid ar Xe raed only for thelr arkpad In ones : x A, of Qiabpiot No. 4, of the U Tuite He Mine Workers of America, will be beid alk Patton. The last oun was held ato a new ops, was the report of the president, Wisi, MePherson. Prom i the following exderpts aro taken of in: terest to the minis of thin spotion: Po the delegates of the Fifib Beni Aupoal convertion Nia 1 oof Distr No. OsBETISG ution Wii passed directing Lis Prowi- dent of the shld ie tO ake nodes’ tailed ptateidont every Lay's labor performed hy him. Is making cul _ geh a statement [U would require out leugthy a yoport and 1 pouciuded. to give ia this report only a brief outline dsploy of the mond bin portant events widely have happened shiv 1 ansatived. ye tif flee, at the sume Lime belug prepare d, ¢ called for by the dul 0 furalah a comjivie and datatied ro port for Svary day which I bave in my ‘peporta Lo hae sorrotary-Troaanret, hut for the reason states above 1 do nob wish to incorporate in this report, | Phe first matter which engaged my attention was the Hastings trouble th the cutters at Sterling No. 8, who cutting by the board and who asked to be paid by the day or ton. | The Com pasy refused to change the conditions and & strike resulted of two | ig Alans days’ duration when it was settled by | he company agriciog to pay by the ton, which materially increased the gn of the putters. The Baker: on trouble which was pending notil] after the district convention, was fin. ally adjusted by» compromise, the pompany agreeing to pay 20 cents per yard for taking down bone coal after | Leutive Hoard were held, but on several the machioes. the Cymbris mine the check. weighman had pot been complying the rales of the sub-district snd been receiving more pay than he been legally entitled to. He bad more men on his statement | were actually employed, this 3 bie) his pay 0 cents per day. Th ; wan adicated and the deck | is now paid by the Becre- i urer lostead of the Bank as hail heretofore been the the Puritan mines trouble re- | om the hiring of a driver at! day and the abolishing of free | ¢ to the heading men, which | ically & reduction in the price. y agreed to pay 15 cents nal, ‘with the, ander- | that thoy stop the headings when they wish 10. The mine has not | oe. nt of water. At Emma mine i Bakerton, coal was ving weighed on two scales and the men employed two checkweighmen, 65 men were employed, which very hisavy expense for the fot to Dear, as oie man was competent to attend to both ere Bo goal going over thels positions. The organ: was responsible for the main. f the soale rete tinder its Jodie , efforts having been made t lower rate per day on sey: gions. When called to our on we at once notified the com: | es who hadl been making the at | 8 and expirienced very little dif | in having it amicably adjusted. | he Wighton mine, at Carrolitown, | trouble which occurred between actor Mclionigle and the men | over the election of a checkweighman was settled by reinstating all the old | and the eli:ction of a new check: | in. Alb i Naut-y Glo trouble ex- | Barnesboro and one of the feats of : SAL the last som -aanaal 06 15d ! obuvelition uf one ands Metriet a eso 4 ra Sheil al ferseng 1 daa fh iS Vhhe Vintoodal iT ‘the woods, thik he me of sub Disbiied the 8 read nad bo bh iii diffe pein Fests Ey Fines skit doves AL new finials sehie ® BOEiONS i $i fry a bon shine % el dg bi sh 3 hes GiEntaend that is the hu Varina Fp to 3 580s a shania be Ine Bre yrs bo gat : i SIGE Fi in tmiees bo adm tes the pub ay Fig i. ies, By Wa £ $4 ie Fa sl sian thee ben Chopin have mines in our sub fics K3% LA pnb i, HIG TY 4% fi a w Gtikond thd the lairied off a efor to have at tha Mitchell mine ab Hast rer riners tha ITM WW. nf A. § ratio oh 3 Bois avy Wy CR $i FY an nr recinn ak hat Lie gilsird of subband would Lmore care and comply wilh the Ly. aws and Constitution of our organ. feation before suspending work, as has been done in several instances in the casing the organ prontigs it ahanid past, thie have with the public, as weil as with the operators. No meetings of the sub<liatrict Exe. occasions 1 abught thelr advice by let gonrt sons { peceivesd from them. Hop: gaiformiy nasistanoy ‘ing for a continnance of the press mt of | prosperous condition of the sub-dis- E Mpa, ‘Beranton; the Rev. William Dundes, of (Tyrone; Masters ; LQev. P. J. Quinan and the Ney trict, 1 remain very truly yours, Ww M Mc PHRISON, President. TRU ste ™ CARROLLTOWN, # Revaiver Fives WNveral effecinal Bhots, Fa ivr With Had the aim of a fakir witha revol- | ; oo i : (Rev. Charles Kelly, 8. J, pin He preceeded lis dimourse referring to the fat that the joy of the The story reached the city yesterday and it is | ealnmity that had come to the N Cehief and asking ver been a trifle more accurate there might have been a tragedy in Carroll. town Friday evening somewhat Incking in details According to the report, two fakirs were doing a ing. They were close one seemed to be taking in money than the other. The one whose shockels came slower grew jealous devices and walked over to the stand of his opponent. After watching him for a few nunules the fakir make & grab and it is sald be seiured pearly L100 of the other at's money. The fakir who bad stolen the money, : was given the new Beranton priests in afternoon. Linrvev’s Pittato The fakir turned about and fired (ary Y's Piteton several shots from a revolver, one, however, and made good his | fescape tito the woods, Soon he returned and the crowd ; This time bis to hix See accompanisd by iin esoort of end was not so great as the first time | and he dodged into a house a fow doors hone Severs! men followed | fired one shot while be was yo in the house and the bullet’ i made a dash down the street toward When the crowd recov #red from its surprise it dashed after im. made for him again. below the hotel, him in. He grazed the nose of a man named Abel, The fakir dashed ont of the Boren. town Demioéral. hei Notloe, The late Dr. J. B. Neoopan's LAH persons kRuowiog mediate pa yment. : Gro. Booxy, J.P. EBENSBURG FAIR, Oct. 1,3, the company and a new {firetnan employed, £4 : Hr > CW el fperwe as Mil in the Wall Kaw ab money | GUE thi TR miles be! ion to loss! Wile In- : John Keeper, of Williamsport: land office busioess i6 front of Harrigan’s Hotel Friday even. wiher and’ Niore | bey. He gathered up bis money and put it ] b 3 Tay. H. G. Gauss, of Carlisle, in his pocket. Then he put away his hit He hit beck dear Land’ fired antler shot through the: = | a . It did not take effect on any pushers aolon was orgachied and the 4 person. The fakir got away and hasa't been seen snes in Carrolltown, ~Johing. | books | have been loft with mw for settlement. : themselves ns! * {debited will save costs by making las | FATHER MEER DEAR tresipfine Peisnd Beer £albal fo his Rewarih r Alby He , = LB. ES i tion Hey Fain Marcy 3 Sig Horii % Fle onl bo Johnste Re py ehngE ana wpa tint sight { * rRrany, boi & “ + : & Z int La (HR nae] Be Bonlfaon 1s they hiroiner avman 5d Baa Whereas IR nal HOWE. the fanaa Losi pass : %! hs trian Wo ¥ wonkre counby pewosia at cHremany Soranian, Sanday, he consisting of vey, a the Bishop of Al tastes, in BL Chr Bele to waa High Tayi, Teh igh Ton Fire HE Soy a Indi dt Filzmaurios, Archbishop P. J. and Buhop of fh ws hismbasy, of Scrantall. a 43 Rijcht tay, E. Bi ania of Hesn, of bahia I. McQua in attendance bundy priests were present in ihe Ber Mink rid | panCiuary. iter. and 1 thank all the officers and members of the sub-district for the treatment and ‘of Honor, the Bev. Dank in the peirginonies were the e offers: Assistant Lane, of Avon Asminiing follow iE Rev. NF. Deacons f Philadelphia; the Very Mev. John Boyle, of Johustown; Doscoms of the the Hev. J. A. O'Reilly, of uf cepsimies, the J. £5 Feeley, of Pittston; Lector, the Rev. The serinon was preached by the off Philadel i by by the sation's oeossion was overshadowd of all that the President might be ro stored Uo health to continue to be the raoeled of civic virtue that be has ever PRE Sacre] os, omposed especially for the occasion us an offertory. At the coneln- sion of the ceremonies the Rev. J. N. MeManus, of North Scranton, in the name of all the predsts of the Diocese presented the new Bishop with an ene bossed address and a check for $1,165. Bishop Garvey responded. bishop by the A dinner Six hundred parishioners were among the attending throng. Bishop Garvey will sing tis first pon. tificial mass in Pittston next Bopday Land on the following Tuesday will go $1 priests of Scranton. He will be sta af Albans, ; Union ORGANIZED BARBERS Ee for 6 Wed The | More than one] Priest, the sf (¥Connor, | the earmist prasers a salutatory hymn | Was College Hall in the of Bis! np Wi has | Vote : of 4 18 ; . k iene OC hivvean, bial no Greipel Harsh, pisnan Lined ap *ation thee mae redid jars bast Tharsis y oven. : ta teeth serintake Lys BiEh ay roti A huinier mage | Ly THEY by Crosteied, Snood Bie orn § rev ited £1 siruid by the fe EY ab Lhe coInpany ba 3h wanted nik to od Lo eave i ww hern raid Lanne 5 a BN : rian . jx SEA a wiitabie chen, hr a ‘dete fining open by the sanps conan It wan reported Lat 8 pate in different paris of the lows were in bad shape, and Gould made a motion, which was seennded by Probert, that the Patton Water Co. be notified to iat all tin, blow est mendionent, under the suparvision of the fire and police comipitten, who will inspect | each plug us it is ‘Blown off. The mo tion carried . | MeCormick broaght up the qaestion of a cow oirdinanes, which precipitated : quite & lengthy yx To bring mat ters toa li his dea | too motion Hh st callie be prohibited th debate, seta, he focarporated és SPOR Y o'cliek p,m. and the wero nted oy Gronid, apm Lhe yi tion fron & FOBT p.m. uutll motisn wis i. ® ioe te nin ple Haiy ofelook™ af Fo Or Glen Wilts by stracing oll ie ‘and sobatitiing | live The amendment was socepted and the COW Drennan 5 adopted by a vole | of 4102 Cordidl and Winslow voting ation, seconded by sident Harsshorne's duclansd vacant, as he had town, ant it was adopted This left a vacancy {in the body and McCormick named Geo. H. Corfman zs a camdidate Tor ade a Probert, that Pre want he Cmoved from unanimously. | couneiiman to Gli the unex pire term. (Campbell presented the name of Creo \E. Prindible nnd threes ballots were taken without resuit. Goad, MceCor- mick and Probert voted for Cnrbman Cand Cordell, Csmpbell and Winslow ; for Prindilsle, The election u f {i xt snd i wrmanent chair Probert moved | Before al ¢ sds wh, man came nel that Campbell be: { second to he Campd Cormick moved piation £¥ hd i sil deedined the grided & 5 SEOR ak i low ber elected van 8a arelired. The following pil: PR tardell & Co wire ordered rid. 5m, dala Lag: Patton Keights of she Razor Get Togeiler wil, Atop! Yeices 23% Add bh Mo 5 bes Erprdcimial iB sie AOTISOT nA ro 5 evening Ab a mewdin Pal 3 5 salay artista of {FEY follow ring prices adopted: ur 10 cents, Hair ¢ ating, 20 conta, Fade ME, 19 venta, Tri wing hair, 15 cotls Shampooing, 20 cents. Sea fara, 10 oenls. Singeing, 20 conta. Shaving sick men, 25 cents. Shaving dead men, $i. BY Onoex CoMMPITEE. "i whe i F. MeKeoensio fGen, Bol &y & $14.59, Paplelson | Peter Sie ' Nagle 8 $15.47, Bop 2 Herrington $15.03 Lg6.4T, Alex Nagle | 35 22, Alex Stain ; ; bvick $12.10, Joe dda $11.20, Mike! | Kuse, $11.20, John Christof $1.75, Frank Burns i= 50. Joe Karlheim $2.50, 1 Martin Thomas $22, Ed Thoruas 320 Howard Woomer $40.40, T. N. Nagle $15.75, Jus. Mellon $5, Wm. Robinson $14, Patton Clay Mig. Co. 53. On motion of Campbell seconded | by Cordel, | the lo meeting adjourned. GF Stanley No | : | i i i Af incom sublets pertaing to tila momt sensitive orga © nables to him to offer The best advive and ald to those whose sight is im perfont from any eanse. RESUL LW hich Faas 2 ELECTED Of one's Business is his show windows. id As the window xy the S10TC, S50 they say. F% Look into our “eyes and see us for a new hat, tie, pair shoes, shirt, or suit of New ZX Tr id : i ready for early buvers. - . i § 8 * fall hixings all in now Watch our crything marked i i ures and only one Keystone Clothing and Shog Co. Directly Opposite Bank. EYES SP PECIALIST, Tg Ww iil A {ieee C. W. HODGKIN'S PATTON PHARMACY, One Day Only Tuesday; Sept. 17th. YOU MAY GO BLIND etency is permitted to become a factor in the selection of your aid to vision. ft is well to remember that more eves are ruined by improper glasses than are benefitted by appropriate sight helpers. Our eye specialist has made the eye and its disenses a deep study for miny voir. fii knowledge on all He give the most valuable belp od by the invariable success lenat, ot him talk You may avoid much TALK. The confidence he has of his ability to where the sight is concerned is bora of antl foster: accompanied the Jractios of bia specialty, ith you before you decide upon anything furl CHICAGO OPTICAL CO, Opticians, Buffalo, AL i : Toprol in the future, XY Our store will be closed from Friday at 1 31 p mm. until Monday IE at 11 on account of 31. Nl. the Holidays. MIRKI KIN & KUSNER, Good Bullding.
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