tite Raving. Within Arete Cirvie. pon whose treast there rests 0 ion al he \ the nited States reverin tie Bear and whose remarkable ex: Cr 83 An oBlesr of the United m in the far north officers id the marine eprvice, Although Lut 35 yeurs old Lieut, Jar: “wis i# probably more familiar with our winihern territory than aay other LE ‘having spent ten n hera latithdes, : ng the past summer Lieut Tar vis spent most of his time st Nome City. where as commander of the te 8 8. Deir he was the highest officer of the government in that adventure y and waa really the law. The ry of his mpsterly suppression of 8 reatotied to be an epidemic of ssilpox in that faraway mining camp je familiar to all sated wtromplishments «of this famous | reyenne eo ir was his heraic Feycup summers i One of the most Imprisoned whalers i In the jee at Point Barrows in | the fail of '97. Starting with a small | 1 oc 40 Jere tor fuilanm misin. | party Lieut. Jarvig gaccoeded in doing | : : {what no white man had hitherto ae. | pomnplinhed mo king his way ayerianid in the fury of an Arctic winter, through seemingly enlicss waste) of | fre and snow, and arriving at Point | Barrows In time to gave the lives of : the jcebound whalers 1: was for that | ¥ brave deed that he was awarded the medal by congress feat Jarvis, whone homes is In New LIZUT. D. H. JARVIS. that youn Bedford, was born in Maryland in 1862 He entered the revenues service as 0 cadet in 1881, hecaine & third Heuaten- | ant In 1883 a seoond lestesant in 1800 and a first Heutenani in 1895. AAI SPP a a a ar Bed rw Rev Nilwn i. Kerr, 1 pastor ot the % Congregational cnurch ul Westvillh suburd of New Haven, Conn, in beni Ne methods of drawing to his chuia hose who otherwise would spend ther elgure mmid loss eleval ing Anfluoneos. | many the methoGs of tha pastor | mi) the great supported; by others thy ar heartily condemned, A peealiar | ature in the situation {4 the fact hit ; pppositt comes largely from mom re of the chisel who sre not Disesed Ww abundance world's goodk, while: ; commendation comes enithy, & cinss the methods of which sot with Mr. Kerr's most severe dm ciation. The poor members are fratd Mr. Kerr will drive from the hureh the necessary support of the ric. whils thie wealthy members seen { REV. M RR KERR, ree with the pastor's idea as to the rich in the line of thing 8 certain Mr. Kerr's | me Bods have sucoeadad in atm : Ny and rei services. 4 ot ; te Dispose of Works : Young writers wo find it diffipun o place thelr work have no cause for i discouragement. If they Dave they'll win in the end. Rider rd 4a said to have had his anor y Ry work, King sblo- Mines, rejected by two or three hers before ite ultimate Appear- caught on at once Bnd woh the beginning of his fame. Stull, hard to understand how a book Jike Vanity Fair could go to Baty houses, to be refussd | However, Thackeray beltevedin a work, nnd brought it oul hitmsell, ing 1 fione Resartus was rejected hy all the chiet Iishers of London, who treat something approaching | the novel wiaien | ane! ¥ Dickens ‘acknowledged the est Indebtedness, fatled artigeths | publication until Fiwh ling | i fore ihe ticenses gov scorn, Tom Jones, | up i new fleld of fiction, had made & name as a dramatist Tam Cabin was refused 1 a | por. ctw i small firin was | iblish the tale at the ususi pertentage. Lorna Doone went | many publishing houses before one | agreed to bring it out. Mr. Barnes New York. was rejected by all the | ofterod. elon was to Nh a fortane. running into six the inimitable Rudyard | pres. ad difficulty in finding a CAded Wo 4 | moner. or ; “eracting wide attention by his unigle | Love oI the Weed Oss of The seldom see of this the most hearty 1 from the Mihst {as the "Repeal" ican con Pogwes is being gael EEL : Lf re late of tre a AAA MP na Ne possessed ihe PRN Para aha GECTERRTY i ESOS SE SNA A SLAVE OF TOBACCO, feensny of (he Grest Caririe As ia well Enown, Thomas Carivie Soeattiah | nim Grin. Was 8 zigve 10 1olaenn, home, his study or oul of doors, he Was sit withoat his pipe, and he | gon ~Y oR: “3 pine for Ton : ePhien plied % Wenk- i7ist and His In Bis smoked the strongest totmcto he could | ProCurs, Jife he was a sullicer from ltsomnla, and his friend Bir Daring the lsat part of his a Een thong MIS FELLOW MAN. I ilar du the Youn thongs Whi grin a “id fe Bo Tegra kb "Po wh i aes + But, ob, i Bod. there's 40 You. specie Tommy i furs BO theary Hr rey ¥ sured Look 5 here!” Pwaiter, Charlee Gaven Dally. once pugsesied to him that one dot who s~flerad so nich from sleepless. nens and indigesiion ought stoke so constantly. Carlyle repiled that he had once given up smoking for an entire vear at the netance of a doo tor, w had Boi ‘0 5 today Lorensarked who assured him thst his only ail | ment was too mich tobacco, At the nd of the year lie was walking ons evening in the country, so weary that : he wis Bardly able to praw] feoon tree 1 to tree, when he tuddenly determaly that whitever was ams with 1} fallow ar Tens: did not glagd 117° and Be retoraed do and smoked afrarward without Is or Sindranee In Big iatter days be teed Wiser. tabinorey | a clap pipe made in Dublin and koown | He was unable to! renew the cupply and Str Charles Daffy | assared him that these Dipes wers | i strictly reserved for bulievers in Irish nationality and promised him a supply | if he qualified in the ordinary man Carlvie never gaslified pl pon 2 BR A AY FUEL FROM SAWDUST. Ans SAA ner. pens of It The increasing seareity and dearness of the ordinary kinds of fuel are pd- to the, and combination niace of cud and WG sen at Oo RAY airy oF Dil pliposes {lust ie La {1 {ar Hevatere © 1 1a then pasa henjed by steam whith a sorry conveyor fakes il press where 11 ig Dade into Bricks the required size. One Anmiricas Rin 11y produced las! year of these bricks, odsting about a thousand, and selling af cents to $1. ‘tion why ithe dust turned out Ler ‘ sory fn Amer ax Tho un 18 conta 4 from 85 This suggests the ques | in wach vast quantities by the great sawinills of our (umbering Tegions, be converted most of | which now goes to waste, might not into a salable product for both domestii apd foreign uss. If} compressed into hard bricks as in the American procesi, the traneporistion raised by the Lu af the sawdust wuld be largely nated. elimi Licenses Issned to Chilqren. Nearly tweive hundred bors girls wre Hocased by Lhe City ooun fiverpoo! to soll matibes, news Lootiaces #ie. Bpon the sine veoh erat) must be ohiained of parents and gHand- ians ns well us of ihe local gd { Beials, The age mit Tor gh Sajeven to Fixieen years, and is allowed to pedidle in the stoeets al- (or 9 o'clock in the evening, disoulty of sikiness | Four mont krow what's roid Oy 1 duane what gkini Lhe Aniers seein $0 be all the the cuitoanan BY APUOAL “Tm ears J 1 eaten a Bu through your wind { lobes tas 1h od) £4 bord the home of the simacTivest al the wild of the wild catia of any ve srgalIve anid the Lat jose thin na Pan, £5LY Tomar Tomony eagle ta BY ¢ on oa rk? “f think. growing bald Why not ha eat? . duer gs you ths thas PRL he Known Austrian Firm Mad Profitable Piaf 1068 of the #30 : a Firen Makes 5 Fro $i . Lparlngs od the BOOS the animal ] feallsd Ey the in fi Atel ft la stated Bhi filles EE flaprety ail thoes Ww Bo $3F ii at the play oo Bair Dmet be : for Bir ja a Fepetil we SR HU UMOROUS. ihe ps Wh Deks | my dear fel Birt mak Pha we ad A CR oe CHR folly d he Shintial an earls be ten dole # Pon Soe it ¥ 8. IBY ? nT hn taka an ¢ BREE of ha SE Tam ¥ wtf » ¥ Hail sf aimreh i aire, fan gee Piss in | Mmandl ap 8 3 Brgy ios a SDs F “ppain am The skin sad fess feel Uke Et i soft gure whew rs rs for C nem (4 the man ho wan have ® hair cut” ae Wiheds dozen Or 8 tai the eof to projare that BH owanid ticsie my nhey Wik gighrd kaver GREER ts = girl wi J Xd Be ho oft the {8 rae the ? 73 PRIrOL. Fedor tod ter bent de Fight on for wealth, old “Money - | 3 ght on for w Bags” your liver is deyag > and ing out, some y aloud for health, offering a yo ve will not get it because you mx ture in your mad rush to get gol atte whit you do, or what ails ire the day—every day is the dre keep walch of Nature's wants— boviels act regularkh J help Nature help you. Kooion he bo , fons! breath, and id pains ih the back of the head wih a cath i for all that is good in He. Don't care how rich or poor you are, you ou | have bowel trouble, can’t be will d willie, in id? = small box {0c whole montis treatment 506 take one, eat it like candy and i Lae fo Tob in the HonvereoRt saitte x. fou Bis 1s 3 nem her ot the Erinn remnely dilod in alls yom, stars will never get pe amd Be well wll ihe time nalil you put ee) Baw ais right. Tele cur mdvice; start Ta a | mutes bo CUTE SF money rolunded. - it will work gently while you seep. It Bh cures; that means it st cular walls of the bowels and gives them new lic then they act regula ; spi | ly; that is what you want—it is guaranteed to be found in reo | THE TONIC LAXATIVE aftsrw CABO ETS soday, for yon BETS to-day. under san sheolute Fixe its Borod carves and well us in cards specin, I 8 mone LR the adult of ¥ # show hace avd. as gradually iy Wy he x Jaatione ne poung animals el f fre $48 . i og it DD that {te an =} Lot Eantier fim and | {EL Bl Th | from eleven to fourtien years. No child { savant being ivan Rad he decently ciad and free from phyeioal nal be done dur- defects No business i {ing school Bours. Gunter 8 the ; It was an instant of! AA SAS Aas EAMES AS Hor pb. Monelogus, Nol Argument. The late Charles Keene, the artist | Punch, used to describe with great doe 2 {Hight the method of a cortada man i whom he cailed "a pothouse Ruskin’ This person was sitting with a frisg ‘in an inn parior and was harangi 1 her or * his first Succasstul work | the other man on matiers in gorera per aps ie pub Nsher in pny or lien | speaking _wountry who would rot) mp at the chance of producing ons Finally the friend ventured mildly interpose an objection. Tha ‘drew himself up with much dignity. ain't gearguing with you *y grout man's Books ware pro- | a-telling you" All mast # time, CBE LA ithe very spuaker 32 said he %% Ti 2 CXC If yom went to buy a Lon wihelp you wouldnt accept 2 kitten as a substitutr even ie dealer urges you. Now, dog't accept 2 substi. & {ute for to torn ont 2 come Cas with of Tans You want Loy CORRER becauss ing it price. st. '1¢ LION COFFEE w=¢ comme It is need | f If you Qoebt this, take In every package of LICH COFFEE you will find * fully No housek epe - ; po beg Tan 3 32 L858 Lal LION COFFEE. e FON rant a Oo pine rRids, im ecder ta Ride imperfections, 18 “irghiy 3 Rs 7] A a > ey i ET OTHTRT AL gre nik Ww Ate eur rot milvertasmont. ras, La Bos a oe LION COFE FI 2'nt mist on it is the best collee in the world for te . ; % Liam ow en Re i pw Fe we nc Fd WoL Satage: Tonnes and trv 1 * re dE aad hie hn 4 nary mul coffee donkrrs won on have Twn 4 ie mills Lak. Boma am oe eo i flunirat ed and decries ve act, so woman, mans, boy or girl will full : be lat woe a2 which wiil contd ote to their happmess, combor! and convennil, pod which they mar have ron In Aas inopes wo Saad Th 2 ply © cutting out a certain number of ox Ages (whish & the ecly hex in whih this excellent colffes is scld’. Heads from the wrappers of ow coe pounds saled WOCLSON SPICE CU. TOLEDO, oma.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers