in mind that we have ently tried. Science ence whi h may be given | fit “of establishing com | : a. H HO oe (Copyright 1901: HD uv. 0s “ enim for “consideration again given evidence of islom Ho Shrawdnees South Araries are nego. | having he we ern 2 Bemisphers. Tha | Is sald 10 be aa outgrowih ow German code of civil pro- the nusband erpreme dal matters. He may fix for dinner, the manner of | “To seek where shadowy are ‘Her pleasant jor. She Inft the rosy miern, Bhe left the fields of corn Por twilight cobt mn orn And water springs | ing than her mouth But Through sleep as throvgh a veil, She seen the sky Joal pale And hears the nigntingale That wsdl singe Fost. rest. a perfert rest Buadt over Brow and breast Her face ix toward ihe weal The purple and Bhe can nol ses the i v: Fiperntng o% Ri and plain Ble oun not feel the Bain Upon ber band veut for evermore A mossy shore; Rent. reat a2 the heart's core THY ime shall ceans; Bleep Ther Bo pain shall wake] Night thar no morn hell break, THT Soy shail overtake Her perfect peace wt Ihristine Rosuetal, Rest, Tipan at thes ‘the eign N pilssed, Tiny Colson and John Peirson! ¢ girl i see her thiz evening und had told her. | he had refused ro join sevival sielgh- ing parties—woll. she slinpiy put her | hand to her side, gave a litte shriek, | and rushed up to her room where ghe Uponid ory to her heart's comiont A A FAB RAN ON Bs i Put ber ioyer's quasars, It was the universal sentiment of the country side that Nancy Simmons was | the delle of Valley Edge. a village in ‘which every girl was pretty. Thus Mary Sykes was a close second in the Tiny Colson in But satimation of soma; the opinion of others, ind #0 on, aggregating beauties of face, form and ‘oharacter. and taking a dispassionate survey of all the girls of Valley Edge, | but one general conclusion could be reached Nancy Simmons was not simply the belle, but the favorite of | Valiey Edge. Nothing conid Ss moras funitiess than | the pink sand white of her complexion, "| purer baxel than her ¢Yed, more sym- form or bewiteh- it metrical than her been | eharms calied for the surrender of judgment in her favor, her smile, her | volon. her laugh captivated and held prisoner all brought within her realm, SDA FAA Ps 0 Lai Aish hough he may fix the | probably During the past tall cues 3 and» com. | examine yoiinz machines faat as aa AA | beating against Nancy's cottage win- ad CBR Rd eR AS HF SA Wr RI EB po Ever smiling or singiag or jsughing. | she was sunlight, muilc and mirth a triad of fascination. Of course she had i Jover—several in fast. But John Pearson-$0 gossip sald-— was the favored one. And gos sip for once was right, but it did not, in this case know all, For not only was Johns Pearson favored, but he had been accepted; and they were only waiting until the morizige of four hundred dollars on Jobn's HS EAA HAO AA KON ah RN OE Bess | the Threw NALA E5028 kd ten-ucre | * fel down the valley rould be taken i Bp, and his ac ees on the | Bp. and his young pesch trees on th | and a qui mountainside should ear, and the store he had recently started should | pay a little better Then they would | Ret married. to be a preacher. Otherwise he could have married two years ago. Of ate, Nancy had thought—merely suspected John wax somewhat wards Ber. “But poor, dear fallow.” way things are going and be ante to marry me 8s much--and don't | tar, and then we shall be happy.” : For Joan had an old | mother to look oat for, and was haip~ | Tiny Ing to educates a brother who wanted NY thought | marched, and that rom | that's ail” perved, constrained in bis manner to : Biaged said she, “be is so disappointed at the . th osea Bin | to weit. But times wil soon be wg 1 Ho one svening whos the snow was | dow, and the oid fatter and mollher were sound asleep, Nancy who was | I walting lor somebody, afisr poking the | fog Are into a cheerful ihe window and drew f aside. MGracions” she exclaimed, the | might. Will ft pever atop ssowing? i 1 5 i'm glad I'm not out sleighing tonight ~though everybody clee 15. I'd rather be bome—especially as Joba'll soon be here. Poor boy! won't gat lost in the drift at the gate, the Revoluttonary strugels tor | The grovnd 7 historic, i 4 She was th ‘slong thelr northern and ‘coasts more of this than they can use. They have ‘been the largest wool rrowers in | orld, Dritish manufacturers irgued that although Anstralia enormous supplies of wool it could never Hake Sloth people le of Australia are raising | for re huis tent cotten and they believe they | 5 ithat may be all noniense; jused to say John was dead in love iis mot pectEsary. pe prettiest girl is the 3 tw ery amp ond there for ki and how if Hzbhta up the road!” proaching “Well,” she resumed, "il people ke Tweith roe THng-a-ling-a-ling-a-ing! the bells nesver and touder. who they are? 4 came . given up Tiny Colson for her. And to yak, Tiny's un it's hard fo ex- pect him out such a night But he created 3 voting: | blaze, went io curtains | Aha “what a | brother, just | fciated. : Brought Up Astor wlth a HBonad Just then she heard sieigh bells ap- | to be out such 4 night as this that's their business. As for me 1d much | rather be w ram at hotne, especially as | 28 . Jonn will subs bo sitting at the fire | FeSO for vounasiers of all eolors P the Heopoluiu “1 wonder : Perhaps Tom Bradley | re- | apd Mary Sykes; for people say he's | But | for they CC hefore, i things, John Pearson made: for thers was & Tha next morning, th was shining brigh under the gi fy myriads of crystals, the ent dark one to Napey, Yi she Elrangih wili and chara Shes. pride enough 5 # lated or rhoroat Beart vascdn hey Fist : pet ots Lhe po nr all gi but sald ne hing :, o'clock cama. Nancy, had washed Gp he and sleigh bells were This time Bx fargotien each other, Nine 833 again. At the door, snd and Ti oison! What a0ducityt™ i i muttered, be | ste the arms of hanefadtor Shae Bersal! . I sunpicn Swen Roses, bat And John him Mr Pearson ob Bim, and mi feelings! fweann can't be rade 7 -} can’t : x Bor Yeatbh I won i~ SigE hey! well, I start wit kim an $ hen a od morning, Jobo In bis cheery, in sornicg “Mr Pearson! Ope! Ton’ that Tiny Colaon winking fhe Wwigk wits in. ancy Fond wilh ering ip and withal 8 mys~ i Ci 3 he that'll dea of £ul EYE Nagew,' Beariy wy Mr. Paara Ldaten ee. no Nanew! Hoa hed who re. Sax grin ti tified air. "Come, coms, lavghing. “dont something to tell aaid John Winy Lay vent Fou, Naney, DE aery Fiat d vy “Yes if she'll only listen sou and John wanted to 21 ry to help YOu “Help a2 to gel arried “What do you wenn, Tiny? ROLY that at Uncle Tom sen ho wd Adinre Jobn ip I wens whether | might bad Joby four hun read fo Tale up the mortgage gall] the stora paws. Thats sli” Naney said netting, but od on Tinw's peek. “And what 808 he sxv bétwenn ber sobs =Why Looe Tom said i a trams: but that thers was jo peed of fer oan Bed Roown youl aii your ves he'd give Fou four hub dred daliars, Naney, for & wadding present. Boo you aad John married at once she a5 ted aivly, “before vou db yon and b Ke to stand © aad Fon ley." But this ar thro firew Bey ga wid 1 od Lad RHIBRR, me rancepient couldn't wyonihs the Hine blossoms began in the yards along the vila suis wadding al Hey Edge: and licensed to poesch, of To pul ont ud : £8 ly Ak chureh &f Vi CH a i LA NA REI SAN SENS TT on A story is RGing the Fouad ne wil vr and tha venerable sian. on Ih Grn HET wey gah ek if Ronis i Ouusfing in Ilawall, al Nauany valle fs becoming gd Hs RRA IE a ALL FLEES IMALY od : Wl prasper Repabiiean, fiavk to place in doy inn the examp Weathers of 8 colder elie the a8 rhil dren. who probably have neser anow. Rave onnsttucbsl gn place down the steep ing ard they don't ay to walt for spuw. Naluare has Yided the hillside, and the lone Kross of eid ine, AB go her ey saw that its ocenpants were 3 Now poor Naney was not a jealous | But as Joh 4d promised to But as John had prom > CIE Ta By Its Scientific Achisvemenots That ouch the san anid the Enow Ke wig a; >" Huq anda 3 ns es iby of a frm Ral) Eo Eeanl.y & f Jk hour y breakfast pend » the sledgh stopped whe hi os dt aight but Bintan { spandy CAhe alleviating ¢ Ab vee these MIEN HAV: BEEN PROMINENT IN TRE WORLD'S PROGRESS, Sn AE Hi dy hit Nineteenth Ceminry Ix Most Bisting pubslied ow The Most Valnsbile Dtisrnyer. fos Thin Great Work of a Delteate Boy, il tie med ineteanlh eentury bw progress in any stogle is empha bheails ¢ tag Standing pow at is a glance at the pers 2 Lerward tbe sl the mahi Lime adie vr Rasd Thins ? Ol frag 3; Lhan ALF isl or Ai EEL wh Russel that (he 3 ats of the laut Sundy in extent a aii vied Fi aa ™ NE FRA JE Reh WY ETI i Xo it has inet arsctl fond Haw besn the the and beim therealong Wark] Hak an that most aceampiiehed In the Lhurden of aber by : 4 transit of men and goods GnLy 0 Das Leen the sentury of senturics of the path James Walt 17 Choy who gol Thiz has been Anders i Tae di fhe iat a ¥ $ sak Bia; $Y LER : world 4 gist tABCer, wi fore Bat and veel ening the : : seeds which the radi seoyeht with it In 1708 he Shad hoe Brat ateany enoine ont with satisfactorily. Jt was he suggested (he IRetric avsteny § has been adopted all over Eu wR ond LOYAL wig ld wh : Tope. gin : fat] same from ore face tome. 1 shi it me fast night and | asked Bim. AEkpid asd ohn may pit be tater, when Ree sires John's C along b Lenis _— th steam °k is electricity that SOLON E the ad fhe pret SA eea FEY inary probe Es ? nt i day {17 Heat AX RR 2 ha oe that hay Agreed phat could Taar eles of n chemical sven hoen sumpeted Feats in what Las B% sae rain £3 was hut Hin werk with the do. hy Warier tie De wae 19 gyentive gening toe work, ht BH wan only ar him vomine to ihe Paired Sano : Ait mort Bmoun wr of previously Inver which bas teeny so giern FOUR me Eee in tha ig the a Hg $d Was An tha Foe Blas) ® ventor KEP 1 4 ind orig Pitan Set Ha gwar: sonoentiog of the gempaaE op fed wat in Hampton a wroidaied wii ar ehieh placed so It oP 3 ur srample the yi Pay tha wdoss ahd toraidn C8 Baa Brogan hundred vears and in the mind af Gearge Cuvier JR that much of it is due Litimaens had done in the prove entiry toward the classifloati Fag Netw nut atin 8 scien. al Cuwier established the tke animal Rinptom ix parpTive saatiany. : of the by his Laine Spee It in a of the nae ipelen in to may ad iy wn Span feck cl mao % GHA 3 Syutia fon £3 that iB ares Wo Rig 87 Psy Cpe Par] mas en anil to the ay prod which bad hess oon. before his time. of iavier. progreased pathway oy bacteriology ring the century aad amon this work has 182 NG 34 wy ivabin vii riguk That “ace has the chielly quar the ior ders in fhatear Shh young nin gicremded in soiving are than woe dificult problem in wiry. interesting the world of science tiv his discoveries in the fleld of bacterial life. He devised a method ha of filtration of water which has stood the best testa, based & as 1 1s upon sofia | ne been ot 3 get wil | meri Conary rhe wows of a ¢ human suffering this the age of steam, Ope | i on i% nice uae Ctory Was sare 325 of two 1s i Hs {ae Yant id the Hay | ved te be proved by a 3 mie fhe teil nad | LIB ORD sufficiently receiving teiler pit abou { in rere. It medical science has ade som steps forward surgical science hax ad- anced by leaps and strides very of angeethetion and ntiseptiss. bigs eniy by the Iailer. No on haps Joris such pioneer wors in this i Joasph tiger Born in Bug- fan as Bir Aa eariy 8 1503 be had ihe val ite metro of gaardg- RT wating His in operations By athe id of fhe His fis nt SEINE organi LPS tid in ine ne a % ren hp ity paused |} Higne thers yiii® serie] wy and utetal The a3 aceepled the new Chat it wad only alisr 08 hat the oon. TE Son vines nil abdatt fhe gnbiect on Aid mast fo alleviat certain clans pl worke wan Bile Howe (IIR IR vantor of the sewing machine Si The ran al slavery for manual, ity Af cheap cloifing arose pub invention and i the machine Deon aby $ ir ith sation, If 8 any s feat miiehine fan in Bria mp, ham wu 4 a Arslan wk 48 Years sluee Sat ork kas lune Pod Sprain & yal ing the # he gx ambin. : ts west fi fax : 35 a inte 5 Jurking te Bad hia a 50%, pe 3 Ea aera Hx sogrand thi 4 dseovery rE AT Ceyeetient prevent Tye ine Bin howls of sar satnasinsy wins whey pa 13 Feng Dae a farve) CRETE AF 1 lovetnents. ne AY gal oy ried ian nen Api any sanitary ini, hut laws many i Wivieh su hak, Much of thie has been made possible by the dis Wares Heh thie wi fod bim Lax Cpdsen wll ler : go don't : . male of car Wir 4 ho Kiowa : linen watercolor o an the in. i it may: i soem that he has only sabalituted me : hut the CRD Rinne Lay hay Os evel dane dn ¢ ths ples of heavy paper, press with a bat and 3 oni ~® coal ond Lk Mg ned ved Foe per Cldmee Children’s Nightwear. Don't et the little ones sleen in cote ton or linen night garinents in wine ter, If you can't afford fisonel make then some flannelette sleeping suits 1t Anger from the use of or aight gowns If you do this. basa irht » hing vn the bade and dows open, whatever the her You will find that the little very seldom be troubled by e(lils or ehniohg A sereen hetwaen the aad window wil} preven =f wil dane Fine HE Lapel sur Cm Dh wis opts i a i oe od to have 8 oped oniy Faney Photageaph Waldors. Fairy phol ph holders may be r of pastelosrd soviered with ehroidersd pieces of They sre sometimes made of per oainted and mounted foundation of wood or ea aney silk or rcretosine Chy EE are ay To make i rivbon bow # meh snd of the holder servise te siEent themy These holders sone ft of 5 bark and froot glued or A heavy Cm ert Lonel her belaw so th at thie hos Ie not the fault of tourimanbs mae he inserted In the shea The dpe gre geanlly in SEmImetron ity ourved {nes or $e gilt Marbhs in the Carpets, in of special Dmportinee to soe thers dra no mothe in your cas (0 before they be Should there he any 1 ay 8 wot fowal nver Maoe. pover to with a Cohn Fak shspeetad ha Lag atenm will effectually Arve or insects that wd Vo any ages dy have moaned notice. After the carpet a tharsmelae Jlesaned smd renovated wl wrap in 8 tight cover Tones put down asin brash 1 thes Aone ith Hivpesting J Hr sure to get in all tha Snr ml xia anit plentiiully over tha fas of the carpet next to the wanhboards fnd 08 G0 edger That dre Ta Fal ys Ctr he tiene andor yy 3 preven fa Lhe miedlen tins been found that salt effent: the carpet from being saten nfuln hugs or any Apel “rarminte” 1 bas sb sdor, does sot i easily avpued god ix an ve, ar Cleanliness in the “ek Resnvi, ‘Rwven in ; A the nlinarity well ane ahd wording & phy there is little idea o the Pete cleanliness that ix requirsd in ghek roam 3d farsitare. old pee an the walls old sarpets are sprees of impurity and consequently % fr 4 marked degrees Bome. he wall paper. while fresh and itself, has Deen BHt on over layer. thus providing sn eco TeBhrT tor german Old carpets waned avperfeinily with a hoe the saihe thme soatters ihe eh Pha air tn getiie on the 2 nid and to be wall. te air sualn by means of rd user. Onl apholstored Shins suche sre Bousd arage p a anviking provides x lurking nlure for wesanding to the RKitehen look widl fo the sigte of your dixh rage Thige should be washed ang drial 1 girikn gor neg: in an wid ins Cth ape alr ae religiously gs iF they We Know wil aad Thode meas are ments PIERRE EET how suriace. at the body | ter POR i fhe ook heneat hh deen the The 2 N bosepilt Thal Thi is the © guest Py eiry the An) £ Cage day dah Te ine or table cloths A dh that dies Rervics op af ia stmnly rigged aut after 4 huang un an the the next meal i» not housshsepar solutes ring AnDEl apo aiuard hs Rad washing hoves tii alle The goo! the Heh clothe as well as the fy aels New York sun. rig Ar RECIPES 5 ee ee ‘a: 8 > * 2 Tiongh CaineeOna pint of milk mixed he over night, as for bread, hut with the Backorm Spaniels Hitiew For Sales Hy Bae BE ¥i puiahty ad hays UO 4b g mgebend 7 A & n sank hraker saan or eount $00 to $1000 : tars ngtent conferring the will Beoattested lepaily by $d ll Elie | government. flevk, are not exolaimel fhe Wall. Pail Bank “af til von, hank clerlis remunerntad, " the Broker, guite forcihiv. “tik, I dont know” sail the bank ‘presidamt, with a sad smile. “oor last 20.000 a year or six Foam, Ben Lita, Cdl somewhat i WY : Brerid potatoes and while vet very hot skis Rach ahagils AN RNAS 1 in the moras pint of sugar sir this wil} stifle $3 x thon one Bake he ku Tail aateratne further whites a Bat Lae b $258 rk 20 min this Then thy fara into apd Lake. stand water, for abont Serve Immedintodiy, Dotato Salad Pron: ina howl a dressing of half a pint vinegar, two tablesponafols of olive J] saitepoonfal of salt, dash of teqiper and a large onion slicid thinly. in shatn sight pawl sized if hot $f their | i seul slice them rather thickly ioto the ireening. Celery, cut into gquarter-inch few. may be added if desired. Gare nish with hardi-boilnd epgs and pars. Jey. The hot potatoes absorb the dress. init and being siiosd thickly. they are [port to apt to break in being ‘mixed things the dressing.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers