: Fost as t the Dauner inva Ly press we | i . ] lea hig & 8 earn of a big fire at Spangier, at the | Teleph one, plant of the Denlinger Bros. ot Co. | | The conflagration started in the wire. | Elec tric Light Companies - Bopse and mixing room, in which wers | : MUST PAY ONE DO1 LAR {stored a large number of barrels of oil, | Telegraph wor empty casks, ale. a Yeur for Every Pole They Owa in the On account of the inflammable mater Borough of Patton Ordinance way Car. ¥ & % 3 : Jia! on which the flames had to feed, it riod Without a Prissentinig Vote at the | ENTRAL IS IN IT. was only a question of a shod tins Last Mesting of Connell, ssldent Campbell, Secretary Git a il : > s and Coapncilmen Nolap, Cordell | Thr ce Big Companies s in Patton Have Forme d a Combs- and boiler house nearby and these | : Mol armick, Window and Hartshorne | , x hattdings Hirewiee went op in spoke, wore present at the me ine af the nation and Will Ask for a Charter—Steady Work % = tp in wraoke. wore present ab the meeting of the It was only by the hardest kind of Borough council held Monday evening. Gu ranteed and the Car Famine Ended—Future Pros- ogre mat the two big oif tanks, in Drdinases No. 62 was read add elicit td : a Jars : sion in which Wi : 5 : LL a i iy gg aye id if A bea EF Sevig aad 4) 2 ; #5 —- 2 : i pests for the own Vv ery Bright. which wera thousanas of gauons of oil HW, Hartahiirne and MeCormick par to € = J Ee {tO 9% ay. wore saved from destimetion, The geinaied when the entire strootare was i ruins, The fire communicated fo the stable | o plast was insured for #7. 000 through Winslow the the tax laid yas a4 ‘Ti B : vB AE iieria Kish sila i “3 - For the text your # at lows, and profiatly Songer, Patton will sxparience the the agony ; 3 bh ie . i Sriehasne and Ste ey are eauts fy aE de i moo Cornell dssenbed, President Camp : boom in its history. It will be 4 boomy, too, that will not follow the of this place, 106 ORR MI thE UY hal agered with Winslow Po th up ; X 4 EES 5% £3 3 i 3 : 3 ¥ » etion of inflited valuox in any pridaet, but will be the result of merit is unknown Cormick and Hartshorne took we B3€ F irst—Only a Few. ext for which the Beech Creek coal i yegion | is noted tae } worid « OVEr, NECROLOGY fAvor in support of the measure an wd A ; a ia og he further $tated hat tha only Molt er Hn mond = ser rr ih imum 40 Dozen-Sobe Quick. Neh Ande + hi ol 1, non al $440 ele hgh enonigh and fanoted othr TOYer RB paiedond of Jai OE Sartshorue contended at all goBveriunt with the facts vin the ease. Phe Paneral was held at the home the 41 property crriers wars competi | a time past Patton bas been saffaring from a car Tuning the eoal Wedpmday allernonn st 30 line pon. | 1 pay taxes for the privilege of Hing Quir New Shoe for Men : : ; £ th ir own Domes, fro rd whose mines sre located hers have had orders enouith to keep the dhcted by Bev. bi Dee r, pastor of a if on cu der shit ve na i Wie is 0 pis «NFB okneak nid id revenos was derived, and consi ered 10) going Svar working clay i in Lies week, “bik covhd Hid £3 them fhe A pS Tok Peididos {ide hus he do de ¥ hn 154% Ap 3 CRETE RRR MITER i p L any TEASE Wery den Rgnex! | for this eondi- chia q Fo i a - o \t rive a evens from the people. The is a Hummer its the oh of fh 8 Pisce TF Flax RR — ¥ / gn 2 2 440 plages fd towns’ in which the eailvond 4 sHmpANYT Wid : faa TL ates was pused withuut 8 dissenting vo. YY BY 4 7% 1 9 9 $3.50 5 This may or may sol be trad, but the fact remains that by the new ; : it folioes in foil, ] ge : A i B mentioned above Patton 8 pugeantecdd and astral all The ou Rares ak pie Fed S355 7p olf be a Hiei rhs Line i TN En Fy Rh worth. An grdinaniw fare ¥ aud collection of Wo | dist joact ihgt he opliosnce : dt eoer. The boy Was wid ries Fig £ as #3 tivo nlf ria A and six Riontha as s time of his telngragh, telpphone vi i % RAE alier "i g ® : dmx TRIN bd Destin 1G ADOGE TWO pte in thn Lora tif Paiton, 3 im fi ve diffe re: Nt leathers. wesks, The remains were taken to weeks » RRO, consists of the orgasization of the three bg coal come oa hare Hito ote cgeporstion, 16 be RNOWH as the Beach ; Poe 10 enamiied and ot Cobatrn, Centre county, on Tuesday dalned by the Burges and Tow ) fin Toneral aad nlermen Cannell oF Lhe Beaough of Patton, and : : ; : 3 : . Sami on ‘pun MHA VAVAVL HAA LR AAMAS MIT AAAS SAAT RATA WA wk ait ordained by anthority of the sso, that from and | after the paeegy of this ordinance si ! : spPieh, leephonn, deririe | Lhd, : ; 3 iz sl ; FATE HEL Was Inia ¥ wlectrie power, heating or olber con More NEWS Next Week. comolidation will conmink of tie Patton Coal ¢ 6. with Ave hig milpes, ewaing when the Mliowing offuers pi Lhe; Sar ootnpraiee, and all i eta % net 3 Lames Bie Bla Eatayeie CGAL stud Des pea r men at presen Pardee colliories of Mages & Tangle, eaten So) HRTVE GT AE) Bees , per abou 700 prisent; Lhe #1 of Mages & lang ations’ SWINE, evening, paintaning, and the Mostasnon Cosi Co, with one mine Ab the liter, how 3" Cid] , Ssing ur paroiiting lo stand Upon the Th Ke ston C ol HETrS and S : ner. das. athe streets and kilevs or pubic highways a : # ok : at it Is expel in 3 Bl minus ; : n B 8 : t forty men Gre pow workiag, but it is expected tub at wast 3 Paremun. J BE Hunter of the Borsogi of Patton, any pole employed there in a short time. The deal goes into effet on Monday, Sashitant Fovensaa. Wm BL Probert, 9F Dit Jes, siail pay to the sad Borough D a ers but the McCormick mine will be ander the new manages snd March xt Prcatilingg, {baa Hala of Faiton AR aanaal doslise ax of one Ei dae ee nme Sa dodlar far swe fr pole so owned, erected, that all of the old stockholders will be members of the sow 1 AALS, 4500 or maintained, need or permitted to stand Reuspnt cry Fool Bn aad Cgpesty seh bi eas, sree gr giiey, 1. : FX $ Es HL VARY I AR > Ire 3 eC g 5 Tre RHE Wea Be Praberi Bp 2. Any nmpany ar corpora } ectl LY C ppos in the New York Central railroad, insuring a car supply that will : ire. Kon Bavieg poles srechiud, mya named, Sa Pits an SE ei unter i 5} § # the act of the combioed mines Io Sach, The mal fs of Plonsnnrs Hall awed ie permitted to stand upon such by peudae » ® $i {Fits be di Sana Bk LoRk ; - $4 : FEVER EN Ha, riled higt RRs , renting oF aitowd ing bhi ag Ww iHictne of their polis above mentioned ta any Delegate to Slate Convention, Wn olbeT company or corporation, shail | Mellon: Alternates Frank Kinkead, pay into the Borough Treasury one : Cdstiar additional for sach pole © A said | = : Bom pan oF at corporition so ain, Peed Kinkead: Alternate, Wm E Sex, That the Borough AsSHOF | =] ¥ a Delegate tn Distried Convention, : Probert, shail a— ail persons, companies and , hold the same position with the new sombimation fon Ww. C. Trustees, Fred Crooks, Win. Mellon, Fodd gimp ant Subic foe i is te ional LC Rlasitye Clayiial aa. ROE, 1 in being favorably mentioned as the proper man for saperin. red Rinks Be, dibs, anter, Garfield noeice with the person, company or Wilkins Learporation assessed of the same, at fthe time of making such assessment, - whieh shall be in the month of Decem- sents of Patton, ana Jacob Truman was frrescied yester- ber E of wank; gear. 4 vind | FAI ] AND WINTER , Hay for homicide aud Eli Stare for nae. A. That such annual tax levies : : fila ; : , : as aforesali], shall be due and pryuble : : parrying concealed Wed pond in CORNED: | 1 the Rorpagh Treasurer on the first GOODS t ‘tion with the killing of Jos BR. Patter day at Mires of such year. i not . » a won on Christmas night. Bop infor. peia i by thik Hest day uf May following, | ations were made by Johan Gants, the ten perosrtum all be added. Al 2 he he on tages die Roa ar cnid May fest, shindl | father-in-tan of the dead man. Tru- be esctified by thr Borough Treastirer fled for Cant Quadros nial Weighing. ooh : 4 or the sion | Phe weighing of the mails be; man and Stars were riven a hearing to the Barongh Solicitor, Who shail . Div of Paton la. eighing of the mails began in | pedore "Squire Boon last night and sev pr ares 10 collect the same hy actions the Patton post office fast wiek BBL peal witnesses were xan od Both oof forth by. op otherwise as shall be will be contioued for thirty days. the were eld for court and the EP Ny ni . Boros A! Tova: ; th division of Patton into sme process in going on all over the was wiken to fail at Ebeasburg ahi fie s Tannese. and a petition wifl be presented tORUlEY ARE 18 done quadrenaially, | gormi ing by Constable Juclson, Hiarve Gye 5 That M3 mien: of ; € of Ehbensabarg ut th the ol gout bed be to pnoertiin Lid Welhl guve bail in the sum of {300 ee BABeS 38 may conflict with * . og #5 kL 3 LAE ax SA 3.4 E 5 s 9 ; Soe aski oe ¢ wo f thr MEMIEr Carel DY THE ValWER haan Thy a bite mettle wm Barely } make > e 3 : Tr To 4 TE § i % g aie 4 i is ¢ ¥ cy Darniiromei, Thao gions 68 2 the petitioners be granted. : eG 1a : haw been signed b wt ermine Ha Ly Thums peUELGES W bye RAE] hi i Fh AR & Lt neal § : : ow ¥ x ly mes, Ww he Ar the amvoanl carried Uy Lis ni ai Fallon is Le President of Cound Ma ADE itis Cieedd. Ghat fuss will be pew station that will Be 3 ic ani Artest: gr SA UTIOUS PEOPLE Spier IT IS THE CAUTIOUS PEOPLE | ¥ gro Ch By. a Pe Kd BRAY i" the Deires shown was a titne when ne pejieg 3 ures shoy Le ry ain here was sufficient, but thal wis me REO, and with Li a indo 153 pistion ang we. } natural g srw mace the move Rioet an impure. i ve ne, Ah i He mention ¢ i Give AREER for: cats, Thus relivris worked wiection box 8 & new one. : on Le ufiten : Where the division Hoes will 08 TUD 1 ag eed RS the hone of 8B Boddy tg EF - ax well ss Boling, : : ala i t ak ! = emily ue 3k § . ; at x Cs CL — | Bl a yet un HOWR, but the Givi | pares ate. Mr and X abit ied par he secured foe t ssi wiil be muds WE pear an possible i | Patton on Saterdas jaa one, apd at the Th 3 Pho. 1 Fad {we 1 THE 3 ALA A= wo RRR REY RS ARUN bees SHAAN PEALE ALE HAL HRRH EVENS # BSA RSEE HHL RRR) LAAN will, Ot i (Jennie Howe of this mony was perfost aq (in the pros friends and relativ | brother of the bride | while Miss Hanna to expected that by the time the. Jv bride, oft DR eh el is held Pat | Pe ride afficisded 5B» | After the ceremony least 800 registored | oo sation of & naw clec. asseanbisdl guests pant oh — SIREAD. Sol i : and gont 8, GURY take and All preset unite : : : in effect use Chamberiain's Storm agi ite m “i th cas good to ne there, and wish atin vols m | gratalations were extended the ot hy 4 = ; Hea, and and Liver Tablets. Prive, 35 cebts cou the tes : se Fit fess many BanSv retarus 5 gr | happy pair. May their maeriod life be Foon es Aaa PY MATES gomples free. Every box guaranteed. Lotie of unalloyed pleasare is the sincere > "7° 0% a For sale by (iann's Pharmacy, Hast | wish of a host of friends. : 1 ings, or(. W. Hodgkine, Patton. of a collation and best w ishos and Jo19mal uoped ayy pasiiriend dolougs Heo Sasiiv |
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