PATTC N , CA a RE MB RIA 00, PA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1901. days to make t pur the'n new arran ge . nent crews will ron freon Jersey Shore i Junction to Clearfield Junotion, a dis itance of about 54 miles. Atl that point | crews will be located and will carry the trains to Patton and back, It J» stated that considerable more work can be accomplished with each of ranged. As it how is when a crew neaches Patton the members require a rest of several hours and while they are #t rest their engine is idle, whereas the (Tan being shorter two crews could keep : rors 4 tor tne Pink Sinmondu | Dotig—OMerts Ww be Voted Sub diatrier Convention Hebd : of bituminons Sisteiot Hew. BATILE OF THE BALLOTS The Result 4 the Manieinel Haid in Patton on Tuesisy, A wenpon that somes doen as stil Ar stiowfianes fll npon the sod Pot efecnies & frovmman's wi Ax Hrhining does the will of 0d” (i A mixed victory was the result of the borough election hed in Patton on Toesday. The Demacrats ane shoo) director, the assessor and | sties, will hold their an. jo Altoona on Tavsday, Eien lon eH A ARE d operat vs dar heater Si ns . of miners at the Al Iarge in it ; | Tr ra = | while the Republicans elected the bal- pooe of the ticket. “i The hardest fight ; WaR made on Lehool director and WW, €. Habbard i the locomotives with matiers thas Ars A one Jeeomotive in almost constant sey enprored : the inevitable inspector of ecletion, { Bandiord CPaeiviess Tran meted ar ihe Lay On acount of the connor ittractions Monday sight, a special meeting “the Patton borough council was held jmst Thursday evening, with President Campi], Secretary (Gililiece and Coou- | silmen Winslow, 1 GROOARLE PRISED oe thie Patton Berohigh Conseil Hernan und 0 The matier of Fourth avenos came op awd i reported that Mr. Hippey, the New York emiiroad, bad promised Wo furnish visor Lar if the boreagh ing and woud sso make it much wider Unan the oie SW (0G wee flons were made lo he approach Lo the bridge on Filth avenad made by slanting position, dapgernne comapany Wii be Bol matier by 3a in Ww ne. Toe repor : | snd Ralph Tower were the victors Ben feating Hiram Wilking and Rev. 3. E | Radcliffe. A particaluriy hard fight ‘was made aginst Hobburd, bat he won out, having 59 more voles than Wilk. ios and 8 more than Tozer. ‘and Wilkins rap close togpiiber, the {latter having 263 and the foriper 205, For assessor, the veteran Jobin Somer. has more free from vex. | stoppages und brief strikes st ines than any time io the pas. ali for. the miners conference nitatives to the dis — shall be elected direct eal unicis, snd shall have one each 5 members or majority thereof, but to representative | bave mors than five votes, and (shall be eligible ss a repro 8 not & miner or mine & bona fide member of the good standing in this district, pity fill in names of delegatos wd credentials and duplicates, retain eredentigls anc eredential commitise | Ab convention. Local sec rd duplicate credentinl John Evans, with 155, giving the pres. ‘ent incambent a majority of 34 erville polled the largest vote on either titket. John CO. Goud for councilman | polied the biggest vole on the Repub | Ujienn Soke and bad a majority of sover his highest conipetitor, X. ‘Nagle. McCormick polled ten voles loss than Gould and Ed 1488. MB Cowher (the slsition tickets had BW. B. j defeated Dr. H. A Reig for Lamaditor by 32 wvotem. Fred Mitchel bad a majority of 41 for judge of eine {tion over JohnE., Ardell 3 The vote was 8 light ons, bat 485 be- ” per. day: Risiog | ing polled oot of a registration of Ie, about 800. Alex Hunter officiated ss judge of election, having been ap to | pointed by the Court to saceeed J. E 3 | Radcliffe, resgoed. The resuil in full COUNCUHMEN. Yor officers to be electad | Jobb C. Gould, KB § fears t convention to he | ¥ § McCormick, A B., 3 youn Serie next Tuesday are | Iw, {. Bubbard, D.. Ba Tower, Key... 1 ¥. Radetifte, } Hiro wi SRN, ¢ “a Sa ASSEROR. | Jolin Somervitie, D.. ot dohn Besse, RR. nr ; AUDIIOR. : ME Lon UW her, B.. HA te, D. . FUDGR OF ELECTION. Mitchell, K ; Fon 8 oArdedd 5 : INSPECTOR. is | John Hunter, B.. ei ms | Gamirge. Langi Do. Aw ago rahi Betaaten, 3 Some twenty-three young men | this place spent last Monday evening “in a manver that will always be re I membered ns a most ertjoyable occasion. They were the guests of Mr. and Mm Wm. H Sandford, whose spacious home . M. Sallivan and Michael | Fy Carrolitown; George Jobbs, | Blapd ‘and Jobn Quinias, | i of social pleasure were provided for the entertainment of! i 3 Meshan, Spangler; ger, St. Boniface; Evang deeply intervied that ali cise was for! a8 Tabin and Wm Me ‘gotten tor the time. nesboro; Miles P. Harri owed and tw boys went hoo Harley, Carrolitown; graitade for an ee Quinn and Charles MeTag- With true enjoyment. Roum Dillon, Hastings. Sandiord bave always miner with an tnjiro. Dot Interest | sd Let ML me was mrionsly Injared and Last \ goal other instance seards ah whe: fad $i aE A and Mr ol Tuesdsy afternoon. Dr, : : Ts Frou The © The sake of the Bows ben bopBrased, saad Mr od Pathan, beones Lhe sideration, £30 Lawner will over) 4 cups it in the spre w AE Patton rebrticd Sore fran 2 two weeks” vhot witha be - } ex-United States Seater Jo shits P alte 0, Jr. at Grand Rapids, 30 “1 | Patton says that Miciigs : # derguing vas winters for many ves, and thal when he reached Boffaio be foand more than wo feet of snow on the level The many friends of Joho Patton, Jr, will be sorry to learn that his health has SEER RRR : sire being wide to stop al car famine is shown in the fac) Beach Creek district of ie rk Co tral is to be divided, so h +L of coal i 0 on: DR Fak cus - : B¥ 3 3 Fa ENE ¥ not been as ragged this winter as meal | for him, although it is not ia such which state as to cause alarm for a serious “| five | ness. ville had 268 sgainst hig competitor, Boerne Moore bad For the short term of two years Pro | ‘bert bad a majority of 35 over Lyotas. of was given over Ww the boys for an even. Amps TAmes all, and they soon found themselves soi IN ee Te Wan Water Lh anor Gove akon. Bars | > Baginens # Yerps Radoiiffe in Lia oll Ere HANOE Was Tod ORDIN AN An orlinangy 8s Be it evsrted and or 3 bar Laas hareagh of Paton, G0 ie fx AEG, ¥ rs ana ng whe ewer | Magee aevenoe, beginning at the prop ery of Harry Coupey ail oxi Lipa 5 Sk BPR Ub law Lehn a Ennesed and ordained his, the pe Gay of Febroary, A. [D. 1901 : Praxx Caxpreil, Allent Ashes pe ha JM Clerk of Conncdl opproved by the Borgess of Patton Boroogh this *raagme ries in ¥ % Bedresh ovens foe 7 4. Thomas, ERO Mann FE tin Ultisen's Uemetery Darel Heinze, Grand View, $48 Frank R[kiba of ux to Keystone Slate R &l association, O G For a mice clean lunch be sure sad | come agmin. Lowest prives asd Dest 5 to the City Restagrani. ; | roary, AD 1901 TRANSACTIONS IN RERLTY Th Have © hsaged Humls Beownily tar Michael aad Eli iE Eh mee Pas maxiag a pro rata cost of 8a penis per foot front on all dots jocated along aie} Hoe of Impoviment, i% £ wrrod EF Spencer etiax to Mrs MO. Cc Xearen, Rea ing Masquerade Ball and Select Dance Monday Evening. se of Joy WAS UNCONFINED. A & new crossing on Was a Cepteai Cale i Lie grad: lie Tabs Merry Time me naar, owe pnnafiond the terpecorsan art in themael ves Lo the Bl evening, when two in Firasmen’s & and 2 ¥ # * & rs 7H wat se ret oy The ows of Orbos 4d A masquerade ball ander the Ane acwly organised Patton siready a poptisr or | mand Lhe latter was one of an wt : ie seand Tanctions ever held je of this place. : mitind masquernds oma be erin of what the ath to do in the futare, | that submequent af irs wil te as well sitended and as the Best one. TT bee Pat; Lay srchestin ¥ excellent spade 15 was too. Lhe ey 3 1d fut 5 wey Treasurer approved Chomatd on = of Borough ped and f Coons BN. b and ing ; 4 Bal no Beth was gad the DoRTOTSE WAR 8 gre j fohing” as the most crits Fours ous present it Beane Bied FR gy » the i Lids goon] the a Arty for, man and ape were sling man iy faces, 3nd the maiden’s heart was gar.” The whrated Chappell ore chests, ait Wiiameport furnished the [t's pag the get fan Fast Ma Agee Sad smelt by own Soest San tw E- Hon 14 thw She Bereby brite of af it ia HGS Soidias ost ot East Soern 51 add to the Joyous. seen be committee having the fonction in there, composed of Geo. Bo Prindi he HH 8S Lingle W A Mellon, H Dsaavere god JM Gillieow, Sad done their work Guthfally and well and none of the consomitants of an ey. ing of pleasure were lacking. patronees wire Mesdames WC, ot “gle, W. H. Denlinger, P. B. Morey, M. i lewis, Hoary Mellon, P. Prinditie and ML. Gilliees The Indies present were Bandsomely gowned and of course looked as prett | - an the proverbial peach A collation was sere] at midsight and waa in. charge of Mrs. Jonnie (fark, a weli- known Philipsburg caterer. It wan four o'eclcck Toesday morning when the straing of “Home Sweet Home, antifted the tired hat bappy dancers | ghat the program was ai an sod. Among those present from out of town were Miwes Flora Fee, Mary Torrence, Anna Bell, Graoe Dinsmore, Neitie Wiliams and Messrs. Frank Reese, WM. Fries CUS Disemore snd Dr. CG. Hogbes, of Pusxsatawney; Miss Mary Maoloabey and Messrs F. B James Frank Hartman, John H- der, TR Davia, Wom Lampy and J. W. Kephurt, of Ebensburg: Ed Boots | and Dundes Roemer, of Hastingw Miss Nancy asd Tom Metluin, of Spangler; Albert leih of Nicktown; Howard Ley, of Canton, O; Misses Clara asd Fann is Town of UlearBeid: Clem Hus GK kia mwertibawel to be Ww HR te Ge e seconting Ww to the hands of »r, ti defray ihe adiram tion of the bo fae President of Conncii Crildecw, the 13th day of Feb ALEX Morisey, of Patton Borough Sradden, of Mabafley, RoW, nl Phils. iw Ent of the County That All Gard The merry mmsqueraders bad a gay ‘Children’s 4 48 and Every mother should avail he not long "till Easter, After taking stock we find we yet have more Shoes than - ; Aoctity freatihe of Farm Enjoyed Them. | we want, although we have sold a raft of them. Ladies, these wives x5 Dossers Han With Ouappe's | Shoes are SELLING CHEAP. Orrehewtira bs Teepioation. Pate Athlete | of this hance to save money. Yon should avail yourself Our “La Mode” $3 50 $boe at * $2 30 Oar 30 C0 00 and Boys at same ratio. E> Look in our Western Window. Ont Inventory shows ton them at this Big in Price $400 | The $3 50 ones 5 ” atk %i ix ff hss da SE . when you want to While We Have This Sale. The Keystone Cloters and Sho Directly Opposite the Bank. me FALL AND WINTE GOODS at * Miss Lottie Hoynton Special prices on 1. adies’ Coa alls Jesse La Porte, of Phik of Men's Overcoats and Suits via ke room for 4m se 1aiaLal 2 on 3 nes EIR, Chest Ureek Marriigy Lidenssn, CLE Ber wedi Jy Pivbieek. i # BAe i % 258, I hats. ARBAB BAAR NN! IT IS THE CAUTIOUS PEOPL a 3 - wn e LE mae. THE BAZAAR. BN MRR RR US RR He RRR RRR RRR BY FARRAR ANN way al Logit Bim LET Gr theatre. word 1 the pions samp Cpavs his debts. The latier bs doing toe harcore Brn m than daoowes asd 3 Frankanis, for there are nove of in the ohareh. Methodist Advocate. 3 Co | i $k aA Ses whi Dever Hw tin, $2,060. towygahip, PO Bog snd Loan associa arsoviaiion ~ Don’t forget that the COURIER job priating department is better equipped thas ever to do all Kiads of commer cial and bouk printing Give os (trial order and you will be sure to to arroidl township, $l. or uoped euy | work. 73 A fu : $ 3 {ids * sada Using 1" Atl Gad if Bane Abin ¥ i WE sala Witty
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