tan able assistant in entertaining the + fm ile Whown Upon Ap ged a ah AX TEEY: Khy A SHARP TRICK. shirpest elestion dodge worked in this state at i ; carried throug oh or thas voters of Briskin in Cienr- Fak the reotnt battle of the u must Be remembered, is ot singly Pepnblican; so moc i that pever in the history of hae the Democratic thkel been The Hepnblicans put a fol n the field, Net so their Doman Ma Dewboranic cays ty stint lea ad php ols seh Bot oped without their host of an pany victory, the Republi X that time. } bowers r, thos writer. strolled in snd from a red hy the leaders wrote the of their sandidates in the blank official ballot. Forty were cast in thin way, with that every man : a: in Brisbin aa Demenyat, wohoy Wns ; a " qonnty. : domes #8 ohairrnan of th National commitios, SE A AS : ROMEWN AT PERSONAL ® Coversi When Mr. thelr home was always ines who fyadar aha art of enter: y of % more tha dn phe Deulinger ‘of which Mr. W. the tally sdtoated town pone tn the mone perfioti iy Ed fhe flog and di with ie excellent schodls, wrehew. abondant banking oa ah splendid raitway fachitios, wa 3 bat leavi ing rh alipsimry, while of warm : affords friends. and ad- the undersigned «ation as Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure shoakd | bier ppeetd. snane perfection of etitnr 2 eharacterized then dur epee of the Clesrfield con) re- trom pepmonal ex poTionde, gether with my better half r of their Patton RST x io the i Mises Fn and Mamie of st Angus, now fitting posi: % in She Hist! hi Miss Mamie, has charge more | advang ved Bratton, { al teachers. are welt made of ambition, and haviag Abeolr own career by perse. AIK pif sacrigee, pomees the convictions on almost all and with the sonra. to de- of pu tie: school Aion: Mrs : chirming and accomplished apt. B. ©. Brown, and Mrs. the talented wife of Mr. showing an fotérset in Serie Lo roan Aw Har Wat Hie aught for | we Deen arch Dentingir were citizens enterprising fhe sromnach can all of these difflon ities Mo. writes: “Folevia } fanes wife, master Won. ", Jr., who Lalrendy Io a better judge of horse flewh | than his futher, James Mclanghiing Miwa Boe a Cleave | Apnie Mary, the baby, and | Dangherty, annt of Mrs D, the latter the many friends of the family, and the ohildren “hardly second to that of either father and mother though intimate friends onan see that ber f pat tality = for the hoys a feminine failing th porentiu With 2 Pi : | goes wi thant my visit wit & Tost plossant bf expressing th pinay be the unl | fisll heir 10 Breaght with hire with me, friends, and anperitendent of schools. Respectively, BAK of in hd of be mmm MY pee Patton dbs grippe i na pRpciaily REBUOED BATES TO WASHINGTON Pumuay bya Foaifeamt, Rows: Lakog- wen tion of President Melia. Ein Prewitt 3 Kiel Pets FERS ¥ goed Win Hemi 16 id fever Wash gion Ena Spee ah cil Ml Arid X HE OO en RISE En rites via all {art rain, w ambin gron Ny Btegmboat Company: (4d Pos Chart er Yims BA; : placing Frion Temas $e SEE Norfolk srivd Por turn, 3 Hy; % i St ouw Blodin BE SHENK Pin fa sa 5 Fa § pen ER Ee INTERMED IA lana ) Ary: tiny % t i clin » tom ma Chines, Fonssts Fran Jones, fhad jek, Margarot Proms, Your % Rana A powetTal ening canned with 8 weak ap the straly of Lg busiloy. sve ww AN motive % whearche ln poilhear cnn wes human achive mile petal : gst 7h is to keep the body strong, It digests what you fat and it simply can’t help bai do you ge 0. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, ‘Gunn's Pharmacy, Hagtings, Reports show a grea death rate from throat roubles, doe to the prevalence nf er ap, preamonia and gripye. We advise the ase of One Minute Coo Eh | e pe only thal gives immediate . W.Hodg- Barmiess somedy possiite Uhikdren Eke it. kins, Patton FPlarioacy Pharmaty, Hastings ww Umbgrger, groer ef Marshall sre Tar the best cough care on I have need mist ail stire That there ix no other both voutg and oid, and espechs children. We are never withon! the hones, AH Druzgists, Lhe marked betas am for Rings am ky good of the bi n of and ad {nine gsssssststoins The lust Pennayivania Railroad tone : of the season to Jacksooville allowin Ig almost three months In Florida, will New York March Fxeamion tickets including raliway transportation, Pallman accom sinidon iia arul Woah pre iY Passer Agent ¥oales Pittatinr; why 2, v] 3. A r » ita Rep Rens ¥ PEs FREY moet, i Pe {ratio ALT and Philadelphis IAATI815 PY; SESIITIIIES ".. {A Dollar B a EE : MY 5S hits, PATTON, Cheap GROCERIES, Canned Goods. Ete. JOHN GANTLZ, Proprietor ay Whooping Cough, Asthra, Bronchitis and troipiar Consumpt bn C. Ww. Hodgkins, Patton Pharma Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings for Seventy- F Overcoats Reefer ye (ts. rid 5 FE ITITITITITIS, CTIIIIrisss IIIIIIIIISITESS L. W. Cook nr B Bat fanket Deporiment x 3 * oh Altona, Fenna. DYSpere ure Digests ‘what you eat. Poomy « Pharmacy, Hastings. | Foley's ” TITTETITITIIITS , Fon ey «od Tar Beownt xperiments show that all] Ee of foods n may F bus = sompleiely di | K odof Cure, “which : abolately : gota whit you est. As it is the only | the wotnesl diges. s Seman for i Chal over | a eanng ¢ haa Sl Tote Pye Fabniors 3 The Patton Wall Paper Store, Parnell. Cowher & Co. oo AGEN Te A xT REAL BSTATE AGENTS Lvosadd Bailing, Patton, Pa ~"Thope No 8 in CR THE ia make room for fy nearing the sedsoting, bod HE shanht as reelf of this re itor Feed & Bu ckwheat Mills and Bladder Specialist. Br Bsceverer of Swamp-llet at Work is Bs Laderutory {Rupr Slang oi by poll She gihuanen wis Bright's vy Swamp-R. wot the pew Shee : bind der co pl Rr mas . Worrell, Ty Wi Mia EY PHYSICIAN & S86 RGEON. puiding. TEE TAR wy HB FRNERLRE ¥ ey LEAL RES, A sihetiont a L. OWENS, TYRONE L.awyer. yw Ant {san IR Feet National Bank. Aitaona, Bellefonte aie LOST arad Hangin GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OMee on corner of Lang and Fifth A venies Upilections promptly at Properties bo sell and rent The Cournisr office has just re sndsome and full line of sta of every description, which be printed in the most approved state and at the lowest possible figure. Send in your job work gages al Hasary
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers