Sond . i —— Lo ill 100 LBL JH 10H Hd! ation, and every other element of our Churches Muy Kntp Pastor ad TPHsliz Pardue Frogatis snd Rich) SPILL © Hialele Win people bas a distinct Interest in seeing ¥ a » They Plas, ; : 3 EeSead Yi ,.. Fate A million doliar deal consummated | ; : : jst the oi alisties of Hteracy and own in Philadelphia Satarday involves the Is Our People Advancing or |"TYp woh apply to them ure sale of tho entire town of Progality, | Receding? {onrrstly repeensnied in the next een- this county, and opens the way for im. eceding laus. There are the standards accord. Store Where You Get Your "Money's Worth. THE TIME (1811 REMOVED CAMBRIA COUNTY TOWN S010 A ! iL NEWS | Method With the lection of Bishops and the mportant question of admitting women to the General Conference dis sini i ed ORR REDS vee ‘Gleaned Here and There by | ing to which they will inevitably be ~All Sorts of—— | the “Courier! Reporter. i 5 ; 5 COUNCIL IN SESSION. : a It wis expected that this question would be settied before the close of the Severul Fits Ordered Paid Other Busines | morning sess ian. o Toamsneted. £5. Patton Borongh Council met in ad. We have selected with greatest care, to secure for 1 the most pleasing designs Harts Men's. Boy's, Children’s meetifg beld Monday evening, May oC 21. were read and approved. g apparel. ; An excel. A communication was mceived from assortment for your im: 24th, with the following men bers present: President Campbell, Ander: Ha rie and Cornelios was impossible for him to get men to . ; : : ie rHINE work on the street at 15 cents per hour, | S ARTISTIC CLOTHING. ja they Sakel Ir 174 nent. on Hl extended for perinds of three years tion of Cornelius, seconded by Mo. You should see the hand- some line of Suits we are flering at hs Commr'a: wages he advanced to 20 12, : 15, $18. cents per hour. » oliiTe "The following bills were read and on 3 'S SUITS. motion of Cornelius, seconded by And: ‘We have the choicest as- a Suns Sa fod: gut. se be sort Bo ey 3 CACO RIN TT Lid Geass for The ie iment in Patton. Our vations amounts: (Gen, E. Prindible, suits at Bon WC Nae 8 10 12 $15 Jue Co, $0.00; Patton Pub Co, : Ed] ’ ? . ) $8.25: J. E Kirk Hdw. Co, $10.20: and are very stylish. the following for street work: Hiram REN'S NOBBY SUITS, : Wilkins, $31.20; Enoch Short, 25 cents, W. O. MecNeeley, $1.50, Jobn Tate, In the mannish styles, 2, s 2.50, 4, $5. 27h: HM Inghw 75 conte John R HATS. e carry the best sivies from Gea. BE. Prindible was present asked council to fake some action lo ot makers. You should see the Coresick, it was carried that the Street Commissioner be instructed to pay men Cwarde the opening of alley 8 rear of ots pen which (en 5. Good has ‘erected houses, said Rotess faring an Terra Cotta avenue On motion of MoCormick, seconded by Hartshorne, it Was carried That bonnet] hire BR. McPherson te prepare ! | 00 duplicate. On motion of Winslow, se cde by Anderson it was carried that the we ection of a Borough Eogineer be ad over anti next meeting night. On. motion of Mol ormick, seconded by Winslow, it was carried thal [Goldstein be sxonerated of Seessmand on Fifth avenue sewer. | Om motion of MoUormick, seconded by Cornelius, it was carried by & vote “of three to two that W. H. Bandfard be exonerated one-half of Pilmer ave | nO sewer Aesemmment. LO. Winslow asked council to ex Patton, Pa. | | oes and Dry Goods a Specialty. oreente him of messsment on Pewch avenue sewer, ka suid sewer was not dewp enough to wi of any benefit to him, even though be world build a house on front of lot, On motion of Hartshorne, wens bead i by Anderson it wis carried that conn ast il adjoarn. * hod Sulondwy Feindug, : Ells, wife of Martain Link, died Rats . nrday evening st her home in Clearfield So Doe You know where ou can buy the finest roods for the | Carpets, mattings, RRR ne eT : | hours, at the age of 42 years. Mew. Link rugs, oil cloth, I Wision Fasiar doing wom shopping and returned home in ihe linoleum, wi ndlow best of health, but about 8 ¢’ clock whe shades, curtain {WAS taken Jil, and pamed sway 28 ; poles, and an aged mother and several alaters, rn abe is survived by & bosband and tes a full line of children. Mrs Link waa a kind wife fu et ‘and a loving mother, and had a large urniture. circle of friends who were shocked to J. oo as | hear of her sudden demise. After fun. he Also the largest eral trices en in ont St a line of hard- - Angustine Catholle church, ihe remains ap ’ iil were Laid to rest in the churih cemetery ware and stoves, nerdy shelf hardware, paints, oils, glass, Olliver plows, etc. The leading stoves, Ideal Red _ Cross, Capello, : Dockes h Ranges. fore the citizens of ti LU [again witness the solar eclip sive us a call and see for yourself. | Monday's Relipes . The much talked of solar peiipae ‘the san occured Monday between Sand 10 o'clock a.m. The sky was clear, with the vxpeption of a few light fleeces which would pase over the eglipse Cncoasionly, and everywhere in Patton yon could see people looiting al She | phessomena through smoked glasses, It was about twinthirds section, and daring the eclipse ‘gmite dark. Several years will £4 tn - iE Lis 62 Hewitveal Pe Meni Bornes H. T Peters, propristor of We Bestasirant. on Monday received a gonnter soda fountain. and Mr. Peters slates tha) la he will be ready Capdth that refpeahiog drink : every Pattonite, ai Patioiilos, Wa 08o w rk Hdw. &RurtCo, © Pifth avenue. Call of i | | : voor address LCL GRENINGER, Mgr. | T. Cornelius, Patton, Pa. 26il 1s Very Respectfully, tor BU A store roon 11x50 ¥. sitpated on A. fet, journed session Thursday svenitg, May mites, son, MoCormick, Cordell, Winslow, Minntes of amendment was offvired iy Secretary Dh 8 the Street Commissioner stating that it 174 vents per hour, and that his | Streat ; cof Methodist Habbared, $2.02, Patton Al LX : : a Pomnay ive 5 : Bit iy Lo Hip an Hines of but MB of the Pennsyivania Railroad on pum township, after | erous cocasions. ‘had been in Patton Friday doing some Bers s a8 ahove Besides place to the effect that the man was House, at Hastings this connty, have in of ¥ have a pleasant time, posed of, the Methodists ( senaral Con ference last Wadnesday resumed the | Fe deelopmants; the nites | : i . Ceaebal 2 «iy involving one of the richest tracie of, A NEL AILS discousion of the pastorage time limit od lund In Pennsylvania 16,000,000 HOME OWNERS The transaction involves the exten evi ; sive holdings of Sapreme-Justics John LT the United States The Vuihowing is of Dean, heretofore operated ander the Interval to Fyery Cltinm. ! title of the Frogality Coal & Coke How are we to know whether our’ company. The prioe iw understood to : civilization is advancing ov receding, : have Bean something in the neighbor. whether the condition of the present hood of $1,000,000, generation is more tomfortable and re- : The new concern will be known a8 fined than that of the preceding gender i the Cresson & (learfield Cond & Coke ation, whether, as a natinn, we are company. [a officers are State Sen. better off than we were AfLy years ago ” Mornoe, sabstitating the word ator I. Henry Coihirane, Williamaeport, Keatesmen and sconomisty have sug dtheee’ for five’ in Section 8 of Pars president; Pa : B, Widener, Phiia- gested several standards by whieh to graph 173 of the Prscipline, this retard. detphia, Yep resident, E A. Ballard, judge: The per capita wealih, the per: : ing to the threnyesr mit, bal with of the law firm of Shapely & Ballard, centagy of iliegitimate births, the posi. the provision that the pastorage may Philadelphia, seecnelary and treasnrer; tion and treatment of whmen, tha W. LL Elkine, Thomas Dolan and P. A. rate of illiteracy, and the ownership of RB Widener, Philadelphia, and Senator property, partionlarly of farms wd (I. Magee and J. 1. Rhodes, Pili¥ homes Of these standard the last two burg, directors. PH. Walls, the pros. wpem by far the most practicable, amd ident of the dad caampany; hee omes socordingly Congress has directed tho manager and selling agent for the new Cengus Office to ascertain how many The offices will be, moved monthe esch schola: bas from the Rothschilds building to the gehool during the precoding year, {and Title & Trost company’s building, | what proportion of the people can read, Broad and Chestnut streets, Phils gpite, and speak English, how many adelphin fumiliem own thelr homes or farms, how Ineluifed in the desl are 16,000 acres many rent them, How many own then of comi and extensive mining opera gablect to morfgage or other income rionk. The tows of Progality, where seance. In the coming consus, every the old company owned every foot of territorial division of the tountry and ground and every building, PpPasSESR avery separate plement of the popalie bodily into the bands of the new cof yan will have & shanos to show whit : : corn. [t sontalvis 150 houses 3 Jarge ooption of thelr number own thelr A exudes DE Berman gensetinent store, two churches, three homes and what portion pan read or achiools, a large hotel, and a town hall, weite : a. : The new company will spend $300.000 The pratical applies fons of thaw Peter Ray Wy Post, accom panied Hy & toy mine 1 Bo and voke-making a. sniit in a ergo torpont of ed Mon and ROIRIE oe : : Ai : of the Golden Eagle, attended Memur do sry ioes (0 the First Baptist Chueh i Discussion that morning was mainly over the minority report of the Com- which provided for a five-year extension of the pastorage Only on a three-fourths vote of a Quarterly Uon- farencs, which one speaker dec ard Li be # ‘viclons proposition,” snd an by a majority of a Quarterly Con: ference. The Conference voted to abolish the tise limit one pastorates After a spirited discussion, the Come mittee on Book Conoeras atlopted a report directing the managers of the ehureh’s book depositories lo close ont their stock of miscellaneous books and confine the business to the distribution Hteratare, This will mean the clowag of the book storm now operated in Boston, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and Ban Francisco, THE MEMORIWL LERVICES SREY Rev On Sanday ihe members of Lient, employment as sufferage gnalitications. This ja thi fest vam in Central Petit. people differ about evivania whers 4 whole town, incind. qo sntferage qualiffeation, of the owner mg the shurches and schools BAA whip of property and the uhility to red ehanged ownership in a day. Frogal- and write, bat there is nn danbit of te ity ia on the ne of the Uresson & mmense sgnifloance and importance Coalport branch of the Penusylvania of the two choses of facta in Fraoce, pailrand. The rnd was beilt by Justice g 1501, there were about J 500,000 own Dean if 1588, and was operated by Bim ere of land; England with about the wheres Lhe pastor, Hey, A lexander, de Hyeeod 8&8 Ane The line of wiareh was Beaded by Lhe American } W lien hrave wh PIR ag ad Conchrd Utuage Baad. § bavi & Sughd for Lhe prosnryance Bi ane § Union, be kiows thal 5ot malty s ghe Grand Army membairs syivania rallrond. The line i» miles ing Chita tha sh Sita task SEL sui mrawered to the great roll . ownem, while the United States ott) in length and hinds more coal to the : pled un termediate position with a miles than any other brageb of he uo onintion about 10 per cont greater Pennsi varia system. than that of France and little over 8, a, 0 familivs who owned their hoes i or farms No one can dopbt the signi Avan of these fgures in explalaing wicinl vonditions in Franee and Exig- land and the United Stam. They nip. resetit the difference betymeen our land call, Several have pasu<l away bore since the organization of the Post. So i honor of the desd heroes it is the daty of the Ameriian cllizns Wo give & stronger helping band so the Grand Army exch your fur the proper obser. vanes of Merperial Duy, an it's ranks Frow Weaker as hoe passes On Memorial Day Wednesday” he Post at Patton wimt to Carroiltown, where approfate stremoliios were con. ducted and all soldier’ raves dec arated. Nessie Canis Eagan ators. Joh Marphy, Loretta; Mase Mare pliy, Loretto sabatitute | Thomas i. Mywrs, Ashville; Elis L. Giasgiow, fisaigiow subsitate | LK. Myers, Buarneshors: Richard DD, Evaug Vatera: : Witlian BR Georpe, BHelsano; Leighton system the system of larje und hold Rowland, Veteran, Fd D. Beawley, ing fa England, ard that of lange pro OCarrolltown: Joseph V. Maveher, Car. pPrietomship in Francs. | rolitown: IL McPherson, Patton; Geo. itis hard to overestimate the value of P Dupegin, St Augustine; Oliver sach information or the interest felt in| Evans, Fbensburg: Joha Gittings, it by statesmen and social students in Dearmiin, substitute: William A. general. Take the race guestion, for Libby, Hastings; Peter V. Abla, (sub- instance, as a single illustration of a Cmtitatar Jieoh Yeckiey, {allizddn; H. : iargy clans of similiar gnestions. In: J. Conway, Elstie; John A. Gray, Dear 1580, 70 per cmt of the culored poptila- | min: Levi D. Stiffler, Lilly: Myra Rich- ton was illiterate, while in ardeon, Ebensburg; Janes {tell, Port: proportion was loss than 57 per cent age; Joseph C. Lauffer, Portage; Pat- Not only did the proportion of colored rick Flankets, Gallitsin; Joba A. Lord, illiterates decreise between 1880 und. Hastings. {890 But the sheolute number of sch 4 A Double Miafortioe. persons diminished. ‘Whether the : saemangh Purites yestartiay morn. On Sunday lust Henry W. Fox, Sr, colored population will hake as adrairs Hie IS ass astamipt bo igeate ihe Allow: of Beir this place, underwent an oper. able a showing in 1900 is a question of noon another report conten from. that addon in a hospital at Philadelphia, in the utmost significance. ee to the effect that th which he had nin log removed. Last The territorial distribution of the i seen, but that be had fled through the mn My Por went sy Pufiudel pia iterate population in anther gestion forests, when effort was made to cap- i. a ii a aw BO ae oe of great interest, In 1810 the percents tire him." ia supposed he froze his leg. It cons you of illiteracy in Lhe North Atimotic sis stantly got worse and at last RANETENE Grates wus 6.19, in the South Atlantic Lomas ® Bonk set in, and the operaton on Sunday Wis Qeates 30.89; in the Morth Central James Rosh, the well-known rail NeCRYSATY To Wave his life. Sometime Spates the rate was 5.70, in the Saath road coaductor, formerly on the Ebens- ago be underwent an operation in AL Central group 29.73. In the lant ten burg Baanch, but lately losated ab Jonni and had one of his legs taken off, yews the South has had a mugnificent Giien Campbell, and George M. Bedell, and now in losag the other he 8 industrial development. Whether thiy formerly proprietor of the Lafay ote doubly unfortunate. Jacob A, Hoover, material progress has resttited tn 0 a son in-luw of Me. Fox went to Phils yigher state of education; whether the delphia to be present at the gperation, benefits of progress has been shied Carpsiitonn News by ihe masses, or have been secured mainly by the richer classes, are gues: | will he party apawers by Wandering Thosagh the Sones. he following is clipped from the Monntaln News solemn of the Pills burg dispatch: “An individual, appar. ently demented, has been wander ing through the woods in the neighbor. heed of Conemaugh Furnace, and has attracted the sitention of the employes 1890 this Officer Michael Sallie vir, of Johnstown, was sent down to {eased for a period of five years the Croose Hotel, at South Fork, They are to take charge June Ith, and In the meantime the hotel will be closed, A aan hives in og feemiol pommanity | tons which reanefer of Ho hy : wifes died. He the statistios of {literacy in Lhe sanths wen known by many Padton od ix spit tas Rive a ory Stalies For THEHL grave, nelghbors Pug [is Wiles Lixave pending the Heense. frend Seeptieny pe Another problem of great nporaiace | iw the increase of WINE, A apposed braved ty ¥ Glas ; Se SAE thE $4 aun psralieoes mal yet hey Tay Deal Ti HITE the ownership of real @ nid had cessed Peogm 1590 10 1890 the nambar O1 $ Bist husband whose Gest 1 Hew gdversily renants iy the United Skates inoraasail irhbors to 4 The wis Alls divisors Gr nat 58 Leer gel norsiee general, Bab greater in the Doan tantie dud Sonth Cenlin shige Plrdteal Nlales Laan 0 siier Ys $5 15 piieral 1h of Hwee country in whh af ownurship of farms ind in ke gr waiting fesasiy Artiieos, are os Yack Sil SHY a gx bob iv. 0 ¥ Ysoupprin TR EERE Friends Bones is ESET, Hh ot, statist EL LC RYE itil whips and mosh Dineen op CRIB Wilh the exception of Italians, foreign-born persons of wvery for our special offers next nationality exceed thy Americans in the Cormiki nod also baad the degree of frm owiership. : En. A. MELLON, Each State, county, and Aciiress Jules LILLE, Clerk. Patton, Pa Hip fuk in jaune ol bila June ho wise saa ha served Unme he, oome ail and attended the relative merida, Hines aati! AGH, vhen he sold it to Ue Pols gune population, had only 585,000 land been in fore for a gumber of Cand it has been decided to take the employes of the whole system who | have been employed & certain number £0 Fi £ Tp 3 sip had i EIA Branch id shane afer judged. Can rteltors Sewtciond. Judge Buffington, in the United [tates district court at Pittsbarg, Fri day, pronounced, scenténce upon Sam- ged Bennett, Joseph Molanley and Pat- risk MoUormick, the Bisiravilie count. srfelters. Bennett, found guilty of making moulds for connterfeiting United States coins, was given fifteen months in the western penitentiary; Melagley, who torned state's evidence against Bennett and confessed to hav rig aided him in bis operation as well mp liaving passed some of the spurious aol, was sentenced to twelve months “and one day in the same institution, and MeCormick convicted of having interfered with 4 rovenoe officer while shjtaged in the performance of his duty, wean sentenced to pay a fine of $500, andl costa, g Will Koawn I Heatly The pew road boak of Pennsylvania, that will gladden the hearts of all mem. hers of the Pennsylvania Division of the 1. A. W.. is now in the printer's lagds, and will be ready for distriba. tion to every member of this division by ubont Jane 3. The new book will cover more tha two-thirds of (be State, and will morever be ibe largest and most romplete road book ever arranged by. this divisden, which means the beat in the whole League. Wheelmen who have no means of otherwise securing ‘this valuable road book should loss no Hise in Becoming members, as this book absne will be worth many times Che dally a year dues in the I. AW, Fxicading the Pageion Famili Al the lines controlbed by the Poeun. syivania Railroad company will, after Junuwkry 1 1901, have a pension fund similar to that pow in force on the Pennevivania Railroad company's The relief department of linew west of Pittsburg and Ere toe fas Em, UAre of of years, At the meeting of the board of directors of the Peansyivanla com- pany, held in Philadelphia Wadnesday, preliminary action looking to pulling the pension fund into effect on January 1 paxt, was taken, Log Hoke Walter, the li-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. George Boyer, of West Ma gee avenue, had the misfortune to have his left leg broken about six inches from the hip. The lad was riding with Jon. O'Leary on a load of mine props when, in some unknown manger, he slipped and fell under the wagon one of the rear wheels passiog over his limb with the above stated results ors. Murray and Dowler reduced the {Fracture Vote of Thanks Extended At the regular meeting of the Patton Plre Co. No. 1, held Tuoesday pvening, it wis unanimously carried that a vote of thanks be extended to Uf. C. Brown, superintendant of Chest reek Land & Improvement Ca, for the Yiheral donation of $81.58 he made to said company ou the Park east of town. Hunk Must Stand Loss, ? The State Supreme Court, with two Justices dissenting in a decision ren. dered in Philadelphia the first of inst week, held that a bank or trust comp ‘any paying a check endorsed with a forged signature most stand the loss of the amount of the check. Bridge Letting. Seated proposals fur the erection of an Iron Bridge over Little Chest Creek in the Borough of Patton will be re. peived at the County Commissifer's {ifee. Ebensburg, Pa. autil 2 o'clock p.m. Tuesday, June 10th, RK Al hide to be accompanied by bond for the apeunt of the bid as a gnarmnlee of good ith on part of bidders, Re pan- rate Bids for Masonry and Superstract. ave wil be required, plans and specifications of ba seen at” ihe County Vemmbsione’y Ufios Syesemstiy] Bidders will be requiesd 10 rponnt of toe til for faith formne Crs. "Aid Lica ix Bus. Jo AnRax HOSTETLER, TW. SHERHAN, Co. Comm'rs, lerk. , May 4, 1%, esis ent Agteat Jorn U, Gates Comirs Office, Thy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers