J WRI Pritts, the notorious moon: | shiner and alleged murderer of | “Yoney" Hochstetler, and for years # figure always referred to when the dar. ing deeds of the illicit distillers of the monntain were mentioned, was capt- | Lared Friday aftsrnoan at the home of a neighbor in Saitlick Township, Fayette ouinty and is now in prisoner in the ads of the Iaw he had successfully svaded for twenty yonrs. The old man was unarmed and ran for half a mile | before being overtaken and then put : iop a hard fight before he was oOverpow- ered by force of numbers and hand- cuffed. | Pritts i now sixti-three years old, “and has a career that would furnish plenty of scope for a penny dreadful or a lurid melodrama on the stage. When i any member “Yoney" Hochstetler was shot from it ambush ten years ago, for baving given away secrets about the moon- shiners to Revenue officers it wis openly charged that “Yoneyv's' death “was due to Pritts, and a charge of that Tv ‘kind i on record agninst Pritts io Sowa Because, { the father or. _erset county. There are two other > fs losing flesh and becom | active charges against “Old Bill.” one: in and emaciated, it will bulid made 8 vear ago hy Messmon Cramer, up and give them flesh and op, Jieged that Pritts tried to kill : him for giving away moonshine secrets. . Berause it is the The other information was made last med; in ail throat and fall and charges iDict distilling. D Because, If the chil de ticat ind sickly. it will | tracted a large crowd Friday evening tin Connellsville, whither he was taken {on hiz way to jail at Uniontown, He | has many friends and admirers throagh- ‘aut Fayette and Somerset counties | Later reports are to the effect that | Pritts has been released on bail, many prominent citivens Boing his bond. N housshold should be without it | can be taken in summer as wel i winter. : SCOTT & TR ke Chemists pid York: wtresring westove | Ney a White A wakc Coripondent : She iearfietd Connty Town IY has been sworn in as FOUND DE 10 in seo John MeNaily Dincoeer! Coil In Desth al e ving 5 of the pluck. : 1s Homme in Crosson, jars that ever Ee - Te John McNally, fomeriy a well-known | Normal schol chosed adnesdny | poral keeper at the Sommit and at Cres week and Prof. Cofluy left for con. was found dead at his home at the at Biae Ball Hendy. We jatter place about 9 o'clock Monday | § very much that the Professor yo ening and a physician who calied ; nv b faye 4 thes je - pronounced it a oases of heart dinenas, niy & ba wel m It is not known when Mr McNally Always be reqaembered kindly | died, but the ast seen of him alive was N itizans of this place. ast Friday, when be retired to hin | Keyes made Little Joe strike air. home on & portion of the jot on which | dh BR. X. Bbobk, proprietor of the Janetion House, of which be wis dropolitan hotal, Ebensburg, was formerly the proprietor, Is erected. | on friends in this place last This morning John E. Thompson, an agent for Porch Brothers, of Johnstown hn desired to see Mr. McNally on a matler ; Mining compariy, spent Sunday of business and went to the Junction hat apron Fa loon LH PE TT : r. MeNally fh wen oP. t AF. Fry Ia having a es el seen about there for a couple of days, painted in Be style, making | and after some talk it was proposed to ‘the most handsome renidencs in the Ly his house in the rear and sen if he | Wester end of thw Sty An entrance was effected by way of ond wie Is making | an upstairs window and Mr. MeNally boller room. was found dead in hia room. Dr Ferg. m. Williamaport i doing the oo. of Gallitzin was snmenoned, and ond after making an examination of the Central Cosl company will begin body gave it ss his opinion that the % on the new railroad this or DEEL man's death was dae to natural canes, | B law, provident of the Cone The contract for the t erection of | heart failare being rmponsilile. There 3 lot. We apderstand Horace anything that sronid lead to the beflef of Baroside, was the suoomes thy the death was not astoral aoe doctor said the man might bave been box sovial wai only fairly weil | dead since Saturday. od Saturday night last. Why! jt not have netted the ball club 00 nutend of $2200? We have fast team; too fast for agy- in this neck of woods It should | ve the support of all citizens, as we | always ready tO go and wee them cheer when they do well, and when they make 8 mistake. o largest and most ordely crowd seen in Westover gathered to wit- the second game of hall between stings club aid the eam ab this | ROW, which resulted in a defeat for, wisitors, the sore standing 19 to 10 end of the seventh inning. The Was called on account of rain A Peeutiar Fire. A cattle car containing nineteen bead of cattle, attached to a fast freight on the Baltimore and Ohio, was destroyed | | by fire Priday afternoon near Braddock _ A spark from the Carnegie blast far. maces ignited the hay in the ear. The train was bound eastward, and the peo ple on the streets of Rankin snd Brad. dock were horrified to see the train fiy- ing through while the animals were being burned to death. The train lefl a Jong live of of staoke behind, and the fire was not discovered until the train had passed through Braddock. The train was stopped aod the boroing dare detached. 1 Bad been burnt nearly to the track, The aninisis were all dita ‘The car was leli on a siding at - Perry and the traln remind its jour nay eastward, A Forgotten Heroine, Worthily worn, the gaody trappings of war, have ever won feminine hearts. gn recording great service to our coun try of an almost forgotten Revolution- ey Bercine, & weiter bas brought to light remarkable romances. The her. tall, cultured, high-born joined tinental army in the uniform fn and served theese years with conspicous bravery. Her sught ber prefermient and into cone with the best people of the Colo es. and ata)! the balls and other social | gatherings she was the lion or lioness | girls adored the brave soldier, pase their love and showered her Lh presents, “Phe Girl Who Fought the Revolution” will bs a feature the July Ladies Home Journal, It is a rd of facts far stranger than J. 4 Hood Jalon of the Peas, {Croshy, Miss, makes the following statement: “1 can espiily that one Eminate coneh cure will Go asl thal elabed for it, My wife cogld not pet Her bpent lh and Low haved ber, It bas also my whote family.’ It acts immediately Land cares tough, colds eraups, gripe, : hronchit tia, asliroa and all throat and apg tronbles. OW. Hodgkins, Pat ton Pharmacy, i fear dome of it fnmefited . ri TEETH Sheer i Have Maw Lana Eat “ys, A153 Eesbeven! Indiana on s farmers have learned recently that they own consid. erably more land than they were aware of The new surveyers of land pur. | phased by different coal compares re vealed the fact that the old measure ments were much at fault, of 800 acres purchased by the Lackaw- anna Tron and Stoel company proved ti eontain more than T00 stress, erson & Hare, a firm of Altoona wyers, haye been ppc sinted attorneys the Dairy and Food Department of svivania, their section of the State {ncluding the Counties of Blair, Cam- bria, Somerset, Clearfield, Jefferson, Centre, Lawrence, and Erie. They will gonduct sli prosecutions against violat- ers of the Dairy and Pure Food law in’ he above named conn tits, Pore-Food- Agent James Foust has been assigned watts. It ui kiy y Piatrict com priging Somerset, Came bronehit grippe, bria, Blair, Cleartie td, and part of Cen: throat wid lang trouble. tre county. kins, Patton Pharmacy. Ww. Musser, Milibeim Pa, saved the life of his litle girl by giving ber one mimute cough cure when she was “dying from orouy, {t is the only barm- Jess remedy that gives immediate 8, Me eres conphs, colds, ssihma, ad all *. W. Hodg- ¢ GW Lhrother AW owt Coffervd hig services tReet ! Strack ! ehurehy are Cott’ % twilight aster, When the mounisin mer aay From our valley Galies hin way, And (he jourmeving dhalivs ride Over the grow meamtain side, Down the Chive saning the trees Moves the pheatly wandering bree With fhe #et tire on The rest And the pale Baht in the west He comes up the dk mavine Whore po Draveier Ix seen. Yet bis cening makes x Wir In the Boule of Ash pet Jr ‘Maxtor, ~ in sr whale You %l) tures 08 ji Sey. I Dke your fed But » with LE wey ant deel), »” rh IR mIEple roi : rnin i ha; Yo getter ours Than sour oo Er £3 Ant ihe Sutioring Aen Gore Whee fen by ber denny PR “Honor v Ant the hag risa |b weaat 3 Fur tonight § wv af thos you} Fore @ oY 4 aud then Tot On 4 tril potitiment and iumad. fy sped dl priate Bi Bay oesde big baad wept raik with wim Wim the faust Hpht | is dm, Taking connee! with he ert OF five oltergide oad eo Fark 0 your Rear Sonne gue try The weet wilo fastiegde And then ¥ b fn the shed The reed cops Baseied | 10 Wie ww 5 “Enter, £8 Sita Caron in Sorbner’s rh SHORT LIVED COMPLIMENT. Pritts looks very patriarchal and at- Archibald Forbes’ Experience With n {otored Cabmuas, There 1s a delighitfolly human stork Cwlileh Archibald the wir correspondent, told, rather av his Sf JK gratin tion desire of The Vian aged Eioner intelleetanl ond ¥ Bf The when Bak pu & in i wy Bas iy fino wy Pe Tsar, the apparent far fare fn Ar BAL HY { hontor, Josie, ia : hit a, satbanan. it Ix said to ponTey lim Ge Reet Mr. 5 i a oolvred hin hotel Whew be there Forbes asked tha extent of yemane flan expected far the journey dark y replied “Well sal if youd jon tae de lectiy! right gad” Thiz nn files & { should He Bimy nel anir Am lmudable, bul as to him, 30 he said “Certainly. And minsin?’ “us vos sah Fae got a ou asin weal wan whiall have one for hor" Asd B or Etat! his srent By fam fied Raven’ to the knowledge seokvr the requisite | in Cnt a Mpteriainment, roti he fo mes lie col sad pat Arrived pasuss fod the rege hing the eeitire C glance over the aw Since ared friend, Dat lhe nor aa he put in 45 apisranee. Nast she on getting te the go to the station, Mr mornin Cans vohicl . Forbes aid: “I didn’t see you at the lecture Inst Ty atght” “Ne sah | we pt dar” “Hat, you know, I gave you tk for yourself and wife” ye, sah: | know that sali bul yoo I jes’ mold dem tickets for 81, rah wily ahs ‘eanwe 1'd railer Bab de ‘mah I iiadetpiiia Call His Roundabout Way. A man was going Rome to his wife and family, [twas growing dark Crom from hee # ation Wis i phe. amd he was getting along asx | an he conkd when he stad foenly susan Eevd that a man behind hin was follow Ing him purposely. The faster he went : the faster the man went fase ton gravevard EN Boor BE ul ta blmandl “if he's alter me i inl @ wnt followed hom of 1 revolvers and parrlirs grew apon Bim He » a deregy of A splendid fg sanbemie Ign Was Bi flay Bim, round a4 Af baer Be rormed and faved the Gel Lye aml aalael “What the dlokens Fou want What are fie forr" RY hie 3 Brown's house porter Logstl 3 $a i: $y fae road “ and the Ear if id place 81 TEs elon vies 1 nel {a wg Ji . 2 » hg howe at all tangs? SR ips Kw Foard In ths Swim. dweller red yrned i fierhoelt To “NM rE 23 EL find pnaer a Marr A £0 Re A Letter Ea the {andidate, sires] Lis . roby esd Soy sof Cine Leal food fortnne sunt what bob Bonde ing | Every bottle warranted Late of one fare Tleketa to he sold and good going Jane ny wis a New York Sentral t pal fogwest fram a cabman | gutar amd Guite complinepiary : pon gol 4 Rots ; fis nels | fist gail they And be EL Shae ¥o re vinta fle ath. ; rg wok Judge Wels handad down an opinion 12 Now ca : : in which he decides that private indi for whi oh the publishes ore de dre aM. ‘ager in this Connty, alse must pay the State tax of four mille vidas engaged in the banking biisinions ‘upon notes discounted by thelr Banks. The question arose in an amicable action brooght by the Rtate Account. ing Officer agains! the private banking frm of Hamlin & Sons of Smethport, If troubled with rheamatism, give Chamberlain's puin-balm a trisl It ‘will not cost yeu a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain, Tt also cares sprains and Broises in one -taird the time required by any ather treatment Cots barns, frost | bites, quinsey, pains in the side and glandular and other swellings Lare quickly by applying # Price, 25 and Ww. ? phieat, cayrend 50 cents. Patton Pharmacy, ' Hodgkins. GAB For the (3. A. RB Encampment, Dep | partment of Pennsvivania at Getiys- | burg. June 2.9. the Pannsvivania Rail pond Company will sell excursion tick: Envanipment, ‘ate to Gettysburg from all stations on {tw line in the State of Penosyivanis at for the round rip 2.4 and to sotaen anlil June 11, mca shvs (minbmam rate ify cants Agents on salary of B15.00 per week ard Sxnas thy Fraptost Agent aplieor | aver produced, every stock and Patiery ht Husting: Ww 9) Torre palser buys an # wanted. Hefirenos Address stamp, Americans Mig Haute, Tod ihe Proawdetifyis Yin York ential Th : Boeitnoest Haris renatt af the Republican Nation. York Central % #% 3 al Coanventing, the New will sell axearsion Lede ohin and retnrs, Jude 15th to Sh, ine slusive, good moturning on or befor Jone Sith, af single fure for the rons i trip “bien Ww bs furnished] open * Specitle rales ane tithe d cation bo tieket agent They Hadn't Met. A corresnraadend of the Starifont Can Copant tells Bf a news clinging bureginl whieh sei a letter wo Jol Bunyan wip of 4 work entitied Radon i care ing Mr Bangan to subscribe © the by Yew. After the deen of the fae PP 3 Barnum” continaes the earrespomd ent BE Chrentest Rhow dan Bart aed for awhile lo Ose Ir wens conuing In Harb #7 a publish Gn unt fila nase men here nN the Bev. Pdied mie I Wis sr the getive pastor of t Sin reading patuiering EC Walker im ocpelibly fepoviad to have sail SX pevrer feara POT. Barnum fo CD Mawel Me Haruo dead wid D Pir Hawes ie deadl It ls evident that TREY AER they lave fit they yapd tor! fun die wl T he Waik ret oi Pw, Jiwl Hawes Tegra before, 0 by Te Genrge 1. kar Bed teh diud in Lad Pleasures ol Opulence Dorsthy = Pa. 1 do wish we were rich Dorsthy's Pa -diow would you Hike ti ed apni Eg awry fir KBGD Db wile gal ¢ihteagn fosord | enoagh {md agreealily! as Brew. wile Jitter a A {leruarn hr win dh fn fn TRAY aed such Been Che wie ahie foor moans wi Yinibetones 9 lent Bora Davos unger #5 { Bagh or Aaericd Faatin a6 KELLEY INSTITUTE, ERR PR vee, FrrTeEi ae Fa. Wily Tre Pos Bank bgt Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Ilon't Know it. How To Find Out. - Nearly 100 full-page engraving, sampt- tibeen Broadway and Filth Ave, 'Y ork. Aas te fo Pluses any § Phe Fife of the mags Cord. and it sent free tiekets to clergy Ainge the lerteny contain. sid tekels Wigs one addeemsd 10 De. 3 ‘ all other resnltaaf imperfect di hat Wall Paper. STIL 3% fie lowest $15 | with rig eee Man. Otes our Poultry Mixture and Insect Ba. | | Destroyer in the eoantry. Send stamp, American Mfg, Co., Terre Haute, Ind. After suffering from severe dyspep- gous paper, iliontinated covers and gu over twelve years and sing many bindings: over 200 golden lilies in the pedies withont permanent good I. moraeco ndings: veariey 160 poses in faally took Kodol dyspepsia cure it the cloth bindings Sells at sight. gid me so much good 1 recommend it presses sunning day and night so great of) evaryone” Writes J. EB Watkins, is the sale Ohristien owen and woman (jerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. making fortunes taking orders Rapid gy ¢ igests what you eat. ¢. W. Hodg- promotions. One Christian woman kink, Patton Pharmacy. rade clear $500 in four weeks taking orders among her church soquaintances and frionds. Write us, It nay lead tou permanent pay ing positon to manag aur bukiness and jook aller our large corrpapsndence, which yon can attend \ to right at voor home Address 8. OQ Knowles, 12 East Fifteenth Street, be Naw a good lieltor: good pay te right party. 210 sip fter suffering from piles for Afteen yoars | was cured by nssing two boxes of De itts witeh hazel salve,” writes W. M. Baxter. North hook, N. B It heals avergthing. Berti of counts | erfeita, OC W. Hodgins Patton Pharnasey. You are invited to and see my new line of (GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Ete. At Lowest Prices. How's This pine Hunde Dollis ewand fie 4 inerh Edd pti pat Yet as vend by ATL Prete, Told, 130 dd. ve k own J Sa : Flour and Feed i a a tf “ally atin 50 carey dat any blige SDEATAT TY ne de by he twyswaei A SPECIALTY. Wasy § WW paisa Pirsigitinte, Dh i A Mana, Whalemmie | Also best grade of Lime. fnneenadly, wets : $43 pussie a 5 By per tutti, BEWe ighing done Corrects le an street scales, located : imi ade few PR 2 directly in front of store. JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. TS! iis I have just received my (new Carpet “samples for the spring and summer trade, and among them will be found fnany neat patterns CALL Aud examine them and get prices before buying elsewherc. When in peed « of PURE DRUGS, STATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES .t ty il Huber’s $ Drug Store, PATTON, PA. Prescriptions property compounded. Ca Ttartificiaily digents the food and sds rengthening and recon. § stenoting 1 we exhausted digest 1 gana, tis the latest dircove E ant and tonic. No othr preparation | can approach it in efuiency, fn stan ty relleves and perttasentiyenres | wwspepsin, Indigestion, Heartburn, Pie Sour Suimpeh, Naoses, | Sick Headache Gast ralgis,Crampaand ug, | FURNITU RE . & UNDERTAKING. Prepared by £. C. Dewitt Co. C CW. Boagiiss Patton Phy. i White or Black Hearse RA Ho SEND Wall Paper. a Summer Shirt Waists. We have the rst romplets stock : Qtviish waists, every one of them, of Wall Paper in Namhern Cambria find such & variety af aolors and prices a huodred patterns to select that none peed go unsuited. of. Kitchen. Dining ikn’t a worthy sort of Shirt Waist made Fini] and. Ofion pap that hasn't is representative hore in Hall and Offies prpsrs, © ohing and colors, ail made in popalar possible prices. eyhes, principaily withost yokes and . Trench Dd {thir White Walsta are Picture Departme nt. £ vgn CRs ir vi Hoon. Pr lor, parveds of besuty, and white is all the re this vear. The prives begin at 38, ard pun ar Mie, Be and so on un to A and B50 each The goods are sure to interest you, Hor they are nw and stylish fre . Given. The New Idea Patterns Have jumped right inte hgh favor, and no wonder, fir they ave perfect gives satisfact sn and are only ny sive or kind you may «then if vou have not done atton BArt and Paper Store, Aves, i % % at wi iia ion Sheets Pree, WW. COOK, i Magee Altoona, Penna. BR ae iy xi ER pa 0G a a LC oak k A POTS new goods who lis at : new, we are un- whi at Ha Kes s them d to dhe Ww &
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