ow Eye Specialist, by special request will be at the above Drug Swre twice each year, much of ns tine you will fad Bim al our Spectacle factory ey Te. in the United States does business like ours. He offers you protection if you want vour eyes feste, for spectacles. 11 yon have been Lo wee one ialists call on our eve specialist, vou will never regret it. he improves eyesight after hundreds have failed: work is simply an adveriement fir our o any of the below Drvgrists. 411 are United States best Lruggists and He is the best man we have and a member of the company, for ten years. We refer you 1 : For the last ten jeirs nr eye specialist has ot stopped of done | busi {ess with anyone except a reliable droggist. Ho b has never ailled that will correctly fit the eyes, he He will not let vou have glasses { expense. Yin are protected in ih we do not please you, he would aot ts we Sto with are members of Druggist nds of eyes with spectacles who had head- ve been misfit many times ami soe a We'd not be andervold by any respon 20 000 eves and we hive $000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers