’ a Pains in the [errible » | Head- / aches COLDMST DRUG STORE IN OIL, C1YV.' Chi City, Pa, Jan. 28, 1508 0. B Armstrong & Co, Soithiort, Pa, Dear Sir. | win piessed to bear that vou have arranged with the Chicago Optical afew days. You will Gnd hin strictly bonomble and re jtable in all his deaiiugs, amd very thorotigh in his examina tions. He has been at our store several times and has the beat of satinfaction and bas complied with all that he ngrees to do. It will he to your best interest to recommend him to your friends and customers needing glasses, Very respet’ly, The Simmons Co, AAA ds Pains in the Come more ig Tix those whose eyenight is defective | , Gmatitnde to Chicago Optical Co's Doctor and ncere sympathy with ail those whose evesight is ective, constrains mie to minke a Tow statements Fd of simple faet. 1. With the very serious difficulty of imperfect vision This has often made a burden o : otherwise have been a delight this, helpful studies and profitable lubers often have had to given up. : Hh times sotght advice and help both from medical treatment and the uae glasses. were the only result. My nervous system and my general health were in, uriously affected by the constant strain required to sccomplish the work to which my energies were devoted, 3 3 111. My attempts to be helped having been 20 unsuccesstul i having lost ail my faith in the advertisements of ** Docton ane Kye Specinlists’ and bavin a Yit hm. And When I did scarcely a ope of being 1 IV, When Tid RO at 3k whish he thawed is examining my sight gave me clear proof of hiselficiency. The glasses he pup : Phe me pe were a perfect fit. } game hey need. They far exceaded all my expectations und seemed t¢ open doors which had always ee pe closed mi i Professor % terfiis were most fair and ressonabie, as were all his dealings with tie. There comes to my mind the conviction thst al his public statements are unvarnishied trath. : IV. After more than a vear of constant use 1 find the go to consult him it was with Fermanently benefited. Klasses as goed and as beneficuil in their effects as ever. Through them ny health is improved, my labors are | 3 - i x * 4 DAS ATE 3 3 a ened, my comforts are greatly crear The e ligliten Sen to books | could make bat little nse of before, any ways increased niy enjoyment of life and effici Ea hn iy Jo) ife and efficiency in CU Therefore tv al! whe have defective oi ident! ; Bo have defective sight | confidently and earnestly say Ko Rint ponent your Clyics or otival © + Ye . tal 3 ‘ Ca tical % 4 5 Bpeeiatt. . Yery traly ay P : ta ame reorgetown, Cin. Rev. A Bl Worl It was my Jot to be born with my left eye turn ed towards the right, which is commonly calied | cross-eyed, so that the sight of my left eye was J defective. [ could not read but with the right eve | only, and in early life my right becom weak. About two years ago I consulted your Dactor | 3 about as winch out of curiosity as hope of bewesi, TF | didn't expect help from any source, but after a careful examination the Profesor gave me glasses which i left eye and improved the sight of my right that I can see to read in clear day fight without glisses. strengthened my eye #0 which I could wot do in forty years. His easion is a marvel io me account of my indebtedness to him and to encourage other to pply to him in confidence they will not be disappointed, 4 Senaca-st., Buffalo, N.Y. Rev. A. H. Cameron. Dear Doctor © 1am highiy gratefal to you for the glasses you fitted me with, : I have an eve which caused me pain and agony for 3 long years, got 4 hat 1 cou se with it, now with aid of my glasses could see work with it alone, and the pain is compietely gave. lawrence, Kan. I remain, youts truly, isaac Deachman arbi coin esi ' Dear Doctor: I desire to testify as to the efficiency of the | glasses you fitted for me. I must say I have had a great many | have gut the right ones nt money on glasses that were of no use, my | trials to gat now. | ihi9 . : eyes being different from euch other. 1 went to New York © while there in N. V., 1 had my eyes tested and a pair of glasses to suit. These glasses were a per foet boos 10) me, and | could sev beautifully with them ; buy them to the jewelers, and they sidered the frame, and tned tn a pair to suit me, bat pub fhe glass back into the frame, and broke the glass, split : the center. They hal not another glass that wonld | ut five years, | pot have such an able man in the cliv as | right u take its , #0 1 have had to go with it for x your doctor. : 1 hop. you will do as well for everyone as you have for me, which have 1 doubt you al ' 1 remain, yours truly and gratefully, Centrilis, Missouri. Prod. BE. KR. Saxton A———————— top. Dear Doctor: Your circular of a recent date to band, and in i reply am more than satisfied with my glasses that you fitted | for me. The one for the right eve has entirely relieved me of hesdache. The one for the left eve (that wus hurt some 18 ¥ shows a wonderfal improvement. Four montis age “aut the time of day on an ordinary watch. vou when you told with my left eye as [ could with my right. ‘commenced. Al ¢ to thank you sgain for your courteous treatment of me when you changed the glass for me. Jou the com sliments of the season. I remain, 2 Suate-st., Chicago, Ili. dr 1 believe now that Yours truly, Ww. J. Blam. ‘1 thank you for your kind enquiry concerning § glasses. It is now two years mince [ got them, the longer I wear them the better [ Like them. seldom use them in the day time, and at night see micely with them, and they do net tire my , and instead of having to take them off te rest putting them on, Should they need any attention only be too glad tw avail myself of your kind of Yours truly, Mrs A. G. Durst, lateron lw fer to fix them free of charge. 170 State-st., Chicago, 111 ——“-r—n“ I am well satisfied with the glosses | Dexr Sir; ich . They give me entire sulis- tion and [ can read and sew without pain. I tonfidently recommend anyone who needs y : to pay you a visit and they will be well suited, Kabland, Wis. Mrs 8 B Clark. Pains Over the Eyes. and want of glasses than any other cause. vou suffer we will tell you whether it is or is not your eyes that make the trouble . . . Co to ave their specialist stop with you given Through all my Jifell havehad to contend | what would Ou account of Io New York and also here in Denver | have several In each case failure and disappointment ‘ i no personal knowledge of your | foctor it was with mach dificaity that [ was at ast Sclacc 1 a : to the Professor, the care and | eyes and testing my | They fully met my long felt They in | [ ve my wstimony os 30 blind that 1 could mot discern my own face 1m the | to do most | | when I came to Missouri [ broke the frames and took | I could not tell my fingers before my face, now [ can thake | [I did not believe me that in one year 1 could see as good | will Bot Sake » Your if the improvement keeps on as it Jas | Allow m Wishing | ing them awhile, the eves feel Temples. 6 Back of the Head. frequently from defective eyes i | Dear Doctor: After 2 years of bad and defective sight my husband suprised me bey asking me to visit you and Have your true test and opinion. After three month's trini I will say the elegant house glasses you fitted to my poor eyes bas so much jui- proved my sight that [ feel young again. | am very thankful to a divine providence that gives us such a man of science and cul tare to assist poor failing nature in so mark- od a degree. 1 can only hear worlds of waral prise from so many in this part who . have sought your help. Very mmny have : | heen going elsewhere, but you are changing ail this life of | trade and from the excellence of your stock and reasonable prices must come the palm and the ocouligt science to com. plete victory. Yours traly, i Main-st., Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. | BE. Woodwanl, « Some three years ago your eye specinlist made a very vic | pair of eve-glasses for me, which gave and continue to give every satisfaction. Personally, I know that his skill was in great demand during his visits to the Northwest, and brought { relief aud comfort to many, The sufferer from any weakness, . failure or obliqueness of vision shoull without fail go and see him. He hax made the Ie his special study, and is without doubt a gifted eve specialist. His glasses are excellent, his courtesy nufailing and his prices modente | 1 wish Him every | i success and much patronage. ib i Minoeapolis, Minn, 1 ; X James 0). Jones. Dear Doctor: It is about nine months since you fitted me with walking and reading glasses, and I am very much pleased with then. Before wearing the walking glasses my sight was fuite misty, and I was afraid of losing my sight, but that has now disappeared and my sight is very much improved. ! an Yours very truly, W. Virginia-st., Buffalo, N. ¥., G. N. Barnet. Denr Doctor: 1 cannot expres the gratitude © feel to you for relief which vour glasses have given y eyes. Some few months ago | was almost Blind in my right eve, and 1 could not read for five minutes at a time. Besides, the pain in my. Head was almost unbearable at tmew. Tam thank. : Aful to stute owing te the relief given by yourspec- 7 tacies the sight has been restored te mo right eve | and [ can read ne long as I wish | also the pain in | my head sever troubles me. Hoping that every sufferer who reads this, will at once try your incomparable glasses Very respectfully vours, Mra. WW. Bedler Eide ¥ 5 Niagara falls, NY. Dear Doctor © The glasses rou fitted for me nearly two years ago have more than exceeded | my most sanguine expectitiony. My headaches have disappeared, amd my powers of vision are greatly enhanced. 1 can see well at at distance and my eves sever grow tired reading or sewing. Yours truly, : Bowling Green Mo Mis. Henry A. Nemiis Banta) Dear Doct clinsed a pair of your glasses, my sight being | almost goue to see at a distance or read any print at night, | hereliy certify that they have | 5 i { Having some time since pur greatly improved my sight so much so that 1 can | read any fine print without ny glasses at all and the pain which troubled me when reading lefore 1 used your gasses hax alally jeft me. 1 can | not say too ntuch lo praise your glasses for the good they Dave heen te me. Honing others whe are sofferioy the same as I | have been may be benefited by purchasing & paw of your | glasses, 1 nm respectfully, tohn H Dewning, Lima, QO 1 % Chicago Optical Co. : Dear Doctor © I thank vou very much for the good your glasses have dene mie. [can see ¥ } #8 good without them as { could with them a year | ago. When I got them there was haifof my right e that | cenld not see with, Now [ can see rate ht in front of mie with that eye Yours rudy, Dietront, Mich. Mary A. McDonough, A sm ON 1 have been affectes] with my opin dear sights edtiess since infancy and although [ consuited many different. eye specislists and opticians, any glasses 1 ever jot seemed defective in some way, and I always fonml dificuity in reading, sewing and performing my necessary domestic duties. Since you made a pair of glasses for me about a year ago I seein fo have entered upon a new life ax everything [ look at Ajpeany so clear and dis timet, sid with their use | cnn read and sew the finest fabrics | anid perform the most intricate domestic duties with ease and ‘comfort. I think this testimony as to what you have done to . me may induce others similarly effected to give you a trial as 1 {am confident you can help them. Thankfully yours, | 828 Adem St. Chicago. Mr. Dalton R. Williams, nd a pane I thunk vou for sending the circulars. My Bosbhand has given them in the mull also to eur nds. Your spectacles you made for me have | en a great comfort to my eves. 1 recsmmend | them to all pecple whi require glasses and bave | weak eves. You are the only one who has fitted correct with spectacies. | Yous sincerely, Mes Garwood Edwards. iy ‘ me half | Seuth Chicage, IL § : Chicago Optical Co., Buffalo, N. ¥.© It gives N\ nie great pleasure to recommend your glasses. 7a They suit me perfectly. 1 have tried a great many | J other glasses from doctors and epticians but never | g could get any ery weak. Il is a comfort to wear them est my eyes ai soon as [ put them on. ~ Englewood, LiL Mrs. John Mann, fos i to suit me 38 veurs for my eyes are as they | m——— i Dear Doctor: I have found the glasses you fitted for me to . be perfectly satisfactory, although | hive had them but four weeks | have found they have done me a great deal of good | My eves do not look so red as they did, neither does the lids droop se much. Many of my friends have remarked about the | difference the glasses have made on the appearance of my | eves. Ioan alse read as long as like and my eves do not get tired us they wiad to. | will gladly recommend vou to anv ge af my friemds needing the treatment 1 did. Yours truly, [Mvenport, lows Rev. H. A, Warn, i and Wrinkle tion are everywhere, . have often inherited the tendency and a ‘nervous temperament, They have tried all kinds of treatment, sometimes with partial relief, but never with | Specialist, before wasting time and mom eyestrain and its many reflex disorders. | care, work, or strain. you consult our Doctor you prout | | with magy doctors and 12 000 patients. ‘not being a disease, but rat nsnnily regarded as oviden- ces of advancing spe, are to a great extent the result of a condition of the eyes which can be corrected or removed by the nse of eye- classes . . . TOWS eet ments, Headache, Neu- ral ria, &c. ‘* No more frequent ailment of a nervous character presents itself for treatment fo the refractionist than cephalgia or headache The sufferers from this afflic- Subjects of chronic headache mm of a highly permanent benefit, because the nnderlying cause of the trouble has not been removed. Hence, no slight ex- cuse, the old trouble has returned. '* Headache is of various kinds, aceording to the exciting cause. Thus there are catarrhal, gastric, and nervous headaches. and again, some headaches are caused by tumors of the brain. * = Anything which reduces the reserve pervous power to such an extent that it is insufficient for an emergency may be the un- derlying cause of headuche. There is, however, no ‘ more frequent source of nerve waste than that which come from some defect in the refraction, acconmoda- tion, or convergence of the eves. The organs of sight are in constant use, adapting themselves instantly to every change of positiun and distance of the object Jooked at. “If an eye is defective unatomically—-too short from front to back, as in farsightedness (hyp ropa), too long, as in nearsightedness (myopia), with an irregular curvature of the cornea, as in astigauitism, or if the two eyes are not evenly balanced in inuscular development (heterophoria}, we have in such cases a causative factor of headaches which is permanent, is usually inherited, and isa constant source of waste of nerve power, and the removal of which in ninety six cases out of a hundred has been found to relieve co existing chronic headache. Flower, from pructical re sults. we are warranted in saying that every case of head: acke should apply lo the Chiago CUplical (o's Eye we anid serve power ia seeking relief with medicine. Our present civilization and school system have a marked influence in producing and perpetuating neuropathic tendencies The close room into which three-score children are packed at the period of physical development, the close application to books whih is expected of them, the defective light, tite bending position which from very weariness they assume, and the incentive to stand at the head of their class to which neurasthenic child: ren always respond, are potent factors in producing [t is to this neriod of youth that most sufferers with chronic bead ache can point as the time at which their trouble began. # ' Symploms-—Pain in temples, over eves, and at the back of head. rarely at top Paroxyimal, either at regular intervals, or after some especial uxcitement, In women there is often great pain at the seventh cervical wertebra, at the base of neck, and also at the lower paint of shaulder-blade or scapula. Others have pains t ar in the lower part of the back, the occipital muscle, and is spoken of as if at the * base etween the two scapule In men the pain 15 1n of the brain |. : + Chronic headache causes a feeling of lassitule. incapacitating the person for mental labor and often causing them to exclaim ®@ ‘I fear I am going insane tn DA FHA: i AG Dr. Ambrose I. Ranney, A. MM. D. says, mn the New York Medical Jowsmal, June 15th, 1892 |‘ Eve-strain is a frequent came and perhaps tire most important of all factors that tend to produce functional nervous diseases. * * * | have vet to encoupler 4 case where typical sick headaches occur that is not associat- | ed with 'eveestrain ob BSE ARSON. IC To correct refractive errors and mmicalar insafhic: jencies by means of properly adjusted glisses, is purely | scientific-mechanical work—onr specialty, Our Eye cost him much money. If fit bv his experience Eve strain her a mechanical defect, is Specialist 's experience has oN ' curable alone through application of especially prepar- ed glasses. Our own succes: has proven thi, Sincerely CHICAGO OPTICAL CO., BUFFALO, NEW YORK.
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