{et} ety dressed, and that means a great deal to & woman. AX she moved up to make room for & new. somer & man entered. and as he sat Jiwn he said to the comfortable one. hy. Jape, this 5n't your afternoon How di they dome 10 Bt you oxi ioday TT * The young Woman grew very red io @ the face for all ar were looking and lxtening, and wtaminered oul Bs she fa lf reso and en fell back in ber sent “Naw look heve” ow well you're dressed toa!” oon famed her tormentor They niust fe you 820 a menth Eu? yp EnlRTreuR about your sta’ Naw, io be quiet] erie the tatde ome “If you think” ATilamoiade. ton went on the fh inary “while man as he canght a Rash frog ber waving fingers. DOr gre They arti 1 Hpoon- The sarropntod one sprang up. stap peed the ear apd saade a rapid exit allowed by the cause of the tratitde, Wiese farewell remark to the i mates [QM the oar was Sell well hot some people are Lon They were hoshand snd wife and this was Bia weird Bioa of taking hile revenge for 8 Curtain Jectyre - Phils A Wanderinl Genltogical Freak. Among the many wonderful (reaks in nature there oan be Bone in the geo logical lipe that can peossibly exited that known ax “The Giants 1Yesid.”’ tf stands, or, rather reclines, sgainst he face of the cliff at Polat Fisos, io Monterey county, Cal, aud all who Bave viewed the wander declare it to w the most colossal as well as the «most mary elon freak In tataral scoip ifure Hn eX ixienoe. All portions of the “head” except thie bark, which appears to be Shoe kead Ito the metamorphic twks eainst fyehioh it seers to be 80 naturally ‘atiping. mre nx perfect an though fresh Tin United States shiver dollar Walon tha Be A sotne giant sealptor, pow & legal tender in Porto Hico. | The chin, month, Bose, eyes anil hrow Thus i fa the American dagle expanding ges gil perfect, 8% 8 Aisa hair, ita wings. ‘which appears fo be gre wfuiiy drawn woul on “beck from the forehead, . Lorene pambiing. bali Aghting, | The ears are not ao "troe (0 fife" ns dirt and vice ire being gradunily elim | the other features are, tnt even in this inated from oar bland possession respect no stretch of the frnaginaltion under American role. iis perisrired in carder to see 10 erably perfect suricular appendages. The hold features, backward wase of the [hal massive forehead, mustaclie, fine branded so the oo would Bnow u uutry . ly ehiselod nostrils and deep Bet eyes whether it is the Jeffersonian, Jack. are all reprednend on 8 natueal yet gb sonian,’ Bryanian or the Moleniap | 'gantic scale and with wondertul FRCL | ness. The Typewriter and hve Bre, SINCE 1800 the revenue of the Post Office Departinent has increased from | 97 cents to $1.00 per capita of popu- nation, re a 3 — $ i Tae Dewey's Demoorary | shoald be Tur Detavratic a rentiat of W hite tions declaring for the retention of they the genernl introduction of type nes. Ex Governor Wilson, of | written matter. A recent medical work lrgiala, in » long letter to the | upon diseases of the cfs KiTER A great Post also declures that many proofs |u substantiation of this entire Sanath In for Sx passion. | opinion. i i The characters are so targe on the y ey that there is no appreciable strain ‘on the viston, and when dexterity Is at tained the eyes onp searcely be suid to ibe used at all. A vast strain is taken Office Jepartment, opens nu 1 na pop- bg the eye by writing with the ype fix extending the work of writer instead of the ¢ pen. bot the ad the Weather Bureau to the agricultural one p0n of reading the typewritten tases, has directed the Chief of the | matter are even more Important from Weather baresu 40 take advantage of g medical point of view, and the strain this system for the purpose of more npon the hands Is also slight. pletely furnishing the farmers and | It ix said that a persan can work for renidents of rural sections with t he eight consecutive hours, with slight io. ally weather forecast and he terruptions, without the hands being > conscious of fatigue. In using the and frost ruings. a typewriter the additional labor of fo ecusing the eyes calls the muscles into io ; undue use, and the result is that many een the Facifio ¢ and the Con defects of tision which would sot wala in Japan have been directed 10 ogignly be discovered under normal vestigate the enormous and nnex- conditions are brought to the front d influx of Japanese into this Scientific American country within the past few months | Many thousands of lsborers have al Paris is Frases, ready arrived and every explanation Paris bas siways been Fratice. All the great mbsemetiis of the country ‘hasbeen offered. It is suspected that, the emigrants have either come as con- | tract laborers or have been induced to; Jenve their homes by the misrepresenta- tions of steamship agents and emigra- Hon cohpanies, or fur fear of being consoripted in the army in case of war. with Rossa, on lo the Wooded Hie, Hlevirnl weeks since the Philadelphia Sanday Times presented ite readers with a magnificent lithograph in twelve colors by Le Roy. The demand for the jestie exceeded the supply by many thonsand copies. The Times has se cured another paintings companion | ber thy Bret by the same artist, entitled “A Riooming Clematis,” which | is now beng lithographed io twelve polos, and which will be given away free with thie great outing number of ’ The Times, Sanday, May 18. . Bheet music is issued regularly with The Sunday Times, On May 13 Tite : ping O’er the Hill)’ by W. B Mit ton, regulation sheet music, with pesntifully colored title page, will be given free in connection with the hand- sume lithograph. Place yaur rer ely and you get An exquisite picture. . Bheet music, COA magazine section. LA forum section. An amusement section. A great newspaper. © All for 5 ments with the outing num. ber of The Banday Timex. A SPECIAL Treasury agent bas been He NTN A SA have been centered here, whither tw litical, religious, social Htermiy or ac tistic. So that any attempt to trace the Chistory of thie olty launches one linme Cdiately inte the strly of fhe nation while an effort 10 master the history of Cehe Freneh people sende coe to Paris One realizes phils particularly when be | POLS to gid the af her great men amd women, They may have heen Lorn in the south or essl or tuat syest. hut to rise to the first rack the < were ghlired to seek the caps ir was there they Istrsetion, formed relations, Swag thelr careers played thelr paris ~Seribner « fives I ay duke wn Nef Tacviiml, Lord Jolin Loswil was not In oe £ tow the of Inverness daan ta 4 he hind ent doan far a pd op and we 10 oe the table and sat by the Died iA thet ful ris liomy wa nly prvi tite Fan gmp Bi ge HH nner flue sire while of grass orf Wi thanx is wife he Bad Heo ; hare boen 110 1 had sat wi ih iy bavk oh oy tn that grea tine “1 bute Paudy i ranr redson to the Duchess of Laver EE warn the amid TE din the Duchess of St Albans! Dosaestie Infellcity. fiuchand “What's woresing you now? Wife Oh 1 was thinking about he Lace eurtaimt vou sald | piight buy Gir Cthe parker. 101 don't them. the | nelrhbors weill think 1 ean't afford Ethan. and HOT de, ther’ hide the view Lot our handenme the neighbots might have through the windows, =Phiiadeiphia | Press. Sak oad dang hig aferwand why sand Jatin, ih but 1 fold 4 » ae I bad stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cared tin 1 began to use Kodol dyspepsia core, It has done me so mach good 1 eall it the savior of my life.!! Writes W. R. Wil _ kinson, Alabany, Tenn. It digests what yon eat. OC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Rome mien are never satisfied After having Regie Hinbs broken haatls smashed thoy go to law and rs ito get further damages Chicas Make will always be worth living ae ay the occupants of the Is your eount strot There In the general opinion among L3 Teun, pamed £ la | {oenlists that the eye In moch pedinved Thin hesd out to when & mountain of sea water fell a hoot on the deck and filled his Boat gave & anti de: screed that she must turn completely | ‘his eves from news furniture which lite a ministry of late and It ' {the Mysti LC. May 73-24, the Pebnayivania dog | pond will sell tickets to the general | public from sil stations on its line, to | the general public, from all stations on "ite line, to Washington and retarn, | rate of one fare for the round Lrip. Tickets to be sold and good going May 19.71, returning to May 28, inclusive The ancients beleived that rheama- tins was the work of a demon within a man. Anyone who has had an sitack | of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the infliction in dem. anise enough to warrant the belief It has never been claimed that Chamber. jain’s pain balm would cast oul de mens, bat it will care rheumatiom, and hundreds bear testimony to the truth of this statement. One application re leives the pain, and this quick rejief whieh it affords is alone worth many timos its com. Por sale by Pattou Pramacy CC. W. Hodgkins CTR MPIR ANT: WONDERS NINETLENIH CF NTL RY oof Carigiont. Eftertaind Fiat amd [hee vg ihe fmBY Ane RARER inl woiriads (inti Sf MEsterind Dtaiaeton Pr aarens, By Jusses FL ansintest hy wm ope of Shy Raa tently it Paste tad wg Ted Peitieral 0 Bord Thirty dw By 4 . od Rpmetih Eee, This grandis | FR hmgeti ve WLHTY 8 RH] Enon see pn bh it Pht TEENY £5 le Cempnd Mare h £35 the art Ua Tew &dl Lh CEETETE for ki Fate pry jeer GF SOB Ie Tbe An ew sk ewd ones of pany Fivewusly pf stale, rowan, 35 variety w Uh PORE 1d Siw wpa Perl FA Ene Ti lR Wes ween tress THIRTY FIVE Sa PugvE Tawny EE Vows To x Wan iE gpg x PRE TENE I0R Gl Fe TERY SR wry de 8 waste The foe of § boave writhen un lashing Sagat slow pen. ome Wheeden, “Wh Re al the {ved af Arid Hm IEE el sriien Med Bend Teg Hii WARY CS owritew oF The {ent | Rogue md aK and Tes 3 wr £0 ws the Fiat od evipdeniia 18 5a ou Bow Toor the aad pad ih enian e eRGE fad LPRRRTY i Brows ned 5 wir ¢ merge eof Blue Ty ag in very silraelive = ny | sdbvertiaertierdt 1 anotdow oo f perp ti TR war leied la Ripe% iv and young, Be ihe Sa aE bey ged way Fp By Fai tha by ws La avery perwon wii whed af ihe CLrY HR pn wx Tren he REE Read (ar one PEE A Story of Amos Cummings, One samser 8 number of years Agn Amon Comming passes] two weeks on & pilot lal and took Erest Jar rold, the anthor of “Mickey Idylis.” with him for company sami] about on Kyery min Bont was like 8 vhip would desl over PIE Sie the bent tn a bunk intently reading a book oo the French revelation Jarrobd look al 3, with eyes with spray. The tearfal lurch aml caresned LDN er, “This Is awful Amos” said Jarreid “Ii going 15 pat en a life preserver, it many mingles longer” wiih keep quiet. and Ist oe read Mickey,” sak} Cummings oever Lifting the page "The men oft this boat draw 3 regular salary 10 keep ber afiomt” Post Armreprisis. Ar halla, Be Lies Ex stands a remsaraable nwnnmEnt ed hy Sir Haogh Palliser friend Captain: Cook, the Gayiear fame af the Fx Ont visits to this 3 io 190 wien Jude Bodwich Islamds went with Bishop Wilberforce. People in the district still recall, wilh amuse ment how the vitlage mad wishing to greet her malesty with sn apy tans bnowing Sandwich 1alareds nxtionsl antl. toitied fotth The hi ag of the Jasnital Islands” The First Uimheelln, To prove at what then breil was mantle Is & mewqie lows tank sat Grd fe mSmoty ihe pot alone Bn 8 IR rain. bul Re # { paraliy. By the thee Pein they skies Le a A LA wre his ovdetrated ix i i holy winguiar J wrsrred Eeama Sf the fn IDARRY apr by pa ait ona the slate first Ee fant PEogland Kaew His To. "A lirtje 1 4 Journal the ol hes. whose 12 hoe win Kani Fotis je His will Lath so eed mand in Foi Baven't gute smd go darned) Lidl when be belirs of gets had gen wily ra in 2d Snot a5 EE TeULANNS we tumpreheusive CI 8 fo etal in a ! and churelivad which pever i be tied the fey of thee reader 2 uy ef Ann Tits THQ ERE. 1hd fh hie their Retin Thay «Manan se § pleas sau’ rade al trip from Chicago and al points sast of the aio Hiver to Denver, Colorado Springs, Poetso, Sait Tickets ip this Finn {ine ARy & pres! storms arose, amd the pilot | the Waves omave the deck and threaten to carry everpihing away sod swamp i Cummings and Jarrad were fn the litte cabin the former iring - courspes and lessens ambition. beauty, vigor prorked the storm Batarday Evening kidnowrs aid bis aad et Cand Berk pesd the The mild and the “= Canned Roex Taian Ati nonneees ; Sport Eaonesion | ever produ Bates The Rock Istand’s proposition for cheap rate oxcarsdons bi a rok Pros Clon daring this sommor Asmocintion. la consgUElee BOLIOE wan served yeuterday on Chairman Me. Lecd by General Passenger Agent Se basting, that the Hock Island will take independant action and put in ofect a rats of one fare plas $2.06 fot ths round iniroedinte Lakes City and Ogden. rate will be sold on June 20, July 8 17 and Angost 1. From Missnr g tha warn rata Wiel ber adie on the Gave foi lowing these dates Tickets at this rate alan will be i pate ways, Kanna | ity Ormabo, nek sve on Joiy I fue 8 Fear spewing ext aralions Ah will te ron by the Rock faisnd from Ann 25% Fe Joie 20 Junie 12 and 2 oand Aapost 4 These sens an Lokets eth east and west bomtad, wil be Umiteat for peturs ana 10 (Liotwer The Hoe k Pe WE non hres (58 (ne Ay of Sd ing in service special trains sxcnmsions. saving U hie ago at hp mo : Drain ix 1% HCP aan wits ¥ Lager TVA Ed Tribams Thay Pen write. Has beer pegatived by the Wostern Fuossnger seAnte from Missouri ; dorado common ponte Ct Ching and inno tints WEalions : Referenon, ALE, American Haunte, Lod. Address with | Mfg. Co, How's This! op RE rw Beowunt foe oman of Caliper Liat cannot bw sxird by fest ith Props Tededn, 40 of, ie Ro wr FoF Che and Bedbewe Ripe ple all ! pais prom tra romeet o Jn [any ot Ruy HbiiEn at v Bors pte 4 Fa Beta iy = 4 * Toca Janda A Ex ine resins gene ie Work of art an ont been ed in | every sock and potty | woo ¥ork at an outlay of over $10,0000, raiser buys it on eight. Howtlers c ypion the publishers desire a Man- | ager in this County, also a good So licitor: good pay to right party Nearly 100 fall-page engravings, sampt- nous paper, illaminated covers sod bindings: over 200 goiden lilies in the moroero bindings; nearley 100 roses in the cloth bindings Sells at sight; presses running day and night so great is the sale. Christian men and Woman ww making fortunes taking orders Rapid promotions. One Christian Woman ¥. Wihomie Drogests, To: made clesr $500 in four weeks taking Waroren, Krsxax 4 Manvrx, Wholly arders among her church acquaintances internally, wets vd HEE ad FEIN A MEET Te per haotlen. To timonied fra, 35m € the Tut ed of PURE DRUGS, STATIONERY, TOBAC C0 & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, Ua nih, Huber's Drug Store, When m1 ns Calla American Mig Co. PATTON, PA. Prescriptions properly componnded. Digests what you eat. spring and summert and friends. Write us. It may lead tos permanent paying positon to manage ate business and look after our large corrospondence, which you can attend te Fight at your home Address 8. O. Knowles 12 Fast Fifteenth Street, be tween Broadway and Fifth Ave, New York ARi0 (reat opportanity offered to good, reliable men. Salary of $15 per week and expenses for man with fig to intro Anos anr Ponltry Mixtare and Tnseet Destrayer in the country. Send stamp, Terre Haote, Ind. CARPETS! CARPETS! I have just received my Carpet samples for the trade, and among them will be found new many neat patierns CALL And examine them and get ftartificislly digests the food and aids | Nature in strengileoiog and recon "| structing the exhanited digestive cr sr rer So ol Kidney trouble preys spon the mind. dis | and : herrfuiens FOC disappear when the kid- neve are out of order ot ¢ that 1 ly nat uncommon fF bora child 5 be born BEX afflicted with wei kid i’ eyes. ifthe child arin- ates too often, i the urine scalds the fi the chi | tor | don't think the boat can stand ssh of if, when the chifd teaches an age when it shold be able to pontrol the passage. it is yet afflicted with had-wetting, depend upon it the cause of | aot the firs: | the diffeuity 8 Kidney trouble ep should be towards he treatment of © these isnoertant crgane. This sholeauant | trockile 8 cue to i Sismazed © mast pepe Su prose Woarnen az well 4 ren arn weabie wah Kidney and tiakler trouble, LxIne grea fmorneiate Swamp-Reot ia 300m reaiized. It i OCERIES, 8 LoodR GRO 13, Fic. JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. Kidney trouble haz dirk of the 1 ta 2 Babi ax | vide piss gana. Ils the latest 4) serversd digests Cant and tone. No ther prepiration ean approach it in eMelency. It ine stantiy relives anid permanently cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausen, - Riek Headah: Gast raigsa. Campa and all other respite of niperfoct dl 8. Prepared by EC. Dewitt Co. WW. Hodgkine, Patton Prarmary. | Ww hite or B Wall Paper. Wall Paper. We have the most complete sock : of Wall Paper in Northern Campin ver a hendrpd patterns to select from. consisting of Kitchen, Dining Bows, Parlor, Hall and Office papers, | #1 the lowest possible prices. Picture Department. We have a full line of res, photo frames, madal- ins. look: my glasses, mina ture photos, clocks, watches, Ty Lk ‘: 1a 1 $e a IS. 11 and save from cent on a 0a pe ] | The Patton Art and Wall Fades > Stare, ; i 3 prices before buyi elsewhere. ng . FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING. 51 lack Hearse ‘Summer Corsets. We have about 35 dosen good valoe well made summer corsets that should be marked 3c, our price only 25e each A better grade, strong and shapely® 2 with 3 side strips, a regular 38e valoe at 3c each. Elegant summer corsets io many * pic makes at 50c, 5c, $1.00. $1.50 and ap. Our guaranteed Catil corset at 0c is p- best in the market Of course we have a complete line of heavier grades, hut these are just right » x . y . - i for summer wear and can be sent by eVeTY | ‘All Orders Promptly Filled. WwW. COOK. Altoona, Penna. REDUCECED PRICES atthe Harness Shap. OF GEO. LANGBEIN. sah . \ 1s fal tit Xg ¥ + § 3 tae dia Kiraia> 3 SUE RSERTE Spee HE B. AZAAR REZAT HAVES # Yad Yaw ot there Ih % sailors rices that make were uo ld : i Fi = %e tive Fptay TFT = fa 8 FX 2 t = RE 4 Koa ¥ Rei ¥ Suef PLT “i ie Ia her FIWAVS we are 1 hit we yy wn ig Kae by rk sang 3 of 1h WW HAL makes ti ; BIA $3) ney Ok 1118 OKs, 2 3 Tae latest thi ngs Aik dec : Sw } £35 A akka WS . and IEW ES 1, 1 1 wWoniler Row 0. BRADY, Prop'r*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers