FURLISHING co. Proprietors. KE Wiss, GREEnE, Eater. ESTA BLISHED . 1893. Tuosr who are apposed to the Uiited Bates acquiring any more territory | seem to be ander the impression that _ Columbia, bias had all the children she oan take care of, and has lost her ability Shey shonld 0. 1¥ ALL the rb comes to light of which se many “yellow'’ journals tells, about, Uncle Sam will have to organise | & moch larger army than has been in the fleld in order to quedl the disturte It ix amusing to hear some papers “blow.” Tur Hovsk will this week take ap and pass the Nicaragna Canal bili, and Benator Morgan is confident that it will pass the Semate, but others are not “moconfident. It bs an open secret in « Washington that the Administration prefer submitting to the inevitable The result wis that before the hour was up the ot go to the extent of openi v. lant fair prisoner had put in 80 appear bing 8 menuire that is 80 pop- would for several regaons hat the Senate leave tiie bill unacted wnt 1080 manipy- Jae the business of the Senate that the bill will not get to » vote in the | ; dition from the devastation of war and enna uent . horses. too, like all the good men, were [off to the mar. sod ax for carriages. . they tad most decidedly fallen info a Lstnte of inpoeuots diwgetude C "There was ohyiotaly pothing for os to do, therefore. bat to gather together all the broken down old horses and di | lapidated Maryland and ride back and forth free of eost every day, Toss bas been maoch ashington, D TU. 8 Consul at Santos, Brazil About the only reason for the gossip appears to be that no ovher Catholic priest bas ever been given a place io onr Cousular or Diplomatic service. An official connected with the Department of State, xaid of tat phaw of the mat. HA U, B Consnl's only duties are commercial, and if Puther Girimondi is the first Catholic priest to be given the position, it is probably only because he is the first one who has applied with support enotigh to attract the favorabie | notice of tha appointing powers, as the ection of ministers of other denomi- tions to be Consuls has been quite wommon, and no reagon exists to my knowledge for discriminating against the Catholic clergy. was, it is probable that American mer- chants doing business with Brazil, asked the pr oo that was the disse: out Appointment, believing that it be good policy to have their vial interests represented by Outholic in a country where the in- tial elements are Catholic.” It is. the Catholics who are doing the most intent, and foting that the church Father ih “wil Interfere and talking about this appa f them are “pr | Pity Aristecrsatic eorded event of the eivii Migesqoe. We The torin ¥ elnd. “the river. 10 Port od orders to regard to further proceed. ngs. Huge the mstriotions that we were ex: pected to capture and carry back th Nicksburg ss prisoners 50 of the wont 4 in the LL long enowgh to shay orders sithont guestion. and miliary with vive tow. we wot shout our to onl! at Cen anid ewcort thers 10 the Cerys two hots oy penalty of Ll Tue emily them to train up the little ones in the way | mapure you gossip in LA, biscatse 6f the nom ination of the President and confirma. tion by the Sennte of Bev John J Girimonudi, of Minn, x Catholic priest, | In this partionlar sien Sd ™E aD UPON PORT GIBSON AND WHAT CAUSED iT Southern Were Taken as Prisoners of Way and Were Carried te Vicksbary and There Held ax Hostages. “1 was mixed up in one lithe gure war. sad har wag nterestiog from ts very unuvusiness, snd ax | Of back upon i sestas SITRGgels pi which, tle Bev oF 12 tinciad’ riser stexintants a the WAY, is suse what misieadiGg 2s it x oe rere ronnected with the white metal bul sig mites rather buats hevily planked wiry oa for the jm somewhat fr rpose of prodecting theny i the rsvages of bulleis fire Any our (the Battalion of four posnp ites wns prdeted to senda Gown disembark at Hoduey, ourcl Fionn sod thers const seal Imagine our strprise upon fend Flatocrate Confederate YOULE WOIen ¢ity Howenir, we had served Cprorided with gaides fa: bingrre and not too agreeable task We first swtabliehed bendgunrters at the residence of a promine Judge. Phen diferent sgiads were sent out piace of ron. instragctions were Thal ters with r {xoniiy residence wing butted to the ground Inforiaation we cond give ifthe whale {rRORRGION WHE KS mick 8 mystery to us as to them wap that thes were to be taker to Vicks burg as prisoners of war bal were of fio Aevouht 16 suffer any discomfort of imdignity HOF vouree, there was great woeping willing and guashing of teeth from tetsder mothers, lovin sieters and irate fathers andl brothers But the incident bad to be socepted as belotiging Ww the fortunes of war. anid 81 the end of two hotirs 4 of the Me attended by EBX fori Priests and relatives, were at the repdezsons one delinquent. An aiditions! hour was grated, and, at their own saggestion, The thy tas report a1 headguar meversi of whe young women were din patched to her Some to persusde ber to follow their exsinple in gracefully ance, though i a very defiant mood. Oe troubles, however, Ly 6 means | fairly begun The nett question was ! how o transport our beagtiful captives to Rodney. a distances of some 20 miles, indeed, they were hardly over roads that were in a frightful cose neglect. All sebivien In mprovised were all stowed away i wills and the sight of weeping eves Leonid pot blind ox 4 the Bamorous ge i pect of the scone. You wont remember that we were sil pritty sonog fellows In INES The ¢itH war was fought by Bie Badeimire & Obie live at his Toot HD Whose Average fige Was only 23 Well, we mnde our Vickalwirg Epon arriving ther the young women Wikre tren before the provost marshal who put them on parole. confining them to the mits of the ofty of them had fricads fur the whole 1: The reasmm tion thea traospired BOS Borthern Youlg women school tenchets had 1aaen the tenfold vgs and ment lo their Pam foreead to Booman dices and rwrtors frves Theos ond wore, there luoe, gil the epwed Phere was chance. snd we haul vigitary Vieksivirg By dase They however, gay delighilul Yoke officers sand Danfedermite pr inter ingted seraiix, asl the qunintaney we vadely foremd benmtitul seuatherners proved lpetauce wa a matual plegsurnm ; Indeed, ft to more than one roma rR nam oy Tater Were Win at Lhat aw for the wil setinl ser wate : onthe Ca ip hed fo Le i tert hy rin fiesta Lar ons ware Have fiat Rie very # cote of aor makd upon Pont Gibson Washington Times he ao Bp ARR Namelean and Dateless Tombatone, Epeaking of topilsione Htersture, we Baive mae io our oon cemetery which resd a little queer On ote of the aténes which mark 8 grave not Loxry old 1g the follow ng: TREN Bors: daly ~~ PS a Sotto Yuet RT Mar He Best In Ponce From Hix Wite $Reaee: FRA EANRS HERRERA AE ~Frankfort ay) Roundabont. Girls were attached to what ‘was known ay the marines brigade. a Bt nent Confederates the homes Of the young wom. | Mercy was implored for {od to Aereriorate the good : the vicinity, Cwisich we sonmbow managed to hitch ro together with plow Lie rnesses, bits of } rose, straps, ere, With these § | comches, drawn up bute tine, began the process of hading Go our victime spd C when they was & wotley looking procession. J can Even the sound of fare way slowly, | KIM tears and laughter. to Rodney, where we esmblmrkest for Most in the town with who they chose 10 resiain snd salt | abide guarters were fund To? the rest ‘Work of art has Jar been ined 18 New Yorkat an outiny of over $10,800, for which the publishers desire a Mag. ager in this Unanty, also a good So Yieitor good pay to right party Nearly 100 fail page engravings, samt BOUN pRpeT, morooes bindings: neariey 100 roses in the cloth bindings Sells presaes running day and night so great is the sade. Christian men and w: making fortunes taking orders promotions. One Christian woman and friends. Write ox 18 ray tend tan | permanent PRYING jemsiton Hinminated covers andl bindings: over 200 golden Hikes in Uw ut sight made clesr $500 in four weeks taking orders among ber chtirch sogosintances 80 MERGARS [rats AND NINETEENTH € ANTORY. of $a ; bara mE the opportanity altered 10 goo. i Balury of BIB per week | and expenses for man with Hig to tro . dooe opr Poultry Mixtore and Iasect god One application will relieve the Destroyer in the conntey. Send stamp, © American Mig. Co, Term Flaste, Ind 11% a ek for m1 Uh Vas id pk PERT © Ar ewesity cur business and look after our farge corrimspondence, wivbih you can ater] LE right at your Pusepe Address 8 0 Kaowies 12 Fast Pilleenih Street tween Broadway and Fifth Ave New York. 2016 No family can afford to! Ore Minnte cough care rongh and core a endd quicker than any other medicine,” writes ©. W, Williams, Merling Bun, Pa croup, bronchites snd ali thro ing troubles snd prevents tion. Plessant snd barmicss Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy For Whe. I have 8 No. |} Lea pe gate: 55 hore poder paginas sitanted £90 Black! Sek reek al ob works near Nanty Price 81.0600 Ulan sei] same 0 it can bw peor 3) any loextion within five days : Jems {rsd Sih 22-43 The Ene box Gernes ih GW fi it R bow ob gag BE ew Tt Teen Uns i tat] Sk ow te dew why “ pro Wy personsi x Rorne af mr baa Loh] we seend Has The reloinder pis mar and Ne bwoane a one A few months Wir ; Cyoong man was «hdd lo make 8 Bey, and in Bie abdnce, SEronsh mone oversight the quality of ofl was allow It was gue kly pated Bie by the oe ren It roms pent she tndored to and a Witter on one of the protests, ren When we were Cyonr preslaet. we were gssaresd Mr. Blank put some of his brains jot every barrel of oll We deeply pegret to aliserve tha: Mr Blank ix threaten) with pate’ Washington Rear A Thrifty Scot. A poo story nota by an Ea femriet who wtaht for a week in &pal that ments In Aberdeen, the “Granite City 7 “al the osnsr “1 nad begrd” he mays (folk of Aberdeen. sid my eXperiend Ppboet thou it was prasad thal ra had rightly estin the peuple. The sireets are granie the bonees are granite. snd Lhe nea Hants are granite and when hey Baur 8 rranite baby they give oa bail af granite for fear it swhembd beeak “1 had a granite ‘landlady. day when 1 was going § an nlreted to BCCTanIany provided the Janel the mals and the Pove: be peoviled the thes up 16 8 pelghaet’s partes harrowed sade. 1 ste the tameh sn bie Whe We god of 14 of the Bab tn Cand paket tk ad voi PONT Tee EP bis tox } Rye i Leverton Thr the hwy were frien” oS a ih Yavgaioy Men as f ranted. that DELS by 4 they were Take the Tambastone Aluang. *ik pe hist $83 Ton brane te tee alwars akep the gpdertaker’s nagon cemetery in the Baltimore Sun. 4% Rec dy ued the character of bias at ed Tn i will stop Ho sdoenneh great Dorm fd Over ‘Work Weakens Your Kidneys. SA A 5 the : E mers are pour | Blood purifiers they fi tar cu the waste or Sppurities in the blood, i thew xem sich or oot of oader. thew S30 to do Pains aches mata come from ay. TERS of pre b% 3 Le bocd, Jus we — ected _ Kidner Sroulie caves yuck of unsteady : var or fen ag ne hearts Era John Store! GROCERIES, Canned Goods, A # T % Soa Flour and Feed yo my x 1 IN Vide 4 JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. tures, photo frames, Bacod Four body Jamis Sous Four Th rae ve : andr hee When in need of ARS Ce NPECTIC £) NERY, MEDIC 0 Drug Store, : al gestive ¢ or Cavtered 4 Hoek preparsiion in tener It in arvas pe THRE nt Y re rou Rb 5 ans Foby TERY ITA off il Te; Prepared EC ew ite wu Hodgki 0% Patron Pharmacy Wall Paper. Wall Paper. arn the 1hewst Paper in Northern Usenbr Wie ¥ of Wall Cader treadorent. foinphete stot © Hitrenbied with Picomation, give (hamberinis’s pain-baim s trial I will not ost you » oenl i it does DO piri Tt alee cores sprains and broiees in ope third the time required by any Cats, barns, frost titan, quinsey. pains in the mide and cht, Panduisr and other swellings are qoickly enred by appiving RB Every bottle warranted Price, 35 and % mts Patton Pharmacy, CW. Helge 0 ARPETS! CARPETS! just received my sew Carpet sa mples for the ¢. and Lown wm SNIRL adivs Rh BH ED W exannne 3. it TRS a in White or Black Hearse New Washable Waists. Char showing of onion Shirt Waist i very large and varied and prices fryer» Bundred patlerns to sleet resonable fromm, ony sting of Kitciwen, F Sieh, Parlor, Hal i and Office paper Picture ® a full line of madal~ We have hans, looking gla ture photos, rewelry. nS, Give tis a call and save front nesessity cent on every nw i By te 30 per purchase. The Patton Art and Wall Paper Store. sth & Magee Aves, A. L. FIS SHER, Prog, Prningy a ici minea- clocks, watches, Paresie whintx 2 Aver irri of wash goods in 3 pos and shades, all inte? makes st B11, I scl al 500 A0c and 15 Heastifal waists in Saney of £1.25 and $1 50 each. Sime fancy wash waists, very beaut fal, as high a= $5.56 each Ange line of white walets is very fine he Eagle Rrand of Jraiste in all Cfarines of ny mcs ee Bersstit NRE ing : $1.35, $1.30, 1 tc 135 cach. Summer Onderwear Laghe weight I'nderwesr is sow & Among our styles are Hoe elo ribhed Vestn af 10 and 1340 ner g ribbed and ribbon fn. ished, uf 15. Tie and 5c Lang sleeved, high neck ribbed Vests 1% and Be. Hilk snd lise, sieevelens, 3%¢ each [. W. COOK, ‘Altoona, Penna. THE Famous Olga N Frobmres Lhe mow FOR WOMEN of f pith} #txd wend sed iw ectuniv aly {. BR Perry $2.50 Shoe Sr owing meal 3 Bh . WEN eg unatactured by The Roch: is istand Shoeio, Rak nba, 8. Chest Springs F2 Graceful, Easy and Long Wearing. daralelity. simp of Toe Raed. Le REDUCECED PRICES At the Aare Harness Shop © GEO. LANGBEIN. Lr S00 ke ¥ ai ARS Es pay & TIE ts THE BAZAAR, we ate TET hE we Ns dh A ae ERA MU LANL E4l iced to Feu b aliak * 3 o inInys as ha nr * SLE * WEA PAE FES Pe i of of Ladies’ summer chy saan > 5 » . TI Hewes et Iran ¢ We $EE ARR %aX 0. BRADY, Prop'r - ” -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers