i Cirowers of hia aud Petipa fen? in Yate, Bi % 1 THE PRENT second. A myosterinus dry rot whkh Hs Ef i ‘Bartmore, We. i | Bihan : i Baa FL pt eum. GE 0, ! BO 0 NE tacked the grapes in the vast viaey ars of Northern Ohio and Penny Peis aw EEK 4 Neg table Preparation for As ; a pest w thie story of 1 , Fetus er inne the Food and H > yivania farmers, and aeecris oy FREE, Asdees Bawel | hat United Staten Aprieuitoral VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. st rition XN seal e Birovide LiNgheet Attia ney, ol oo ole ge DhoYaei: a El ‘xia i : Aft 4 pre Evans Building. Agta. D.¢ re y that will thoroughly oleaniss Mr. Lyons I and Expres reporter: | the grape vines in Homi vane mw doe the growens. They will CXperia the A gricaitonil Deg ris roaent he Pepe pablished wating FOTION, Send . that the grape growers of Western & for free examination Tm advice. New York are suffering antrie. oN PA 18 FREE. a. They wore seriously injured somes years w ago, but they spraved thelr yines and Papa Sa Was, : INGTON. D.C. have experienced no root THY Saawsnavay AANA AAA prop lanl year Was ono i the history of the stale When asked if the epidemic in Ohio and Pennsyivania would affect the asain Lie Sent B priee of grapes in Jhat ity, Mr Laos favs wid did act expel GRY ! terial crease, Lovatee of the frop expected by the New vines ards. y £r ST A Eh LL “ag Dr. V A. Murray, PHYRIIAN & SURGE WH WRE Chom Loan set fda remsed, stampsl anvelope to KR SW ikilaoe Genera] Secretary, Cormoran Huikding Washington, 1 0 opposite Treasury Depariment. 20) WAR TO THE DEATH PESTS OF THE. FOU TRY FE MUS M0 x eT pF : by : in effet 5 Ne BRE FEY ¥ ie ais Ww a ey . ah ji Ymeriean Lice Destrorer Kills More Wiley, Lice 2°43 yg e and 5 Ba tie Hew : z And i a 3 Poher Veeman a Don Teas Other sriences s Of past y CATS has Teno st TALE d thant $e _ Fon! The Be : a a Vie sear onl The days of um J Qacycle i is baile on sciennh apcipies: this vear s j The dayn of ius i Elan Toon ole isn Ja ave nn aby Adve ntag i. ¢ fer ed A ¥ i Ek , Levy af tha analtey sgh pnd Bis bhosinoss Bp C5 Htatde are over. # ® Sree patie 4 auth Nerd plied to the coop or § Es fers ponitryman penis it. It is cheap, ro Thy [ed A Hable and effective, ne pls Sali or | RB 3% Bw iineator sfeiant to protect ZW fowis fn I THE Ho E Lo Mens we mites and Doe for one year When fo eyele Modal 54 with aby ; {aa @ Destroyer in need profits at ance im Woman's Favorite june hemired, Fh 00 WAR bieyews fox cies OF Cemenen 0 Laos snd vertin ‘Py kill profit than ali WI Diy Cae Sinet Yoo know it for tactien ft men $25.00, ing money every weer of the above wheels wp . 2 Le American Live Destroyer A with Hund Brakes or Jamgne a Lave trind ather things will extra charge. Morrow oe BR 8 Bat ir thie } : are iy aster nad ; : ¢ i the at AT iw STE hao stay, and will any number of mites There's 8 Tull ee of Hie : rage Twat fool away Boe Rai here # po WLS BE @ Cwedtien OF homme. WAKA ¥ : eH i Use sodentific means. The Ame Liege Degtroyer has Dow ade of pogitrymen: it has market several. years : touted thovssade of timen. We it is wi right, and if 5 dossn’t 2d 5 AE x Et ih i atvamonk wi IPsiente sili, worl regpeaber Yon : : . : Back. What more san 0 a os 3 i, : . oA A on ’ sg 4 nL CEH, joes Lane 5 3 2 Four urges dan sell Ane in = & : ot LT ‘Scientific Jimer Kan, Destroyer, bas belumel Lhe SQW ; : ; © ilo ed va 4 fe ossin 2 Dangerocs Kidney Dise: [ews peT. Eun frogs a % A 5 Cl a Chess Mos ut £49 ATS of ff ye Lino, © GOR peas 1 4 i Che Wirt ii pH nil Ky LPR WEY : KE eal it. sisenission af SY throu oh $0 . The notes are to be in de! U1 think Dewi me of $5, £2, $1, MW cents, #2 are the bow pill Ben 10 cents and 3 (unl WwW. E Lake Happy sod | PENGYE ¥ 3 hm Ah vin at yaw ek i % : ¥ ¥ 3 £ asd y Land 4 EET ’g cL Gynt Re F iN f B i i ; mn “long and 4 inahes in OF PATTON, cuntain blank sy & far fats Aiea ik - po EL i i santas blank of AH Lady's Hest Iban Patton, Cambria Co, Pa aime f the payed and bis BIG uve Gwen MeCue : that of the Pen 2 = k 3 : 4 Poh Knog residents ndorsy it. In fren 2 a Hl downs stairs Wed i pote, & LWiroent stamp is 494 wook, andl when picked iia oo Hips oe, re : to those of §1 and upsArd. | aerward, oie was deid. her neck autre: ante 3 4 pegs x Eirias, Indishin oa 4 ™ J is na stamp fio the frac fenal) having Leen broken. | Mm. MeCus, hin term X ; gna WE ; od be : ; { of & dollars the notes Bot to He | eho was #3 years of age, had heen | proper stamps. W hell | charge of her little jrrandchiidren, oid Woaetd : med the notes are tg be reissued. and was fi ber way fro: the first $00r | go neta sittin, Hauer ant : k tl . bh : : ; : in Agents on suldey of 15.00 per week of the dwelling to the basement, when [RPS pani va fime Semin ; y kf Cn : aE soni; the greptest agent seller | abe slipped and fell down the stairs, A. E Patron, Wx SANDFORD, an Jon. ; -— : Ee i I’H ILA DE LPI II A. roduc every sock and*poultry alighting against a stone wall. She is President. Caster, Er —- shonin mon Sil of ba Mi ili ‘wo Copasite Franklin Snare ‘buys Ib on sight. Hustlers survived by a busband, two sons and lier pease wv pd Don gion EE a Th op iteforence. Address with | two daughters, all of that city. EA i Awerican Mfg. Co., Terre} 1. Clark, Chaunoey. oe. says De hy Witt's witch hasel salve cured him of AR Ee CO ation. ADEAE Bent Hh Sireat, » + s Tee eA SHR Rh |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers