oley’s : oney and’ ‘CONSUMPT: {oN or ASTHMA in ad- anced stages, it holds out no such false hopes, but pokes truthfully claim to always give c comfort and relief in the very worst cases and in the early stages to effect a cure. Ee EY'S BANNER SALVE isa Healing Wonder. ow, Hodgkins, Fatton Pharmasy Jatton Comier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. Bo Wria Gyrexr, kaitor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Cone oop, Oe YT, IB ad vane 00 : Ea Ad verysing sata Smili ReTAT Bes ap + pen Alisscastintind atid ail armas Baniins At the Oph of Lhe oF Soma pobibxhers, clink madi gate Toe cream at the City Restaorant. Daniel Mitchell, of Hastings, was a Patton visitor Monday. Por your stamped linens and em- twoidery silk, go to Evans Sisters Fresh oysters every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at the Cash Grocery. For your childrens short dresses and skirts, baby taps, ete, go to Evans Sisters Miss Helen Lehman returned home Monday evenig from a two weeks’ visit among friends in Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lingle and son Joseph departed Wednesday morning for a visit to Philadelphia. bi you are hungry drop in to the (ity Restaurant where you osn get everything you wish in the eatible line. 1. M. Little, of Loretto is now a res {dent of Patton. Helwemployed by A. 0, Fisher, the painter and paper hanger. Misses Charlotte and Della Camp- ill, of Carrolltown, visited their sister, Mrs. C. A. Repsber, | yoserday i arp Whiskey is liquid music, bottled. postr, sips mellow, refreshing Patton, Ps _ Divamore Bros. the tailors, are mak- g up some fine spring and summer waits. It will pay you to call and ex-. ine thet How of ode . Rev. Witman and ‘wife were qaests of Prof. Pulton and family on Wednes. i | day, while enroute to his new charge at Ashland. ~Mabaffey Gamtte. “quire Mellon is gutting quite stylish | of late. Hp bas had A. C. Fisher at | work beautifying his office on Magee | avenue by papering and painting the interior. I requires Bo experience to dye with Putnam’ Padeless Dyes. Simply boil ing Tour Rode in the dye is all that's | BeCEReRry. Sold by C. H. Perry, Chest | | Speingn, Pa, nn requires an average of more than i Awenty million pins per day to sustain the falling skirts, roplace the missing sa spender buttons and meet the ol nwods of the American people 3 Patton Muthodists learn with regret | of the serious illness of Bishop Fowler at Buffalo. Bishop Fowler delivered one of his masterly Jecturss at this place last fal and gained many friends while bere. | Just received a full line of Fairbanks | dist globe valves, sizes | ap to 1 loch. ey a Palrbank’s dive valve for steam or water and you will use no other. Por wale by J. C. Gould, the plumber. 41 The Philipsburg Ledger started on its 17th pound of prosperity with the | inane of April 4. It is a bright, newsy . paper, and fully deserves the large trade aceonded it by the business men Lot that town. The strike at the Philipsburg Fire | Melek Works was of short duration, | the plant being idle only one day. company granted the increase of 10 cents a day, and work was resumed Satorday morning. 1 would like to announce to the town and vicinity that we have secured the wirvices of Miss Alice Ashcroft for the season and she will be glad to have customers who bought from her while IE in business see her here. Evans Sisters. o Liverymin Aaron Weakland, of Ir- | vous visited at the home of his parents in Elder township over Sunday. Aaron "made the OURIER office a pleasant call Monday before returning home. i mays livery business is good a tirvona now, and that new coal mines will soon operation in that place, which will the general rade of the town le. of Fifth avenue, about eight months after leaving Pat- ton The He R. 8, Kelley came over from Hastings day. The best tea for the money at the {ash Crpocesry. Lanlord Rodkey, of Spangier, was Patton Monday. Fr 3 sh 0 bayers all * Bpecial prices cash month at the Cash Grocery. You save money baying ¥ groceries at the Cash Giroery, hy our For a Boe line of long dresses, 5K) iris “and coats go the Evans Sisters Entered wi (Be Portoffics wt Parton as second = ie : . Robert Bolsinger, of Ebensburg, was in Patton on business Saturday Spring and summer soitings i ‘ihe Iatest styles at Dinsmore I For apples, onions, oranges bananas, candy and nuts go to the Cah Grocery. FW. Kiinefelter, of Conemangh, was calling on Patton friends one day ast week, Call and leave an order at Dinsmore Bros.’ tailor shop for that new spring gait vou need, BEE Davisand 8. FE enshurg, wer vistors Thursday of hast week. Phi: Steward and Chas Carrick, of Clearfield were among the many strangers in town Saturday. Evans, of Eb to our town For the fnest line of millinery in Cambria sonnty, go to Evans Sisters, across the rond from City Bestaorant. Cialtitzin Bender retarned to Pitts burg Monday after having spent Revers! | weeks visiting bis parents, who reside & shart distance east of Patton. Sallivan, formely of Putton, but who tng on old friends here Saturday. Michael had been in the southwest Misses Musée and Some Noll and Liz fie Easley, of Carroiltown, were visi ting friends in Patton Sunday. Some. thing strangy, they did not ase the same conveyance which brought them here to return hone with, We are prepared with a feast of good things in Apparel for Men, Boys and Children, and can fit them from frown to sole This yesr we bave gathered to gether bere in our store the lrgest and best stock of goods ever shown by us Of course that means in the town Men's Salts, (rood Aflowood ones, $6.48, 7.4% KAR RON BAR $008 and so an ap to $15.09 Boys’ Baits, E108, 4.48, 49% ap to 400% Children's Vestee Soite $188, 10%, GAR, DAR 29% 348 and so on upto 84 0% IN MEN'S HATS. All the crea tions of the fsbioners in Men's head gear are found here. 98 bys a gown | one and we have them all the way to 2.8 vo higher: excoept Stetsons (hitdren™s Fancy Caps in aioe, and soo real fine and 48, : SHOES. All the best Met's, Women's, Miso and AD sizes, widths and prices, Cir sade on Ladies’ Fine 5 continpes and we hav sige to fit you fron SHIRTS Men's pp to $1.45 Sores fiebhy Boss ; fellows, sips 18 to 14. 2 ents and all for #0 Car stoek of Men sHxin R= pollars, ties, gloves, jewelry, smbrelss eto, ote. ix algays complete and its here vi always gel what you want a and Us strictly to date, Selling Agents {or the cele hipated Sweet, Orr & Uo. Pantaloons, Ove ratis and Jackets. Every ed warranted not to rip and wear well If you are pot a patron of ours it will pay you to become atlsc td to this house when you want goods the best that rponey will buy, No ditkering of prices. We alike to all and thats the only way CABH AND ONE PRICE You are invited to call, abuyned, Ftd BA REY ow Boy Hirts 1 far jittie eoliars, 1 pair wail Directly opposite the Baok KEYSTONE CLOTHING Bow resides xt Wilmore, was oail- The Krave Normal Pa. will open for the sprivg term of fourteen weeks on Toesday, April 3, 1900, time, Specialty: i by capabie teachers 17-t4 Rifdents are admitted at any Drill in smadl classes Fdward Rhort, son of Mr and Mra Enoch Short. who left Patton gp wee or so ago without informing bls par ents of bis Hlention of leaving, is in Qt lamin. Mo. Mr Short recived a fetter from Edward stating that be dd ‘not think Le would stay in that city. The Ladies Aid Soctety of the Patton 'M. E. Church bas postponed UN cake anle announced last week and imstoad “Roston Sapper,” on Thurs day evesing April 19th im the Mellon formally poo phe] as the Full particalars next week. will give # Siding poste Row Dravis, the lonsorisl artist who hau bets working at Clearfield for ihe past four months, is again a resident of this town. He has taken charge of John Soheid’s barber shop on Fith ave gue. His many friends hope that be wiit make this his permanent Fowler DOW Preyreiang More than 408 applications fir auth. ority National banks are now pending in the Treasury They bed ing acted gpon as rapuily as le. Bat jt will be some tine before they are all authorized; in the mann. time additional applications continie to Coane in te pstablish James Campbell, Jr, of Dysart, this county, killed a wild cat last Sstorday which measured four feet from tip Wo tip. Mr Campbeil took the anhmal to Taxidermist W_ J. Swuil, of Blain City, who will motnt it. It is one of the largest of the specie aver seer in that fe darks tu WEEE wail {eaves van be rapidly and cleanly picked ap from the lawns hy an £30 #oiarge with fan woman's invention, which ¥ hopper mounted on wheels, hiades set in the mouth of the BPE close to the pronnd, to be raphily re vidved by poring the wheels tisas fanning the leaves into the hopper, inside It is not a asfe plan for any one io carry check any length of me it ghonid be presented for payment us soon as possible after it is med. if you hold a check until its maior dies, banks promptiy stop payment on a check even if there is plenty of money to the man's credit. Then the debt fur which the check was paymen? must fake ta chances with other charges against the estate and be paid in fall or in part, socording to how the emiate terminates Ex In almost every neighborhood there ix someone whose life hax been saved hy Chamberlain's colic, cholera and dinrrheea remedy, or who has been cared of chronic diarrhoea by he tw of that medicine. Snch persons make a point of telling of it whenever the opportunity offers, hoping that it may he the means of saving other ven For sale by Patton Pharmacy, UC Ww, Hodgkins DICKERS IN DIRTY Deeds Rovended at Ebensharg op 5 Friday, Ayre 6. Peter (\. Sharbangh et ux to Joseph Sharbangh, Gallitein borough; consid: eration, $150 Fes Lloyd to M. D. Kittell, Cambria township, §i. Heronim Remkos, by the sheriff, to Colonial Savings & Inv antment \ssocia- tion, Patton, $700. Borough of Barpesboro to Waiter IHok, Barnebors, £54 Hannah Wilkinson et vir jamin Rowe, Nant-y Glo, $250. {worge Hecker et px Wo Murphy, Cnrredl, £300, Milton FF Rirkpatrick «t 5x Io Hornaur, Carail, $150 Marah Malan st vir ef Jervis ot al Cambria, $1.82 Harrie Borkhart #1 ux ! ‘armibria, $1. Apgost Niman et ux Frank &t dx. Gallitsin borough, #400 Mn Kittel et tas OF Brien Cress, R30 John A Behwab # to Ben- Matilda ‘wet EE &i Ltd oO Millard {yun wl he HER Gx Edward us (oo Marah A. Sanker, Loretic $114 Cworge FL Prindible ef ax 0 J anew Shade, Carroll, S90, Martin Yahner to FW. Baker, Ki wpe J Dirtops ot nner. ambi, $i IW laser et uxto H Harnen! . BN ¢ het tosnsbl A ny bt ogliianine fy OW 5 Litas, J 1 Caron, Protbonoiarn and ington, Pa. ol have fond Roda dyspepsia cure an excvilent rem eddy in case of steanach trouble, and have dee rivesi great benefit from is gee RU digests what you eat and can fail a pure CW Patti Pharmacy, [ BAYR, He wig Kins, EE Fis enesd And that's what you can do by bay. ing evervihing you wantin the grocery Hire at tha Cash Grocery. ate New Yorkat an cotiay of over $10, 0006, for which the publishers desire a Man. ager in this County, aso & good So licitor; good pay to right party. Nearly 100 fall page engravings, sampt. sons paper, illamisated covers and bindings; over 200 golden lilies in the moromo bindings: pearley 100 roses in the cloth bindings Sells at sight; presses running day and night so great is the ssle. Christian men and woman muking fortunes taking orders Rapid promotions. One Christian woman made lear $500 in four weeks taking orders among her church sequin tices : avd friends. Write us It may jesd 104 permanent payiog positon io manage our baginess and look afier our large corrospondence, which yom can attend to right at your home Address 3 8 0 Knowles 12 East Fifteenth Street, be. tween Broadway and Fifth Ave, New York. X10 HIGH Dold’s § Sine WR ed meats ar imporiea ane dines. Mackeral, Wanted, A good indy cock wanted at Come mercial botel at Cresson. Write or call al oned on Jobin Brown, Cresson, Cam- hia coanty, Pa-1m3 to City Restaurant if you are kangry, YY Vs SOME OF OUR WASH GOODS Dress Ging a FFE ITES yg Pa ERs 0B a x Soave Below Central Hotel. want a ¢ ¥ hair PA +} Foe wings { wale When Arita jass £22413 so LE 1 5 Sou 0 wey WEENIE ¥ np-t BT, i a 5 Tha froabisess snd color beauty of sit my Ciinghams wirabever mare promonnosd than in our present stock, and how pretty and aniversally heovaning they ae clean and 5 1% 4 OY ey. lowe o have 50 different styles of an cree valoe. Eagharn that is a ¥ at Tic a yard oo hundred of vies of beautifal ging. at & xnd 106 per yard, py ewiideiring od of selections and frone Aner cin be found. Latindry Work. i ha ® secur for the L dev and solicit patx age 10 work ghara nterd. Porpaien Always favorites and fever jirettier thar BOW. Hine, red. black and fancy 5-4 Eddy. stone prercabes : sow So pur yard Hast de: fall yard wide peroales, 10 # most eX pisite anscriment of styles Wo per va Hes? Fugiish percales in nore than 1900 puatlerti, pVery one dewirable and ail poplar colees shown, 12/¢ per yand ¢ “heviots 10¢ per yard Madras 11ic per yard Sewrsackgrs 12ie per yard, Fancy Poulards S10 per yard. “learfield § N& * o me a call Samples are Cheerfully sent. Please give 1. W. COOK, Garfield Wilkins. Altoona, Penna. Wall Paper. {RADE. MEDIUM PRICE—25e. LB. Donated for Church Suppers. e sure to bring 1 you hack for more, i Herring, Russian >a nd all kinds canned fish rd 4 4 Xa Bradford county BAY STATE FLOUR |NRD RP ORED Ed mille r Easter _ Miss Ashe roft, in the Had our tnmmer Abice A. eastern twin weeks mal purchases we will tell you all about our great millinery dis- play. It will pav vou to watch and wait. : Evans Sisters, Patton, Pa The New Store. Wall Paper. We have the ziost compiote stock of Wall Paper Over s handred patterns to select ir Northern Cambria fram. consisting of Kitchen [ring Room, Parlor, Hall and OfMoe papers, at he lowest posilie prices. | owe Need not be high-priced, | but shonld be stylish, well made and well fitting. All 1 Line of Dios tpe syle knowledge and all lsnres phato 1: line ada knowledge which it: o Tookin < mie: we have ge SNS. i = > Ix AOS ed i § - dog : he tatlonn wy AIL wr 1 nsed i im selecting the We hola onr The Patton Art 2nd Wall Pap: 2 i Stare. CRRPETS CARPETS [Dont tail our Spring Hats. And examine lie A 4 Fe RASS 3 a TH x Cin i 2 EY. i EY (sive 11S 8 Clix. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING. | White or Black Hearse next Watch this our ad wee k 3 “Thed.C.Harper( Patton, Pa. We test vour eyes Free and furnish Spectacies as low as $1. Lenses can he exchanged any time within a vear. Satisfa guaranteed or money refanded ction ¢
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers