Ens rendered her atabie on ‘without assistance, ' The Pet i the Warld. Wea believe that Chamberlain's cough | remedy is the best in the wold. A few ay. R Maddox insisted one my sing kine Patton Pharmacy. weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold and a tronblesome cough, and having resd their advertisements in lotir own and other papers we parchased | bottle to see if it wold effoct tn. ‘cured us before the bottle waa than half used. It is the best medi. cine ont for colds and coughs. -The Herald, Andersonville, Ind For sale ” iby C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. n © ymed Kodol dyspepais cure in my — Because. if dy has adhard cold, if any member | n. Because, If the oni. | Heats and sickly, it will m strong and well. Because, if the father or is losing flesh and becom- fog then and emaciated. it will build them up and give them flesh th. No Sousehald shold be without it oR can be taken in summer as wel - in winter EE Sv. vs BOXT 8 ev NI gg con | wren:stne westoven Letres. Complied hy 2 Wit Awike Correnpn enh : from the Clanrfield Commty own. James Hostoa ls aothority for the i statement that but one genoine Joffer. ah sonira Democrat existe in the Bounty | of fvarfieid, and Te is smd $0 be n the woods Exact loestion anknown, | but npg ow 10 Foe some When near Five Pointe in Chest townehip. With App ed we wish to asy U hal J Prof, Colley wii open Niwr lb aohond at this place April 17th instead of May IERIE Y stated BY oe adl week | rh Westover biys are going 0 : the bie Gans. Canbwell, Mr. dows confh dent clerk, will spend a two wesks' pRestion wiih friends at Williamsport. | aw Your. of Lado, was in tows Saturday string vp the wostern horses. tes The freignt trafic i» heavier bere at thao it bas ever been since the | The building of fifty double house far the col compiiny will be next on Bi acs et ono a cept if it does po | Bacey Hawes of Grant, was i town * family with wonderful resulta. Jt gives { immediate relief, ix pleasant fo take ‘and it si truly the dyspeptic’s best friend,” says EB. Hartgerink, Overisle, | | Mich, Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to care you. (. W. Hodglting, Patton Pharmacy. 1 The Lites Bias Heol | The March number issued on the 15th, | revisnd and eninrged. Every business Lor traveling man should have it. Bend | one dollar for one year, or ten cents j for single copy. Revised and issued ance a month Address Little Blue - Book, Milton, Pa. i To secure the original witeh hae] anive, ask for De Witts witch hase | salve, well known as 8 certain core for piles and skin diseases. Beware of Cworthiless coanterfeita. They are | dangeronn. C. W. Hodgking Patton | Pharmacy, Groat opportanity offered to good. relialile men. Salary of $18 per woek and expenses for man with rig to intro duce our Poultry Mixtare and insect Destroyer in the country. Send stamp, . American Mig. Co. Terre Haute, Ind. Aviold Contars With Sick Pots, Dogs and monkeys are subject to | tuberculosis and are said to be capable Lof communicating the infection to} human beings. A large number of the canaries that die in captivity fall vie- | finda to the same disesss. Pareots | suffer from a malady pecolinr to them- | ‘selves The bacilins that canwes it is] thought to originate poenmonia in mun. Cats have been known to bes the | oarriers of diptheria, and possibly of | somrlet faver and othe? infections diseases. (iroat care should be taken daring an epidemic to keep pet aui- {mals out of the resch of infection, or elas away from the children, und at any time & bird or animal that seems ailing shoud be at once isolated. -- ] | April Ladies’ Home Journal, TH troubled with rhecaatisns, give)! Chamberlain's pain-baim a trial. Ib. good. One application will relieve the pain. Tt also cures spraine and broises to in onathird the time required by any | other treatment. Cuts, burns, frost bites, quipeey, pains in the side and | | cheat, glandalar and other wwollings are quickly cured by applying it f een vers bottle warranted. Price, 25 and | 50 eents. Patton Pharmacy, C. W. point opportanity © « hoping that it may ba fhe | means off saving other lrven, Headqaarters of Lieut. Peter Kaylor Posy, No 633, Grand Army of the Republic, Department La regular meeting of Lieat. Peter Post, No 633, G. A. R., the fol. ig resolations were adopted on the 3 our lute eomeide, Patrick BH. who enlisted in the dark and ays of 1861, and served his ELE] Aghiting for Ct Lhory Tor three Years as a member of the famous Lit or yivania Reserve { Cavalry: Resoived, That we, as members of jout. Peter Kaylor Post, 651, bow in humble submission to the will af the Great Commaoder, Who doeth all things well, in the removal of vir com ond in Gur great loss it wii i be Comrade Kerren’s sternal gain. May in peace until the bugle sum. mons wus all te tall in for roll call in the ; #8t beyond, where we expect to hear y answer there. Comrades let us all ¢ ready when cur time expires so we wm assemble around Our Father's Throne and rest trom all our long ws here below, Pennnyis : [Hodgkins ‘Mma. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, [lL writin, “f never fall to relieve my children from croup a at once by using | One Minute cough cure, feel safe without it.” Quickly cures eongiis, colds, grippe and all throat | ‘and fang diseases. ©. W. Patton Pharmacy. Hodgkins, | ; 2 hee ie peas (Ceilrrh in this selon 13 Cenmnrry Hee gil otiser disensets (31 toqrther, Cod pnt the at few Fore Wan sai pip wad shu inessrahde For a gest OMT Peart doling; prooumnesd ita hestald Ainemaw, aad prmec ba bit vere dios, anil By somstantd Weber Baan pony stort the eye 8 wt curnlde, Cebavt Stativana td Deon, pivot Batt tannd trend #13 nts nd By F Evia ix thie A SRrhat, i W why ope Ler oy Tees wi ; Fae Biowud mad monoas Sri Wf the syste Th pop refer ime Dhindresd dnl Bar any doe i fosdin hey pron. Mend dor vireniary and testiauoan pian Add ree, 2 ¥ J CHENEY & 111 aac ov Dengisen, 7 as Family Ps ary the fest. H. S. Buck, FURNITURE UNDERTAKIN( fin her a CTosbienles VX 1 of Fam. CArpe ts We have ou hand a full lige jtare in all in its branehes, window shades and matting Resolved, That our charter and flag be draped in mourning for 60 days and these resolutions ve published in the Parron Cx RIE HOH. Bria, bi J. ADAMS, JoHs N. NAGLE, Varexrise Doss, Committee, Big Fire at Maders. The plant of the Carmen manuf. : — ne at Madera was wholly consumed by five lust Thursday morn: + ing together with a large amount of | masaactaring Dh The loss will ing. FIR SUIT FOR 818.8 PIECES, Ouk extepsion tables, 6 feet long, | $4.45; ironebeds, $4 and ap; kitchen | chairs, 50¢ each and all other furniture in proportion. ; Undertaking and embalm-| White or Black hearse. | -! ves CW. attack of rbeaonitism PODY trom suffers cured In writing Dr. N. Y, be sure and | y Gatling tn sure wily hoend teembneent. proposed 1 lee Remar Care of Rheumatine. Kenny, Jackson ('o., W. Va . Aboot three veiirs ago my wite had an whic: confined a month and Wark a se P her hmbs beang Lawollen to donbie their normal size her to her bed for over Chamberiain’s piin balm. 1 purchased a fifty.cent botte: and used it acoord- ing to the directions and the pexi : morning she walked to brea withe ed out assistance in apy manner, and she has pot had a similiar attack since. - A 'B Parsons. For sale by Patton Pharm Lacy, C. W. Hodgkins If you are hungry drop in to the City Restaurant where you can get ‘everything you wish in the eatible line. Mes Calvin Hmmerman, Milexburg, Pa, says, “As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute cooyrh core is anequnrlied. It is pleasant for children to lake, i hearuly recommend it to mothers.” It ix the only barmisss remedy that pro. duces immediate reatits, It coreg yronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and jung diseases. It will pre vent consumption. OC. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Ww. Wall Street | Forecast igl news A NEWKRFAPEIR FOR SPECULATORS Kpecial Magazine Chart Figuns ILLUSTRATED CHARTS AXD CHART ARTIC 1.ES Contains more general financial ine farmation thap any other Wiad slreed publication, Send for Dee sy pial WALL STREET FORE ART, 5 A Copy. 29 Broadway, New York Boe Fe. threw onthe. §l a year 1 a as Well as Men Kidney trouble prevs upon the mind, dis | courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney troubles has become 35 prevalent J that it is not uncommon f for a child to be hors =." nevy ifthe child | hf gem too often. ifithe : he Nosh of If. when the child age when it should be able to | -{ control the passage. it is yet afficied with sed-wetting. depand upon if. the casse of difficulty is kidney trouble, snd the firnt whould be towards the treatment of rgans. This unpleasant fo. nl sandition of the and bladder and not 15 a habit as mast people suppose. Ta x mon, are made miz- | erable with igdney and bladder trouble, snd both need the same great remedy. lini and the _meadiate effect of | You ma : free. aise pamphiet tetk- | tng all about ft. i | thousands of vextimonisl jetters %& Co.. Binghamton, maation this paper. I would not | _—— Ciracefel, Fasv 130 Long BEF PANGS Tiga Nether:clc 32. WitREN, si LAr Sa he va. oof Shee wake, Yow ion Lis GARRY Yon will od Tie sass» svanininets goa Komeige sa od BR Pde Ga aid wold exclusively by CA Perry, (hes RRA . | many of he | "imee Manufactured Dy The Rock isiand Show Co | Rock island. n., { Shrings writen, uf had dyspepein over twenty Eb year, and tried doctors and medicine without benefit. 1 was persusded to nes Kodo! Dyspepsia care and it helped | me from the start. | believe iL to be a papaces for all forms of indigestion.” It digests what you eat. CW. Hodg- Miniey saved 1" Morese ¥ Farad, Ard that's what you can do by buy: ing evervibing you want in the grocery line at the Cash Groosry. ; ‘shave Below Central Rotel. When yon want a or Arstclass hair cut visit my shop. Everytihng clean and up-to-date, A clean 35 Lenstomer Go to City Restaurant if yoo are hungry. CORRECT DRESS FOR Pappa, We make a study of Men. and Styles. We fit fudivid. nals with Clothes and give them the best appearance. Our garments are noted for character and quality, and | are popular because we make ‘em right SUITS will {mr correct please you. $ a. 00 The Merchant Tailors, PATTON, PA; So re! You are invited to 411d see my new line of Canned Goods, Etc. At Lowest Prices. % call Flour and F A SPECIALTY. 150 best grade of Lime. ea W exghing done Correct ly em street scales, located directly in front of store. JOHN GANTZ, Wearing. 50 Shoe and dar shill: Ay, radon of sae Gi Lembo in mdt 48 8 Shove, 3 fad whom Tor wear asd sombort. ins wid iF VERE REDUCECED P ube Harness Shop, ILANGBEIN. OF GEO. RICES ¥ (rmvn Fy £1 Ponhie Daily gg GEORGE LANGBEIN, Patton, Pa. G00 i Ly iL x l a nyt Sto [ els lish coods. Also a hoe Line see the new Linaes as THE BAZAAR, T= BAZAAR. DS I a TF ¥ bo Air -1111 hes Having opened a : livoant priesd to thee Hoes Laundry Work. I have secured the agency for the C learfield Bream Lau pate snage mn this line. work guaranteed. Please give me a calle Garfield Plumbing, Tinniug and Hardware tH ¢ Establishment In the storeroom on Magee time OCCU avenue, at one pied | yw the J. FH. Kirk Hdw Co. second door below First National Bank, Roofing, Spouting, Pluml- ng. Ete, at as reasonable rate and in as good work manlike manner as county! Your patronage is solicited and we proniise ta give perfect s every detail. Thed.C. HarperCo. "Patton, Pa. Proprietor. P We test your eves Free * x “A furnish Spectacles ns & le 1 S65 c aj 211 wnged any ume vithin a year. , i itisfaction ynaranteed ar money refunded. The Patton Jeweler, . Cook. FIRST ‘Opening Exhibition Of Spring and Sommer Miliiners Fashionable Goods of Every Lhe drintiey Will Trike Place This Wisk vrpday, Friday aod if amd 31, ang wil fresh beauty, sew vost often wit. inelide Ti i wil pone of Hut toa, Tron tha sil Paris, Berlin an wall AR OED OWT spinal § will be vary floe one Spend 3 i hg § practibibicy of the wtvies | and 2 HOt ROTgeI wing of atx wien Sasbiionabie Mew York, Faia, fair whi ATE EYEE i mass of flowers, oathi r%, laces and rib. bens piled ap to make a show amid i far price, but genre wearable Hats from thee almplos ami HE sefined taster amd most MERI VEL Thope will Pe late anand Big prieed, ar adh, low, meds hint whatever ihe vnloe, the Hat will have a perfect gol Toes tor hne Sty - Skirts. > at EY. YY : Lai ang G. 0. BRADY, Prop'r, hr RH {rhis week and enjoy individual sivie that will make 5 33.00 Tab diMenit th distinguish from 3 atowill be worth 210.00 to BIG Yon are cordially the beauntiiul (ise niay. L. W. COOK, Altoona, Penna. C lose towel for ench we are pre pared to do alls kmnmds of | any: other in our line in town or satisfaction in| inviied Lo vast as When in need of . PURE DRUGS, ' STATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGA ARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES. Callat : Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON, PA. Ln _- BES extigus Aine0y ant and tonic. No other pre ‘an approach it in eMciency. Tr - | staptiy relieves and rermanentiycures B Heartburn, pais, Indigestion, Flatulence. Ct Stomach, N C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, Pharmacy. ‘Wall Paper. Wall Paper. Wa have the most complete stock : of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria Over a hondred patterns to select from, consisting of Kitchen, Dining Ronny. Parlor. Hall and Office papers, al the lowest possible prices. Picture Department. We have a full line of pic tures, photo frames, madal- lians, looking glasses, nunea- ture photos, clocks, watches, rewelry, (Give us a call and save from to cent on every purchase. The Patton Art and wall Paper Store. h & Magee Aves, A. C FISHER, Prop. a 2 . - sy pel 2 our grand mih- display for Easter, will take place mn a ery ¢ 3 xe Ey gv E Wintel a few davs EH om - fo : 4 i Ha r trimmer, Miss Alice A. Ashcroft, 1n the cities the past twa weeks making Easter purchases. Next week we will tell you all about our great millinery dis play. It will pay you to watch and wast, 4 Evans Sisters, Pa. The New Store, % ~ Patton,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers