ation Courier. ! ra ILISHENG C0 Fepristors : Lin fae aN E, alor, ESTABLISHED - -, MrT SH pa the 1 es a eh fe could rol do be ty © corrupting their ménhoad by all morta ny promises of office | those s whose petty ambitions for office have been frostrated, that his troe | character has been obscured, bat itis ‘rapidly beginning to appear in its troe colors, and such malicious represen. tations will only react with ¢ srashing weight npon their authors, We heart ity colneide with the writer when be says thal Mr. Thropp's sterndily increas ing inflpenoe 18 owing tothe strong finn with which he binds men to him, not i or money hit hy per ronal friendship by sharing Fi by giving them bis being loyal (ao think and chines with them confidence and by friends through Whether that loyalty hel him, iT matiers nol, Thropp gives bi it ix Vor keeps’ feita it by being fale or a Th pe ix po shadow of 5 dm 1h that Ms Thropp is exseplionaily we for the office of Coign stan, perhaps better versed in ali t pals and spplication af Tareil than apy man in Pen TRY GOT Fray (io to Kirk's jor the finest iine of stoves in the county, Celery Thursday, Friday and Sator. day at Cash Grocery. If you should need a bath room fit up call on J. FE. Kirk. Buy your boiled ham at Geo, 8. , Good's for the plenios. woe. 5s S00TT BoWNE, Chemin New Yok ; ps hate “Tue Democrat of August Stit says “The ring will have Tae lawyer helps those who ire nble y help hime The country newspaper a helps everybody éxoapt blinself A ————————————— WHEN oman in particularly a abi ‘confess a small fanlt, it is provibie v that thers is a bigger one he Bs trying to cover up. erm A GENTLEMAN traveling in Soath America say that labor is cheap but In other words, they sre too busy loafing to work. Now that the day of political barbe- ones are at hand, the sdvance in the 1 of eat will doubtless have a de- Ppreseing e effect npon them, . AB between the automobile Gnd the ner. it £4 ab least in favor of the for mer that when it ia worn out if cannot canted or made into sausage. 7 responding to the Porto Riean ap for mid, we will refutes the oft re- di insinuations that Uncle Sam is wr of becoming A mery merce Taek nomination of John R. Mclean 0 of Ohio, with the fact that » has pot been asked to peak in campaign, has revived the story Bryan opposed Mclean's nomi. jon for vies president in 1404, and scotedod in sabstitating Sewall, “Tey aid not stack arma: they did "AER they were not serving the insurgents in the Vhilippines nor their sympathizers af home, bad to part nor patience With i t fo pumber, happily, refed to Bave pee th or t thle ArT in the p* id An Fry i eetoning to adenit | the pire rs at Sandy Hook, | that thers has the experiments of Te ota ay dated ET to he expert: ments of the United States. In the fature, no one Hut officials wit IY be ade Any © ony biited or of akiag * B® proper A forum 1 ease of war. This thay Shui SiN Baye been permitied at any Uma, and everyone will approves Secretary ; Root’ 8 firey stand in this matier. J ——————————————————" Ix THE COURIER of last week ap ; peared an aftice headed “Ai Hayseed Baw Jt written by ove of Bediord county's representative and best citi- sens in which be spenks very kindly of the Congressman of this district, Hon. Joseph BE. Thropp, who resides at Everett, Pi. Mr. Hayseeds’ opinion of ‘Mr, Thropp is certainly voiced by all good thinking citizens of Bedford ~ eounty as well as of those in the dis- trict who are personally acquainted ‘with onr new Con Its a | that be bas been, as Hayseed says, | : and maligned by | | Pharmacy, rad Stange, Piers. Minn. wo si bek 7 ed ¥ rhea remedy. keep it in their home. It the . 3 States have become known Lo WW. Hodgkins, do anything. Fresh fish avery Thursday and Fri day at the Cash Grooery. Leave your order for ice with A. Storm--only { } cent per pound. For Sali Good flue brick at $8 per thopsand. Inquire at Fisher's wall Paper Stare. You cannot do betier than to call ow Gould & Beezer for first-class plumbing, ate. Fastimates freely given. 4tf If you are hungry drop in to the City Restaurant where you can got everything you wish in the eatible line. Better than gold is onr §2 shoes; com- pare them with any $1.50 or $i aboe you ever bought. They'll bear in spection. For sale only at the Patton Supiply Co's. store, . Eadtion See our new shoes We have the celebrated Drew and Selby line. [It will pay you to see them before you ‘buy. 4 : Parrox Svrrny Co uf suffered with piles eleven years before using DeWitt’s witch hazel salve; pow my health is fully restored, .{ feel like a new horn man.’ Con. a soathing, healing preparation of standard meni: vewaze of worthless eounterfeits CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Good Enough Wy Take. The finest quality of loaf sugar is used in the manufactare of Chamber. Iain’s cough remedy and the roots used inn ite preparation give it a flavor simi- lar to that of maple syrup, making it very pleasant to take. As a medicine for the the cure of ebughs, colds, la grippe croup and whooping cough it in unequaled by any other. It aiways Sra aod cores quickly. For sale by - W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Not the Wi oe Way best to wall anti it buying a botlle It is not always ts needed belare Chamberlain's colle cholera and diar- Quite frequently the remedy ia required in the very basset season oF in the night and moch incon. venkenes and suffering moat be before it can be obtained, a trifle an compared with its real worth and every family tan well alford to fu every. Ehe most world for CW. A 34% rae Ir sont but where acknowledged to he successiind medicing im the bowel complaint. For sale by "Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. DeWitt's little varly rues perma- neatly care chroale constipation, bil- jousness, nervousiiess amd worn-out feeling; ileanse and regulates the entiry system. Small, pleamant, never gripe or sicken “famous little pila’ LL Patton Pharmacy. Cheanis Dadchers Cored, This chronio od I got so weak I could walk or One bottle of Chamber. bain's and diarrbova remedy cured me sound aod well J. RB Gress, Fincastle, Va 1 ave had chronic diarrhoea for twelve years. Thies bottles of Cham berbain's colic, chidera and diarrboen had tha war. Ia 1a eerily a3 I have Harphewa itver sites Hardly gute, vholera remedy cured me, 8 LL. Saver, Fipeastle, Va Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr Shaver are prominent farmers and res side pear Fincastle, Va. They procured the remedy from Mr. W. E Casper, a druggist of that place, who ix weil ac gquainiid with then and will vouch for the truth of their statements. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. For wouands, burns, scalds, sores, skin diseases and all irritatiog erapi- ions, nothing so soothing and healing as DeWitt's witch bazel salve. Mrs, {Emma Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursery, Chicago, says of it: “When ‘all else fails in healing our babies, it | will cure.” C. W. Hodgkins. Patton ¥ ¥ £ 3 : a A HH E25 87 SN 2s eo dt | SR RSM | 48 ie Wows Thiet | | We offer One Hundred Dollars Re i ward for any case of Catand that can. aot be cured by Hall's Uatarrh Care, F J CHENEY & OD, Props, IS THE CREAT a fm RS ny saw and lis tl I Paledn (0 Wie the unde pig have known F Like 15 vars, ang be. honoribie in all amet Buancially triad niin ¥ rninel perfectly Epa reat OE si val Fp shies fos © by their frm. Apis es LT SR Ture £F ki Ww bre ik, an i SE ES ET TR Gracetol, Easy and Long THE FAMOUS Olga Nethersole $2.50 Shoe FORPWOMEN. Posseises the merit of perfect sivle, G4 on Ko breaking io promsary commie 10 re | Sols very Sexihis: Chrous Rad wtivek that wears Like ron, Bxoels soy $5.0 eho for way at . Citroen Wid iid Un dof She mane, 4 to the width of a elves bad! Setar, how heel w Fors will Bnd this see a sotmbisadion ol style weed Aenefectured by The Rock Islend hoe Ce, Rock a, fm. snd sald exclusively C. A Perry, Chest Springs Pa Wearing. mfort and Jarad fos Pp topes of thie foe aa 8 Fiore, poi A pump ort pit mols, it paling Bi oT fine minute songh one completely eunred me” writes Helen MoHanry, > hn ine y wu Hodelins, Pation Biwomare, {eipou WwW. Tin iy me Heved he applying ham ; ve it al Dela Than quiekly nny tment, and without the barn severe does not Mave oosear. id parts more than oi Ae PA Por sale W. Hodg wlirissm, Paion Plinrmacy. by ht x Paeiame 1A ON Wiss, ro of boi thin he ape of fwd next £ ir wry ed wily £8 pened fod fares goa Keyra whin which Thiers ha clang dewgor ogy nd London E La the world ow he egled onl AoA shrill “That's a wu Lex ons? : Yee arty Preevedd, ay ® were puserriad she sadd, tay alirhteet ivr heared 8 aye that Het wrepere Dawe dail “My Follvar ina tone jens wr iad a sa SAREE A Ae Ruapiannas Brasd ol Poker. fore oust Bh In 1550 the talles York was gnly Hve stories high, and the church spirds were coRspiouoas above thom, Now there is only one spice i» the ity gs high as the tallest building ssi Tenmny Nasi Linens was comin fan | at BI ber A Kaflir's reliuion consists mostly in Sens singing and dancing cht we EATERS We Are (lea ning i Up Our Summer Dress Goods At eximunely | profilsitije "hargain prices and at pha He tine filling ap Hr shelves with shikew ner goods for thie wary fall Lmong th sew hrriy Aim Are : Plepant Venetian Cloth, shades. 3 Daviorite weave, in populir apes Bl bncde i sidbd value at $1 0 vand end ateiped ELIE Blue and or "mist ave will maida ap very styl Hahly. wre 3 psd Se per vard. New plaids in great Yiariety, sven and in broken fives golf and fancy, are 38 inches wide and Sew yamd Ms intrest Ble and Bhaak shies are £5 and 5 inches wicks agd range at 370 Seanad The per yar New tafferta silks in phigh shudon and a good variety, are only The. per yard. White and black slits, heats fully corded, are #1 and $1.25 pir yard. Will be pleased to send pm phen. All mail orders speedily filled, inches Oe Sauare From Station Altoona, Penna. ’ Adolfzen & Forsberg, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Flour, Feed and Provisions. a Oonry = . For Family Use Ax wail as for General Use gett Amer re Finest Product, BARTHOLOMY Lager Beer, mannfactanad at Roches ter. N.Y. and bottled hy the Gallitzin (Pa.) Bottling Co. > iY X 11 Owners Are Promptly) Attanded to. TLRs cae PHILADELPHIA. {3pposite Prankiln Sounire, vn triaaal fie RT NOE anions Standard vit ‘Surgeon pain of 8 Burm or sca id is almost C wih Grosery | it bondquarters for oranges, bananas, lemons, water i melops, in fact everything in the bai grocery line. Ret Rirk Hardware arsck Pornitare i a dye the finest line of stoves and ranges in the county all guaranteed to lve perfect satisfaction-— Cinderella, Capello and Sanshioe, BUSINESS DIRECTO GEO. BOONE, THE PEACE. sf Lang and Fifth tie) promptly at fey stl nad rent JURTHE OF % 5d ” Phew ory POTDET B. EVANS, Dentist, rRTINGS, PAL test hi=and mouth mr women of tha wily teosted, CHARE, Dentist, PATTON. PENNA Offee in Good Boilding, second floor, Mages Avenge. DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYRKICIAN AND SUHGBON, IIR OC. ERNEST (iffise in Good Bailding, Room Ne. 8 Sr Genural Surgery and we Eye 2 Specialty All wim 8) peewee pete atte Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. io Prstadfioe, % respira “wo car, seme and Throat iffy A riing fon en By $17 fr rio ds mand Hila lpm Somerville, Attorne y at-law, ParToN, PA. Ciffiew in JAMES NOLAN, A kh +34 Tey tive Cxoond Building. ~at-Law, Patton, Pa. (fice Fifth Ave, near © entral hotel. - Latr NM. DAVIS, Attorney Li degra basins PEGE DAS sitendad Cis iw tharSer Boiling TOBACCO and CIGARS Tipe Srest ine ln Patton al G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, Dear . PP BR depot LT ALL HOURRK FAHAFFLY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa Crit tam, Piet of Laos Ava hding atiaedeed pune PERGUARGN, Prap'r. arnell & Cowher, Jim fee dais Se 8 Ci . AFL AND ACCIDENT S. gy | UN DERTRKER 2 'EMBALMER, Toted Patton, Fifth avenua ar ight, Promptly at- White or Black Hea {MHie in Young Balding, next to P.O. Patton, Pa Office Hours 82a om. to 1m, andi p mo todp m } ADVICE AS 1 } Rothe in * Inventive Age z we & -
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