Keep on Coming to Patton, use they know it is a itenlf, and Renator Weller, who has biti . * place to grow up n parents come to our to buy all the little ne cessities to make baby com- rtable — toilet powder, shes, puffs, pple, nurs ing bottles, toys; dolls, rattles, etc., etc, because they know have just what they want. his stock of infants foo ls Pharmacy. BE. TOYS ETC.,, IN THE INEX. Cheap! poultry wire, of all sizes. | Plain Grlvanized Wire at $1.75 per hundred which you. know can not be bought for less than 82.20 f. o.b. Pitts. . burg, Also 3 or 4 toilet sets ata Matting from toe a yard up to.18 cents. The finest line of rockers on the market—CGolden oak, art ~ or mahogony Juish Children expre 50, $1 and #1 60. Glass jars at the lowest fi nres. . Rugs, remmants of carpet at half price. Window shades also cottage rls ~ Stoves and Ranges, the largest line in town. 3 Wi ons LX & , all prices, &FurtCo,, C.C GRENINGER, Mgr. | mountains beyond any on God's earth, Patton, Pa, Aug. 30, 1599, $ for AS “HAYSEED " SAw IT FH Empression of the Promise wndk Congress ; mas Jisvph Bo Thropp. From Moucisin Felis bare, Bavifond 4 Frage lindned at Permit me to congrivtulale you the splendid success of the picnic held lon Saturday last st Osterlurg ander ithe auspices of the edilors of the | Moontain Feho and the united socie ‘ties. The very large concourse of people, the generous and admirable | dinper provided by the jadins, the men. ‘tal refreshments farnishid by the [orators of the day, and the orderly conduct of the crowds, and indeed all the arrangements for the comfort ferijoyment of the assembliad guests, re. { flex t the greatest credit upon all who managed the aflair. | It was pleasing to see the nooasion i graced not only with the presence Judge Longenecker, the honored pre siding judge of cur district, bat siso Attorney John Jordan, whose distinot- jon at the bar merits the judicial ermine upon wf made his “influence feit for reform in | the politionof onr state in a marked ‘manner; and ex-Benator Reynolds, whose accession to the Repoblican ‘ranks in Bedford pounty will be heralded with great satisfaction if it proves to have been inspired by prin (eipinls and not by office. Put I was especially glad to find our Congress ‘man, the Hon. Joseph EE. Thropp mingling in soch & neighborly manner with the pecpie. The meds friendly sonduet of our Congress 5s Lin refusing to posh himself to the front anid pose in any manner spon mong the spelitinders of Lhe og batt just go about the groaned of with the people, is in keeplog with ! democratic and sincere character of the man. By the way, | have heard deputations of citisns who went Wisbiogton ander the conduct Tusopp partments cotue bow Ks RVing Gent faction “Wa have a Congrem tan from our distoct we dan be ‘of One deputation from “ander Mr. Theopp's isadersiip hour and 8 halls conifereticn wilh Secretary of the Treascry, i returned saying: “Mr. wan who is rewelved “Yery where Washington with marked respect attention by the Presid members of In the heat of political ‘strife ‘member of congress has been so mls reprise ted maligned ywhose petty ambitions for office have ‘been frustrated thal lis brue character has benno obscured, bai it ds rapidly | beginning to appear in ita true colors, | and soch malicious re prevmiations will {only react with crushing weight spon ‘their authors. ‘with the use of money corruplly in | politics bat it has been chiefly by those i whose skirts are so unclean that it in | virtuaily a £ thief.” Th Andie le, Ged the use of motey LCBIBDRIEN expen om and why bave raised this bue and cry are only (enraged because none of bis money has i found ts way into their pockete. Mr Thropp's steadily (soreasing influence | is owing to the strong ties with which ' he binds men to him, nor by corrupt. ing their manbood ail sorts of promises of office or mopey bul by personal friendship by sharing his consuls with them by giving them his {confidence and by being loyal to his | friends through thick and thin Whether that loyalty helps or injures © ‘him makes matter. OO Mr Thropp gives his friendship to a Lib Es or keeps,’ unless thal ma feita it by being false or a traitor Sach aman 5 always gaining anid thas keeping then “bu political following that is much me permanent than any based mere use of money. Mr “exceptionally well equipped for ibe office of Congressman, being periapy better versed in all the principals and application of Protective Tan than any man in Peunsyivania since the ‘death of Judge Kelly. The Protective Tariff system is vital to all the agricul Ctaral interest alike of Penusyivania There 1s enough weallh in the shape ores 0 our own hills mont tao support a teeming population, and if the people of this district will give Mr, Thropp their heariy co-operation be will be able to do much Ww bring out our undeveloped rmources, cheaper transportation, enbince the value of Loar farms and sootribate to the general prosperity. | With best wishes for your exc optionally ¥ | moat admirable newspaper, | subscribe myself the son of a farmer, a resident | of Bedford township, a lover Of these i yal Phe slag ais AEE sting a BENET ta have With ie Bh as Wilh BY Brop is & hE and L100 : the cabinet PREY EFA E iy Gib AC NEY 2 ¥ alg £3 came thief crying gi ©! by r oe =u ii iH OE 3 Thropp | is Ai i HF ei the sucress well edited and He iss been charged bat to see the | : ohdidhnod | days have been spent in my { a primey BI%} BAppew anid Dneily § of Ei. ress, rep 05% HHT Ro OF YHA vee evry train hr A TIRED OF DEAD BEATS ¥orm Fron af Paton Aleaufl i Fives ¥ SiR Thermieives TIA eee The Mare & rate live accumating | { Patton A following agree. sod signed a A For the pte Laon of cits the nwerehanis o Panel sen th ris about tn form theme ives orjranization, asd the meni ® being. cireninted alter which a meeting wil and the organization perfected & Soy % Bn Fidei Fg has aoders Borough § ASTIN in Fel y- | P ation, SAYIN Yor 19% Whereas we, t gehants of the ant heia county, SIV RIGK, oro anid I stad $F Pe poe in an orgasiztaion Wo be Roown | ax the Merchants Protective Asociat- jon of Patton, Penna, the object and | character of which is the protection of | merchants from the loss of accounts against persnns who refs bo pay thelr | Is. ! No FF +3 & ri . Esa 3 $ gx Wika As 57 Clan t in semsideration of east sigrning this agreements we ot £5 Ba agree to rege the Bama of persons, to the sald sssnciati monthly, who have failed, region ted » 0 Cn 1 Fy settle, their store acount sexing i ceding two weeks ally Agree with Suen srt p er # ast pre- rifer mi a A nd Wi tor DF Se ty ard 3 5 3 #1 . Ko Si, Sern asdise Lot Er iy CITE Wh ee op Ey : in rigs thie ead RL, Alaaily refuse to wi and each a eB An 3 i Fda pay jis & ior thedr bile of Rg Tan 7 $3 ; po $y Wea or WE ey 7 tree a EE Het, amd who 5 i 3 ny wed sonliradt, ana sad Ameaiation, we Aroanine 10 pay So the Merchant ; Fatt EHEY. prox ata hit oe af the - aboy We BgTenTh it Wik by Prone omd] if Cosine Fel # & by on 3 afi & i Fo i Sa ah x 8 Ah 3 x A Biase Meg ¥ Aly iia 3 Hight & sooringt Siar OF $3: pen, a4 hat i ¥ CRIT Feri in 1 7 i BE Hag 4 { i iw P, ei Ww Carrio that the WE WY IVHIA avenine fin Foye A LAr hy Bigir 3 id and fons enter spree nent F. PP. Abercrombie, Superin reialive WW laying a (incl sewer tracks, agreement do be similar to! War ou He bs Per PRiiroae i BROW fd senna by to% pest it teicher i: tale by the Barn gh with RR IY alas pr 57 » GPanY. porpnitie reportest the accept: f paving and curbing of sodeom of Wins: Habbard, it wan } Campbell the negative! A cum {rom Tie ANCE Tops x a La a Magee avenne and on Fyn iow and seconded carried by a vote of 4 to and Anderson voting that the ter accepted munication waa received {Chest Creek land & lIoprovement company relative to laying through their prembees and same wis referred the Borough Salieftor Council then adiours ned § next 3 wn frenrt i Laan & MOWer $i § Mi day sight, Sep tember 410, in ret TAT sessions. : Nowe of 3 Dank peed institution si of Win Thos a dlatzicts verent dhber. Socal large inmber 5 BI id He trans The nearest banking hou i So Dat and farm ng m3: Me Es rn gl af business won LIENS Re i wn Ba oy dh H[OsLOW t it Is surprising have ye locates hors aid bao Paris hisge Time of Pablicatiag During ¢ f September anid ; Eds Big § as ld Bd 2 ase a3 PERI OLY WOBLeT, WICH depenas of how it will sit oor the date Pairons publication of this paper will} every Saturday morning ipstesd Thursday morning, as heretofore oUpY advertisements must copy for display be in office not Inter than Bids tor Cond Bids for furnishing coal for use of * Patton Public Schools will be received by the seeretary of the board 12 adelock npn of September th, The board reserves the night to SAE Any edn, ETS mi ho LRU rest or alll H. CURFMAN, Sec. | Mother M | Justina, {| Crosson, was | porop and ceremony at that institution | Wednesday, [ high mass was are | the priests whose names follow. | Tyrone, OF" Reilly, : yaks ta Mother. Fast oir : : leave Sunday papers at the news stan 3 SISTER OF mercy § GOLDEN BIEL Fostine Paty, of WM . Fify Yours nu Mun The Hftieth anniversary of of the veil as a Sister of Mercy by | Sint er M. Justin Daly, Mather of Mt Alovsins Academy, eatebrated with mach A Roya, = EE ho EEE Lhe tadiing Lr Angost Zh A pontifical wiehrated by RL Rev, Re Phelan in the chapel of the academy Gr efeloeR. Ip the sanction Were Very Rev. 1. Boyle, NF Nery Rev. A Bush, V. 6, %f Allegheny Rev, ‘ather M. Ryan, Gabitsin: Dessy, woshnrg: J. Regis Canevin, Pills Graven, Borenfeld, J. Farrer, pmbown Read, Chaplain of Min Aloysius: Carroll, Brookiyn, ¥. Cavanangh, Philsdelphin, Bosensteel, Vaught, Holliday shurg; | Me MeKeoesport, T. Bm Aitoons. After mass a sumplocts repast lenrvedd and many \ presenis wero fin BEE i Perrnott, ¥ costly Aha #3 se 4 Floren- president oorapany, and 3 SW ab, of paefal art chafing wALer gills dink, sralie LOGE WHT wan stato Spas emblems In gold BLO And A pds # ech ponds of thoes Rei terary enderising sb the Epworil Eptwnpal of This (ne ner ate and mach sdb Baiecta saint 4 Tags kd SHE Wan Lage Eat toh Friday far surpaesed Lhd due Se cris in inteveat iene Chaos vanitdr fla of which : WhE seonred RE WBE SY O hanes WHR lrgy RY ranged : csc rabdy rine. The foam BLD LIE ney atin W Ee x43 a BA § Seeeryh. IM ition Sebhodd of dreal E. pp Mra Alice Rife wha of Pitsburg. Prof. Byron its Patton with the sibjert nn view of making up v, phvsleal draasiate: work. ¥ ay . x A # sha Ys ER 4 35% fu WIL De BL3 RRR sri med 18 lessons, September 41h continalig sail sun separated adie and the cour will commencing Monday, the Cioesd Ball and September 224 he for adults and . for be the charge or Rika 15 Patton 1 £3 bee wkd Ske of wii Mra joo vgn Ela ® nveniies 13 Am. Be Driggs af Editar Th Late of the Mountaineer aml others. Tas Ww th drmmaiie frmation cone furnished AR HIRE NLS Janea, Ebensbiry Ebessburg Fach ¢ iid ide aulertaiument, Any wrong the school eta Ww 4 Bix Dee gr at the {our Woeataded ul fais Pp ¥ id A AN ave $n sx mined % 1 ives] Tie rad a short dastanes wha STEER A Frei y 134 bi the pesidenioe of iW Thmda vr, ab A grist =, Jarsos Vasdinde of Mah Uhest Springs, hy ML! amd Vewnie Waidneschay, SAIN ki HY Pa. Miller, ov Waxntep One hundmsd people their orders for Philadelphia and CNDER SNERFIS HANNER vy (he Kher | a Sargon But Sth. a Monday, Properiies fo Fanmatraryg The following pro ) Cambria county will be sold at Sheriils wale at the Court hose, Ebensburg, on Monday, Sept oyber 4, sales [4 begin at I of elock : Ta The right. title and interest of Strie- in a int Haptings boron Taken in execution at the suit of Inde. pendent Bollding and Loan associstiim. Of William A. Fagin ot af srovnd aryl in Carrolitown boronjh. Taken in execution st suit of Hastings | Building and Loan ssoclstion of Hast- Of Hey i DRYAS %% if ¥ Wi F. 43 Harve one ot of grovind house in Spangler borough Taken in execution at suit of Hastings Building and Losn msociation of Hunt- SEs Cf Anois F, Weise of al an 50 wires of land in Gallitain township. A Bote and barn are located on this farm. Taken in execntion af suit of Galitirin Building and Loan association Of George W. Spiece and wife in a int of ground and store building in Barnésbors boroarh Taken in oxe. cation xt suit of JM. Dale, roesiver of Pennwvivania Building and Loan as Cwoelation Bark «tal, poy hope le A payt Of Margaret lots of ground a Jibrin hares zh, township. i fat r ial “ rea £ i Pas ay OC fn Building and Loan dees = nin Henkos in Patie (2 5 % a ? grou snd and Bouse in OX vei} Yoigk 5 oan > Hiner. Westover f iw SF meres of na townsbip. Tikes of Sarah Wests ie Botlding Allovina Pa 5 Susqeh AH Miceabmon Oogivedes Mr Paal Li Naowag, 1 ty AL, I Laetny ti ia SPraniany a in Paston with a ohirter of 3 Al the meting Priday evening for Mice, the members hd A hp lags i tise ¥ x5 Ww” flit ; HE RE # CHPY MW ah fe mi PIVRIY id | £3 3 i ¥ Heke HE i that thay 13 hss read bt srder and plesREnt NERO, Ree Sisto Le RTE AIT gatherings on ipate BI greatly and wm Bova Past {oon FR Morey, irradi ts 1F XK A. Murray, Ww. Jd 43 Chaplain: A. Seitz, At A004 ¥ FAD H nil Master Howard Dusmors, [st ML of Ritter, 21 dM. of Ci: Austin Winslow, Sentinel: A (0 Anderson, Plokets Sergeon ree: 1s; Call tar 4 Cisivimtion Barneshorn, Aug 24, Miners of sub. District Na Matrict No. 2, comprising Barnesboro, Hastings, Spangler, Pat- ton and Carrallhiown, Ther will bo a sabe District tion held in Hastings on Sept eo nmencing at 8 4 mm, f par pose of slecting officers to ub-Uistrict, and other ay be brought before Basis of representation shall be one viste for exch fifty members or maior fraction th Law 138 Notion the #2 ES i af #4 2 ¥ * VA) OE prember 1, fr ihe govern business which £8 ¥ vei it Aik penal mine ntioned wil By af SC WnsoN, Pres [Dies RANK Yammer Prom =ub POI INEON,, i oped that each and avery ETLs Sh ¥ ples alwive send a Selegite yrrder 5 VC Ee . Treas Ribbed the Wind ries. dated eget 11 Hh r of Uheet Spriggs, gave ng almm During ating, A dispar 20, AAA Lak F wihey MeK burch al Er ter A Man asl vigh Trying piopey belonging SHITE SIIVErWars. Aug it Ratinday Bev al fe PRL Hike a dived AE of and by he sin priest a aomideral He Lie He i thought all robbed The Burg. by 4 ane of he same gang vont house at tbe Panes wt Hsstings { A rye dance will be hkl ab the Hast End A ay Hastings Maturday evening, Sep tember ad. ab which all are invited 5% to alted The provesds Ferived will go towards the benelit of Frank Huber, who was 80 badly erippbed- | in an ax- pitsion at Barnesbore peariy yaar Taken in exeoalion af poi Fines: Millinery. The very fisest and most up-to-date millimiry in Patton can be found at the Ban Ton store, near railroad on Fifth avenge The prices are the lowest It will pay you to call before maging & purchase ¢ls where. S Ladies ¥ = have Pipe Rew mew shoes We be celebrated [irew and Selby it will pry vou io ses them iefire you hay. : FAYE PATIOS BUPPLY {0 Coy all Wid : § & 5 £55 té mbar The public sais cows whi to be eld on my 1st will fied were oid al Be 3 sake sles 2% AL CIR IE private sale Ane Hi ba TURBSON, Patan, Pa Romp Tour Eve ou ‘he Fate OF rhe festival and apron sale 1o be held in the Goldstein hall Friday sven 158, The best of woe i be oan see of & ing. [September erent, ciiRe, #0, a fine assortment for dives, nig noah exvepiional op for mothers to secure apron &*) R Prt RE sohond and Ritehen, up $A ge onasi ty ve for the rx bea SORE Sedu in GAYA der ihe of the Ladws AM Boriety § ARHDEES nf the M Maes Woe M. BR Bporrswonn, All weak pete in sed ag Tein Ray Fae Witla 4 tie GAT 4 55% the OWE r al Senall, Ww. x rR ial vor, and EE &£ we Fall and Winter nitaiis ‘Suitings and = Overcoat Patterns SE . oy ew kak aaah? ipereikeed | Fal Linens That Have Merit The Honsckerping “inens th have made Daviight Stare reed £3 honsekoepers Lena ennsvieania, Lud reputaiion pe standard of 5 sast h SRG 3 he Hdarnch Lorain ut Fs de Heed s ain ng % | RINE WELD RB yaare $1.2 25 the dozen re YOR 4 3 fine Ba Celnnil 1s rash. Dac. a yard » fie HYY PAY 4 New Henistitc Tang gl a8 na FERRER VRIBC at 25¢c. GABLE & CO. §300-22.24 1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. sr BSREUME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers