Wa ry VOL. VINO. 41. ADVE ORDINANCE NO, 50 3 P An Ordinances Anthoroeing the Panne anal Sais of Borough Boods Uo the Aoant of seven Thonsind Doiiars in Piirsuance fo Torowgh Fieviion Held Angus! T4ih, 1800, sad Levying an Annosl Tax for the Puy ment of the Same, . Rection 1. Be it and ‘ordained by the Buorgess and Town "Council of the Borough of Patton, Pa, ‘and it is hereby enacted by authority enairted of the same. ok Copies ian 3M That whereas, by Ordinance No, 46 bearing date Joly 17th, 1889 it was re. solved by the Burgess and Towa Coun oil of the Borough of Patton, Penna, to increase the debt of ihe Borough<or the purpose of opening and ¢ xtending of streets, building of bridges, impriav- ing streets and other municipal fo. | provements, to the amonnt of sev tFosand dollars, or one {hosdred and eighty-six one thoys- andth per cent. of the last preceeding nssessed valwation of the taxable property of the Borough, and less than wo per cent. over and above iis pres Keep on Coming to Patton, because they know it Is a ood place to grow up im their parents, come to ou: store to buy 4 411 the little ne cessities to make baby com- fortable — toilet powder, brushes, puffs, nipples, nurs ing battles, toys; dolls, rattles, etc, alk, because they know we ave just what they want. This stock of infants foods include all the leading kinds. “election on August th, 1588 for the purposes of obtaining the consent of ‘the electors of said Baroagh of Patton | to anid inerease of debt. And wheres | said election was daly held on August votes cast were for ssid increase of ‘debt. Beotion 2 It jx tharefore resolved that In pursuance to said Ordinance {No 48, amd election held Jon Aagust 24th, 1808, for the Burgos of opening and exwnding streets wiliding of bridges, improvieg streets and other municipal impro CEES, incur Cpew bonded indebtedness of seven thousand dollars, it belong less | per cent. of the lust procseding esd valuation of the taxable property of | the Borough. | Bection'3 And it is farther resol that to securs sabl i5de biednoss of Lmeven thot dollars hereby author. ized to be ndurred Cotneil, the Bute rea And Cotfneil of the Borough of } i { herwby anthorized to came to be pre pared, and to execute and ‘jess than par, Bonds, ston Borough of Patton, one to fourteen inclusive, for the sum of five hundred dollars esch, al fous and one-half per cent. interest payabic tpemb-annaidly, dated 50 oO inv of dep tember, 1a%8, maturing ah any ad | Beprte sriber A.D, on 4 but redlewmabile tem years fromm dale Lie | gption of the Borough, Quid bonds, exceploae LO nambar, same being numbered from one to four | teen inclusive, shall be of the following | form: $4 4 Loan Iwo Patton Pharmacy. ; Opposite Schon! Boilding. BE. TOYS ETC. ANNEX. Li Preddaent IN THE well, at Gof bearing ware of the sumibered from LORETO Fhe ret in the £ Gf josne atl Le Form of Dot Ni UNITED STATES OF ERVINTY OF UAMBMIX SF PENMNSTLI ANIA PR RRDE ree cof Umenbria on A Lae tpiaw at eel Bey oH tumrer 8500. AMERICA TATE Fahd 4 HE Lin wl the plod of {i the: vel {and one-half por SEIN PET 5 ¥ of March sod Meptend pte of LER ond, # of Paton, Peon. Ahn Ll InTe rest dig pend i come doe and pa Pops Fwamd is otis of Bo serie bade, mach of a like Bur PLier poe girs ANE Wo domh Ain, % Lhe Baa hirir coat, Pena yivasia, «0 ples Sat ol Asmerabily reguiat free detdedpess Ly munboipal ovirpors ons proved the in day of Aris SB er fi 1g WITC Stren vis Ade instance poultry of all sizes. Plain Galvanized Wire at $1.75 per hundred which you. know can not be boug ht for less than $2.20 f. 0. b. Pitts burg. Also 3 or 4 toilet sets‘at bargai Kiegr pvt ta several su ppieoe nis agd anes in purses oan onlinagre of © jof Putin) dated] the 1TH day af July, Wi wf with the omsant of 1 ak a Dra co rat, 81 Gn vhewiiom bre i | jae four ha pu +, of ona te paling stiveiln, #3 4 $row Seid fo ow iiness w heread the r remid ara Lhe Borges of wail EAT i A Ht wif wad thelr sg onaieds (hers Fos a Towbin i ale sen] of astd Bean 1 Lael Meptemninr thomsen ipl eight hi mn. Matting from 10¢ a yard up? to 18 cents, The fine t line of rockers on the market—Golden oak, art or mahogony finish. . Children express wagons 50¢, $1 and $1.60. Glass jars at the lowest fig- ! ‘ures. Rugs, remnants of carpet at half price. Window shades, dll prices, also cottage rods. Bie HBR CA fei Jas GILidecE, w Uherk impon, Lon peon. NOL Maat Na The I pas $ er, MN h | eleven and Iwenty Hw fhe First Natl i 3 bing ha spp Eouy wh) AT i) fo WRN | ¢ Hex Kyavds off S33 LR jag % brainy omy Fa PeiNny + by Gin B : Fai rgemss, JAR, CHELLIEVE, ves and Ranges, Atk Section 4. And it is farther resolved the largest line in town. and directed that the following notice | be sworn to by the principal officers of the Borongh' of Patton, and filed in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cambria | County, along with a copy of this ordinance: In the Court of Quarter | Cambria county. | In re-issue of $7,000.00 four and one | half per cent. bonds of the Borough of Patton, dated September 15, 1899, | Statement made by the principal of , Mgr. | ficers of said Borough, under provis- Very Respectfully, of Rissa ios alde property D and nthe Lent bonded debt, and to onl a special orm as wet forth in copy 24th, 1599. at which a magority of said ; PATTON, TIS ions of act Y K A { Assembly ‘An act ta regulate aning the indebted- for: with 1874, entitled the manner of ine new of rosvide al the 58 Aid To ine ineronse the redemtion hae, i} pose penalties for the legal shepaol’ First. The this Borough of Patton ascertained in the manner provided by section five of said set of April 200h, 1574, ie ; as follows Bonded Date 3 7am actual indebtedoess af Hoaurioes apgtiontds $hai neay Seaond. The amount of te ast pre. AX WAS valuation of the of the Boaroueh caren dsm idl $52,220.00 Third. curred wu 37 Fourth. The form, ntmber and date of maturity obligation to be x aneel therefurs ia fourteen ooupon interest bearing bonds of five handred for alipnm, payable The amount of debt to be in (0 Hi of ton dolar each, with interest at aul ose hail Sa 00 TERE 1888. numbered from one lo awive. said bond to be in combor ia. fonyrten nel of ordinanie hereto apmexed and marked exhib “a Fifth The smount of snnaal tix Jevied and assessed fo pay said indebt slp tv six hundred and sixty five dollars per year, to continoe until said Bouruia 2 4 of sald indeblednme, wih exclusively we ntereal and the Rect whinnd ta tha Baymont of Ul the principal of sad indubtatnae as provided by law Sixth: The, varstiance of an ordinapce & of aiid Basen van, & which in marked Hepridath above stateniont is fied and Wiad sn supy of herets arse ax hil had herent, ab in es a part the wad if pert? 2 bt ak ALE 65 o Exisigrge vi Se ? Wri 3 3 aad versie : Of RIVE SANs set Lerk of Conual, bo wines do each of thar the facta set Torth wang sever de fx at Cadi banal, 13s RAY § LL going statement are oo erect and trie Sworn wud anbeoribed befors day of ey $s wk Li ai ¥ gst a My 3YL tariney Tha 0 BO ATE spdained th pe Lp nf Cm ply is # rid OE % Anne AGE ie REVEPR] Amend » there 1a leyhed and asseseend. upon all He propeny, real and Patbon, subject to laxation for Biro proses, pal tax of dred and je racinial. in said Borough of afl BONN sixty-five Liew, i : the of debt and an will be suf spqrbiesd ¥ py BE being LET ne wihitod: evy if ign sont. fe ie 3% ES shall be XIII VES fi Le AYE oF i as fast nt Bn applicable a Pile 54 anti continge aid with interest the (ark of the authorized to Brisk for the Sale af the above E51 Eich Ww wd ba aedla or offering the highest and best teed and ordained this the September, 180 W. C, Hurnsari, Prend dent of Ucar Bika tax That Corned! be, and ia hereby advertise for and receive sisal Meili On THX. anil to weil the same 10 the Person pars Bid. 11th RTs Ena day of Altemt Jar e, Clerk if an Approved be} Bee Bar C411 LIRL 3 mo i PrinDinis Barrens of 43 NEW RAILBDAD FUR ALT0UMA 14 Fore Le i orgy griotesd ha rach. Which is BO rive Hiraet Altoona dated Sep daily A Si fron tember $i appearing in the papers of Tuesday, tract fur grading and from Juniata, two mies « toons, nto the says that ‘ i. aR VIR beens det to P $18.04 wv Lhe & Fastern railway. contracts call for completion within days. The line w of Lie Penney Ivaliia Pittsburg, Johnstown, The 0 hiring a competitor into the baneoss * section of this city, The Eleventh avenue operas house, 1 ‘is said. has been purchased by the same company for $51,000, and the building is to be tragsferred into a cenfra station. This road makes cotnections with the Beech Urcek railway, and it is believed the entrance will be boaght by the company controlling that road. Celery Thursday, Friday and Satar- | gay at Cash Grocery. approviad A pril posible wiil be i ot of ‘members present as por oo sqpaad to at jest Brown to Dest § Baap gh = : ap A Lo fallowing bios to draw onder fr shine = pret vf ® TEMALLPOX AT CHEST SPRINGS ew Refried Ths Vitesse Propey franrantined £m los Conrad, a young unmarried man residing at Chest Springs, a small tostn sitaated five miles east of Patton, iW a victim of the dreaded disease, smallpox. : Dr. H. Somerville, who lines charge of tbe cane, reported that the symptoms Became fully developed Thursday, and that the patient was goickly removed precaution fy a pest bole god every pr the disease from spreading. MEETING OF BORD DADS Fleidd Momsting® Nighi, Seplombes F1th bine porte at Pasivess Tramemelod \ *atbon ‘Pa, Sept 11 IRE Pati Borotigh Ceatnedl met in regular Andsion Monday with tb iH «= following eail, Hub Moltarmick, Andersbn, and Camp The last meeting held Septem. SUeninge + % it Bard. Bike Winsiaw, Cordell puinsiien of busy Taf. 1800 were read fi gsotion aria and approved prbmnld and secombod by Binir it wis carried that permission WP Jatkear bh eXoRvRis Fifth avenae at the old bur piven Io a peliar on Mellon hotel and to put loom on the street where it will i no wise inter. fore with fraiflo, Cx mintian of fismipt well and seomdesd by Andersin, it was carried Teal thie bill of the Keystone Fu ving Ca. for pxira wo sat for the Barough 8 eH 3 3 i BREE rit bee Inked 0 LE rene and Jl Elta, superintendent of the Kaystone Paving MBpRLY On motion of Winalow and seonded Anderson, it was that the leslie bo tastrneted to draw of fran dnttiagen far the Hy esirriodd fared sontracs, and rabies approval and signalifres of property Gwsers on Sixth wvenne between Lang anil Beam hy Aves sues, authors : avenge in sooordance with thir pet Ly a width of 30 feet, as prayed or ving a change of grade in avoniance with ter be established by Cotinell ity for damages to lbeir roapmative properties abinrting an we On mation of Winsiow and accotided and ale rermit af sald dreet grades sud wit nant 15a RERLY BRE Roan JE wari amplwedl, WU Was alan Eira paneer. Li De aR to mening 87 3 sob ih a aids i Li ive red Ete] fraisgiies Lo DRORONEEn election head August Aciw pen an read. of Winghyw and secoiuied was carried that the acospled sod clerk Oa motion by Mot armick io fae insbracted § pany Mallon, $8.72; Gaglardi, #. Ayre, $1005; Harry Joo Sebeid, Bias: Joao Winslow was varniedd by a vate of {3 mokion by Cordell, it 4 15 1 thie the cow petition he laid over meeting night when detinile Sh ani aug! Setion Will Dw JAKSN On ane On motion of Winslow and seconded hy Cordell, it wan unanimoasty enrried hut the Borough Engineer structed to run a low an d make ap f an Palmer ave reqpuiar proximate | Ont Gf sewer nae and sabmit mening san of next ¥ Council then adjourned to mest mn regular session next Monday w Thi Haid Not Doscd. The members of the Cornet band ing sR held a meeting Wednesday even vaifasd to Boid a festival two ings, October 2 and 3d. The members bay instrainenis asking the citizens for big sub- Dipsness wilt sub wii neds arsed are frying to their withiat PH the serie inastnach © 8s are harrmseed so neh seripti oir to a good up to date musical organization, fie siriy my £0 their sn- fen ni papers. Now one thst will be a credit WO Lown and the band raise the mo age she YW AVE members To sen ney. st bseribed thems tant f the pecessary ag The “ipper it that we peril Live $10 o Mew non asl to tai Lhe With parsed sifuets pity walur, goosl sewer. Hght all miodern in Tes, We Ale itisens will be tioketn and can have & band bay slow LOW ies & 4 ana bediinal the Load un in Usmbria count The ladies of Patton enjoy good mosic as well as the hbed, bat called up on to donate cakes, pies, chickens, and anything in that Hine, When the ticket Be Lery come aronmd greet them with a and show your appreciation by four or a haif dosen fey dedng help the buoys as with some surely gr a band & Wilh other yk ns meen and yi they will nos be ally fiiree, By along and they will favor nice tausic later When you want good honest work: ing shoes try the PF atton Supply Co's; they have an extra large line to seiect | from. put in force to prevent itor and Bov : Cand Me Thomas and seconded be: in fe SECRETARY fLAEAT § REPORT Of Money Rees Miners dvoel fa ANE Thee Striking in IRerier Na, i Following is & report of Tregsuner Richard Gilbert of District No 2 United Mine Workers of America, | of money receivod fo d tha striking | miners of Distriet No. 4, for the months | of June Joly and phitioi BIER IPP, Fravee bt Aaya pitas 8 Hg aE tipper Noy rigrarts, Nei 8 5 Son inet Bo I wus Tegra £7 a Dost Raa, $v Mirinesids ; Ha roosters hee il aeighinan Ase wap Tea Fanmail Nes 2 Ra ene i 1h oe jas it ; 4 Ran pal & amhris 8] FP. ig a ih a a TYR tuft ‘Nes 3 Pardee Nov G0 Patios = Hor prromivines © “ye Rowe Seba sity oe soeha tion ans lens iN ix i i 50 Mortdale Fr Epon » a i # Faw 3 - Hi AR Kote TEI Tid? BAEMNU Reiley NTR Jaty paid FOL OW Fiwas for Hetinides Hagghas Bar Fianna Worn. Besar for Dame $i oevsrd Weaver Bi dus Hse Par Ee Fine for wierd Wamver Baril, nthe a i An. run ik fs » TE io 3 iy 3 fay j to Woy Hemet fir ’ Hawa Wager fisr Worn Bessa fat pei Toa sealing Cal 3 silicap ER RT LT Mere Annie Novos Bel fan rghitior ¢ of My Turnbull, of tosis place, died af ber hime 0 Phifligmlaey Toesday, September 12th, after several weeks illness of typhoid fever, med abut shee tw angry iiied by utie 4 yrars oll, Bar pls Her brothers ines weirw ive, and in Mera Annie Nixon, HM vears 5 ye? shitd, a tie rie band Baviog disl fw years ag pare nis Lo LWD Mista rs and fps all remtiling in Palio, a friends Hive the BY I BALLY of many tlwrir wad Dervavemant A Migalie Siar, If the snakes wo the CBroclien’ soane “Past” iv anyibing xe (hose sup- posed to appear to inebrinte it would het & paying investment for RKeebty to pi when Morrison sid of i Borribie Sard pps Dajte, in Hones Ronen ES TAR exhiing at Tdi Rion aul Lain ios Fi Rentember 1800, af $5 SRAn pioN Hastings Monday, lave gi fea ies | Af Firvmiws's Hall The degmatie claw Sirseteil Mors Allee B Kirke, will give an anfartan- ment Friday evening. Septanter apd in the Firemen'y hy fail “Rosebud oa by xy wii fw tha vente plans arnt CHenwmbragoe, an teresting drama by the adult class. take part in this Alpission 20 cents, title drama, griinn ty persons wil entertinnment : AL llega Charly, Bev. M. OU Alexander, Ban ae cepted a call to the rst Bujitist coureh of Patton, expects to loente in Patten ‘soon. He will oecapy the paipit Sun. day, September 17th at 10:0 a. mw. and at 7.30 p Hin subject for the sven. ing wermon will be “Codrisbip ~d Marriage.” All are invites! to attend who Oo Hailed (Year 85 006) lars During the month of August over #5000 cars were hailed over the F Brook distrier of the Punnaylvania Division of the New rtfiroad. This x cond Barend ail AR enor musts amoant which Is prog jriereaning Dusiness of ab x mpaly Bowing ul Trade A meeting of Patton Board of Trade will be held in the Gaoldstein ball Tuesday evehing, al 3o'cloik, when all members are most argenily requested bere fail Howting {dee busiayse ofl mach ban’: tas Bue prose LE As portance will be gh tos attend iad. Hobber Died li te i5400E Frank Lang alas MeDonaid, » young Scotchman who was serving 2 Ave-months' sentence for attempled robbery committed at Johostown, died in the Ebensburg jail Monday morning etween 2 and 3 O'clock, of typhoud fever. Muihers See our U can’t sehiool shoes: they have no seams and Ceantripem. They are the best sch shoes on record. Will outwear two pairs of ordinary shoes and will please the ehildren: see them at Palton Supply Lh a 3 wip em Wei Wenihur Fabs he rain came down on said your name i mud men women ans children. The t shat fits the dress shoe as well the mad rubbers with wide toes. Cur prices are right, see us before buying, Patron Scerry Co. Can't Sleep, Energy and ~ Secretary- a ein mantle wh ia ow 3 Wh papa iy wt In Ciaesiend trem of amdind iow T0@ Listie silnem [8 80 3 Ca bes Tous Bifigtis sald) dee toe wtih mend hv tH EY oR y witha al Lnseer ah chins | Lois post isder a pos. | John Donnelly, Harry | Mrs) Chas, F. Wilson goles, groceries Yiirk Central of rapidly XfT2AYY ae: Health Lost. fw FP. ihe Faninent Wastin ptom, b § Trias of Dist h : Pro Mand th fine Deel Sple sisimap 3 Hasan Bs wir itEs Speviniiet of fevnR Ronse Adulie and Ohlidren ty Johnstown, Ma dnee Bi pas aiel wes 0 Aloaak, Pe ath oi 3 PETROIR. Washingh Bo x ¥ al une Eh Vas state, Consitites , wasieenlpiiy HEE sod Douek tied Hw ie Imtally registered in D Philadelphia: Pa TE tiie 5%, Groagh fina boy teepeany or BE letter five Tor. Mpitlh has Coupee af Un bred persianently suaded ANN iy the past Hive yess aml LAST) Bee $3 teE, Bay Ian wotnen amd JE abu WERR diseased, Sr -_— wid atu mt fs wpwiean hoe, Meni, i ry of sms EL AT NER (SY IRORA TING pl hee 3k PRET La 0 ge ing, Glepeds all of these preiniiaeaiie cam. thn prosipiy and pertanentiy, 1 adios whe Rave OF Tens Teen aka] hy Chpanbi Diemgers peraiise 10 thelr aX, are and Prag ph 10 Be Jina GR THe y Ah re Yours SReteRs with of bers be & suaranter Hd sol tan and sriil ae sured, Eoadd Aaity erientifioaily ashnintatened aw it hy Tip Menken develops He gives tone and gor ty dehiiiiated amgans, Os 18d frets amend ree Flow feity fis an Fein apd pies oa very Lmportant Gector in of sil flere, of y thew ab loan stareding widel Seve Swfted the sii ad he geawernd practiotees of ruedieine, neha Having shown that the section of this wotide ul have applied In the nuruaan body (mg h fhe medina of proper baiterion sup peeing wither dined of Heros! jg VITERIS as he ose ONY despandd. has Bo SORE a8 § rete peril, enpewielly in gRicRening the aetna ie the varios fhe tions sad] Organs Wns Gi naemeral oondithonx mre BERING restored, a when ss tiiee pesiiines Bef sway and the dye 1 Tey agin Ween ite © wit me ho orean performing mrrnsal Besithy aate, jus own peculiar shes piv beaith in the oe reritiadtie WY Gee oa y esileine, aR ihe ol] cei racs sof (rom Er Ss, it whey Be oie prrstoaad Tay wiry Eneliige Ba i thas Frat te fas ssover pea hy af «ne phy LH3 papas ETE SE sna rE Tas famine. @ en be. tent ets, pare joleiets wml totes np fe mpeche's Hhwnt pad ndrvoas systons, thon repai Hing aye 1h paw fog 00Y the pier Bid diseases geri anal in Prporiciin wl Spratt toads Bok ness and Cptvadiesequiee Wi ELL sur is Ks Snih i ihe fazed i be $ Yearny ated ot aa taf this geil pera’ SiR TM win raed TdF spree creed Eile thee od 3 arr § ; waftdond ia yonry shawtrie ise Anat Edie W@W th {ipa ik FORTW ow RE we Cnr iies so vripend by t the Palmer House from Septem fore 1WEH 10 4 | fn bis e. STnith, Spee ow § = rb a i ir RE t » fie verifieas List of Voelatined Lotter eennis in the a at work end. ing issn] September 34 1888 Win Uhandier, Mrs Hannah Weight, HH. Salshinry, 4 inftars Patton Tor the Parsons calling for the above tiers will plexes may they are adveried, OA MriioN BM int 16 buy =» hill of dry ar shoes, let ux gore S0GH convinee yon When you wa will MONEY savers. Parrox Sveery On with you, we that we dre found Baoagh to Take. The finest quality of loaf sugar is asedl in the manafacture of Chamber he roots geed in ils freparation give it a favor simi lar to that of maple syrup, making it very pleasant io take Ad A medicine for the cure of coughs, colds, In grippe, croup and’ whooping congh it in upequaied by any other. It always cup. and cures quickly. For sale by CW. Hodgkins, Paton Pharmacy. iaints cough remedy and 4 tha ast arrved x an {9 . a and Lhowcest Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoat Patterns 1 . Tlaat North Cambna. wis ever 1310 . Are iower aan idea of The pri Les vem have any Perfect fit cnaranteed the dust and | Rubbers for toe The Merchant Tailors, PATTON,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers