PATTON, CAMBRL LORETTO CENTENNIAL. 1. Praia Lor fhe Cetnhration Five bor Manda yy, Se, Gethbey Ih The Rev, Ferdinand Kittell, pastor of Michael's church at Loretto, an-. nonnces that the date for the Gallitzin Conn hin ary, at Loretto, Cambria county, oc definately fixed for Taesday | Oitobar 1h. The apostolic delegate, Monsignor Martinelil, (the first miss at will celebrate 7930 oelock and will give first Holy commitmion to the child fren and will afterwards confirm them, CAL 10 ofclock the Rt. Rev, Bishop ‘Phelan, of Pittsburg, will celebrate a solemn pontifical miss, at which tin Very Rev. Father Bush, for 20 yveurs paxtor of the Loretto songregation, will act as assistant priest ; Rev. Father Wilmore, McHugh, formerly of! Cambria county, who was baptized by Father (iallitdn, will be deacon, and the other officers of the (#8 will proach the panegyric of Father Gallitzin. The CO.,'PA, SOLD BY SHERIFF. ff iidhvre the Er it yy Ned Peuphrips Ths pont ; Homme at the 1 The vonulite of the Bherifl's North Cambria Ebensburey Monday ame as follows: Windamt A Fagan in Carrolltown sold to the plantiff, the Hastings B. & LL. association, for $50, Propeety of Mm. E.G. Harvey in Spangler sold to the plantiff, the Haat. ings B. & Lo association, for $540. Interest of Anna KE. Walser and six others in 50 sores of land in Gallitein hei of properties held at ek foo A ak pl pc gd Property of terwnship sold to Thomas J. Lell, Fa for R600 Property of W. A Barneshoro sold faritd a JW. Leech, Donubey in St}, Property of Heroninr Renkos in Pat. ton borotgh soll to the plant, the ‘Colonial Raving and Investawnt as sociation, Baltimore, for $700. Interest of . W. Spioar in store : { mihi will he priests whe were born and building and dwelling in Barnesborn, Keep on Comin g to Patton a at se they know it is | place to grow up in; reir parents come to ours to buy all the little ne-( cessities to make baby com- ble — toilet powder, hes, puffs, nipples, nurs ng bottles, toys; dolls, rattles, ete, because they know we have just what they want. This stock of infants foods CR A RA 50 ared in the Loretto parish. 2 o'¢dock in the afternoon the ceremony of the anvelling of ibe tatne of Father Gullitain will take hye ch. Charles NM. Sebhwab, the donor, will make an address Breueat- ing the statoe, and Arch-bishop | lanl, of 8s. Paul, Minn, will ronpoiid for the pastor and congregation, Then a grand te deum will be sung by a chorns of 80 volves, and the celebrul. ion will conclade with the papal bene diction, to be bedtowed by Monsignor Martinelli, Other detatls of the Tite oedebrat be given later, Moarieal Alive, An accident happened two young Lenlored men Wadnesday evening about » te School Building. TC YS N THE AX. 3 ETC. pairosd crossing, 5 o'clock who were employed putting ina sewer on Fifth avenue pear the whieh fortunately wis not fital, yet whe a very trying position aod frightning one i, While they were st the bottom of the fr Te (sewer, which i abort 8 or 9 feet desip, thee sides off the walls caved in Cand what of Shen dirt bad been thrown directly above fell in, pom pletely bury ing them alive, Willing hands were ‘soon at work and after eousiderabin Cady Bogaao, Bogan, West Beech illness of consumption, digging (Qe extrivatesd fronm Lear perilous, position the worse of ‘the experisnes exoept from fright and a few god ning of hse. were finally jrcene a brviiers and Fawavd gna Pe Om Batiiraay, ha, Fad weardd som oof Mr. and Mes Mike did at his parent's bame on avenue miter a seed about 25, Hnering Funeral services were held Sunday at for 3 o'clock in the M. BE. by Rev. Wiman, and interment made in the Haghhind cemetery past of town, : The parents aod family bave the syn { pathy of a large circle of friends in heir wed bereavement 3 ural, cotduoted Cranes Hal Desbenind The pew hall of the Chest Springs Grange near that place was dedicated Monday night by a social dance, which wan largely attended and very enjoy. ‘wire ain JHE Wire a 5 per hundred which you % Re not be bought for! {.yinly the champion berry picker { North Cambria sting from 10¢ a vard up finest line of risckers on et (Solden oak, art ldren express wagons. $1 and £1.60. lass ; 8 jars at the lowest fi argest line i in town. | Very Respectfully, ‘able, { are selling them on a close The new hall is one of the finest in the county. It is Sdx30 feet in size “th & dining room upstairs and a dancing hall on the lower floor. The t building ix finished in hardwood, and excellently arranged. Champion Berry Picker, Wm. Ingles, of thia place, is cer. of Diring the season just closed he picked over 1,000 gnarts of black berries of which he sold and realized for his work $60 in cash. Con. | sidering Mr. Ingles’ age which is in the prior at Coviagton, cmixtlen, this i» 3 remarkahie record, Cambria UotnYy Poslinmseters In a dispatch sent gut from Washing ton, giving the list of “fourth-class | postmasters appointed recently, appear | the names of two Cambria coantians. . Harry F. Smith, who is to preside over ‘the office at Geistown, and H. B t George, who 8 namie as postmaster at Gazman' & Mills. Naw Shoes fi AL We have the largest and most com- pite and gp-to-date line of shoes that wis iver brought to Patton, and w MArgin #0 everybody can wear good shoes at low prices. Remember the name Patton {Supply Co. s Toursday, “in the Gieddatedn sold to Maury Spicer for $10, In theses two ons the sales were ade journed until Friday: Interest ofNMary B at Ferg Toy nrie and rps at the monament in front of the four proper rtiow)int Gabiitai and in Uns i son township, sui brought by the Gad. litzin B & 1. wwonialion, Ms Waentasveor in Interest of Tasty acres and 84 perches of land In Sosque. hanna township, suit brought by Sarah Wiedtaiyur, amie of Lhe Equitable B i Row Bk A fro % 3 & I. assoelation of Ailaonn, Mine Xovontonis, Floiiier la pre ose Sedat aped A Niavieh Alport Wine, Ng 2. wad badly Thursday. Bireast mine Ab arasiead by 8 full of « Sok A rib on either side of thi broken He Solved moe Revere MED Wonnds Bote | Was aed Eds shiouidger Blade featured, Rim Peis $1 EX $a x od a 2p ¥ $4 % ¥en fninries were deessesl by roe Helire He will Pais oy 3 Frank Jorbion al bis losnd ated Miter A son of 5% NFAY canght betwen wo vies at No amd so baally anjnred Fro Miler, who attended! Bist smite ¥ ¥ & ¥ it i ; Eo AY tated the middle dogs A Civ: Peat Studs in. HH. Hastings er. Jaw A. MeUlnin and farmed a party of Ld ¥rase soabdie toy Ebensbuarg on Mr Jax Westrick, of Baler tienen here ard closes] a Lili Satamiay Liew tiaskud gi, mel these poh geal for the sae of his sonal fo the Bly baker Coal Ua Mr. Westrick sores of the Soest cond in that section, and the price paul fur it was oo Wins Here imine” : sere than brig Tribune, pry Fauteriainmoont Fo- Nigh! iderary enlarias wid TET fe Diy A musics: ment will oenight, | Satara Ball for the heaetit of Trinity Mission of Episcopal church, Hecitations from Shakespeare, Byron, Krerson, Lioyvds, Carlton and others by Mrs Alic # Kirke, who comes highly recommended as an impersonator and entertainer, late of California aud a grisiuate of Byron King's Sehool of Oratory and dramatic arte. AL ine vite] to attend, £ Cambria County Basifiess IMoeeinry. Cambria county's business directory, being gotten out by Mr. OC. 8 Kies in connection with this paper, will be ia. sued in a short time, the last copy hav ng gue to the printer last week, The wiark has been quite a large undertak- ing, and Mr. Rime assures us that it will be fiest claw in avery respect Mountaineer- Herald, New Prior al Carreiitown Rey. P. Michael, (3 5B. who has been prior at Carrolitown for some years has been removed to Chicago, Hi Rev. T. Emmeran, O. 8. B,, former Ky., has been transferred to Carvolitown, Mathers Ses our U can’t rip em school shoes; they have no seams and Ucantripem. They are the best school shoes on record. Will outwear two pairs of ordinary shoes and will please Lhe children; soe them at Patton Supply £45, Hanciuties Nadie Notice is hereby given that the part. nership between F. B. Williams, W. J Donnelly, James B. Grabam aad Evan Morgan, doing business in the leasing "eonl lands in Cambria and Indiana counties in the firm name of F. B Williams, tirabam & Co. and F. Williams & Co, was dissolved on thn 29th dav of August, 18398 by anata Consent, NV. J. DosxeLLy, Aug. 29, 1586 Evan Moroax Rev. Chas. W. Wasson, former pasior cof the M. E. church at this place bul who now resides at Saxton, | visiting friends in Patton. main in town over Sunday and will fill “his old pulpit in the M, E. ¢huarch San | day morning and evening. Pa. is “Bin He will re- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER o BORDUGH MATIERS TRANSACTED AL a Spodial Moiting of Counel) Hola Fel day Night, Patton Borough Couucll met in spon. th session Friday night, September jet, fur the transaction of regolar business, with the following members present as per roll call: Hubbard, Anderson and Campbell, minates of regular meeting held Mon. Adrust 38th were read and nepltembnr ial day night, approved, A petition signed by the required number of property owners, was pre- that a sewer which was meld over Hil next regular meeting of sented ton Council adding bet faut on Palmer avenue, LB Te On motion of Blair and seconded by Winslow, it wis carried that the follow. ing bills be passed as read: F. X. Leh man, SNe Ed Glass, $11.40; A Huotehison, $1.30; H. 8, Kantz, $1.35; John Person, 8 T. N. Nagle, $8.50: Jas Willook, 3286: Le Loafer, 7.35; 8. Weakiand, 85.00: H. Harbert, 5c; KE Coleman, #60; Jax Mellon, $12.25; M. 81.18: Paul Short, $2.7 Nagle 31 04 8 Hewlett, 900; ton, 81.20: FE. Short, $1; Dan. Jenkins, 51.04: Thea Cartright, 8800; W, P. Jacks 0 for services al election beard: Hhody, $2 A i £5 . $4 58 Bee acting ax judge of pletion: FH Kinkensd, £150 for act. dar; Ed 8 Meare, £150 Hubbard, $5 Pr Young, £8, for rent of ¥ FE FHIR as Rs H H af pedidion “Re pleri 2 ed a Food a ENGL sane: Patton ip 3 ah mil J Eaiiipsie, 08 0 2 and other ox ponies, | Won, wens Tor maanth Water Ca. B80 for water rent, Light to ght: Patton Ra {lay Ley = X18 £4 for police August, Patton Fleotrie Poly TY af . 201 or 218 {hs metion of Winslow and seconded pnt the bill as by Hae gh 3 nine wr for the © Rigir it was eirried tee} | avenue be sroepled due contrgetor, arated. payable in two ers, of Bi Hs 10 dah, yoare iH Irom Shree payable in two be sean payable Connell then adjoarned fo meet Mon. gay night, ith, in megular Bo jt tribe HERALEL Hane From Philipps af Mr Jenkins of this place, af the brave Tenth Phitip ¥ SERRINN, and wha Lenny QF 1h isiatuin Ma itn Cool, |EAYE ruriment, ‘stion Latur ALAA OW } was also Het af wha furttued thenpwives: (nto A parade thax Drum Lair Wit {he Wer train by an immense crowd beaded by Kv ntnre 3 ] rang Laarps sniformed Nao 1 when the veterans were smenrted to Mr. Jenkins Mo. fntyre ave. The twa young men wern members of Company Cand enlisted ub Untontown, Pa. when the war with Spain frst commenced. Mr Jenking’ parents, who have reasons to feel proud oft in Patton, were glad to wee him home again and pleased to wee him looking wail and Lhe i i'n £43 home an mix The Carrcibins a Fair. The Uarrolltown fair in Carrolitown fair grovods, was hdd for a num. the dale wis best ane that his been ber of years. This year changed from the latier part of Sep tember to the first part of September, owing fo the Inet that rain bad always spoiled the. fair for the past three or four years. The change proved to be a Wise one since the weather have been eoxeslled. A large number of Patton people attended an Thursday, (the day of the races, while the lown presented the appearance of a deserted village on that day. The racing was pronounced ta be very good, mush better thaa on precesding years, Withdrawnl of Sleepy Cur pe, The Pennsyivania railroad that the tin rote atweeinn Pittsburg and AL- train No. 4, leaving at, and returning City at 5:40 p. The sivepiuy last irip mrhaer 143 Atlantic Clty Munday, COTY ALOR Mee pa ¥ CAP MEV ion Inntic Ulty Pi abtirg at 7 braun ea hid Hi 3 ogy hid antic tinued, 08 Srnein Ys Doral x a 35.01 and rel arnin Hi by Mins Th and Patti. Bome Li ik © the uf Lak 4% dome ph Lirook. Seinoily Liha ¥ x % 5 When vou want to buy a bill of dry goods, groceries or shoes, let us gure with you, we will secon convince vou tial we are money sivers, Patron Surrry Co Winslow, The LC Pheesds Beosirdest at FEheashuarng ap 6 =. Edmis acting as services Mig tHe at Mra of Patton! heir son, as well ax his many friends held this weak the "Ban Ton store, conld not tyider, y 14 Dreyfus Guilty. Special to Cotrien Rennes, Francs, Sept 9. apt, Dreyfus has been (bund guilty by a vale of 5 ta 2 He received a sentence of ten years imprisonment, PICKERS IN DIRY. ate Friday, Segteanher I. Henry Becher ot ux. ty George | Gallaher, Gullitsin lownshin, $346, (eorpe J. Schwalder ot Ux. to Maria Laveh, Uresson, $175, Andrew Yeacher, el al Sasgoehanna, $600, > Ciallitgin Ballding & Loan associa. tion, to Mra Madalene Dunlop, Cae. rolitown, $00, Executor of Rev, to Mew Ela Hookenberry, Headd, Arthar VV. Miller at al Hockenberry, Reads, $450. ] $12 to Rhmoel ta John M. Crals, $1. aaliitiin township, Chest Crook Land & [mproviment company to Dennis Bradley, Putton, £75 A. Lather. Rr et ax to Michael wrpot, Carroll, $818 JF Trexler st ux to DA tinditein township, ¥ion, Ti Crimes el a, % Ar flmstinigs Chpeors Biase Shanet,t Lonie Morrisons cotlipleta 3 and original prodoction, will be with. drawn Trom the romid al the end of this From tits Ny wires it sHsp proadueiion, | Hpiond ideas Eye iH vediatis is 3. tered th it yuar practically a HE En muaddern eh § ober meihanioal 3 grove Saguehing thn fimons Hroakan stene, ina poved RUPISE nputer beautiful go sre nosetting with. Wy Lers of petty Howers and artiitically laced together with the Dlher nijkssive fiirts a toliagy, snd nuaslerly paints] sonppry, stage protures most dadight- mika. AL Hishings opers September 19, ander unmber of fill ta foul. bones Maoday, 9 guarantees, A feel Show The Eltoa Bre show hore Thursday night was greets] given aiwave provide ira spating as standing room was at a The abo win esl [class elem and up Ww dute, the iron stoning CE pECILY preminm. BURN WORE Bo die were piso good, brougl down the house fn Dis song, “When the electrio Care kre through Patton’ trapeze wl coptortionsst New Townahip Boal. Attarney Reuel Somerville prevented a petition to court this wenk froin cite gens of Carrolitown praviog fir the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a road leading from Baker's Crowe Rosds, situated about 24 miles west of this place, to Patton Borough. The same was duly granted. Finest Millinery, The very finest and most ap-th-date millinery in Patton can bi found at the oear railroad on Fifth avenue, The prices ar the liwest t will pay you to call before making a purchase ise w hate. Phe fobtew Now Your, The finest of the Hebrow new year, known (as S680, began at Monday) evening. Hebrew day atonal will be an the 4th ins auf Buy an at Goo, 8 faennd's for Lhe your bolded ponies the Howard Dinsmore attended Punxsy fair last week, Did you ses Those fine Hurdinesrs acd toilet wets at J. BE Kirk's Pattonitis were seen al fair hi week Many Carpolitown Fier music of the Patton Public school beil is heard ones more. Jesse FE. Dado week in the capadity of a juror ahi (nite a number from this place "ook in'' the Ebesnsburg fair | last week, A 8x20-inch picture frame [or 656 cents at Fisher's wall pauper store Leave your order at the news stand tor prrioadicals papars GLAZE Ten, The City Restaurant kedps the finest and freshest line of green groceries in Patton. How is it Kirk Hardware and farni- ture Co. can give you tho best goods for the least money ? and county, Pa, boomed as follows: On the east by Joseph Miller; by Israel Lowder; on the north by John mires them. Thou VanBieoyoe goad Ltn take, never gripe. we will ges nn stherwn, says G. H. Ap : : he z iW Bah i% now Drvdentest T By & 1 jawed fake but a genuine muality, acts But Mr. Tom Twiggs raining sutidown the aided court this and story Ndthew The undersignid has applied 10 the Becrotary of Internal affairs at Harrie burg, Pa, for a warmnt on thirty (30 acess, more or less, of apimproved in Read township, Cambris on the west Brean; on the sbuth by Thos. Hullen, JOM, insoxn, Reside Township, Sept. 4 1598. 401 ; “They ape # mply perfiel,” writes Roiy’t Moore, of La Fayette, ind, of DeWitt s little early risers the “famous : litte pills” for constipation and sil by thw Sheriff, to Gallitein Building & Loan sssociition, | Gadlitein borough, EO, Mw Fle Lovelues to Thomas Barnes | Drvw Belby He: they are the finest in vir ailments. Never gripe. C, Ww. : Hodglins, Patron Pharmacy. | Ladies, ses our new shoes, the Smons the land for the price Everybody ad- Price! 9% to #4. P ATION SurrLy Co. *Bewt on the market for coughs and colds und all bronchial troobles; for eranp it has no eqoal,”’ writes Henry ‘RR. Whitford, South Cannan, Conn, of Glen White Coal & Camber CORpARNnY C. W. Hodg- atl minate cough cure kink, Patton Pharmaey. Warren One hundred people to leave their ordérs for Philadelphia Sunday p pers at the news stan i He Witt's little early risers pro health by Keeping iver boteelt properly regulated. Pleasant “Best pills made; P. legate 3. of Clarksburg, N. J. EAL - Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. SHE BaURea. Bi a on Rigas Tables deviven and | bedn put * Fall and Winter .Suitings and hy &ifk over fawing house, and shows [wming here Overcoat Patterns ever nto Wis Camby That Nur i # va Liki “es 3 aA “i Ewer 1 {ea at guaranteed. » Merchant t Tailors, ATTON, PA. When You der * By Mail Especiaily with one of our ate catalogues to aid yam in making vour selections, sime, 5 though ng the ad ¥ (313 the shop- Ya ! have vantages were stands hefore your ping Char been organized atically equipped rve you promptly and with as much satisfac- tion you were really your® pur- its mi ihases in on. $C Hundreds of our out-of town friends do their shop- ang with the assistance of oar Maal Order Department. Are vou ine of them ? GABLE & CO. 1320-22-24-1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. th rongth king IIs
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