1 Desds Recorded a Thamtecs wp to Die Friday: FPebrosary 10. Thomas H. Heist et ox to Webster Griffith, Cambria; consideration, $2, 1 300. Evan M. Davis et al to Webster | Griffith, Cambria, $4.500. Arnold BR Willhide et ux to Sosan J. Kephart, Reade, $150 EP Shoemaker to Sossn Carney, | Blacklick, $40. Wall paper at Fisher's 3} cents a * roll. No eastern mails came to town for several days. Lake Behe, of St Patton yesterday. Mr. Holly Lonsberry is confined to his home by illness. W. P. Livingston, in town Wednesday. Miss Jennie Buck, of Bradiey, spent "Sunday with her brother, Harry. J. J. Donnelly made a business trip ‘ter Johnstown the first of the week Jas. H, Young, of Philadelphia, stop- ped in Patton a few hours Monday. Men's $10.00 suits will go at $6.37 at our store, Waly & THOMPROGN, J. L. Gill and daaghter, of Fiinton., were vigitors to Patton the first of the | week, Miss Blanche Minnick, of Clearfield, isa guest at the bome of Dr. and Mrs 8B. W. Worrell. | LG. Runk, of Philipsburg, was ‘shaking hands with his many friends in ‘Patton Tuesday. Crich > A young son arrived at the home of ym. Boh 4nd wile, of Peale, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Frank Childs last Wed: Pa, were visitors fo Patton ws sday. | i | nesday morning. ~~ F. L. Robinson, of Pittaburg, was It was gpid comfort upon arising in -— trade in Patton Wednes- | | the morning to find the fire out and the : FP B. Williams made a decided hit in pyaer Hye one A. C. Dawson are he 4 |! the rendition of his pant in t m.- {ony over the arrival of a bran new LF “son at their home Saturday night. Mis Lizzie Flick came over from ; The Centre county commissioners £ from | : ‘musicale. Hu yw n tel i during 1868 paid farmers $1,132 to re’ LS Lather, imburse them for sheep killed by dogs. 3 - he Wirtner | 5 down rn yester. | Mrs. 8. W. Worrell and daughter, ' who have been visiting in Clearfield for a of Tipton, Pa., | [ie pam six weeks, returned home petit Sand phell, | ee vite, ou I Rustin Tie sayy Sow Dania Walter Litie 2d Walter Mellon | 00m, Jr and two er of Sorthomn ‘went to Cresson Monday to attend 8. 1p week. sslect ball given at that place. | Several of the participants of the : Bheriff E. E. Davis came siesle were storm-stayed and unable : from i. y to at} i I were ¥ y down Ebensbu Tuesda to be present to render their parts in ‘tend to some business matters. | the entertainment. : pT Semative Hicks hau iserotored, Mr. Abe Mirkin is receiving the con- » House gratulations of his numerous friends | Pay a public building to cost $125,000. over the arrival of a bright young son | w. M: Erick, of Orpiite O., was at his home on the vth inst. among many traveling salesmen The cold wave continues with almost | who were bustling np trade in Patton undiminished severity and the weather | Wile wesk. : i the man predicts there will be no marked | 5 Cummer, representing Lusch ghatement for several days. ‘Bottling Works of Altoona, was on the The COURIER ia in recwipt of the illus. train that wus blocaded on the Ebens- 10 seed catalogue for 1899 of F. B. burg branch. Mills, Rose Hill, N. Y., which abounds Chas. + W. Hodgkins, Morris and with beautiful illostrations and superb David Levi and Alf Baum drove to colored plates and is full of invaluable na Sanday. They returned home | information to everyone who plants a ay afternoon. {need or rears a flower. Mills’ seeds re- al attention is called this week ceive the highest merit for reliability | © the new advertisements of C. W. and their catalogue giving much practi. odgkine, Patton Pharmacy; A. C. cal information to all growers of choloe he: and Mr. 8. B. King. vegetables and beautiful flowers is sent I land removed his family | free to all apon request. jot Thesday. The best wishesof C. W. Lingle and H. R. Downes, na friends. ‘socompany him. Hope both of Philipsburg, and who were in be will achieve sucomss in his new: this place a few weeks ago, are now in nto ». Spangler Sentinel. Williamaport. These gentlemen are rs J. B Larkins and Miss Francis ‘engaged in securing the right of way he. of Lock Haven, and Mrs. Rob- IRON purty waar goog the route ala Indian oO proj ‘est Branch rai and son, uf soRnvy, | Both gentlemen state that no serious obstacles have been encountered, and cere long the right of way along the "| entire line will have been secured, pos itive proof that the new road will be a ' go. —~Jersey Shore Herald. Altosua’s Public Building. Congressman Hicks apparently fouls ex-District Quite certain now that Altoona will get | : her coveted public building, as the fol- lowing telegram sent by him to the! papers of the Mountain City recently would seem to indicate: ‘1 now re- gard the public building ss a settled fact. The House in Cotamittee this afternoon passed the Senate bill author | izing the expenditure of $125,000 for this purpose. Upon approval of the House action in Committee by the House in regular session, which usually | follows as a matter of course, the bill | | will go the President for his signature. | | 1 most heartily congratolate all our ’ | people upon the recognition of Al- toona by Congress." casTORIA. The Kind You Haw A rox PUBLISRING co. Proprietors. : BE Wind Geese btitor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ne COPY. one year, advance, ~~ $0 Advertsing mites made Keown pon age Augustine, was in Shsechitipned anil sll arrears &#No1 vo tL 4 snlens at thie option of {he ages are Jed, tered a the Poston. st Patton as seam claas ral! walter of Mahaffey, was From 1... W. Balletin A wena ton pails fo be notleed bx omen, — the fre features wideh po ote Would men. pat Hos a Tad tet thane it vided and then i wttruet mrelivided attention. We wpe the Lond fas fred bp some Good way tu which 10 hati TOT pruning th deh. Get your pictures framed at Fisher's AR W. Nolan, cams over from Al ‘toona Saturday. J. NX. Miller, of Pittsbarg, was in| : Patton Tuesday. Wm. Pruner, of Loretto, was a visi-| : tor to Patton Monday. Mr. EC. Brown is attending court at Huotingdon this week. BR Ww. Dinsmore, Revenue Collector, of Punx- Jy stopped in Patten over Sun- and. John Dinsmore, the The P. & BRR civil engines ur iin Cullinin Mr. Bracken is CAR hondds Wo severe Ciregiation, A arrvwt Heinrich Pachs et ox w Alexis Fox, ‘arroll, $1. Heinrich Fuchs #1 ax to Margaret Damm. Carroll, $1. Heinrich Fuche et ux to Henry W. ! Pox, Carroll, $1. Elizabeth 8 Jones et vir to Ellen N, Ludwig, Ebensburg, $1. Spangler Improvement company to Jomeph A Gray, Spangler, $6,000. Rickard RB. Tibbott, by the Sheriff, "to Margaret J. Tibbott, Ebensbuarg, $2. Margaret J. Tibbott to Mollie E. Tib- bott, Ebensharg, $500. Tranie! Fritz et ux to Cora M. Smith, Barnesharo, $255. Cora M. Bmith et vir Brown, Barneshoro, $368, Mitchell coal & coke company et al to Pennsylvania Railroad company, eliltgin borough, $1. Mitchell coal & eoke company et al Pennsylvania Railroad company, Gallitzin borough, $4,172. M.D. Kittell et ux to Mary B. Hall, Crosson, sa. Mathiott Reade et ax to A. G. Miller, Reade, $1,554. Administrator of Solomon Wagner ittiam Dukes, Jackson, $1. John G. Pringle et ux to Willlam Dukes, Jackson, $250. Mary E. Glass ot vir to William P.' Duncan et al, Susquehanna, $300. John C. Anderson et vir et al to to Thomas tn tn Francis CC. O'Hara, Monster, $1. Sehon! Report. Following is the report of Bt. Aug. ustine primary school for month end. ing February 10th: Those present every day Olive Nagle, Margaret Harber, Mande Litzinger, Nora Hoover, Ralph Hoover, Mary Wharton. Those | pop jt with cur best exertions —An- rp missing one day Charley Adams, Bert Adams. Hrenia M. Doxgaan, Teacher. CASTORIA Yor Infants and Children. The Kind You Bears the Signature of FPORT of the orn ition of the First Nao tlenal Bank of Peston al Patton, in the State of Penneyivania wt the clove of bagel ness, Veh, 1h, 1 conmmersed Miginees Oelobey | perks, DRS Bamestiroes, Josris and discomnie, fyweridirafis sere avd rm red $ Ham m S40 Win Premiums on U8 bores i Blow he, writin, te, Banking Howe, furniture & fixtures ruse fron Nxtiernal Banks ned fa verve Agents Tage frien Mate Fanks and bankers, Erne fron sprayed reser ¢ agents, Cheeks and other ensh teres, Notes of (ther Natbwus! Hanks 3 Fronationn! puejer curren yy, plokels and cents, Tawioj wim { Mgmt remeryesd © Legnb tender Ln Penk { race &.00 et Haute nyption fund with TM Tras siren, 6 pes cont, of elrenintion In a | i 48 8 ees OK Total, 5 a4 ol Panties, my al slow jusid in Seproiom fund, § oes ov added prostileg jews «8 peerises atid DRA waked . National Bank notes otitatarel ing CIE to other Nations] Hanks CDs Gs Mate hanks and bankers Individos! depemits subieet ta cheek Degrinrsd cortifoates of depuis Thome certificates of depewit * Hien 0.00 a vid 6 45.000 war wt Tim hae af NT IR Ei =. Fo] Total SYATE OF PENSEYLY ANIA, , onary of Cambria oy Wain HH. Rawiford, Cashier of the slaw ae Hank, do sélemnly swaar thal the shove slstetnent is trae and correet fo the emt of my Knowledge sind belied, Waa H sasbwrorn Cashier Mapbwerritwad aad sworn So bedore oe this MAE day of February, 148. Ixsse F. DALE Atlewt: ' hal 0 £, Nedary Pubidie. Ade PaiNen i. Brow x, Jaden Kamp WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. We have the most complete stock ‘of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria. {Over 100 new designs to select from. Prices from 3} to 50 cta per roll. Room Monldings from 3 to 8 cts. a foot. We also carry a fall line of Wall Pockets, Pictures, Frames and Mouldings. Can make any size Frame desired at the lowest prices Old ' Frames cleaned and renewed. The Patton Wall Paper Store, A. C. FISHER, Prop. PATTON, -- PERNA. restos od in years, but his friends hope The Best School Shoe ade is the ange gives the following ad- oug ‘the mails in a harry should write Yin haste’ on the lower hand corner of the envelope. n everybody connected with the I service will flop around lively. ta e driver will lick up his horses, \aster dance a jig, and the it rushes forwdrd and tells ineer to pull the throttle wide nd lt ber go.” | SHOES! FOR Youths, Misses + And Children. A FULL LINE AT ~Wm— MILLER'S White Shoe Store. . mered oul, of the bos which 8 ‘el plose - The Awe of an Greer. Tein Just ue suv fo all Shadge of 48 | oyster by Joking at its shell as ascertain the sage of Judai mite : (ing its teeth, or a tree by infpectiog {the circles revealed by the ax or mw when it is lnid low. When the oyster is 8 months old, it is as big ae a dime; when | year old, it will cover a silver bat! dollar. and when 2 years oid, will be abet the sireminference of a silver dollar The orster, unlike the crab is pA obliged to seek pew quarters or build a new house every time be grows appre. ciatly The extensions that be pots on bis bone wre clearly marked by a well Befined rides Oysters are esteemed to be at their best when between 4 and 5 years of age, anid the planters endeavor to protect the besls for that length of time Comscien. tions oyster men—~that is, men who are not inclined to kill the goose that lays the golden cog ~-alwnars return to the bed oysters that are too young, bot in ease 8 patriarch 9s bromght ap, Over whem shel] the tides of from 8 $0 12 winters and sumuosers have sbbed snd flowed. be 12 sent to market, where he is put at the bottom of the heap and qamold with his yosuger and more loscious Orn PAIGE, —Poaray s Weekly The Erhienl Protea. Mr Hasler says ingeniomsly (vpmak jpg of societies of andmals) that the eth. fom! process is, strictly speaking. part of the edmuic process, jost as the ‘gov enor’ inn steam engine ie part of the mechanism of the engine '' But we kgow how ithe governor got into tha enipine: we don’t know how or why early men introducnd the ethical proo. ens “It wus their patars to," and the ignorant, superstitions biscks ey that a god. Baisme gave them this law Yet in mune ways morality doss seem to pay. prectionlly, thongh not when carried to an extreme Thea nniverse like the traveling tutor, seams to whis Per to ite pupils: Praction, youthe, s Bitles virtos, Just gv woh ax will not hurt you This is ordioary meorslity Go mach farther, and you are a saint The [lake of Saints has ever wen the most dis tressful soantry Whither in the world are theses reflections hurrying os? | have uo | beyond an ineradicable | pomviction that the ¢thioal process, pios | some ‘governor’ not yet invented, will win in the long ran. and that we must drew Lany in Longman’s Magazine a] Nelther Did the Ning. It is wid of King Frederick VI of | Denmark that while traveling through. | Jutland (me day be entered a village school aud found the children lively rar and intelligent and quite ready to an- wor his questions “Well, youngsters,’ be said, “what are the names of the greatest kings of Denmark * With ane accord they cried out, "Ca pute the Great. Waldemar and Chris tisn VI" Just then a little girl, to whom the schocimastor had whispered scinething stood up and raised ber band. “Do yoo know another?’ king “Yom Freviogick VL © “What great acs did be perform?” = Pride of Patton she has not good of staple and fancy igge a eres to be proc ured. Onur best friends are the house We truly help them and beip them- selves, and for a limited time offer vou the ceolebrat- at sack your fest lime Keepers, WiG Come ed Pride of Patten Flour $1.25 per sack. Fvery fully guaranteed or memey back. We «till have some Jelly in ¥opoand pile that we are selling at 8%¢ each Don't wait too long ax they will not inst long at that price. Also #ime nice preserves at Te per ib Rext wonk we will have s salt arty pre before hn pe Noi. #518 1 ake How of Cit wing elwewhore as by dealing Bch for the lenten ses. | wo CaYi save you with ns A WORD TO the 2 : flour you buy | bears the above trade-— The Lad ies mark ou dre absolutely d from dark bread ea biscult caused by com or other adultera- tion. This flour can be. obtained In town. [ts purity is vouched for by the Anti- Adulteration League of Millers. EN RIIR ) ERaey We still have a few Dress Skirts, Shirt Ww piste and Flan- nelet Wrappers that we are If you need 11 * ng in th wl | pUy YOu to 100) They conte in Bens | Blacks, Reds and a Dirres Skirts worth £2.75 now at $1.75 Vie 3 77 wk 4 $1 av i 2 60 Eo LT CGI AREA TE HIN WT Hoods that always sold 500 go at 19; and a host of other good things that must be closed ont 0 m room for new good. Shirt Waist at Bi = 1m 3G If 3 presented or lillie you buy anything from ns that is not as anvthing to say in regard to treatment 2 By sae Cty hah eg we world be please d to have you come direct to us as we are here to serve the people, and we want our trade to know that dealings with us wrong that has been dave. i we appre ate their and are always too glad to right any Respectfully Yours, aakod the The git! hong ber head and stam “1 don't know. “He esniorted, my child,’ “1 dunt know #ther.’ A SOR Why Do We Yawn? Thera cap be little doadt that one of the objeets of yawning isthe exorcise of muscies which have been for a long said the En ASR I | time quiescent, and the acceleration of the blood asd lymph flow which has in consequence of this goiescencs becotne sluggish , benos its frequency after one has remained for some time io the same position—for example, when waking io the morning Co-opersting with this canse is sleepi. ness and the shallow breathing which it entails This factor, as well as moscle quiescence, is apt to attend the sense of boredom which one experiences in listen ing tos doll sermon the bored individaal is apt to yawn As in the case of sighing the deep breath which accompanies the act of yawning compensates for the shallow breathing which is s0 apt to excite it. —New Yark Herald Hardly. Cabtunan (sifting in the street amid the ruins of his cab and horse, to driver | occasioned the diss Sery—You vm muen § vai ware ome $Y rene $11 Fy - i a FLEE ime Gonetab! la You thet minstn’'t call him soch Dames as Cabman (in frenzy) —Him wot smash. ed me cab an killed me "orse an left me cripple! Wot the ——— do yer expict we to call 'iro—a ‘owlin bangel! -Londo nm Judy Strangely w revded. “Rome of the applications for relief sent to the era from bush fires are strangely word. | “Here “1 : od,’ says the Melbourne Argus. is an extract from one hy a widow: have in family four dairy cows two pigs. these being by my first hustand, and henoe it is that | At z2 Grocery House where things look neat and clean: where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; all where von know you are getting the best at the That's the Call and be sure of it. % aie . ie c.: ar yo in the market fairest of prices. sort House Have von DRY GOODS The finest your parse. Of we keep line of ? § * this section and at prices seen our {16 the orstori- Now, now’ | in toy sul local committees by suffer 3 a horse and three children, all two goats in full milk and a baby by my second husband All of the animals was lost in the fire’ A ————— Oar “Hlely City.” One of the serious things told in Mark Twain's "Along the Equator’ is that formerly all that people in India knew af the [United States was the name of George Washington. Now they knod so the vame Chicago, the holy city,” whers the congress of religions was held e 1883 ~—~Baston Transcript A A CO A BSR AN A Limit te Trust. “She said she would trost me torever . with her heart.” “Well, that was astidaotory.” “Yes: Then we fell out abosg who wxould carry the pocketbook. "'— Detroit Free Prem When in town make our store vour headquarters. You will be welcome. €o0. We endeavsr to carry he ¥
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers