AR - Those Who Periahed Were Women -Ther- - Muimeter Was Twenty Degrees Below Zero wrThese Wha Estar Neurly Fromn. ps ri 4 One of the most Norsitving fires in fistory of Yankton, 8 1b, cecurred day morning at 2 seloek, at the att Insane ssylum, when ane of the cot took fire in the hasement, pompletely gutting the building and Using the lose of Hives of 17 tomates ottape was srected of stone anil te walls, swith wooden Interior intended for laundry puUrpOses, Wing to the crowded ecndithon of main hullding #8 of the fomale pa. ts were placed hers, with the ingn- An the basement agact case of the fire Ik nol . Exeent that it originated in the Foi of the tundry. flere thers i pipes. and the theory either fine particles winilar to ittled on the pipes, which ignitad clothes, fh were thickly here, dropped on the pipes and e fir The 1a Jack of water #reatly hindered the work of the firemen, The burned ge stands sone 353 feet In the rear of the malin building, the water for the fire protection mianiding get in the rear of the cottage. The pes used for pumping ran the bodier room of the main ng through the cotiage for heat: and then to the artesian weil E intense heat in the burning bullding caused the pipes to burst jortly after the fire began, leaving the fire hoses without power, except Airect pressure from the tank, which n no way sutficient to quench the ® Two stregims of water were n on the bLullding, but did little : iy pore, the inmates wha could came down the narrow flight of thelr night clothing and bare to the bitter cold, and bad It wen for the nearness of shelter Hffering and joss of Ufe from F would have teen terrible building was three stories high, 1 aitic and two entrances, one one west, Thern was ong “from the second and third ch fod into the main halls to ances, thus Sieine ut ons ty-tw persons wera In the burn. 40 patients and 13 female The Httendants escaped, the jathers who were saved, with y possessed stone still and will make the work of re- dangerous, as a collapse in Ha ootur without a moment's warn. 852 the axylum, then a frame to for the care of the Tana wounded ot Manila Is being by the medical department at on under the direction of : sral Blarnbers addition to the regular force of ed male nurses and the hospital men in the Philtppines, It is pro- fl to sent to Gen. Otls 130 addition- corps men, ten to fifteen Baistant surgeons, a number tal stewards and a large quan. medical supplies and icacien, ve will leave New York about h instant, on the hospital ship The Rell will go via Suez hospital, no raleh Ae] wit % Anita Newconib Meee, nssintant the army, has charge of all | for supplying the army jo turses. She sald to-day 1 rained fra) is now provided ined mais nurses and ten Gone tt thous to aa has provided for twelve Jour | to acepmpany the Grant, a Ehavidan., while eight pn i 1 Bae of Bonaparte Family and “of Fringe Lucien of Canine, from Rome says: Prines Charles Gregolre Juegues Bonapitrie, third son of Bonaparte, prince 1 chief of the older branch parte family, ls dead. nee Napoleon Charles j in Rome, to the a 1 9 of Cardinal Prince Lucien Bona- his brother y, w Austrian Archduke In 185% he mar. ng: ristian, daugh- s Jean Nopimucone Rus- ; « pon tive Philippine Publication of the ue book on at Madrid, giving a complete the peace negotiations, re. much both curious and new, that Spain, until the Pus ‘had not awaken. : nee of the Ame- Ea the Philip- Sant: MeKinley made up his he ye worded the 10 reserve entire y the United States ‘feniure of the en- is the perpistence beating down the e shows that even October, MeKinley | the annexation of ded to increase A whole Rrehipelago of New York City, Piifah minority stock- Pitiab urg, Clneinnati, $ raion (Panhan- against that com- fia, Tn in which $8,000,- ; ey Bult is really : ayivain railroad, late —— ———n A Chicagh Justine has fined $25 for being a lar, DHghy, N. FP. was almost wiped out by fire last night. Loss $200,004, Baventeen women gamblers were ar- rested at Chicago last Wednesday, Chirago capitalists propose consails j dating ail the threshing machine fze- tories in the country. Battalion Chief Hogan and three fire men were Almost Gvercome by smoke when half benumbed by cold 8t a fire in Jersey (City. Fire destroyed the machine shop of the Now Jersey Fioel and Iron otmpa- nv at Tremion, XN, J. Punday. lass $34 aa, 1g a Chivags ivierview Bape profited there would cial reform logisintion at (he sion of the jegisialare, Mra Maury Williams nnd deen were drowned while £5 erases the C3 river bors, Ky, last Wednesday Thirty. six thousand ¢ ie Amorican Bisel and Wore ( are to receive an lndreads in thaping from §& to 10 per vent March 1 John Heagan, a farmer who bringing a load of feed 10 Middletown, Taesday, was found frozen ta death half haried under a jot of WaEn, Vincent BRibensil an revolver ints a crowd ¢ Yosehis, £3, and gi aged 11 years, Two other boys Ei wire wounded t Hatguetles inke, Hamilton XY. The Hemlocks,” one of largest hotels in that port] an of Li Adirondacks, w Rg 4 Sian day. The loss be $150 Mre Elisabeth Halpin, Halpin, of Coatesville, Pa. day at the penersl ter from burns fnficted by ber hus band on Saturday, whe threw a Hehte ed lamp al her The Maidbaon Avinue church, New York (ity, 8 call to Bev. H. A Johnson, 1017. late of Chicagn 16 become pastor the church, and he hone scepptol ferrit B Wanton, one of the suo ful business men of B&B man Roc retary be Hg = Foams cf the grist 45 of wRkaters ut Too name wife nf Jon disd yester. Preahiytisrian RE chareh and for many Cleveland, © Clarence Williams, years was mn resident at He was intoxicated when he bed in hie hotel Sone time In the | night be fol! oul of the tod and was | found dead in the morning. Wiautervitle, Me, are closed and all sorts of public gath. srings prohibited. Colby and the students hurriedly sont home The will of Wiltord Woodruff, the was filed for probate Friday Lake Olly. The estates is valued al $20 451, and is divided among his thres wives, twenty children and one grand hill, Mra 1. Z mother of Lady daughters Saturiay of the Lucania, They are Calentta, where shi wha Leiter, of New York Lurgan, was Mary af the Viceroy of Indie, found Fridny morning froaen iy joe in a pond at Westwood, a suburb of Cincinnatl, and it had 10 be cut out with an axe, The body had evidently been in the lee several days. It is be fleved the wWoinan Wa her body thrown thire Mrs. of Hrockiyn, N.Y. died of apoplexy Friday, when a fridnd of the woman called at the house, 1 was no! Knows | that she was dead Mra Munro's 3- taother for three davs. The chil starved and nearly fvsgen, The tonnsge mess fn the Merchant | mi af the Illinois Steel Ssanpany, at Joliet, Rave been granted an increase | of wages after negotiations extending over sever monthe | The mill will re. sarod work as soon us Jt can be put shape. Jacob Gerbrandt fireman at Hunt stamping works, Cleveland, OO. the plant Monday, having been stab- bed through the heart knit “fascinator’” side the bly. The steamship Venus which York Saturday morning, short of coal She ran out of cord on February 7 was obliged 19 burn eight lone sugar for fuel The United 812 irk at Chicano tire Monday. During {ts paliny long before the Civik War, the gia war a favorite resort of progpinent litical men, among Shom were 11, 8B. Grant and Stephen Douglas Winifred EKilley, was found dexd FBunday night! in old hovel occupied by her for the past 4 years, Bhie was ane of the charao~ | tore of the city and her cow was as well known as the one tunale Kick started the Chicagny cons flagration. #5 hated 1 an old and was 3 Gestviyed ponitentiary st Huntaviile, Tex, done taining prisoners’ cells and officery’ quarters, burned thizx morning Theres Were no casualiies, the quartered In shops and other build. tne, The burned bhulldings cost ori ginally $97.00 Myron W, Johnson, Burlington, Vt, apsistant manager of the Masonic temple of Chicago, fell Into the sound at Seattle, Wash, while intoxicated and was drowned. He had lost his wealth and position and had become a cook on the steamer Greyhound. Rear Admiral lord Chavies Beres- ford of the English navy was given an enthusiastic reception yesterday the San Francisco chamber of conm- merce, He sald the “spheres of influ. ence policy” ing up of the Chinese empire, and ad. | vacated “the open door policy” ine Blead. On Saturday, was three degrees toe daw urements of the Brooklyn Ered taken of the trusses and other parts to find oul how much the hud been, In comparing these figures with those taken jast July. when the thermometer was 8 degrees above, It was found the difference was 1a feat, The will of John Russell Young, the journalist and lbrarian of congress, who died recently atl Washington was offered for probate on Saturday at | Philadelphia, The will was pefocted az tnvalld becatse 11 was dated hefore the marriage uf the Hhrarian to his third wife und whilow, The & state will he apportioned among the widow and two sons. A boat containing Second ‘Assistant | Hraineos Morrisill and four seamen of | 14 Jretmanip William Lawrenee av. pi t Port Reval Monday, Three other ‘boats with the captain and ther offic a and the rest of the finan. was. a has 8 smalipox ept. demic and In consequence the schools | university and Colburn institute bive been closed | late president of the Mormon church, at Hat The body of an unkoown woman Wis | the | murdered and Bacrhel Munro, a sehoo! teacher on Tuesday last at her home, and antl vear-old boy was alone with his dead | 4 was | the i as found dead in the boller room of | A woman's | wis found lying bee | left Part Bald an December 35 for Boston, with a cargo of sugar. put Into New | «or and : af § by dave | pearly 100 years old | an | whose unfor- The east and west wings of the state inmates being | once a banker at! and later cashier and | at | in China meant the break. | Were contraction | com SCHLLY iS ROASTED. Beoretary Long's Report ta the Barats Speak of the Latter '& “Bepretenuible Conduct, but Save it is Forgiven, ate 5 Leesan alll i nll whi an _sxtensive pirpart ition recon I gravien “The LRT wharagar Cia wmpany : WHEE hy iT z BE Wa an potty ang bags in the | fired 8 | wi Btephen Bloshoski Ly county. | the | wpital at Lancas- hems presonted Washington died | of suddenly Sunday after hin return from He wap un native of Now York 1 ef Owapevills, | Ind, was fronen ta death on Thursday, | went to theme wile That ¢ Kiger { 4 Hf the aT 8b (in the exerelan of fhe d Anprarts fp di in the asslpnesent of IR authorized Yay Ins ie re tien WAR exer: add 4 Woof the bout Interiats of the Ea r Wisely or not fam k NAVY ASSISTS THE ARMY Alter Three Hours Figrting Pilipros Routed i b 3 Wa Heawy Laws Biavw wind BAY ew Ban Arvid Tremeidsus and her two sailed for Parogpe bound for a Ladter now receives Lonor ae the wife | Hin glimmer of during the Lerieaie Martin Keeption gf the Ton fury, which was hei a0 10 pdvasd i they fromm Lift to rig Bansas infaviry., Firat fantry anid hss Third pil Teentielh Kansas and First Mo Ie MR supported by RANEY and ihe Thiy | Fourtn TEYRiry. The nsgrgeonts kent five Steen our lines, fries advanees) thre anh the the felt and soross an open Tel right witht BLO PRE hw (py fepohed thie tren hiiaenta. in the meaniione 8 Firm Montana Infan try. bel af Maul, a. wh 4 tor iE thik wmerviee, nigh flank move y= eft ering 3ike ar: fiery or & ¥ x 158s Cela AA AS HAG ee & ae parth. : man samed Higgins use In the town this! FRE was burr i and the ML: ginid fren As the First Montana regimet town from the sotih they sad t number of halts in which same ! had roncealid then pone of firing Triana, The naiives Our fossra were those of the efiemy wore he | pasusities Having been chiefly { by shrapnel lieut. Col Brose Wal. | lee, of the First Mostana {nfaniry, i among the wounded! Americans Some of Aguinabis's be bers sere In the fighting line, noiud ~ the {famous native regiment, which in the inst revolution deserted from Manis, Pafter murdering their Spanish officers. CAguIinaldoe Himmel came in as far 4 i Marilao, seven miles sorth of Mas and reorganized his shatfered army. ON A WEST INDIES CRUISE. | New York and Indiana to be Joined by § nope The cruiser New York, Rear Admir- Ri W. T. Bampson's flagship. and the battleship Indiana. ard ander salling orders, issted Balurday @fieriooan, for ia two months’ cruise in the West [n- ! dex, The oth or ships of the North At antic squadrons wil fodn them as fast i ax they arv EE wut their pres : ent siathing The New York and Ind Monday afte YR way i. not They w The Ty ra 243 FOR ad + Hesolute and i A3 Jeane Bin 18: Otter i i 3 i i i { i ana will =all eon any 3 5 UAREER until alsegt the ra § er supp Hy. faegos. JiR. ) dad, La Gua) ; Pay § For Cu At the Cabinet han necting Friday the guestion of the fratsporiation te Cuts $0 00m 00 with which the insur i gent army is to be paid off apd the kinda of meney to be sent, was briefly considerad it avas agreed that the Cubans could | have any kind £1 money they wished, { whether gold silver or silver certifi- cates, or a part in cach. Bhivments of $500 000 each AER, Troops, RS RA AAO RN EI i HE RR Tompkins. x § RE 1 how & ARS AS IA A AAA - GEN. GARCIA'S BODY IN HAVANA. Morro's Guns and Thowe of the Navy Saiaipd As Tmpressive Reception, The Uniled States gantosl ville, boaring the hody of Ciarcin, steamed lowly Barber at 1 ooiek Tha non, the guns of Morro devin Nash ren after. Tuer geiiiaiders pnd sbipe orf ® the msn ned ings 16 Ball rae, ¥ gtregrasre sod SRrmsuntied hann #si i i % hs Pret. ih 4 iy WILL LEAVE CANAL pwd to Ds ledgwd Camlegrama Ae Larsen ing bi a i. = Understand Americ n Amriruians Ww arked ne find the dreds of suflering or Tres andersog od whizh peosnpt im Ly to sur af the hospit ve) Rave made the starting discovery 1? Cropped, and with Bbair ar dead. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL DERE Bill extending nw to Hawall ne the gretoane i: Tharsday the LL retye Rh 38% of 5 ho in tuba } exhum wad tie dhe nite States fong states that tha wn. tire cost of the recasting of the pavy on pew lines as proposed In the pend ing persomnci bill will be FLGuiB. Were ved marek Rec reiary Catixto | There Wer ud pany The Ameri Havuns | There Were No (sxunities Among and the | The Urited Fiat pe | 4 at io there are sty eral women in mals dress ; {he | rie § Barupson & sgaadnsu hos ¢ “TITLED COUPLE IN JAIL. ings Police Have Bards and Hevoness De Bara -Swindling Scheme They sre Chere Wan Working. FostnMes fospector W. A. Mayer ar- i rived in Chicago Sunday havieg in : tod ¥ Faron de Bara, The Baron 8 Hngalst, whan hae sireled the world i peiparal times, Hie was tormerty In the Anplomatie srvics of France and rep Pempnmtad That oo in the Orient PFs wife morused win of frand, is off Optental bias ing the issue of 8 Sentrhman on a Minister of arel 8% Japeanens REBELS WERE BOMBARDED. cas Process Who Helped 1 Cwers throw the Joeergenty try ¥ y filmy iy sperations 15 BAYS posed BS the Baron- un clerk Lats ¥, Hinschai, after re- tory and 3 wh had Ward He winter hows. The Iv afier an ox- swe of thelr 1 aggregate PPR + Fon ¥ inne A hl ws : 'N. BROOKE i SA AT 6 Tha Cuban Assersivy fred Ihe LARC ues ‘ 7% ay § seting of the was Beld Sa- sider the Rotion airing the a8 “4 faneral PAT ET. v wed Bvgrned worning. ier "an or © really again The otin- iy alien Socid- Justice Las Beata Capote } dev iared sor ant of iranle ta the 4 BA {ei Lond geod to pages. feu ture of the 4% A Berersl ia rea nE WE GR Ee d #rgen § FOE Torres SITE Jay Be cabl. aakivrg fo be ine regard to ihe is La rocolved te Jove ss Freda ¥ Belng In. ary Alger. “We Flgntors |] free x wend the paw 2 Jf any Fevermprment thay ibd it ahenid be Bont fadlert Are $a Be Beoaahrt wrod ineneet he tay Ths Riel. Ma nila and is 0a wail i Alger if the wan Boon nofifted ratifted (fhe from pat HA 4 in poll nday by the wns oir. wr that Procups 1d realigned Believe ihat the 3 9 XUpTem. They raust ree ; tia risied the Aguinaldo Pras oF ag 3 IRNAD the Brittah nary still von- Batt eships and toy Be pat Inte It ia reported also afders] FQUMIUDATING tue Fig BOWE iansg the Amer. o pay off the « 8 of disband JRE SFR Mas Germans at Hong Kong are accused. af furnishing the Filipinos with 30.008 stiarnds of arms The Hritish feisty New igis mouth, England, Away by storm rebels © crew photd mot wad yi steamer Davhreak out ans, has reached Darts with her boats swept Fo *hree days the rec the provision sabsisted SB Nm. wWaler Eitie revsived | Bays Me has attack made the sedis Foose Wanhdtugton, rieat composer, Perost, vent productions sed Lombardia, i. The paper sald if Bis erator Kigmead several IEEE, '& M1 Shaan, Cremted ng Siar HR naval ead France 3 Mas. man. in Arabia npietel a deal with foe % i) Sta i apd wi ii put wae ft arrange- Maclisnald Kian us dike. Apa hem) ty £70,500, 004, in Lowdon to daughter of nt uf the of Gostiingen CE Rmiversity, Ga Yoo the jeuding Vie 5A ed £ hemintry has pos ibis | ; : ire laonp which, bomiiew set inf = hi es the vos of stectried- ms the great port of Went Indies, | ty bey Ralf. needs re glass bulb and always been suppise iva | much less fragile than r owas closed to deel vessels, the carbem ones used in Edisvn lamps, athority that the | Bas a Slament
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers