a ¢ Wiha ovne SMEARED Siow mdi k ———— Dons . Jobin Finnerty es HEY me mp dom re i. " Ean T wiwp,A J Rager, M98 a 3 AT ward, Jonathan Lioyd. 1 mera Xt nw Eider twp. Ansel Weak an Ferndaie boro, Christ 8) 8% Frankits beso, LL. Hi de rand ais Ww Galitsty boro, 1. Speigel "a Gailnsta twp, Jos P i": era. NIV Jaina er] 0 Hide "i [oe twp, rand oi a Jol | BE JS NR DEe 8 fH JEAXBLSMIGE nee SGI AIA A VA A fem. patients to Dix- oko ER wos, ig SA Comp Sap, Teachers Inmtitate. mm Teer bi of int. Atty. er i Ex promage a ae Jurors grand and Ter Jail 3 PUL. - we ® alk OW ; rw Sa 4881 XR RE BE & AR ® SH. %8 ARE: I SEA RESR { mae ¥ i ® ¥ i i [a "i LEER AR ATEMENT SHEEP ST Bpenecer, Fahy SHEED FUND. E 7 Wd ve ey seas Pe Ranag warden and fireman... Janitor, court house Jury comm imoners snd cher. Inguisitinns. awa Livery hire... Attorney's Jaan on eofiections... (nid irdders paid = Priating and advertising. ake Erathosetar Woods Hs Bond Hond and bridge Views nnd dazn- ards, Heo . Retanded Tes Rotors «rial Re hort fund a Lai SS Cambria County, for 1898. der Pucciiain ae ; 4) Iv FROM REDEMP- : ; ablitnis. bors. Tio id BEEN BY Fru s Gisliftein twp. _— Hastings bors Inchwtn tap. johnstowy toward. § WRI venir ward... voi § ward aia Coward. ns | om 6 po hey 524 wi AsRgRrt | FAW he « LhoTrier Xanars., n- i i ] 1 « iiteesatitn SE 4 2 in So wo Ere SHRBBRZIALRG $5583 $ASAtaAnNN] PRESSES RT Be DWE Re We Poles 3 g oo. Penna. Indutrial eformntory At Huantin Westery rar asin Fompttal wt Somos iim Bite Asyiom for chronic inenne 1 dr * f at Wernersviide 7 WEED anvinions * Tr state Belorm Set! 81 Morgans Lilly boro... 1 hy hearin iF} Western Penftenting Lower Yoder twp... 13 75 * woes Corpetnnagh valley emaoriai Hos oretto boro... 1g novasiers print at Johnstown, .... orreiivilie bor | w. fs to ior 71 2 Li 8 | Redemption of ands, pa otreilvilie bor 2 9. H I on yb Zi Amonnl dus from Coloainbion for Maoteelivilie bie 3%. 31 88 wu by res E 1 i Monster twp, ty os y 12 3% “ | Kxonemtions te Tonstubios (in Patton bere. oo ta Bs Si 6 % % chatting relurns). .... Vortage boro... 1% War | Abatement to mx payers # per owt. Portage fp. $13 Terr 8 ; (om BRIAR nied Rende tw ane 3 al 2 =v EA Tnslonne orders Rosedale boro... FE Nichiand twp. in 3 Roxbury bore... 4 Spangler boro eed 3H Suncmerhiil twp... Sanomerhill bors | Stunt reek tap lg i ward oo. — 12 ward... ve a Oe . gi By we E Iw, Geo B Pau... Ww FL Riggs. . ew, - hh wn w * = » Lilly boro , Peter Smith wipe Loreto boro, Eogene Lit z eras Manster i wp, Michaei Cas widy ot demain Pation boro, FL Little Dot lage Deas Roth java... Orisge twp Heads twp. Jno paid Kichinnd twp. Ag Orrin, {Amonnt of County Tressurers Retaaaie tora, B. 8. ly nee | oom isin of & per seni on : | $108 LB twing anton? of dup Spungar tora, R H clrar : Bip pi : ; Hembe of tages, ammount received Ha i $2 87 we io fron seated snd Sa lad xpan Cinrren. 4. in i rede dot of iar i RL ons 153 62 Ry ie fer 199T mA previcus Fears jews Stonyerenk Whe John b. Spaguehanes twp. Rn BN wr} AbRieent 16 IX pay es, STON he y Fanoeibill bors... 2 4] eee ws bo rRRIORE WG OOnMALeN, APBOUNT A rn. v Joo" F Upper ¥ oder twp... “ 4 2 Co] retomining in conetsbie’ hands ah TW win Mog tion wp J bie : for HR. and sarees Er leet 3 - ne. Pe i eftmomt bora... f= nd To mre than was paid onl. : s Bert Totmatuniies ine ins bos West Tayior Jap. we BER id fr am Cesinty Tremsarer s Constiimion of Susquehanna twp. E F. Bak imare ears. vo io KF aia B 4 Hi per pent Of B98 fei White twp. rie 5 tf o¥% oh 1 the amount collected rer an ar ; Tannen tera. Andrew u. he 1 wiv ve 180 amount pail ont : 19 en 6 & Tes I %i ® | Balunve in the County Treasurer * Uv pper Yoder 1 twp. Fomt Hoe. — Ty ‘mma Jan. pe... Lower Yoder twp. John ei i Piook.. Fn Ks ! Westmont boro, 8 KB lire. “w apt FIVE FROM UNSEATED | = : : A YIN RECED ED FROM UNSEATED ; washingion =p Sara .m ies i mith Conanty, Sewonl. Road i ; Mp EiEom rns TAR AES FOR Jen West 1 Tayi twp. BF. Rito a0 Adams tap.......d 8 o 3 4s A wr fo Deg. White twp. Jou . | Fweh - o + BJ. Boteris Bary INP err inn inckiicx twp... Jl ag Fo 8 East Tarioriwp, Hager, A 1 $ID SUI DB WHmors Le. Mroil tap... 15 ig 3 Sion srenk Lp, Online, W. i. 2m Canoria tep..... consis ; 118 1A RaRRADanTS Th, Keten, Abt m Tw 9 334 in tw 7 af to 3 West sont bors, Gregorts sR Lienrheid tw Mp we 4 38 GE Tayior tp, Reger, A J Lonemaugh *. wo Meo8 Syste 01 SS Peepdaie toro, ry Christ. TUNsOn up. Fey oO % ihe 2 | Johnstown, 1& ww, Fogle Joba " (2 43 13 a Morreiiviiie tore. Bw, At, Boa feat 4% Hard = ir «7 #8 Lily bre. Smith, Veter B re NEN Lower Yoder ip, Linton, Cbes. #19 a Wl laneetows, 30 ow, Linton, Chea il 23 8p Ronth Fork 2w , Joll Jon. 3 £7 8 mtg er barn, Hensel, N w. wi i} 3 Bd a tp, Smith, Adam. a oh R506 Ew iimsore bor, Pringie Ob is * jr i 44 iyo so 2 $0 & iN wa a —— ity ¥ 4 08 aos $n - ond he WEL MGUNT DUE FROM CONSTABLES $ a 0 52 ¥ wr & * 82 ow Ra Fist we a Adama twp, J WW, Foack s Ashviile bor . J. 3. bon res AMINE NT RECEIV ED FROM MISCEL | Barnsbury tora, Thos Pros LANEBOUS SOUKCES Lad Bary twp. Ad Jeb... shnson Conspany, alien 1 ta... its —— 10 73 Binckilek tn po. Jas. BE Bow. 3Ny WY has, Aiien tax. wap ii isnd +n wi sian £ PE - Jim, sities, ¥ B38 Amit ay ot, 7 ——— 5 ade tod ; bona a4 ity, being iMate Tax for 8. ___ S688 95 or - a = 1" LITIES Doe Doe eric To ves on sented and and sneest ih Sarice meme rede ptio OI TR PREY 4 0 BLE RTE SS ENE re Lk ho LL 22082 IT ATyrpEuIy EER ABASA CSUN RANA SEP Press ASA RR I Ouran adi As 2 v-aB¥aEe T © e5ER ? SUHESIAR ¥ KR ESINEASLLISANISH 8 7 £1 i - A» AEYG - 2 2R.828. agra Sr Erare ”” £3] $88 © SER SESRUIESEZELGENE BUMRRBALIBRNRENE WSL Pn hp ee 4b i WE RH Ks BAEGRBERY & FN ALS ib rn WE RL sa Aa itandar AL Awe... [IARC O | ee Ig . BABAR I A SB Se rE SA rd — Feeble’ minded in " training pa AM NT DUE DISTRICTS FROM RE (Clothing snd sh a ThudeR2 DEMPTION OF LANDS: Ci. » privais Soni Road puritan 8 private ea tae 5... now LM BS ey MS EE bere 1] a a “ 1B Eres ying Lenn twp... Emit Tayior twp. wp... Gialiionin twp Jackson 1p... Pottlage twp. Rende top... nu Supnmerhill tap... Upper Yuder twp Susguehuabia inp... Lavwer ¥ oder twp. Washington twp. : Fest 1s Tayi twp... - Barr sup Canrrofi twp Clomrfied er. : oye twp %..2 omauil an (I BRIER REREL RRL INEE Beary «nol {#23 xeaN EE gag & aol e¥erUBBReE Busly xanl¥uls? a * henamss & a if BR yn wor Sein meer Bil EWP os Num selimnne (wp Wanbinglon (wp White twp vw NH FU EB GBuea =» Bab uM Br ua} ERAEY BSB GAR SE Ed ag SR 3 it td oh —— Bowen... ARDEA BEBE RB EREe EA Gedy ve ri e— 4E Sh —— ge © ‘BR EN 2a ong i 5 L “i — ted iii Carroll twp, HC Kirkpet hater ® Slate Tax pick op CO a Why’ RF dt km A am Chest twp, Philip 161i "i Che 1a exonerated. er Diet 1wp., Jose Nagle vis Pruby., 32 March Term, Conemaugh twp, Ho RK Me i lomwter : 4 Davis, Prothy., License br. Coopersdnie oro, Jam A BW v2 ¢ an maiionsi bo pl Mel Tarren, tax exonerated Crave twp M Ton GaiEE joe Faul, tax exonerated Draie turn, A. G5. Hippie... AR [RECEIVED FROM CONSTA- Thoman Houver, Co. Lon’ tr. (bw Grate [renn twp. Jas Finperiy : acd AND RBvioLs. f em — Fast Tayhor twp, A J. Hager. Dog. Eider Ld Anim Wonk Adame twp... Sma » "hu Sy = nce SE Ain Loti Gallien bore, L. Spiga +n D5 si PION OF LIQUOR LICENSES TO DISTRIUTS : Adar twp. Anhvilie oro Harseshoro barn Barr tw Baer ihy = 1 Arrolitown x52 &% wn 2 3 sx% 8 ss mania ch EL pone 12% vers... Ch 8 BERRIES ORR Er HE Waa 4 4 n 7 mw 1 : 4 3 % ‘ L 7? to $ 3 4 i 3 1 2 Lt 4 i 5 3 3 A 3 1" ' $ 5 « . q 4 4 h j i= ! hl > 5. JE 2 BEIEE - or 1 he 4 . Gaiiitain tp dom I Miers. Jackeon twp. & RB Hike Brmed Frankiin boraogh, 1, Hide brent cron no JOlnRtow ns - ow a A A nniend @ 0m, W H Northorafl 52 we, Aninew Cini ger. 13 w., Henry Prunkard .... 15 ww, Michael Logan, is w., Jobin Fogle. fy [I Peter BE Smith lower . twp, John face Pian Master 150 Mie time “ansidy MOUNT RECEIVED FROM KETAIL | portage taro, Bobt Dsvis LIQUOR LICENSES Reade twp , dno. I Myers onyeresk lwp flosedn ie boro, B 8. Benabof : 7 pee Licesses, Johnstown City xe ob Hoxbury boro, Jus B. Jobin wom rnerhill boro an #* oT Liveuaen. Boroughs. at $m. 2d vy Sorts F kbore. tw. 3. P. QE BA Lup Tw ‘ oath Fak ewe, 1 Ww, J. FP. Tanoeibiil bors i % Metall Licenses, Townships, at fis. i MeClarren.... -.. ! L 8} Washington top South Fork taro , Iw, 4. FP Wilmore DOPo. Mo arren 4 Spwngier bora, iw HH. dinar SUMMARY OF LICENSE FUND, vey. oe Aniount to State... as Stony reek twp. Joh Db. : : — Amount to Districts... —— TE | pa IRON Jobn M : | TUDGMENTS DUK THE OOUNTY rind orig ate ~~ Sammrhil b wore, John Me : i J© DGMENTS DUK THE COUNTY: Creas. com. on on. we ot tug dl Treas, cum. on aris 2% per ct wg Susquebasne twp. KF. Bek , =: MeOariaay, D. Fanon sod W. oe Ia mates ith he TH... crventeemneroee: 1 " Saxion oar or ww russe boro, Andrew : . ; ec J. W eakiand and dona i ; Binnie 34544 a i Be A rr Yost Aan Burk, | « Shek. m. Davis, E Jenkins, J. P.. Ener... Latta, Sec. Interna; Aare... {aren * Sethe} P A th, Bee Jasnes wore, Dac of the Poor... Bl oT. tava, refunded on gutter... a Fin. J. Hs J. Tahun, Sis Sewird Almatouse. foo x - E5iPsBenn lee: ¥ gH ERRuESEa ISR $88 EEEBEERREEPEREEREERRLIRABEBIRELES Eg : al 08 | | “2% RB § ely £ ENNR 5% 8 TEA Ee R BESUlE WIRJWEE 2 2 BESPFREBEFCRULSNES wR oS l pt i ih hi | 3 - = 4 2 o § i HE FER Pw BuBa = | i bi suit Fork Boro Sreus od a sbrsa Nae a HAAN SE iy 1 ugue *EENE wa Gia «Fa | B y & IRN SAAB A AR wh My Morreiiviiie TY aE A. " i : Sy . > rs P ie ¥ akner.. gy iw BS TION or RECEIFTS. E. ¥. : Adan xi «| toh Yamnitaaky and Anna Yam- ounty lreskurer Went Tay ‘ar twp. BY. ib be y ay etme ——" Bx. : y is Jalance in Treasury at jast Auditory’ W hte twp, Jom I. Each... = Lowes oi Hamenpioe ces 38M Wilmore bora, Geurgt 3 : mn | Amst. of Dupiicares axes preety mice EE BBY 43 Priugie, deceased « 3 Vagastine Meconsei] a Amt, rec'd. trom redemotion of Jands 1 80 ig Hastings buro. Charien Het Fohs Vogle Amat. rezeived from seated lands. on 10 4b 43 PIER oii 1 x 1 john Lindeberg. Atel, received from onseated lands 1% gq 08 “ef REE and M onan ‘Bann Ant. received from constables, 18 lol a WIN Mier previous... $ BE a5 —_ aa El V Rager and Chan. X MeKoel ti £ 4 —— sebuagle pay SEERNENS Amt. received trom Ligser licenses for ase of County Len Treasurer's Jom. Mr SLL ards 8 pry ae Amt, received from miscellaneous TX GNERATIONS TO) CON 7 Ai. En POR SAT. & gl 83 * Ian including Hadara ¢ Ads. | Iark Amt. transferred from Sheep Fund. ual Dog iuimes B Clark aod | Ed Clark = $ es 43s 35 game te $e I WN Foueh $ ri ’ hl ey Senyon ol, A Gray * Teme 1 Ashville boro, 3 3 Rbody. 3 = —— Aliegheny teh, oa ro ; i fnmars » : fim | Bernestaoro ero , Thos Pros ‘a Mary wiiffer [XIRIDITURES. — BE. F. SPENCER, CO = sor CL A : ape sro, and Sam Crinsey : twp. A J 1 : a RICOTANOR : CH Hisckilek =p. Jax Fo Row- Wh ee , Custer and Lb OG, Custer Auditors, {LUBE} reser. iii peril elt S61 med sn qr : = 3 hg Mary Moiombie Auditors, (Stateline — +t oc | Cambria tw pal Aneois Lioyd 53 Serer Kelly and 8 (Smith . rics ral amon tions... Aman Ey Carrell twp. iH. U Kirkgsi a a Fat I acs ani Ha ———— BPI cocoon ibis asin sins a. Caro own Tbora, Joseph ; Co § Apedrew SIRLILER en on nag feiss vicina ox 5 reins ¢ of Stfeb BO Myers of 0d. Jorough - BOATAIE JOTOMS.....ooscomemamerserrer Co emsugh top. H.R. Me Geer. AM “ah AER, RECEIVED FROM SEATEL & $0 | Conemmug \ A Mywes A AIA 750 50 S06 Average per month during the year... Nrunor DECEAMKED : Betsy Varner HE Welin Joba Jomens Matwion Harry Jolan Bought SESS rarity JEFESIBUSAIS UNLSEILERINI IGE ySgEES es Engouita Fu lity Pale. Pwvs Bul Farvslasuaru®st sczase o 3RlsFic » 2 19D ess SABER ES SRSA cries va VeT » 3 sis mp Heliel furninbed to adals cuteide Aime Reitef furnished to chiniren outside A) me. outside Ame eo SA er SA TT. Menia famished 10 tramps..." .. My sswnEResealobFecnnaling Soadin prisuners. te peti 4 : puts ry tom Negi School R ad B Loanty Lomas ssioners’ (aiary). hea tw) his : Ca Lommissionery’ counsel... - 3 roy we rwp i LAE een Pred Ww A $ » 2 s u wb. | Jommissioners’ cietk mm... . sradaie bors, James A. heny twp... an wens | COmmissionsrs’ traveling expenses DOD usin. 5 Thomas Hoover... $65.007 : ren a FH Dodson. : or 6%} Abram Hostetler. #7 Gi ki FHC nest tu p, Philip Gul... ir , - aus ssonss raven = | Commissioners transcribing clerks. Cliest Springs boro, Stephen 1m 212 J Loniter, fom on Common. 1 a A en: § COURT gre: aud tipstaves. ———— Cournd. ’ i eaith Sp oki so on sopins Amb wp Oy meen Sousiables irreaees SIRE Datsytown boro, F. mhoster own boro... ———e house expenses... .. Dade boro, A. G. Ripple... L | .s i xX 5% vir % Pe - QHERIFY : Sader ous bacgie sh ihe Court Bocas D in Beating. Pa. thin £80 day of Janaasy A. ry 1. MIL ER, Sr MN, LAURENC £0 53s - joi { dudnon -
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