a Sp" AI HN sn WORN BY NAVY OFFICERS. a When Commodore Dewey last winter Was ,umotea from the rank of captain be had to visit the talior for clothes saitable to bis new rank and was obliged to buy a full-dress coat and a cap. The latter cost $15. During the terrible storm st Samos gome years ago, when the naval offi- cers lost their belongings a bill wae fatroduced to re mburse them, and ft was figured a licutenant’s wearing ap parel was worth S$L365, an ensigns $1,050, and a rear admiral’s §£.000. An gdmiral's full-iress outfit inciading the bat is worth $65. The epaulets alone eoat $165 Daring the engagement at Manila Commodore Dewey, as he stood on the bridge directing his forces, wore what fs called the services coat, of dark blue gerge, shaped to the figure, with a slit on each hip extending on the right side as high as the sword beit. Pliin gutta percha buttons and a high enilar fin. fshed the coat His trousers hod a strip ef gold lace down their outer Seams & 8 por wits, The vizor of his cap rizsmied with oak leaves, ii takes most of a young nuval offi- cer's salary to keep his wardrobe in eccndition to suit his superiors. The first thing a naval cadet is taught Is how to keep his uniforms in eindition, $ie has a number of them for different tecasions, but the regulations are most ¢xsct. Naval officers sre much more particular than army officers tn regard to the making of their uniforms, for {hey are continually cruising about the world, entering foreign ports, and must uphold the honor of thelr coun- try. sini Pastography Under Water. "A wonderful invention has recentl been devised by which photography sony be taken under waler. The light for this prrpose is furnished by an ine eandescent lamp placed inn a steel casy in the divers headniecs the luminous mys being peoifctsd by a reflector placed in the eor of the steel case ‘snd the elec: c's provided br means of a small dy. sarvied fn the boast ‘above. The piuligraphic apparatus self consists of a common camera placed within an India rubber envel ¢pe, the front of which is ginss, and the maehine is reguisted and pictures taken by pressing buttons through the India rubber covering. The result fs such as to be pronounced an achieve ment, for it has been demonstrated that pictures can be taken under water objects at a distance of ten or welve fect us easily as they can be nS | Muehine for Harvesting Grate. he) & large wheat farm is Cxlifornis the grain is fut from the stalke, the chat thrashed out, and the kernels placed in sachs. which are sewed and piled ready for the mill—all by one fuge machine, which is drawn by and gets its motive power from a team of : thinty-eight mules. It Can Be ude. to Geo, “Tha melancholy days have some,” hus . cheumstism coins with them? It san bw made to go right off by the use of 81. Jaeolw Dl, whic s3rew and leaves no times ba. inci IL CRIs A Mr MR Si cotton orop amounts to 11,199.90 remains, which sines 1815 in the cas ¢ Plano di Calabria, where A, are to be transfirred to ; in the Chtrets of a former Bour- ro Cure & Cold te One Das. > : Finis Tae. £2 panes Ko Sovernment has cone ET at Tokio a univers Be model of the Cone or L gonal Library at shingion. It id have room for 809.000 valuines and i places for reads +. de ont Killer knocks JARGANELL, $4 Faria Ave, ag 5s ina. oe. wn bots. call (eid because g turn over the mud MW sen in quest of the shellfish on which i Koceas © & Sav, Wholesale I Cure i Caen Internally, ote apen the binod pA a a continuously i boon to soldiers, because it dicates all disease germs, builds up the ated system and brings back health y returned soldier and overy friend relative of soldiers should take 8 Sarsaparilla | Stra tor $a FEED . BUTTER. . BEANS. -Lima ¥ gt POTATOES Rose, | CABBAGE. Fer bhi | ONTONB—Choles yo! How, ¥ hu BUTTEK- above in ths full light of wires have pmade the THE MARKETS. PITTSRURCG. Crain, Flour and Feed. WHEAT. No 1 red. iow. ear. . on 3 yao, shesind, crannies Mixed oa : OATS No. 2 ‘white sass RYE--No, Y FLOUR. Winter patents. Faney straight winter » flour, . HAY. a 1 timothy. . Clover. Nou 1... No} white mid. Brown middiings Bran, baie STHAW Wheat... $14... ... REEDS iy over, £0 te. Timothy, prime. Dairy Prodocta Eigin creamery. Chin Creamery © ...ii-.0-v Fanay country roll CHEESE Ono, BW Now York, new. cine Fraits amd Vegetables eh... .. 18 ton Bo at bot far Gl wR Ba a Foultry, Ete, CHICRKENR- Fer pair, smal 9 TUEREYS Per, EGGS. Pa and Ohio, feovh | CINCINN ATL WHEAT | cory M OATS. BGAS. .. ................ Ohio creamery... PHILADELPHIA, FLOUR WHEAT No. 2red.......... ’e COBN-- No. 2 mixed . BUTTER Creamery, #xira.... EGGS Pennayivania Beats. civ: NEW YORK. FL ov B- Patents. C ORN-- “Ne i: 0 CATH. White Western. . BUTIER- Crenmery. EGS Rtas of Pean. 1 ve STOOK, Central Stork Yards. Fast Liberty, Pa. CATTLE Prime, 15300 to 1400 Na Good, 1300 to 1800 Ms Tidy, 1000 to 1360 Be. Fair Hight filers Sl le 1000 iy Common, 700 to #0 SHE aa WOOE. Mediura . van Heavy Bones and stags SHEEP, Prime, ® to 103 Ma Good, "85 to 90 Ne. Fair, 70 to 80 hea Common. Veal C alves SEA wo 63 22 w le : EE 300 ee EBVEL fe £8358 32a Ses on eG I SRUBERT Ferns Springer, sxfea. ...... Springer, good to shoes Common to fate, Extras yearlings, light Good to hide Soatiings. Mediom Common. .. TRADE R REVIEW. SA Bamors of War Affecting the Markets of Earope esd Demand for ros. R. G Dun & Co's weekly roview of trade reports as follows fir ast week, Businvss has been more affected by foreign allaira than many realize, London's apyrehension of war first caused advance In wheat and fears of monetary pressure here Then carne confidence in London, vith a fight of French money across the channet, and sock markets advanced, while wheat full, Mode in Paris 443 not mean to in- fluence American interests from New York to ¥an Prapeises, bat electric world small. Ro the wires moved a cargo of wheat from the Pacific comet. starfed $2.500.000 more gold from Australia to this coun- try on Landon arcount, sud the selling of American securities ote day and buying the next, Wheat rose 36 from Friday to Mon- day, and then 41] fic to Friday. But such changen do pot represent actual conditions, fur ths week $18.30 bushels, against £.086 457 Inv year. BobDdy ean pretend that holding of stedxs By western farmers In an important factor. The Atlantic eTLOriE Aor included, amount to 5 Ng Vushels against 4 FOREN ie Ray, ard Pact ie exports Binh wis nga iat LARS last Fuay, i h £5 55d bauheln in four woeoks 1% 45% 5357 lat year when tire fore ig er and wae lar beyond adi precatent Tn for weeks the western receipts have bean over $0.150.699 bushels, apnimt 30.55308 fast year, ard vet prices sre 230 lower. This clearly indicates much larger suppiies end greater readiness io part with therm than WAR se+n 4 YORr ago, when olay doulted the magnitode ‘of the forcign demand. Corn refused tix fole jow wheat, but slightly advanced. Cotton rose to § 1.20 ast week, but hay fallen to 5 8-5: in spite of heavy frorts in part of the growing region, This expresses strongly the belief that ne curtailment of vieid is possible that will affect the surpius more than the ahh 8 kel ma closing of eastern mills one month in three, and the reduction of consump- tion abroad. For European mills, as well ne those of this country, have sur. plus stocks, produced fromm the high- priced cotton of last year, which they cannot profitably market. There has been some closing of mills at the South, and abo some reduction of wages. Wool dealers have reached the cone clusion that, with the heavy stocks on hand, it 2 no longer a question of profit, but of avoiding losses and con. cesslone that has brought a big ine crease in sales for the week, though for four weeks the aggregate has been suly 14.398 8% pounds. against 36 354.068 last weok, 22.3201 in 188 and 2.53%. - in 18 Now Ohio holders arg ask- fag 2083 vents less than a nmunth ago, having 5 per cent of fine and 49 per cent of medium wool yet on hand, while 10.000 bales of wool are offered to foreign bidders, who may decide to ex. port iL The iron manufacture has still a good demand, late as it is, but the makers are depressing prices by bid- ding against each other, aithough in the average of ail aatating the des cline has been less than half of 1 per econt from the highest point. But the wire nall manufacturers have reduced prices § per cent and the rail manu. facturers. according to current reports, have decided Bot to advance prices, and there is a prospect that heavy de- mand for products will be further en- couraged by the lawr quotations. Failures for the eek have been 218 in the a od States. against 319 last year, and 24 in Canada. against 38 last year. Dives about M , on tobaseo and every Year. Great Britain | a specific for dlseases : Haorali, and with wWenteorn recsipis | A Nation of Dyspepiies, Prom he Mountaineer, Walkaia N. Dakota. The remorse of A gaiity stoziach fs what { dis as the Eskimo kayak. a large majority of the peonle are sullferiog ih today. D yapapuia t+ a ef Amerisan disease an! it tw frequn iy that “wa are a nation of dyspeo on” Improper fini hurdsd eating menial worry, sxhaustion jack of vitality inthe system by eaagsing the blond to loss ita Hfesustaining ele. ments The bioo | te the itil sjemant in our ives and shoul be carefully nurinred, Restora 7 to te procer condition, dys. poesia will canis an brand health tilt: rw, Po: axyample a the connty of Pambiaa, Nertt Dakols, a few nlios fram Walhalla, resides Me Farnost Saiinr a man of sterl fog ifategrity, whose sofacily 2annot pe doubtad, ie says 3 t Phe Doctors Disagreed oT hepams seriously fH thread years ago. | The doctor gave me madisios for indiges. { ton, bat 1 | had several physicdana at intervals who ~antinued to became worse | gave me some palfef, but the Ainenss would ratarn with ali its anenstomed severity, “1 read in the newspapers articles re. hig the wonderfii curative powers of Wilitams’ Piok Pills for Pale People, pi fnnily soneladedto try the pis. Pive moothe ago | bought six boxes, box gave me mueh reliant, and after using i four boxes 1 was sured.” Thewn pilis are recognized avary whers as of the od an nerves. For paraiysis, locomotor ataxia, and pther disonsss jong supposed incue able, they have proved their sMoscy in thousands of cased. es it will fake a wnat} i" days and 3 hours to trav el a mile. Jast the Trae. T This fs just the time of the year ws fou the muscles sil sors and #ti, and then is just the time to ase St. Jasobs Oil to ro lax them and to cure at one, Dawmson City has two newspapers, weeklies, 50 cents A Copy. booty blood — pi No ne & in skin, without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar- blood asd keep: it clean, by ng all _- I en to-day to ry pimples, brits, Bintehen, blackheads, and that mckly bilivus complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug: ists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10e, 2a, 500. The Baltimore & Ohio Routh Western Ratiroad haz just received frome the Baldwin loconvitive Works freight ioe motives for nse on the ke division from Cincinnati to Park SYRDUTE Tris portion of the road has gone rather Reavy grades and these It is expected they will Baul about W per Iix3R on the Hine. increase the train cea. The simple locomotives have neh cylinders and the corn pound and MRX2N inch eyviinders. The laeomo. fives were hullt from desigos furnish- inrantaristic | vy arated | The Pakimn's Boar, Theres 1a no craft so difficult to han. The only | boat familiar to us which in any way resembles it is the racing shell, but | 4f a erack oarsmen of one ef our cui - leges wera tied into a kayak and toid ~xny af tess produce 8 | . hard time of It. George . Turkey certainly Crriguing constant The first for Rimaelf ho would have a I is entirely covered except for a round hole, Into which ths owner slips pushing his feet under. | neath the skin deck in front. the hole being fitted to the person for whom the boat is designed, go that his thighs fll it rompletely. When he is seated fn ft. with his waterproof jacket tied pecurely around the edge, he is ghln to defy staves or rain. The most expert ara apt to be somelimes aver. turmad either by & careless movement nr oan WBE SediY larze wate, and, if he does 0 self at once, ie | Inevitatly to ehif: st pd ght Bien 2 Eps y Kes: $1 mi es A Prediction Fighty Years Old. The poat Koats wrote tn his brother in Kentucky in i818 as fol mela may spread her cone ] think it a very ‘ina itself may fall will, Meanwhile Eu vily Housin will hald ite rest of Europe, in- with France i a ne jows: “Ro quest even to China; fikely thing that | ropean ne horns against the Forty per cont of the heat of an or- dinary fre gimsm Un tha hi mney, While You Sisep. { alr blawing or neuralgia | Bat | it warms, Do act have foo mach throagh yoar rom at night, MAY ore Spon vo if it somes tee HY soothes and sures = widie you wiean, Jan Oi; Aran iy. aha a Sr e— Naw York tie 5 plik ra get from 5 cant to $1.00 ® aay i Boat Tebanes Spit aed — Your Life Awsy, To quit hsscn easily and forever, be mag setia full of ite nerve and vigor, take No-Tor Bae, the wander worker, that makes weak men wirong. All druggists, We or £. | toed Boskie: snd sample free Address : Sleriing Remedy Ce, Chicago or New York which has Fassia with her po palation of 139; al a0. has only T43 newspaporse-but Hutis nore than half the number pab- | fiahed the Keats of Pennsylvania, 1 400 in Five Cont, Prerytody knows that Dlohine Feotrle Soap is the best {a the workl, and for 35 years | 12 has sold at the highest Hrice. lis price fe 20W § conta, same as common Lows OSH | Bare full slo and quality. Order of grovsr, 449 | The Hoard FE 2 Maas sf the af Aldermen of Somers Bie sessed a reaciution in " unielpal swnership of Haht pd tant. ine, favor fhe electri No To Rae for nay Conta Guaranteed totmond habit cure makes Woah men strong, Bicedt pure ef. All dragpesa. new | Germany han 5.753 associations of CtuThRers, wi ith IK ag members, Dteething. writes the gums, roul 1 ; Copley Alia YE Pain gre the first heavy engines to be used Dan a foots ed by Superintendent of Motive Power | Neuffer, compound. SNAKES AN NR LA AANA 2 VS iN PACIFIC ISLANDS. Semon nd New Tosinnd Ee tively Free from Reptiles For the most part the Pacific islands (are destituta of snakes. That ia abso totely the case in Hawail In New Zealand, equally free of these reptiles, bad of snakes may be found in a ls gend of a monster called the taniwha, concerning which the authorities differ as to whether it is the ancestral and dim recollection of a spake or of an al ligator. All the eastern islands of Polypesia betwean these two outposts are snakeless. Westward from Hawall, down among the Gilberts and the Marshalls and the Carollaes, the square-bodled water snake begins to make Hts appearances In the lagoont and Eight are simple and two are | 3 ‘ham from Mis | Fast Sasquebsnnns Ave, Mra Wi Finals Si i Rawat hy hing Sy ru a Foor oR ibd pany pres | natn rie. FEF To WL nt ol eon itia SINGULAR ST ATEMEN NT. ms From Mra Hank to Mrs. Pinkham. The follow nr fetter to Mm Pink M. Rasxk. No. 3.304 Philadelphis, | Pa. laa remarkable statement of res | lief from utter discouragement. She | | BYR: : * | never ean find words with which to thank you for what Lydia E Pink- hams Vegetable Compound has done | for me. the only knowledge which the Maoris © Some years ago | had womb trouble | and doctored for a long time, not see- ing any improvement At Umes I woud feel well enough, and other | times was miserable. Bo it went on until last October, [ felt something terrible creeping over me, | knew not what, but kept petting worse. | time, had everyihing to live for. harbors. By thes time the Phillipines are reached the water snake becomes th commpn and deadly and the Jungle of those ialands are abundant- ly supplied with snakes From the Phillipioes ns one follows down the chains of islands snakes are found both abundant and venomous. in the wild jande of the weitsrn Pacific the reptiles are frequently objects of wor- phip, and in some legends are credited with the creation of the world Samoa seems to lie Just on the Boundary line In the enat- p 20 | vaii only a few miles to the westward of them is venomous and the islanders peither fear them mor exhibit any of that repugnance to their presence which is commonly called instinetive This indifference to the reptiles !8 made most markedly manifest at the | hamlet of Iva on the northeast coast = of Savail. Here are to be found gmall snakes of the most brilliant red color. They are so common that a basketful | may be easily picked up in any banana patch. The dancing girls of this town are in the habit of employing these gaudy snakes for personal adornment in their dances. They tie them about their necks, their ankles, | and thelr wrists, festoon them in thelr beaddresses. and tuck’ a few extra ones tn their belt in readiness to replace such as escape ip the dance. At their best these sivas danced by the Sa- moans are either dull or revolting shows of savagery. It can be easily imagined that they are made no more attractive when the tanpou or village maid and her crew of attendant giris = go careering about with an assortment | of writhing red snakes. Stull the Sa- moans, who have no stock of snake prejudices, look upon this as one of the most successful and artistic dances in | thelr islands I can hardiy explain my feelings at that I wan so depressed in spirits that I did not wish to live, aithough | Had hy terin, was very nervous; could nog sleep sod wis not safe to be bef? | alate, » Fife fm th fio 1 i» A SR SAAT ¥ There are SORARNARN ANI other. tuds in soaps as well as ¢ Sometimes a grocer will offer you a substitute for lvory because his profits are larger on the substitute. and the purchaser are losers in this transaction. dealer ultimately loses the customer, and the customer suffers from the mischief of the substitute accustomed to Ivory Soap will not be satisfied with any Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it. other things. He The A person AWORD OF WARNING There sre many white pags. each represented 165 7 fuel as good as the Tvoey”; remaricabie qualities of the gengine. Ask for * they ARE NOT bot fie alt counterfeits, lack the peculisr and = lyory Seop and insist span geting Oupeaght. 19 Ly The Prue & Sesbie Ou Ouwineslh. Gora TTI PRPRCIT IRR TERRE os Care guaran i - I PP ee Fifty Cents a Year! A THE | EDGER ATTRACTIVE Te Is a richly illustrated and beautiful periodical, covering the whole ficld of popular reading. covers of the LEDGER MONTHLY are elegantly pointed or lithographed in colors, making COVERS ther worthy of preservation as works of art, and each cover is alone worth the price of the magazine, THE ORANGE GIRL, bv Sir Walter Besant, is now running. Tha short stories in each SERIAL and number will be by the most entertaining aud SHORT STORIES distinguished writers of the day. FASHION Up-to-date fashions wre a strong feature of the LEDGER MONTHLY. This department, with DEPARTMENT Fahey ins from original drawings by the best esigners of fashions, is a true guide for every woman. PRCA DEPART MENTS are devoted to Embroidery, Decorative Art, Home Employments for Women, ec, The LEDGER MONTHLY is replete with PICTORIAL pictorial illustrations appertaining not only to the reading matter, but with Ulusteations ILLUSTRATIONS of special beauty and interest, appealing to the artistic taste and the desire for the beautiful, such as “The Prayer,” by Jean Paul Selinger, recently purchased for S80, THE GREAT FAMILY MAGAZINE address on receipt of J cents 4 : A eA Address Leper Bun.ping * Indeed, I thought I would lose my mind. No ane knows what [ endured. “| enntinued this way anti] the last of February when | sav i a paper a testimonial of & lady whose cnse was similar to mize. and who had been cured by Lydia E. Piokham's Vegeta bie Compound. I determined to try it, and felt better after the first dose. | eontinued taking it, aod to-day am a ‘well woman, and can say from my heart, eine.'" { Mrs. Piakham invites all suffering | ‘Thank God for such a medi- | women to write to her at Lynua, Mass, | pre bogie vi | mend them for sivice. All such letters are seen i they sre common and attain great size, | 223 228%erwd he women only. in the case of some kind ut least. None oer eens sear: and | can say hat Cascareis ve givea me mere roilef than any other remes cis Seas ¥ as Deng Toon Gtiaans, Earn, BL ane yoo. Do He, The. wes URE CONSTIPATION. a_ Mavitng Remedy Campany, Chienge, Nomtreal, Sew York, U4 BO-TO-BAC I 1 RE Tah fale PNT M48 ROBERT BONNER'S 104 WiLLiam The LEDGER MONTHLY is the Great Family Magazine. dealers, price 5 cents; yearly sulmerips ions 50 conta, Sample copes sent to any For sale by all news This Magazine is Too Expensive to Send Sample Copies FREE. A Sample Cory can be Seen at the Office of this Paper. Publishers, New York City SONS, TREET Fon ORAL WALLS 450 CEILINGS COL°R PJ MURALS dealer snd sb 3our own leering. th pith 2 hush snd Swsejies 4 ard ta Vetiet. th csid or ® fro your | local dealers lot This sietental tv o HA Milhisd 16 rewsty-fonr tints sud works agus RD FINISH 0 fe spall REND FOR AMPLE CO! OR CARDN an! if you cannot Jehan this » CO, us know snd Exp BHTON S, i. NEW Yor de nm ‘East, _— —_ is Best.” if Kop! Clean With wu Ie, Sn i tg FSM TACKLE RRSMEN Sree |r xoum come ts small snd yon RY tn ; . send Te Na in rofitabie and easn Jarie amomnt of money Tents for Loe id Tipe ™ No wo exgitimata, Yaming I Hron HL py Box 1 Tobe OPE. W two annul eg 1. BAN ¥ wa Deneds § Ce.. Now for Wa 18. Bra POLLY and and mis ats nite a} 21 io th i SCL. Satie Overland. a bad health that RI'PA NS enncien sad 4b semciimcuinin EL he mn ME Noma Fass, Kemt, | obi. Tae Dr. & Deaver Colorado, free to any Dod ee ding : 2 ==PA’ ENTS- ! coop a aafe, sare and Pa. witten:~] wish of vonr wesslert ul sofering woshen Xnew ede. 1 had been tn vers delicate heal ® by 13, © te gale ete th as ncn wl ee WL TOE HE Loam Daly we aang hom saighod 186 Hin st § weeks Ever MEW MLEHe or) = well snd De we strony after uetin Add Bi ny BH. J. Rn. DYE Mu. INST, Buale, N. Ve ewer gL ow mm Si Lest vo linSre Frariten Toss Tet ail ay Wer) very susy birt alt gars, When so wend + cil tell 11 froin genuine die 55 % 416 GARFIELD GUM U5, Deya. 0, Mews ie. Ya Farms for Sale! Send stamp get fall deseriptuin aad prt of #) nheapest Pare in ne 3h a © > ay Hacet state in the anion: best comin state, HN. BANC RIE r Jefferson, Ashtabula $a, Shia. io Samia a On Onell, UF SREY Suntdintn in. VOWLRES BURNS, Patent Altummeys, 31 Bevad war, N. 4 AC AS COLD Wes Pormolas: golden © rortanit vi mosh re I knven for hey = = Cirenlar Cry AN TE Sauare. Ne a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers