$1.00 PER YEAR. AF Es x ptions are t s of our business. we have had ample f exetcise good taste ent in gathering CHINA, DOLLS, LTIES of all KINDS. cannot ied with the goods and prices are wonderfully MBER that the person or rn g to us on January Ist, ' checks repre. ob Mnount ll pi | "| Sout Ernest F. Foran Chemicals, Ber, Canfectionery, » imipor-| help teing ROOSEVELT WON. Governor of New Yor ably 90,000 - Democrats Si Con ; Republican Elected Governor of gremmen In Grester New York. Pennsylvania | HIS PLURALITY ABOUT 125,000 | In Philadelphia County Alone Tt Ban as High iB 75,000. SIBLEY ELECTED | The Democratic Candidate Even Carried | Stone's Own Ward - Republicans Car- ried Allegheny County by large Ma- Jority, Evans Belug Elected Jhage by an Estimated Majority of 20,000 Over Bobb Suse of Lhe Congressman Chosen. Puitavrirnia, Nov, 9. — Pennsyl- | instances 75,000 plarality in Philadelphia county | alone. | leaders claimed the election of the en- | : ican ticket by s plarality of 000 10 35,000. Evans, for judge, | 30,000. Swme's pl the of Se a going hign ali ¢ estimated "that his plo: | in Swe 44 would run between to J150,0000, Returns received his ahead of Bateom 4 yote arte | gmins in many quarters. The flowing named congressmen have been elected in Pennsylvania; Firat district H H Bi | Beconud, Robert Adams, Jr., .: Third, William Me Aleer, Dem. : Fourth, James Hep: Fifth, A. U. Harmer, ‘ Rep.. Sisth, vas S. Butler, Rep. Seventh, Irving P. Wagner, Rep: Ninth, Daniel Frmentrout, Dem ; Tenth, Marriott Brosious, Hep: Twelfth, Morgan B. Willisins, Hep. ; faariecnth, | Marl un E. Ulmstead, Fifteenth, 1 Charles F. Wright, Rep.: Sixteenth, | Horace B. Packer, Hep: Eighteeath, oseph E Na Hip Feuer 4 p. Rep. Nay ' Bummers M. Jack, Rep: ond, John Dalzell, egy Hb ee Willinin MH. Graham, Rep. wenty- Acheson, | Twenty. ffth, 4. B. Showalter, : Congressmen: at Jarge;Gatusha A.Grow, .. snd Samael A. Davenport, Rep. he NIIDAYSBURG, Pa, Nov. § —Swal- : ‘low was a dwindling factor in the | gubernatorial race in Blair county, and the m tr returns so far received : cage .| cate that Stoue will have at least 1,000 ters and Demlers in and Sheet Ircn Ware, alleys Coetioms, Tin , Steel RRs plurality. Sibley Elevted to Cimgrems, On. Crry, Nov. 9.—Earl Lon congressional vote in by West Virginia, Waggrive, Nov. 9 —Indications are that Dovener, Bp First Es hs district, ha 1 majority; Devicn, lature in oud ai EN ONE MAN WAS KILLED. Others Were Injured In a Mine Disaster, i _ Near West Pittston, Pa. . Bomastos, Pa, Nov. .—A gas ex | plosion in the BSchooley mine, pear S500 go 8,000 and Venango 2,000 plurality. damp follow the overs Valvens, his Branke was dead when rescuers found him, but Valvens was restored to ocon- slonsness, | fetes if were expioring previous to coating a new breast. Coulter and ne oalf way not survive. a om. With Water. SaxTiaco bE Crea, Nov. 4.—The To supply Santingo 0 CONGRESS, | Vo tor than thst of the Republican was vania’'s returns are slow and in some nusatisfactory. An estimate, based on the returns of | the counties heard from, indicate the | election of Stone by a plurality which | may exceed 135,000. Stone may have Prrrssure, Nov, 9.—The Republican | wat reckoned of 170000 19, ho county | J be county indicated a large vote, and Republican ham, Rep. Rep.. Rep. son M. Levy in the other. This makes indi- 27 Republicans and 23 Detnocrats. T estimates WInLY soy auth distriot indicate that Sibley will the district against C. W, Bwons county | He bas carried C. | . Stone's ward in Warren by 5 votes. West Pittston, seriously burned four men—James Coulter, fireboss; John | Metcalf, tracklayer; John MoQuillin, miner, and James Mackin, driver. Fire explosion, Que Anthony ke, miner, and John The explosion was caused | by the ignition of an unknown body of in 8 chamber which Ooaher nad i New Yor, Nov. 4. —Theodors Roose | yelt, the Republican nominee, scoord- state by a plurality over Augustus Van Wyek of about 20,000. The total Re | publican vote, probably show a falling off, as eom- pared with that for Governor Blak in . 1896, of about 14 per cent. In the mu- micipality of New York the old-time | Democratic majority was spproximated, Van Wyck's vote being abogt 80.000 | eandidate. This latter resais ‘ helped in some measure by the result | comaty ), which, in 1596, ¢ Biack, . Republican, a purality of 38,683, “of about 16,580, Brooklyn is the home of Judge Van Wyck, but shis fact does not wholly ex- | plain the 1 reversal of plaraii- ties. which, it is possible, is attributable $0 the lukewarmness of the friends of Jacob Worth, who was deposed from the chairmanship of the county com ; mittee &8 A Sunseusnoe of his oppost. tion to the plans of Senator Platt in the mayoralty contest last year. ne returns fromm many counties up ' the state are incomplete, and in sane | Cass are missing altogether, lhe indi | cations, beiag computations upon the figures at hand, point to a Republican arality in the counties above the Har. of abozt 100,000, to offset which the Democrats can prodece only the | 80, 000 plurality of Greater New York. ¢ soldier vote will not be counted until Dec. 1, but it is not likely that the ballots from the oamps will materially be the greater probubilit jority for Hoosevelt be read The figures on congressmen &re not | socoessibie at this hour, but there are indications that the Democrats have made soe gaivs in New York city dis tricks. The majority of Congressioan | Quigg, in the Fourteenth district, has been reduced by William Aster Chan- jer, but he is prolably returned, Oon- gress:nan Solar, Democrat, whose dis trict renomisated him upon a free sliver pistform, is undoubtedly re-slected. There appears 10 be a loss of foar Re . publican congressmen in the Brooklyn districts, the Second, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth. soa Congresanan Guige. who had a ta joaity of sbowt 300 si the eloction last year, has been de feared by William Astor Chanler. In the Albany distoct, the Twentieth, Glyun, Des. , has been elected to suc ped Southwick, Rep, . There are, wemingly, Democratic gmins in the Eighth and Thirteenth dis tricts, both in this city. Dupiel J Riordan ming elected in one and Jefler. that the ma ‘8 total Democratic gain of seven cos oh. Fifteen Democrats have been elected $0 ootigress and 9 go ged The state senate probably stand he last sesiate contained 35 Republicans, 14 : Democrats and | Independent. Massachusetts, Bosrox, Nov, 49. After a canvass without state issues and oonfined almost entirely to four congressional ' districts and a few local districts, the Republicans have again carried Massa. chasetts and elected Roger Wolcott | governor for the fourth time, as well as the entire state tick't by a wafe ma jority. Governor Woloott's will be about (6,006, or 15,000 less than | his lead last year, Woloott carnied Bos [ton Nearly all the interest in the Peminioign was coniined to the Fifth. | Seventh. Ninth and Tenth cougres ! sional districts, and both parties fough, hard on nat onsl tsvoes, but the Repub. | Beans lost Two if not thres of thelr dist tricts. The legislature is simply Re pualdican. Es —— Nebraska, Taxools, Nov, b~Chairman Slaogh- ter of the Republican state oconumitte said. We have slected the entire Re publican ticket by pluralities of not les than 5.060, and possibly to exceed 5.000, . We will have a majority of the legis * Iature on joint ballot, and will elect a Republican United States senator to sacred Senator Allen. We have elicted Three congTYssIen and probably four of the six.” The fusion commit tee made no statement farther than two insist that they had carried the state and legislature, rainy season is about over, and usually | . after a month or so of hid weather | the water has to be from | mountains and sold in the ro Gen. | eval Wood 1s anxious to avoid a repeti- en- | sion of such conditions, and has | gaged the services of three expert en- | ifiueers £0 Topost 4a to the best method | | of supplying the city with water, whether with artesian wells or other- nA RS AIR He To Look For the Maria Teresa. WasninaToN, Nov. 9.—The navy de- | partment, acting on newspaper state: ments of the + A Teresa's reported | | stranding on Cat island, in the Watling | groe Py has sent orders to the Vulcan, at orfolk, and the Potomac, ; at Santiago, | to leave ‘immediately for Uat island, and if the vessel is found, to do everything possible to save her. The expedition | Si ve ander pam mand of Captain Me- | St. Paul, Nov. 9.The Democratic | | state committee aD the election of | Lind for or, bat pi give no 10,000. The Repub- i y COLONEL ROOSEVELT. ! Ladies Who Vaine Good cooking, should examine the | tfinderella Range; itis a good baker, stands service well, and in style and | ing to indications, probably carried the : DEMOC RATS SURELY GAIN 21 when reowived, will Fieuting on the Sars Bust the Beeb in the borough of Brooklyn (Kings but | this eleciion gave a Democratic plarality ‘and s Democratic gain of 31 alter the rewalt. There would seem to nraiity : that the Republicans would have a ma- C ohusetts, 2 figures tadioate Big Democratic | Inereasa. Ey Licans Loess 20 ATATEMENT OF CHAIRMAY BABCOCK Maid He Was Satiefivd the Kepublicans Wonid Control the Hone He Was Not Frepared to Say ‘What the Majority Would Be bairman Kerr Said the Republicans Fad Lost Control. New York, Nov. 9 Returns re ceived in The Associated Press | in this city. from all over the try in- dicated that %% Republicans snd 109 Democrats bave coriainiy been clecind to seats in the national boase of repre sentatives. The seme districts two years sgo returned to ihe lower hots of compress 100 Hepublicans sad 50 Democrats. Basod sclely upon the estimates ia these districts, a Hepablican joss of 20 is indi. eatesl. Theo eutinutes concede to the Democrats all of the oongresdonal dis tricts in Cremter Now York except one, the Fifteenth, Wasmisagron, Nov, S—Chairman Palwork of the Hepobiican ooagres. sional commitiee made the following stazement to The Aecciated Press: “While 1 ao satisfied that the Re yabiicans will ‘control the house of rep resenintives in the Fifty maxih congress it is ima possibie at this boar to indicat: what our majority in the house will be. “Thos far we bauve no definite re. turss rroea filinois, Wisoonsin, Minne. Ota, iowa nr Hansa io has eleotod 15 Republicans certainly and two dis trict sewn to bein done, Prom Michi gan the retu cate a sohid Repab Lions as ¥ Heres ntative Haw- ley i reclected in Texas Vincent Boering is ciated un the Eleventh hen: tacky district aud Samuel J. Pogh sabily elevted in the Ninth Kentucky. The section of ergs M. Davidson in the Pignto entaky » in dotdd with chaioms ve pony ia Javor of his elec tion Advices from Marviand show that we lave viectod fone representa tives certainly of thee delega. “Nineteen mynlers tion from New York sate and ] more will be Hep tlicans. LF. orm of the Fomnih New York district Brookiyn 1s the only fnember we have elected in Greater New York, The election of Cochran is the Nineteenth New York and of Mahspy in the Thirty-second Buffalo distret—is in doubt. From Peninsvivania we have thus far meeived meager mteturns, bus the iodicalicns are that we have sus tuined bosses thers. hirkpaetrick of the Exghth district smd Aroold of the Twenty: eighth sein to have been de fenterd. Unofficial advices from west 3 Ae tel ern states show that we have morethan beld our own and my oonviction is that we shall contr the house by a safe majority, probably sot far from the figures which I gave cut last week. ™ The figures referred to by Mr. Bab cock were contained in his prediction Jority over all of abou 35. To The Assuciated Pres Secretary Kerr said: **The Repatilcans Bave ost control of ihe bouse of tatives. We will bave from 198 to 190 members and will organize the house of the Fifty. sixth congress. The majority of the opposition will bu from 15 to W over the Republicans and perhaps more. Our advices indicate Deinocratic gains in some of the states as follows: “Alatwna, &: hinds, 5 Iowa, | Kentucky, Muryiand, 2, Massa 2; Missouri, 2; New Jerwey, 2. New York. #; Namib Carolina, §; Penn. eyivania, 4; Virgioia, 3. West Virginia, 1. Thisisatctal of 31. Une district in Delaware doubtful with the chances in favor of the Democrats. In figuring a gwin of three in Vir ginia ~ecretary Reor inclodes two dis which selected Democratic con. gresauen in iN who were snseated by the present Boase, i= Califoraia. Sax Fraxvis, Nov. publican, has been elected and also the leg | Inature, but it is probaci ar i : t Democrats will congressmen | from the Seventh and Fourth districts Misouri. St. Lous, Nov, 8 Chairman Cook claims the election of the entire Demo | cratic state ticket by a plurality of 35.- 000, the election of 13 and possibly 14 : +n and the retarn of a safe | majority to the legnslatore, ensuring the re-election of United States Senator Cockrell. Will Piny a! Johnstown. The Patton Rugby foot ball team will piay the Johnstown team a game at that city on Thanksgiviag day, November 24th for $200 a side to decide the championship of Cambria county. This will be an interesting game and many Pattonites are making an effort to witness the contest. 8. —Liage, Re - » plunlity of not less than 5,000. Re publican state central commie clajma | Republica Conny Ticket is WwW. C LINGLE ELECTED; By a Majority of Abou 300 or S00. Sher . dss ate Kleeisd, The result of Cambria county up to this hour shows that the entire Repuobii- ean county ticket was elected majorities ranging from 64 0 700, T. .B. Jones, candidate for Register and Recorder, receiving the smallest ma- furiy and Stephens, for District At ¥. the largest. om Demmocratic candidates for teem. | a” dt fon ran no Jays to bay Shoes at the Bon Overcome evil with good. Overcome | your corghs sad cols wii Onis ilie, ote cough cure. It is so good children ery for it. It cores croup, bronchitis, poeumonia, grippe and all throat and lug disease. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat- ton Pharmacy. gk 7878 to buy Shiu st ti Bou “The Quotations. bers of Assembly, W. C. Lingle and Thos. Sheridan, were elected by ma jorities ranging from 300 to 500. Yothers, the independent candidate, received only about $00 votem Joseph E. Thropp, Republican candi- | date for Congress in this district, was ‘elected by 3 majority of from 2,000 to 3.000 Walters carried Cambria county by about 706 majority over Thropp. Jenks had a majority over Stone in Cambria of about 500. Swallow lst considerably as com pared with his vote for State Treasurer two years ago. It pays to buy Shoes at the Bom Ton : Besant of Pstiom Borough. Flection day in this part of the State was pleasant and a large vole was polied in Patton borough. W. OC. Lingle, for Assembly, jority over Rogers. Following is & detailed report of the voles cast; For Cwernor Republican, 212: Jenks, Democrat, 181; Swillow, Prohibition, 37; Barnes, Sodas Labor, 18 Lieglanant rE: Sowden, 21. Watkins, Ic, 18 Secrelary wt LEAR, {wvernor Artin, 0h, 1&2 N Seka, F = P Cops, 3: Theanine, = Afar faita, R., #2, Delacy. D., 181; Diukson, Pro, 19; logan, P. 2; Peters, 8 LL, 1%: Hotchinnon, Liberty, § Judge of the Superior Court Wik liam W. Porter, K.. 22; William D. Porter, RB, 2i%; Trickett, D, 204 Bower, DD. 152: Vail, Pro, 15; Huston, L.% £ Interasi Representative-at-lLarge in Congress Grow, R. 222. Davenport, R, 218, Iams, D158; Weiler, DD, 185; Garber, Pro. 18; Sharpless, Pro: : 12: Root, 8. L., 18% Congress Thropp, RK, 203, Walters, D., 192; Irvin, Pro, 17; McMahon 8 L, & Assembly Taylor, R., 174; Bogers, R., 34; Lingle, D., 244; Sheridan, D, 195; Replogle, Pro, 11; Border, Pro, 13; Yothers, Free Voters, 8. JE WANT our Tailor- Ying establishment quot- ed from one end to the other as the place for soundest qual- ities, the place to obtain great- est variety and in act, to form the basis for comparisons, the measure ¢f money's worth. See our ling of suits we are at $18 and $0 suitable for dress business, made in any style. Have a look at them before they are pieked CALL AXD SEE Us, had #0 of a ma- Prothonotary — Davis, R., 212; Shoe. maker, D., 193; Berkebile, Pro, 14 Register and Recorder —F. B. Jones, R. 2 Conrad D. 18, Weaver, Pro, 14 District Attorney Martin, D., 188 Poor House Director Thomas IL. Jones, R., 218; Leary, D., 157; Walters Pro, 14 County Surveyor W. Miler, D._, 185 Coroner Ed. L. Miller, Krise, 186. It pays to buy Too. Ses: the Stephens, BR 218; Elder, R, 21% & R.. 3; Shoes at the Boa new aad of the Keystone Clothing Co. slsewhere in the OWURIER this week. It pays to buy Shoes at the Bon Pun LE Wikon, who is working mesr eroding spent Sanday famiiy in this place. It pays to buy Shoes at the Bon Ton. Panaiua Resched New Yark New York, Nov. 9 ~The United States transport Panama frome San with his wage and iavaos, abos whose ey fears wer entertained, creating « siderable excitement, prior 0 her - rivid at Havana, arrived in quarantine. There were on board about 4X perscas, including a namber of sick men. Ordered (hiidren Out of Factores Easy Lav KEP Q., Nov. 9. — Deputy State Factory Inspector Hull has or dered 300 children of school age ous of | local factories. Difficulty is being ex- perienced in filling ther places while many schools are overcrowded The girls were employed in pottery decors | tion generally. <A BT HR A. g De Kind You fam Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA aff WOHBK i AaBANTEFD STOVES, STOVES, STOVES, Heating and Cooking. You may be in need of a stove If so you'll find the Tagen stock and owest pricen at th PATTON HADHIAE bl. PJ DIETRICK, Man Yeager B'ld'g, Patton, Pa. A full line of all kinds of General Hardware, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work. DON'T bay a Stove an you have seen our stock asd Ve ared about the LOW PRICES. These coats are the same strie as shown in the picture, amd are made of aliwoo! Beaver, with four rows of silk stitching down the from: they are half Boed with satin and have the small dainty Set vey so much ma vo ties year. can be had m colors of — TY hey and black. These garments are ow Mail Order Special number two” and represent unsua! value at GABLE & CO. 1320-2 AND 1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. Pennsylvania's quickest mail onder house. » figures Globe, be a shoted a result was in It pays to buy Shoes at the Bos action is unequalled. Sold by J. BE. Kirk Hardware ] i
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