AL THE PHP DEAD {LL YIELD. CPAIN Ugited Ttiten Will Refund fer the Mone D2. pended in Improving the Istands No War Debt Assumed, i iT Porto Rico ced d and Cuba free, the American peace smmmissioners are How eomeidering the Philippines, the jas pd most important question resulting yom the war ; ~The American commissioners Mon- dny presented a written expression of the purpose of the United States 0 take the entire group of Philippine is. lends and to assume such proportion of the Philippine debt ax ham been Heir inhabitants, in public works. iro plovements and permanent bellod- ments. The reading disclosed the fact that the United States government had deo ‘tirmined to possess for itaeil ceriain trritory and parts of nnd bounded by gad lying within such parallels of ati ude and jongitude ax mark the Jimits the Philippine archipalago. Phe Xnited States do not purpose assume fn the Philippine debt of $40.00 6 but they are willing to be responsible to Spain for a sum of money equal to the actual expenditures by Spain in the Philippines for the advantage of the islands and for the good of their Pp , for permanent Dbetterments tor tmprovements, both physical i and mental. FEACE COMMISSION) While the United States have dealg- pated “pacific expenditures’ as those they will reimburse to Spain, the pre- _ gomtment of tha American commission. es did pot demand either a schedule ‘ot an inventory of the same from thg . Bpaniards. But the suggestion natur- wily raises an inquiry as to the kind and quantity of Epain's “pacific expen- _ @itures” in the Philippines, and some light may be given on that matter There is considerable traffic beiween the isiands, and some time ago & Kys- pain set out to supply this and pro- Jected 43 lighthouses. Of these she has already consttrocted 17 of the first class And 16 of the second. What they nost ¢ not yet known here, but in American aters those of the first class cost from to $250.00 each, so that, on rage basis of the minimum cost in United States, Spain's 33 light. ses may represent an outlay of in t barracks for 4,000 men NOW oC 4 by American troops, the cost of ich is not * nabie. At Cavite Spain has built a nnval station, which, before It was sacked by the natives, was said to be squal to the fare Island station, and may be worth L500.000. Whether or not the last two ems can be strictly designated ‘'pa- gifie expenditures” must be determined in conference, but the lighthouses, wa- tr improvements, barracks and naval tates an the owner of the Philippines, are deemed worth a fair price. in has also built some school which the Americans are \wil- bn 10 take o¥er at cont. Mantle though hot Without. some fltent # : ut #oroe encon ot impatience and surprise the financial suggestions in the American presentment, and firally d until Friday ¥ to consult the Ma- I government and make reply. The States will not shoulder will enter no further pro- have ns hasnt to 0 bkniards ech and depression that. consistent. th these dispatc at the time, were grave ¢ ts as to the con. rt of these slatements Is the grievously shaken, even if ¥i had unseated Senor Bagasta's governs terns “or conditions. ifferencen, if any existed, regard- pris Rice and the selection of the WOULD NOT RECEIVE ABVICE. Holds Shafter Responsible fir Low of Life at Santiago. igudier General A. W, Greely, chief al officer, has presented to Hecre- er his report of the operntions 1¢ Bignal 8s during the recent xith Spain. Si eral Greely strongly comnends se of the war balloon, and declares t its utility was thoroughly demon- ted, Concerning the criticiem made je balloon operations at Santiago, ¢ Signal Corps bai- fon had his horse shot under him previous reconnaisance cf the ‘General Greely says that “the Bignal Corps falled to receive from Major General Shafter in his original report ‘even a notice that it participated in the ‘Santiago campaign.” At the | gregational ministers of Chicago the other day, C. H. Howard, formerly In- dian inspector under President Gar- field, attempted to justify the Indians of Leech Lake for their recent out- ‘brea , saving that the government had broken fal with them, and that nited Staies deputy marshals were in habit of distributing whisky ng the Indians and then arresting & dr ps8. The Indians, he said, after being arrested, were token from 30 to 100 miles from their homes for trial, as the fees derived ‘from the arrest and conviction of an Indian were about $30, ent for the benefit of the islands or | to the Tinited | 8 debt and the Spanish com-. i ment, i pounds and the gun 33.600 pounds. - Chijcagn, Chicag o around the globe L800 miles. Guam. were arranged by a tanging. | government, | decided to grant a revisiof | Dreyfus case, and will institute a sup NEWS ITEMS. The peace Ht fast week YT hiiadeiphin $105.4 Troops Have oft Camp Mendy Pa, for southern camps. Elaven girls of Dunellen, N. J, have formed a foot-ball team An earthquake shock pagsed ayer toe city of Ontario last Friday. Thos. J. Jenkins, a builder of New York City, has failed for $1,083 430, The Fourth Ohio regiment has sailed from Ban Juan, Porto Rico, for home, port Montsarrat, which carried troops The vessel which Is to carry Gen Rianco back fo Spain is now on her way to Havana, seumed the position as the Paris the American Hine, The Japanese ministry could not the cabinet resigned The great sugar refineries of Havemeyers may be transferred from | Brookiyn to Virginia. Three distinct sarthonake shocks were falt in Cleveland lnet week. Each shock was of 10 seconds duration A fall of 3% ent to the bottom of a mine epused the death of Rudolph Neanmann at Sitka mine Unge a few dave ago John F. Cavie a and killed at Nt John Doerr, another private. row, Moonshiners and informers are al war in Cleburne county, Ark, The governor has decided to call out the militia. : Chinamen of Philadelphia organized Monday night and formed a contingent known as “Uncle Sam's Chinese Naval Bessrves.'' Hasing's sawmill, having a capaci. ty of 390.000.0060 feet per year was de stroved by fire at Vancouver, B. C, a few days ago. A gun taken from the deck of the * private. was shot Louls Sunday, by from Consul Williams George Moore received a sentence of # yrcars at Forth Worth, Tex. the other day. He was charged and con vieted for train robbery. A cablegram received at the navy de- partnmnt Tuesday announced the ar- rival at Bahia. Brazil, of the battic- ships Oregon and Jowa. Miss Byivia Coffin, of Sewickley, Pa, a Red Cross purse in Cuba during the war, died in New York of fever contracted in the fisld. Halt the population of Chicago is suffering from influenza. Opin and damp street cars, doctors say, are largely responsible for the epidemic George A. Btesl and George A Steel's Company, of Portland, Ore, have petitioned to be declared bank. pup. Assets, $150.000; Liabilities, $4i1- Nikola Tesla, the famous New York electrician has perfected apparatus by which it is possible to transmit electri city jong distances without the use of wires, Grange, Ind, a few days ago. pelleved that she is being held for a ransom The steamer IL. RB. Doty. with her wen to have been lost in the great storm on Lake Michigan off Kenosha, Wis, Inst week, officials at Washington that a8 number of lepers have escaped the American immigration inspectors and are now in the United States, Fev. Samuel Muichmore, D. D., one of the most prominent ministers in the Presbyterian church, of Philadelphia, died Sunday from Kidney trouble. He was §9 yenrs of age. Private Charles Paul, of Philipsburg. Pa. was killed by an express train at Tyrone, as he was preparing to board another train for the Phi Jubfles last Wednesday. The Walker Manufacturing Co of Cleveland has furnished the first of the eleven gun carriages for the govern carriage weighs 107,000 While intoxicated, John Starling de- manded admission to the home of Fred Kieser. another farmer of Teil Clty, Ind. When Starling began to fores the lock, Kisser killed him with a sho gun, HH. Darwin Mcliraith and hin wife, o arrived In New York sat week from Southampton, Eagland, having completed a whesiing four fram of neariy 30.- Mrs. Quinn, »f Pittsburg, to & crisp. Alien D. Candler fu: a speech he made a plea for stata a tendency in favor of The court of cassation in France haa af Thi court, plementary inquiry. Bow of Dreyfua ter. Masa last Monday Money, to have been used in making it possible for pith to escape. tention of BE. Werner's Lumily to the York a few days ago. All escaped with thelr lives and the build- ing was completely destroyed, Naval constructor Hobson toid the caval bureau chiefs at Washington that both th: Spanish cruisers Viz- cayn and Colon can be raised at a cost of perhaps 3500000 each. He also said the Merrimac and Reina Christina can be saved, Terrific storms have swept Macedonia, dob of dam and causing considerable joss of life In one instance & caravan, Hyver all were drowned. at San Pranciscn Bunday from 8: Michaels, brings important news of the Arctic whaling fleet The catih up te October 16 was one of the Targest on recard retreseniing on Bera shout JL EE. war department, now southern camps expects io its work in another week, fnspecting methods of a large packing house in Indianapaodis. A family a! fn which a cat's paw was found. not listen to very favorable at Chickamauga, Cols. Frank Baldwin and RB. UE. lLsonard testified there has been bad water, incompetent nurses and medicine in the camp. Crver 70 Spaniards dled on the trans. The auxiliary cruiser Yale has again | af i A sgloon | Reina Christine at Manila has areived | S00 0 0, at Flochestor, nN Y. The gun in & gift ] fijeyw ad Pasha, form typhoid | Vershy Frazier a four-year-old girl, | was Kidnapped from her home = La | t iwi crow of 15 men, in believed by maring ladeiphia | [T6E EMPEROR ENTERS JERUSHLEN A ROYAL WELCOME. German Byler Received With Uremt Pomp by the Dips taries of the Haly Cly 31 sity {re Scene of the Cruvihotion, Emperor William aeceompanisd by the empress Samday made bh feime pha} sutry inte the elty of Jerusalem The approach of their iwrman in prrial majesties to the city was made ehrough triumphal srehes and amid banners gariands amd ever RUTOWIDE érowds. dap aving in every way theo in the | William and Emme in® i Gernany : I opvantinonie A warning has coms to the treasury | LE Pew Ta & emthusiasm and Selight The formal entry through the Jaffa pate was heralded by the roar of guns From the tawer of Dravid a Agusta Vi Fd Ob arid OW Livi» in procesded on fou ing. to the Church of the Holy Sepui cher, (resk aml Armenian ! : whose satrisrchs presented eilnglsing the tian of Willtam, who has a conferred orations on the patriarchs Their majenties then prix fh £iarman Firoangelioal geet o Bore the pastor presented an addres Why addres diy So a genera] inmination of the oly, a display of reworks Pmperor Wililam snd the white at the Church of the Holy 8 cher. visited the various portions SOT Af the scenes of the oryeifixion return from the charch was the fon for another outburst of enthusiaon, palms branches strewn along the way and the cobb eT | atdnes ald with carpets The imperial pair also attended Wery- |, py ioe at the Evangsitonl Chorch in Beith. | Ten tele, afterward paving a Vist 10 the | Narivity PX CIPRO Ia if the Church After Forletis cently Turkish governor of Crele jeave the imperial Eigite It ia rapored that this Ww due 10 anme urpleasantinees. Emperor Willem bas Fasha, Tarkish ambassador to Ger many, wha was among the Bligh mt peror amd empress in Constantinople Yesides costing bankrupt Turkey 3 WAG, will touch the emperor's kethonk to the tune of ssvaral milton marks His entire bosiyguard supplied with new white uniforms ape clally designed for this one trip, the us ual ones used ia hotiest weather In Cermany being consldared too An extra gala uniform for each soldier was made in addition to this for the imposing and spectacular affair kKaisorin ordered a proat number of fiottem for the journey, searty frvge sande in Pleriin fort iert pm sy Tedhing of halwer's thonsnndoandoone aniforma, take up fabulous room Theres are haxes altogether thoes for dress bel treme tansy Tong aR sgeh own uriform must ie at fall ie filda Placards denouncing the sxtraordi- fry sams of money spent by the Sul a8 entertaining the smperct nave been posted In Ox The mney, 1M pin af Mohametan pov and empress f ¥¥t Boo {EF eae been # ar E33 i at, same aul The emperor Hany Hoty land They have abandoned thar frip to Jerieho swing to the European onmplivalions and it is also believed they will fst go 4 Their majesties Monday attended the vonsec ration of the Church of the deemer The coremomy, in which natives took 4 leading pari was most impressive, MINISTRY OVERTHROWN. Cer French Cabinet, house of deputies to Vole An expression of confidence in Fremier M. birisean, & recess the feelings of the termes led the pent up storm broke in fury over the government and ihe rosigna- thon folio ad having quarreled with her husband, saturated y | her clothing with ofl and applied 8! match last Sunday. cried to be saved but she was burned ever. has declined to order the release | : | pellant creatures are using all their i : rtp kp ; SNE ine John Reed. a famous “green goods” | Mie to incite their male companions | swindler, escaped from jail at Worces. | of ee ap. ha 5 which be had considerable iu beileved | tins Is #0 complete that M. Rriseon docs The woman than rights, saying there was too much of | the Federal | {in any disturbance that artes The most significant feature in the the | Tie shrieks of a parrot calisd the at.’ ation throughsul the city, awd | afforded to asst in Marchand's with. i : . ! dra wal by whidheVer route selected Pat the citadel where the Tarkish band | ? $ Agrees on a minister of sducotion and i played the German anthem g ! Cer pong [date Axed for his withdrawal P= 1 sarily Emperor Saturday a reception was held at the | {perpen comsgiate and Ate there was | with | ni af the #acred shrine and spent 19 minutes Their and (apt, pormiar | Marchand » bhadnig | i France, : Age sow attached ro the persan of Braga ar Witham as a spodial regresintatine ¢ i of the muitan, will Cand an meaning that France ix aboul {a r of the : nffoer of : position at Fashods, sent his portrait in betitiants to Tea fix | mean dignitaries that received the em. | The plierimage of the German ruler | ¥ i I Karta rur de Sad Pow i were jd uhan appointment |W warm. entry nto Jerpsulern, which ans a Voryg 2 The ; Un dfevalen thelr program Ail: the: 5 iis a 35% 3 ars RIN to avobi |p ter ded Bu i a Toe Hikely are cariaiing thelr viet 16 he L s¥ heath hehises have at different times Lo pan ine reagent standing army Byrif. | wre will command the srmy in Cubs, Be | anys that to bring order out of chaos RHE & the i wil be needed i wis f vieves of the sdministration Enemies of Dreyfus Reioice over the Pali of the | AS the result of the failure of the Pago by a guedr mistake {reading a newspaper the French cabinet Tuesiuy resigned | thelr portfolios and left the chamber | amid a tumuil of applause or derision from friend and foe. The entire session | was stormy, and during an enforesd piembers seemed but to gather strength and bit. A When the cnamber reassemb. Thess sverntn following ench other ao rapidly have caused a tremendous sony © the toes of Dreyfus are wild over their vi. | siive with Are tory. The boulevards are excitement while the roadways F eopstantly patrolled by detachments of / was inaugurated an governor of Georgia last Saturday. {pearance of being. as it virtually is in the Bepublican Guard and infantey The city bears all the optward ap & state of siege. Crowds of peopde are wovern moving restlessiy ahout, ready 19 join | appearance of a large number of fana- tical viragos the apostolic successors of those who played such a part in the ammane. These flerce. unkempt, re to avert acts of violence, The cleavage { wion and {| diseussion can be proceeded with, | preme court of Canada, ara GREAT BRITAIN'S TERMS. Prance Must Withdraw Her Troops Prom Pa sheds. Marchant May Remain Ase Vaitor, Great Britain has determined pot to aliow the French io role in Africa and the af the cabinet in regnrd io ind and the Prench gaaboadl can be supmymarized arin tion, Mar new at PB fiilawa First Marchand must he withdrawn unconditionally and ne undertaking or promise can be given to dizcuss girestinhs raised by France in regard to access te the Nile and such Hike, mecond.- When Marchand is with Arawn it will be determined whether the questions raised admit of discus. under what sonditions f Pewstes ag § Brae the Third Fvery possible facility will be Fourth~ If Murchand > 18% drawn there wlll with hix remaining i not with. ha po interference At Pashoda, Ws roinfarcsments will not be per. sitiad tn reach him He sill be treated sanrieously. as oa foreign Visitor ary will Be reganted in no other light Fifth Ther iota left fo Francs adept WW MSARNTYs to pres tate confine ” Gapetie adds that o pu good reason to believe that while has eonnmseiled Francs tide ver the difeulty and avold war, she | vi promised fo throw her weight in Be meals wr po distant dats for the sprpase of hripgion the whole Egyp- jan anvestion asd the Heitish occupa tie of Kgypt to the front for seitis. por The ru ia 0 “¥¥ ford Kitehener of Khartoum Baegiier the begrer of Mad Fashosla report arrived Fram Alexandrin. Egypt. a1 Marssiilos Wednenday During the You Mears dined together and conrsreed an the cumtoms of and peoples each had met “airs sarpeapandent of the Ton | Praity Mall telegraphs 2A 1 x Gen the Twa Sp 3¥ 5s CHET LIRA & curios | withdraw roam Fashoda | way he tegehed if af Mater Marchand, af KEartoarm on Flevp! Bs taken in spatial tay the hig | Fng- arrival fey vay in {aire ves petire gracefully from the diepgredd | RELY ON AMERICA, Cubans Ready ts Distand and Place Themselves | at the Dienossi of tie United Sesto at Havana frigm) Cuba say that a majority of the representatives of the Catan army at the meetings held there | in favor of Sesotution of the | fmsyrgent povernment and the af a chnunisston tH ge 1 askington for the purposs of thank. | # tha American government for its | iprarveption in favor of the CUnbans Advices paced Wy fay 1 at the disposition of the Washington authorities so ke to enable the jatter withoat any Rindrance Pha Cubans are alas wald 15 af the disbandment of the Arivy abun fmibfers whe will probally ste at Marisneo aver by Manne! Ba ¢ tam Jl with fever for Sonfoeas oh Bis 3 fae ny Worr fame. A Larger Standisg Army, retary Alger in his annual report sabbent will eecomnend an tha standing army, and i will suggedt THONG an the jirast, The lenders Pais FEY Tie auimber of Wien reg fuvnra ble 1 Cnty. [aw expressed themasives as in Cuba Ma men will be revpuived, while is Parts Riva from 50M 10 19 iW) Chatrman Hull, of the somirnities on military affairs a bill embodying ihe hasise formulate Smothered in a Folding Bed. : Patrick Dillon, of Brookiyn, killed | rin Ave-monthe’ old nephew a few days {tiling wan | in Rin mieter-in- tas Bedroom The paper Was #0 iamge and the room so small that Dil | lam felt rramyped. He made room by | putting up the folding head Half an hur later hin sister-in-law Came ne maby Frank. dion had not “ify wan in the folding bad mother lon apened the sad The lifeless hauly of the | Iritlon tu looked up charged with fae # f poamicide Large Sum kr Danes. Tha Peruvian government has asked gangrene 10 Yute the sum af 30a to! pay the claim of Victor Ho Mari ord conker Spent of the nited States al Arequiva. Peru in INAS agains the! rent far damages sustained by reason of imprisnament during vovaiutionary outhreak, in merosilanee with the award of the Ri -Hon Samuel Henry Strong. president of the sue the Omar Keposition Closed. Transmississipp! and Interna. romal Exposition at Omaha, web closed last Tuesday Reventy-five thousand people crowded the grounds The grand total in attendance in the | he 24 Ave months will exceed 280000 Some ot ween the military and eivil authori. | not feel certain that troops could be | | relied upon to quell any serous turbu- i emew } Abvut mudnight & mob of members of the Patriotic League smashed the | windows and glass staircase of a shop t fact thal the house was on fire al New | narrowly | an enormous amount | epson consisting of 47 persons and 100 horses. | was engulfed in the River Galilee and | ing a remittance will conlinue his | The steamer Portland which arrived gitar ins round pum- i buat The Investigating committee of the i fre complete | ! gan; 3 PRtafford an Willams Dr. Davis, a member of the Indinna Stafford and McWilliam state health board is investigating the | Fountain ¢ City. Ind. claim to have eaten sausage | that | an insufficient supply of | AREA pe Hr whose owner i# said to be a Hebrew, al the corner of the Hue Auber and the Rue Boribe, Basker Robted by & Nogress Ramon Basail teller of the Mexican Nationa! bank City of Mexico, was robbed of $4.09 in drafts on American banks a 3.00 Mexican bill, $0 In American money and a number railroad tickets by a pegress atl tion to the Union station. Mr Basal inspecting the banking systems. pow without a cent, bal aller receiv {ane Vessels Lost, The ie ow ldeh af Thursday at CUklcagy af Aisaster bo the thar» was nw vas of the oral! missing Aberdeen, oct schoaner fleet Toms of file grain Chilean jieabik. grain from i ———— a ———_ an Looked Inte tie Barre! of a Gun. Bertha Vaich, the d-yvear.old Pter of Eit Veach, shot aid Kiled be a few days age at Middlehope, N Y The children were plaving with a re- volver which thay had found was looking in the barrel of the weapon { when Bertha pulled the trigger. The bullet tore away a portion of the child's { head and she died instantly. af ; . St. | Louis of whom: he inquired the direc. “is making a tour of the United States, | He ia: C pther parts Whi not Di begun Wednesday | Dntpht continged most ’ Trarsday brogght a long dat © daugh- | o The war investigating committee did playmate, Mabel Warren, aged § years. | ! reports | last Tuesday concerning Camp Thomas | Mabel | iF thing over SOM 0 remain to be divided among the stockholders, A fraction : feas than $2006 0 have been reorived ard $1000 don pape ded i Largs Boi Contracts Secured. The Stirfing Baller Company, of Dar. berton. ¢), has entersd into a contract with the Cramps of Philadelphia, to make all the hollers for the ships they may burld in the next ten years The Arat arder ta for the 2aew Japaneses cruiser. and involves 350.000. The | works of the Sturling company. which | were recently enjnrged, will be | soubled in capacity OUR NEW POSSESSIONS Vach discharged Spanish soldier re- ) maining in Cuba will be paid $20 by en. Blanes. Poenniioes negroes from Haiti and; oermitted tir and in Santiads When the Ivins BOW Man 3 wild 3 % y* ry on route arrive | Pave at his ity sduient advertising the Yo oMgvana world no amb A van. | 8 shows the following | from | yo Delta. lumber fram Chebov: | ow ; Chivags: | ia removing al af Havank they amd thew asy un RIT een {ER ss asvigm for the bupep we be Mazarra vane st Havas as naged. The reonths sho tenths out roma of £ that thes patlienls, The hospital ship Miare : airehase of whic x car department | s pegaotiatingd With the Massachusetts | Auxibary Ahi asswiation will, when | aciuined by the department be sent around to the Pacific for duty at the Philippine islands. y Bay thaw Ended Higfes Jeon operating (hem since § sperator : word I Known and in worthless Malor Marchand hos bean | ! instrume rite Po eivil business was i Those Searching foe © 1 deemed i arxiety I perinents { permbtisd | hwy yale CC Baoarataries of ¢ eho ithe Tone i ernment } infection by resiulring an official per. | § mit for such experiments, which, Jt is ¢ clmimnesd shold Be pastricted to Sed | to raise the battleship Maine Pan pany eaiee the Maine and hring wer to this i i Ew PT hanes] : Poses wi og I geone i wha | foreign lnnds, to set apart und slimerve | of November, | {as a day of national thanksgiving. to ft thanks to ang | 3 i 4 ssid io rs, i us Unis first number was iad Saptem- Lui 13 STH THAIN AR pe os ie RA Smain Comtroiind AN the Lines in the island and Tuened Them Over 10 the United States Primitive [ostroments An intere fynariment in Gov sEnment ov : f telagraph lines tof in Pudete Rica the test witli dome iY OF faliany of the af demignd Govern. ment ownershin of ratironds and tee. graph The Snanish government ovwnat ev ery {portant line on the inland and sven exacted a povally from poefions Raving private nes When the Span- tah evacuated Puerta Blea all the gov: srament Hoes were turned over fo the fyenvral Brookes placed fdeutenant Colonel Glassfaord of ithe Rignal Carpe. In change, and he stalled Mears and men of his LTE fhe rebagraph offices an The Hnoe, contra of ithe candgetsd in i in the 0 aepinally under the War wpartmont, are mach the agmie manner jonging (0 corporations mraten Fvery % $x L354 Affe 4 Noire arrer Privisie Aa in nes sages anit proEs ¥ is same of the telegraph companies in the government business | The operators are | snpbmit statements to Lieu | oan | pnited Bratew al) iz ivan preference yaausirewd to tengnt Colonel iasssford. who pares and checks the day's husinesa The facilities for tolegraphing Wers af the mos: primitive cngirgiter. The Epaniash operators pecdived froam the obi vegtister and tape nee pracieally ane ha inetrgrnentd were antiguas any Wl ane ee for erations dure GH CH Corum Bas made freien ars given the War ders appliances a is pte] affleey Ww £ vhief nited States army time the froneral XA Crronly, that up to the present i of improving tae service has been roe | f atrietall to | rocensititon Hpes that were military Ofess from taken hays heen nfs 1 the ign that thers Business AY Dw through warn aRlion ignarance no Lhe of Bpanish customs amd jaagoage by the | American onerators ABsut 0 men of the Ripnal Corps are now employed in this WET hie of Ameritas cusioms it numba will be materinily increased, Cates fe JiRely to be aghisctod (Oo sey. Paral experiments of this kim, Land to par Iheinseives unennditfonally i Od Ack ga a GERMANE FRIGUTENED. in Bechwprion. » There hax inn Herliin awing Team Viens FES constdara ble tes plague ‘and ihe Dubey 1 ae seen wilay that na exe Yienpa bad haratarive wie iret Tare the IMangeroty expe 11s Hie ANNHIBTe Ne aed are still &% pumber of the go Fauna Pel ¥i1 Asati in pe adn ia the iva Ia siveratliey and pris germs sheers, (he gov prevent {alder RKoeh and Ramee tial NYReN to taxe measures 1h ally imointed buildings MAINE MAY BE RAND. { San Prascisco Company Dfers tv Aring thir Voss 1 i : the Cabanas priscn, on pretext af Dee. i ing fed thers, but they have nit been ¢ allowed to save the prison, anil to ail intents and purposes are under arrest, Twenty-one guards of this province sige presented # themes Ives at the palace tO wreck by means of streams of Water, | ! apd ther ta pass under chains and at | wark congacted | The | srl ta the United Ststes. The Acme Woeeking Company of Kan Francisca has made a request up- Len the navy department for authorit it proe | poses to Blow the mud from under the Frame steel Anka pel them In with a system of simply barrels, anthaprity IG countey. IE the government wants the ship after she veachea the Miatos the campany will want UL) sroavaedi ne sk proha Ble In case the government # thee whin the antd exhibit her in different sn af rhe alted Staten. No vai fromm The governs ny. narion iz Sit at wan wid ee Molde to be Removed ts understowsd that = grrentde ning popmnving a large number of hav - often Froom the SA service aill probably be pr sini gated $874 Pay He affeeted, iz edie ramen wha are authoriged to rae capacity. The largest there are in all over 4108 Piews Atirgocns have, iL is said, be on oinasifted under the civil seyvice ine Thanksgiving Uay Proclamation Prosident MeKinley after referring tis honored custam of Gr ARCs. spn fry petting aside a day for Natianal The tion as follows: 1 da. therefore, invite all my fellow sirigens. as well those at home a8 those may De at sen or spjourning in Thursduy, the Sth day come tompether in thelr several places fof worship for a service of praise and ped for all the blessings of the year. for the mildness | Caf the seasons and the frulifulness af | {gh anil, for the continged Ablmighey aft the people for the se af aur cauntrymen. for the gory 4 wee wivtory and the hope of a right- sip peace, and too pray the Ir. vine gaidanes which bas brought see ti safety and BaRor IRRY sEiriiand vuars 1 tiant eq tha ine fs i +f “The American x. ls four-page affair Ambrican Taper to he page, gelation, 1 Pusey accaptaad, LE &F pews reining solely to dologs of | 7 of. the d e | prsiuseiy, i ana article tells frinnedaltip esisting Hawking men, the Uial commands, Th § Eps wir sku ble bree i een planed 4 Third artillery spoken of as being like brothers WI gn In 8 vw | f has | ponarteled with a white man, or pers | i I"nited ! > has a specially detailed | RIDA Eh § meariges wong C Hackensack MCL Thm information wokwan | o practicaity | semation Mes Jackson held § Elepon re | rhe Hheriet 1 fy & $ [mastaent oiling siya : {po § ostriek which only ¢ and with the introduction | iw balleved the © fright | news givernpient poplar whieh fed | HAR : af 1 : gann to Have Lely carried on at Cstithle the most seditious and 1urbu. shaders 3 fC arapased to pay only those whis were sHtinte like Profs Vireo and | | & proposal which was refused. No cash { meitbeanent Has i fimndos, | ment, arrived at Havana amd vent to | the palpce to demand pay. fiir pele Ln pany : large hefora pwarde of #08 Ir sett inehasde oon deputy onllediors of internal rev. | herome | acting colbainrs getually serving io y clans ade | Cferted 8 the corps of examining sur- of the pension bBureaast, of Whom Cer 1,000 of | Neer : : the eninesrs, thanksgiving eonpcigdes Ris prociama- tal for the workmen, who need it is | | watehnd in Gernany. wall i sinetly ria hed oo i let Tl aud Bw pubs hel weekly, | ami no long sub- | P cAYaily AA RF 5 RACE DIFFERENCES. Wiitgh © 0d Diacks Cannot Tolerate Esch Other : gud Murdees Resin. : Capt. James Crockett, commander of am oyster boat at Warsaw, Va, was killed and his mate ‘ woaslded by a nagro cook near Catonial Peach Wednesday after a guarpsl re garding his ability as a chef ad crew peport that after the shooting the negra HWemped over board and was drowned but the supposition is that he was Hillel and then thrown overboard by the enraged opew. Lather Sulliva® and “Jim Mackay,” colored, were shot and Killed the other night in Edgefield county, Ga, by A mob. The negroes were charged with Kitlinp Mre Atkinson, a white woman, who was ahaot while sleeping beside her pushing. [|oeaches wore made by citi gene bepeing that no force be W but the mob insleted that killingt was the andy way of prescrving the Hires of whites Jsfurmation has reached New Ors leans to the fect that Henry Fluflin, of Bt, Helena parish La. was shot Sunday night for (aking the part of a pera Inbores, Johan Armsted. who wWililam Huteheson, Ruths is a white man and the fenching party was male up of white men, It seams that Arimsted Wi Patoheson were sunrrelling and stevie Hutcheson, Help and Baffin took Armsted's part the megro A CRUEL MURDER. Us Please a Step Mother Louis Jackson in Killed by an Inuses Father, Nicholas Jackson of Hacketisack, wis was sent to Trenton priscn. ast send. I peeve ten years for causing the death of his Soyvar-cld son oul, confewsst to Bheriff Herring and Uswennty Rhett Jackson while they were on thelr way 19 Trenton from with the prisaner, Om ax ®H accessory ta the murder Of her Here are Jackson's words to ‘Mie wife, whom 1 bad anly recantly warpiend. did net like laoanis omy little ¥, and we had many gquirrels about i Hie helped me to plan the mue- sind 1 was fo put the hoy an the seks 1 want to Teanwik and stood Dnear the Weat Shore Rallroad track | we sferaid to put the youngster in ths ge alive for fear he would get off him in the stomach with an fron balt and that made him une Peano In many of the offfees | { the Spanish cperators remain in onder | of § “Then 1 put him on the track fost hetan: the crossing. and waltted for a train 16 comes along When 1 was sonvinead that he was dead § went home, | fixed up the story abot my leaving the boy asleep on the hil near the tracks fo save my life. The jury Believed me and found me gulity of smnnlaughter, thinking that Louis i walked on the track and wae struck § bie | Prosecutor Stage will tabi week and pike arrangements to C muve Jackwon apoenr before thie fext [ogram! jury to testify as to Mrs. Jack- slimes Germs Most De Ss | gaa onf¥ wi dead easy” to Trenton a train, 1 at Batty connection with the plan of mur. ® RH GSMA 5. AGIA S TRO A TURBULENT SPANISH TROOPL Derwand Pay Prom Blancs and He Places Them in Prison The Bitter feeling among the Spanish triage at Havana Reainst the govern. gient for not paving them i iHCTreRs. tg daily, and menaces possibly out breaks entertaining serions Upotible, wefore long The Orden Publich cone jent serpent. AL first the government discharged. Then, after protest it of- fers ta pay all by promissory notes, hesn male, and the sities body expresses its dissatisfac- {tion openly. A few days ago 8 Irregulars, Movie from the Camajauani regi- Their at- before Gen Blanco was such that he orders them to be taken to members of thy civil femand na pean They arrived just a» the Paviltandos were leaving for Cabanas priser and met Gen. Blancas aide, wh threatened to send them there i ais. The threat had the desired effect, and they jeft the palace ‘Without : % $19; ¥ aited | further trouble, tae paid snivage muaney through condem- | cag has purelased the oremises at Aa Americas Gb Revelly installed. 1. Z. Leiter of Washington ssl Chi. Na. 1 Carlton Houses terrace, London, for hin duughter Lady Curson of Ked- testi, Vieerein of India, fur fond 0. Tha honse 1K pexi door to the risidence f ner 5 Paitvar, first lard of the x and povernnient sader ia the af eommons, Carltun | House a1 the northwest carter of St, park, is a MOw HE twenty-two magnificent residences with a’ colons nade of marble pllurs it tikes iw mame Prom Carlton house, which for. merly stood on Lhe site now Roown as Waserlen place, The jecality i one of the most exclusive in London, PATTROE; Jarman ats Work for Cabana, Wark upon the landing stage which (y heeing cotmtracted at Havana tor the disembarkation of the American troops upon their arrival was begun Mandayw Sixty Cabans of Coloned Menoeal’'s command are employed, The engineers in charge of the work way those Chbank are excelent wark- vrs Rach laborer receives compesnsg- top at the rate of $30.20 In sliver per day-a dollir in cash and Twenty canta cvpabited 10 the mess fund provided by This idea is considered a capital one, as it insures subistantial nadly. A AS AAI PATH CABLE FLASHES pn The pope will shortly issue an ens cyeltenl denouncing anarchism. The Japanese steamer Mirfagaih has been sank in collision and 8 Japanese were drowned, The big canal bill, about to be con- prosperity ; «idered. by the German diet ¢alls for devotion and : an expenditure of #00.000.0080 Marks. Five more Mussulmans, convicted of sain part in the massacre wf British wildiers, September 8, were hunged in iret, The official relations between Russia and ‘Ienmany are hecoming ruffed, the visit of Emperor WitHam to Pales- vives being taken as an effort to under. Ipussian infuence in Turkey. French orisis is anxiously In the Fashuda German government as the German newspapers disse aides with Great Britain, as firirish dominion over the Soudan is y he in every respect Detlsr for {rman Interests, wapecially from a commercial standpant The smperor aml empress of Ger. many arrived at Haifa, Palestine, last The town was decormted every houses {ying German Turkish flags Turkish troops the streets, amd the band of a regiment played the German as the emperor and empress sata The question the HE harsiday. fined anthem fa nded.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers