(EYSTONE CLOTHING CO. i CHANGE OF TIME. AN EXTENSIVE | PRIVATE PARK Suits $18 90 and apwrds Bear in ne is Rumored That a Change of Sehednle Owned by Alexsoder Blilmyer in Montour mind our woolens come direct frons the : Will be Mads on the Bech Crock. County, milla, are cut and made by os for style, A rumor, which appears to have con- Geo. B. Good, whose residence is at prices, fit and service. They can’t be Gieaned Here and There by siderable foundation, is current to the Immense Contract by A. E. Lock Haven, and who bas large busi. beat. DisxMoxe Bros. ses Reporter. effect that a decided change will be Patton. of Curwensville. ness interests in Patton, this week ot : Ls the Courier” po Rn he Ha Oe EE -ms enjoyed a visit at the home of Alex. YOU invite disappointment when you | departare of the Beech Creek pass a ander Bilimyer, near Washingtonville Sxperiment. DeWit's Little Hay BORO. LIGHTS FLACED. enger trains Nos. 37 and 30, which QUICKEST ON RECORD. Montour county, Pa, who is the pos- (Risin ate pleasant, easy, SHofugh : 3 ee littie pills. They cure constipation: and arrive in Patton at 10:25 p.m and senor of one of the most extensive sick headache at. a8 4a take Ther Will be Distributed in ail Parts of departs at 5 o'clock a m. respect Was 2.013 Fort Long and Completed in private parks in this coantry. Mr. them : c 2 Hod Jo an you the Town. ively. It is stated that No. 37 will a Five Monta. Good is to be envied in having the Pha ai odgician, " i Patton, Pa, Oct. 21.—In pursuant to arrive in Patton at 2:00 p. m. and that A. E Patton, of Corwenaville, who honor of receiving an invitation to Armany. ‘a call by President Monteith Patton No. 30 will depart at 6:30 a m., making Das the contract for the construction spend a few days at Mr. Billmyer's Th p Q { of a i 0 D S . Borough Council met in special session the same connections with the B., RB & of a large portion of the Allegheny and home as it is an ideal lodge for any this evening for the purpose of taking Pp. railway at Clearfield and practically Western railroad, an extension of the person who is interested in wild animal ! action on lighting of the streets of the (he same connections st Williamsport Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg railway, sport and it behooves the writer to ‘borough by electricity. The following with the Phuladelpiin & Heading rail. rusniog from Punisutawney to New give a brief description of bis anique | members were preseni as per roll call: way for the east, Castle, Pa, informed the COURIER rep. possessions, which he has spent many ‘ Hubbard, Scheid, Anderson, Jones and. [f the change is made, which will resentative, while in town Friday, years to make perfect. ‘Blair. In the absence of President ‘ no doubt take effect November 13th, it that the work of constraocting the large Mr. Bilimyer lives on a romantic and | Monteith, Councilman Sclieid acted a8 will be met with much favor by the tonne] near Punxaitawney was com beautiful farm of 430 scores, which is president. i traveling public as well as the ruilrosd pheted Tuesday, The tunnel is 2,317 well cultivated, He has always bad a On motion of Hobbard and seconded employes interested from the fact that feet long and the time coustructing it particular fondness for wild animals : by Anderson, it was unanimously car- the hours of arrival and depurinre of Was exactly five memthe, which is con- and from boyhood has been an ex. visit our store « at this iried that Bargess Prindible be in- the trains would be more convenient in sidered the fastest record ever known perienced hunter and takes this £ " year should Dr Enea strocted to respectfully request the the transaction of business aloag the in railroad tunneling. method of gratifying himself by enter. gS besides Dru '$ if | proper officials of the Fennsylvania line as well asin Patton, The Cover In speaking of the work being done taining many of his friends at his ave > seen previous TL ‘Railroad company to piace a light on jg speaking for all when it says that it by Mr Patton the DuBois ourier says: pleasant home. His park comprises 33 : Magee aveaue near Fourth avenue at would be 8 good move and everyone “This is the largest toonel on the acres (the same size of the Zoological their expense. lon the line will be gind to hear of 50 of the Allegheny and Westeren Garden at Philadelphia. [te entrance E WANT our Tailor- % On motion of Hubbard and seconded | railroad. The tannel is in charge of is directly opposite his house. It is ing establishment guot- : sellin of Pure he by Jones, it was unanimonsly carried Excitement ai Flariabarg Engineer RB. 1. MeOnlioh, an experi surrounded by a meshed wire fence, farin iy 1 or careful nding | that the borough take ten lights for Priday evening a tramp, giving his enced tunnel engineer, who built for which is nine feet high. Seven acres of ed sTon : Che ei to the on ier riptions pean _ | borough purposes distributed as fol- home at Rochester N. Y., who had the Beech Creek railroad the two the enclosure is composed of an a5 the piace or soundest qual- § of our pr lows, and that the Borough Solicitor be heen emploved ‘at odd jobs around known as the Friendship asd Hoyt orchard, the products of which is de. l1€53, the piace to obtain great- ps h i had 1 instructed to draw up a contract in: Ebensburg for several days, went into tonnels, : So voured by the inmates of the park. ext variety and mn act, ta form we ive AMPIC | yocordance with the motion and sab. the store of James M, Thompson, a The construction of the tunel is in The remainder of the park is a forest the basis for cc nparisons, the to exercise. good Liste mit same for action at the next regular prominent merchant of that place, and charge of Benoett, Talbott & Smith, of of its primitive state, composed of oak, -~ . - . : F< i - : rt] r meeting of Council: asked the proprietor to change some Ciresnsburg, Pa., who are men of large hickory and beech trees, which have measure of money's worth. One on the corner of Magee and | i money for him. While Thompson was ax perience all three being practical raii- occupied the grounds centuriew A See our Hine of suits we are offerin Fourth avenues, ‘making the change, the tramp pro- road buliders, and in this work they running steam posses through the 38 EIS ang $50 nl dish sud One on the corner of Fifth and Joced a botiie of nitrie acid and quick. aT® utilizing ove of the most couiplete park, which supplies water for the , at them before they are picked Magee Avenues. | silver an threw it in Thompson's face, ‘and thoroughly equipped tonneling ponds contained therein, which wre over. One on Magee avenue between the evidently with the intention of blind. Plants io be had, filled with edible fish. The animain ALL AND SEE US rallrond crossing and Donnelly’s ing him and robbing the store. Thomp- “To give an ica of the perfect confined in the park are composed af | > ¥its ANA DLE - | bridge. | son's face was severely burned, though Method and saperior organization of deer, elk, wild turkey and squirrels Dinsmore Bros., One on Mellon avenne, above Mell ‘bis eyes, being protected by glasses, the work at this poant, it will only be He has 32 head of deer, and they have ; an on's old hotel property. | were not injured. The tramp himself DeCessary to state that the tonpel been collected from this and other PATTON, PA. One on the corner of Fifth and Kerr | was badly burned, snd instead of car- Was driven entimly by compressed States for the purpose of increasing the 11 WORK GUARANTEED avenues. 'rying out bis burglarious intentions, AF, the compresscr plant, which is lo. siae of the strain. There is one family | One on the corner of Fifth and Paimer | made a break for a doctor's office, Oated at Fordham, consisting of one in the herd which has produced a STOV ES, avenues, where he was shortly afterward ar. [PRerwoll-Sergeant und three Laidlaw. prodigy of 15 in four years 1st, | One on corner of Sixth and Palmer rested and placed in jail. The tramp's Dunn-Gordos compressors, which sap. Among the animals in Mr, Billmyer's the Avenues ' rea} name could not be learned. ply 1850 cubic feet of free air per park, perhaps none give more he STOV E S, One on Beech avenue, near Dennis Mest Sarhet Chasges minute. The air is conducted to the ment and entertainment than iM tunnel by a pipe line and supplied at a squirrels. They number about Bs 2 n Trursday an wuek oh TAK Gistance exceeding one mile The and are all of the gray family. They Ee : RET, TAR Deen conductitg & pench and all heading material was wont allow a red sijusirrel on the prem. i = | meat market business in Patton for the | 1... qied and losded . cars in the iss. Black, Fogliah, Gray, Fox and STOVES, One on comer of Fourth and Mo P™™® three years, leased the same to, by specially constructed Barn. Traveling Squirrel have ail been placed | Intyre avenues. Martin Johnson, formerly 8 member of py (novels, operated by compressed in the park, but scarcely a representa Heating and Cooking. One on corner of Sixth and lang the firm of McCall & Johnson, pro ‘air, and Ingersoll-Hergoant drilis were Live of any of them remain, they hav- : avenues, or Swede church alley. prietors of the People's Meat Market, | nmed for all mining. ing been driven cut by the graceful a cals, GC il then adj i to meet at who will look after the wants of the | “The material was removed from the Eray, who is monarch of the manor. | You may be in need of a Stove. If | next reguiar meeting night, Monday, | {rade at this stand, located opposite . ...\, ty two 13-ton Porter locomot- | The wild tarkeys, about 100 in nam. * you'll find the largest stock and | the Commercial hotel. Messrs. Wm. d. ber, are from this State. M and dod] lowest prices at the | McCall and B. E. mer are now the) 20? 2 either gn The tunnel is eo, Mary lighted by electricity and work was the Virginias, and are constantly bei Baker Daves Wedded. | proprietors of the People's Meat | | vigoroust Akad te i y pushed cay and night. caddded to from other states (0 Jacob Daus, proprietor of the Pat Market, Mr. Deremer having associated | seema almost incredible that To feed this aggregation of wild ani. | ”" ton bakery, and Miss Mary Fochler, of himself with Mr. McCall apon the re- ‘such a vast amount of work could have mals requires annually 600 bushels of | Altoona, were united in marriage at tirement of Mr. Jobneon. Mr. Dere been accomplished in so short a time _enrn on the ear, 100 bushels of oats and | : J DIETRICK, Man, the St. Mary's Catholic church of Pat. | mer's bome was in Wyoming county, | oo. one visits the works and notes the | 100 bushels of hickory nuts, the latter . a ton Monday morning at 5:30 o'clock. | Pa, and comes to Patton highly rec- | | complete equipment and superior or. for the squirrel Clover hay in also Y eager B Id Ks Patton, Pa. After the ceremony was performed and Cmmended as a thorough business man ganization and discipline which has furnished to the deer and elk along Le Wedding breakfast was enjoyed at Acvepted the Call. | been established by Mr. Patton, when | with the pine brash devoured, while A full line of all kinds of General | Mr. Das’ home, the happy couple Al a special meeting held at the con- | it would seem possible to accomplish the creek affords water for both wash- Hardware, Tin, Copper and Sheet [ron on the morning train on the | clusion of the regular services at the almost anything in railroad construe- ing and drinking. Work. P. R. BR. for Altoona, where they spent Baptist church last Sunday evening, a tion with ease. The engineers called Mr. Billmyer also takes pride in hav NY {two days among friends and relatives, gnanimous call was extended to the particular attention to the neatness of ing the finest kind of domestic stock DON T turing to Patton Tuesday ey |he Joseph A. Klacker, late pastor of the work and especially to ite perfect on his farm. fis dogs, too, are of the | | buy a Stove until you Bave seen our line and grade. The masonry is of as best hunting kinds, and his fowis em- yo : soi about the LOW fine a quality as will be seen on any brace every variety of the purest 4 he > line and is the the cause of much Dlooded strains. 3 PRICES the first Sunday in Novem. | admiration.” Sore Heady as Unsaal, : : bi been treated ee ber. He will move his family to this Therw are a handful of Republicans : the groom. The CoUmiER extends place shortly. Te the Ladin. in Bedford and Blair counties who are Ox Winger ‘hearty congratulations to Mr. and rand & = Look up the large ad on the Ah ,noued to the election of Joseph E. | > SAIN Mrs. Daas and trusts that their wedded T40d Opening Aurastion, ‘page of the paper. The Keystone Thropp, the regular Republican nomi. life may ever be fall of sunshine. Manager McNelis has secared for the Clothing Co. is going to have a big dia- nee for Congress. The reasons they ope attrac \ 3 u 3 > Geod News, in “Rip Van oa la play of ¥ Soy and allege are purely personal. Soe of) There is aothing more . : | threw days of next week. This iine them attempt to justify their conduct hol rood health It will be good news to the many the Hastings Opera House on Friday oil come direct from New York City | by ai + that Ma pp bolted | conducive to go wen : 'g 3 d that x oe Soran ts ge i SYeuing Nov bes Sth. Fhe saute wik will and be on exhibition for three days wo ’ = i. nominatich Ta DD tan proper underclotiiag: Williamsport, late f N York, A . greatest robatic ea 0 od Sines only. Only he Anew and latest Tig is either a mistake or wilful mis- Sa - of bo nai de- 3 |e Fon has reales oe te rap Regular styles will be shown. Hand bills will | representation. The Republicans of velop oN ovember's chilly ‘open a fashionable dressmaking es- prices will prevail and seats placed on jhe Suriuted by Dio r Jlst A%- this district had no candidate two years J guy heavy underwear tablishment at the residence of her sale Monday at noon. Sing the exact Look out ago. The courts so declared and opened | 1 1. Con oq an absolute nece: ‘brother-in-law, Mr. F. B. Morey, of Putting in Water Line for them. | the ay i " Sree fat Fou. tomy ity. Its important to & y the Patton Supply Co., on Lang ave . : Gkri Wanted | waa the itl o ‘ongressional con: | 4 health that the right kin W. B. Haghes, of Clearfield, has the At the home of Geo. 8. Good, Lock | ference. Other objections ure purely is selected and it is also ‘nue. Miss Strawbridge gave up a a § ra fou a: lucrative position in New York City on Soest bv the Jayig uf whinge mile oven, Pa-one who thoroughly Personal, founded on dislike, prejudice, ¢ portant to the buyer ‘account of ber health, mountain air understands cooking and overseeing °F disappointed ambition. Mr. Thropp {that the kind chosen is the | ing much better with bes. | | Wie tompany is this piace, and, tal bousework--no other peed nresititied to bevtap aa: Rie lia { best wearing sort as well, | 8he very respectfully asks the patron. | a large ear DumOn od apply. Good wages paid to the right * Fh to the loyal support of the It is this dependable kind ,8ge of the public, and assures all cus- | pleted in about tes days if the a party. Address Geo. 8. Good, Lock ven of bia party as well us of the rank § f underwear thas we hat | tomers satisfaction. She comes very Haven, Pa. an |} our patrons—the ind pat 4 5c, oc, 50c, 60c, employers. | Marriage Bane Published. a awh The Patton foot ball team defeated | recommending to heir con- ! The marriage bans of Michael Trink- Same of the Dent Rotielteepury in the Gallitain team on the home grounds | sideration. $1.00 to De A Hint to a Le] ley, of this place, and Miss Teresa Paton and viclaity ane the Cinderella gaturday by a score of 31 to 0. It wan | i licate cake sand £" can be Hoover, of Hastings. were published Stoves an ges ang pronounce easily done. The visitors put apa nice | (baked successfully in the Cinderella |g, the first a the Mary's them perfect bakers. Sold by J E game and took their defeat manly. A i $18, $20, | gtoves and Ranges. The large, high Catholic church of Patton last Sunday Kirk Hardware Co. return game will be played at Gallitsin | and | oven insures uniform baking and no morning. The wedding will occur at Notice of Desolation. Satarday, which will no donbt be more | oat k extensi en son | aby LER oH — and guaran- | the bride's parents at Hastings. Notice is hereby given that the part- ®xviting. : ey ' teed by rk ware Co. Episcopal Sunday School, nership heretofore existing and doing Ties Wanted. Notice! Episcopal Sanday school will be held business in the name of McCall & The undersigned contractors want, All persons are hereby notified not | in the Goldstein hall next Sunday Johnson has this day been been dis 8,000 chestnut ties furnished and dis- Ivite for our pew mail B rem Hs. Er CT tg, Ba Com § ™ HCA . ¥ one sonducted by Wm. McCall & B. E Deremer, who will Patton to the Magee & Lingle colliery ; . Sader the pemalty hat | Big display of isdies’ Wraps and seeume and pay ail the bills and collect near St. Boniface. For information ¢ GABLE & CO. bi for three days only, at which 4) oqtatanding acevunts. ‘apply to headquarters at Thomas’ ¢ (130.27 AND 1404 1th AVENUE, ; {time you will see the up-to-date New MarTIN JouNTON. Mills, or Geo. 8. Good’s store Putton, | NA PA. Y, - November 4, at the | York styles | Wu MoCaLL Pa ago. 8. Goop & Co, ALTOONA, » House. Tax Kxvstons CLotsing Co. | October 19, 1808. -47¢3 i Contractors. | Flynn's residence. © One on corver of Beecti and Peun- RR eB bi Sr dE ns a OT et 411 ARR +0 a8 i
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