A Sn lel voL v. —NO. $1.00 PER YEAR. PS oh tian AE hin pk To visit our store at this in Of course we don’t forget that the selling of Pure Drugs| and the careful eompouniditig | of prescriptions are the impor. tant parts of our business. But we have had ample], time te exercise good taste’ udgement in gathering as ~~ CHINA, DOLLS, GAMES, MECHANICAL oa TOYS AND ~ NOVELTIES of all KINDS. ~ You cannot help being pleased with the goods and are wonderfully the prices tar 0 w on Jahuary Int, i checks repre- amount will got the on exhi- 7! task of forging through the rock was Fark od i ue farn | i pe $1.00 to. Jeaf and extension a) 0, 0.00, 3.50 nd. Give us a call d see for yourself oT; females, 90, Perfectin attendance: | Dell Nagle, Chas. Harber, Hortense hats at $1.75 each; 5 up at the KEY STONE CLOTHING CO. WHAT on REED Sars. | Me ts Not fur Swallow and Save so V MALICE FULLY EXPOSED. Plato's : Dr. Reed, president of Dickinson | : Gieaned Here and There by Seminary. the Methodist Episcopal Statements : the “Cou rier’ * Reporter. theological schoot of she Central Pena. ] syivania conference, of which Rev. : i Swallow, candidate for governor on NOTICE TO + ARENTS. the Prohibition (7 ticker, Is a member, MADE BY a. w. HUGHES : addrewsed a large audience at Scranton, The Compulsory Pablic Sehooi Law Wii Pa, Toesday night and in speaking of Not a single Taian in Mr. Thropp's Em Be Endo rest Parson Swaliow sad phe and On’) Five Hungarians “He js a man withoot a party or fol- | Certain false and malicious state. an Act to provide for the sttendance lowing He has a few atoms behind ments concerning Mr. Joseph BE. Thropp of children in the schools of this Com Bim, but they are not in a concert form. and his relations to labor having been monweslth, and providing penalties The trout with him is be cannot see widely circalated by bis personal and for violation of Act, approved the subjects in their iarge He political enemies, the COURIER has pro- 16th day of May, A D. 1885, amended soos them mo strongly eured the fllowing pisin statement of and approved the 13th day of Mav, A. thal be bs blind Lo be other aspects” facts from Mr. G. WW. Hoghes who in D. 1897, That every parent, guardian The speaker declared that two years In a position to kno bw or othfr person, having control of ago Dr. Swallow was conviuved tat affirms and who ik a trostwor Ty and charge of a chill or children, between Prohivition was 1 only but and reputable citizen of Fedford the ages of cight and sixteen years, that he has now Glsoovered that every. county. His statement foliows: ‘shall be required to send such child or body but himself and followers are 1 have read the garbled and an- children to schon! at least seventy per rascals, and exploiting that truthful attacks made by several contam of the school term, unless such pluse. He sala Swallow has no county papers nppon the character of Concer: nung Mr. s Labor Relations nro PP ake ‘In recordance with the provisions of vais “idl HrNk, oy Fyldie Ghee phase of WwW Whereas Re PRE a be irr, gs: time of year should sugye st child or children shall be excuses] from ides of public policy and that if be has Joseph E. Thropp, Republican nomi- things besides Drugs if such attendance by the Board of oe ave seen previons HOL- IDAY stocks here. cho] he bas pever set them forth in this Dee for Congress in this distros Directors, upon presentation to the campaign. Dr. Reed, in closing, said: "Such calomnies and ' Board of satisfactory evidence, sbow- pt us give over Listening lo this tions apon a private citizen, though be ing that such child or children are bosh about a large RArsster of the bea candidate for office, as appeared prevented from attending school or people being dishonest.’ in several papers last week, should not, Like Usto the Trishanan's Birpha it seeme to me, pam ananswered, and | Get the John Wanamaker wii speak at have, therefore, deemed (his public Ebensburg Friday afternoon and a cor. | T*f0tation called for in the interest of application to study, by weutal or, truth and justice. First. It has been ’ | respondent to the Jolinstown Tribune, physical or other urgent reasons. For i every neglect of duty, imposed by this ammerted by in speaking of the coming event, says: “An amusing featare of the visit of county that Mr. Thropp employes at Act, tae person in parental relation offending shall be guilty of a misde. Mr. Wanamaker's advance agent Toes his farnace, mines and qoarry mostly da b meanor, and upon conviction thereof, ¥ wad discussion which it precipi - ‘shall forfeit a fine. tated ween two Democratic jeaders Said Act dows not s Ser. apply to any child between the of One of them contended that the mer | thi and sixteen years that is chant was a Republican and had been ail ; his life, while the other was even more : peti * onlin The —— emphatically sure that he wis 8 Demo compulsory attendance has been fixed ‘erat to the marrow. ‘Any don fool by the Board to begin on the first day cond tell that by the way be acts” of the first month of the School term, PALA Pre bet ge »¥ ¥ desire to make an emphatic contradic. tion to innuendos, nsiaoations and sammertions of this kind “1 have been in the employe of Mr. Thropp continucnsiy for nearly four years as timekeeper and chief clerk, be and in that time he has not had a mingle Italian in his employ, either a1 the furnace, ore mines or quarry, and At the present time there are only fice Hongarians at the farnace and none at the mines snd quarry, one of theese was born in this country and the others have been in this sonntry for at least sight years. Any one who doubts this statement and will take the trouble to call at the office 1 will show them the Fon pay roi for the las «ix years “The story pul into circulation by designing enemies that Mr Thropp Boucicaalt's dramatization of Wash had a car-Josd of Iadians imported to ington Irvin's immortal story, “Rip work at his farnace is absolutely and Van Winkle” was presented before 8 anqualifiedly false. On the other hand, large and much interested andience at 1 know that Mr. Thropp's instroctions the Standard Theatr last night. J Eto his superintendent have always been Toole, an actor of ability and power, to give preference to native born rastained the title role, and did full citizens gure Re Cr ey Justice to the part. His rendering of “As to the statement that Mr warded by a very fine quality of seal. the awakening of Rip afler bis long Thropp ‘operales two company stores Died Wednesday. sleep wis especiaily well done Mr | Wilfred, son of Mr. and Mm. 8. 8. Toole was supported by 3 eapadle Election News Bortman, of Mellon avenue, died company of players, who gave him | Wednesday morning of croup after an intelligent support. The costames and and compels bis smployes to buy all {illness of but & few days. He was aged 8cemery were quite elaborate and their earnings out of these stores,’ this | five years. Funeral services will be Ppictoresque. North American, Phila. assertion is as milicioos as it is fale held at the Catholic church to-day delphia, Pa., April 10, 1394 At Haste Mr. Thropp does not ran any ‘company | (Thursday ) when the remains wiil be ings Opera lg Friday evening, stores’ but he dom operate two stores {laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery. November 4th. the same as any other individual, : Heartfelt sympathy of many friends is Attempted Bargary. at Kearney and the other at Farlston. extended to the bereaved parents. About 12 o'clock Tuesday night “The statement that his employes Welcomed to Rvacy Foss. burglars attempted to force an en- *s compelled to deal a theta stores or If you want something that is decid- trance to the Pennsylvania railroad loses Shels rh Sholalely Hale. | edly useful and ornamental come in M4ion at Ebensbarg, but before they Lo T oe tre 5 {and examine the celebrated Cinderelia P34 fully accomplished the job, James NOT® Most of the time since {Double Heater, ous stove, one fire, MYers, hostler and watchman for the 0% FOB C5 _ PEC SOE OT heats two rooms, no coal to carry up- {CpaRTy, appeated ot the deans. They stractiona My TE are to kee stairs, no ashes to carry down, and the "00 Wade their escape, but before £ all r is ti > upstairs room can be made a8 warm an doing so they fired several abuts at the prices nib i Ro. a. Susie an 4 : ft ‘you want it, without affecting the Watchman to “politely” lot nim Know it ol in. No clas i sous i | temperatare in the lower room, and it that they were quite angry because of pln Re pe his Interference in the matter. at the Eariston store because he is ‘keeps fire all night. Sold by J. E employed by Mr. Thropp, and | aver * Kirk Hardware Co. that all assertions to the contrary are Oyster Su false and untrue. An oyster ater oe held in the Yilte Pas in Yiuttiog relatives in P nwa “As to the affidavit of Edward Bow. Firemen’s Hall Friday evening, Novem. . w H. E : 3 18% Bios ry den, Jr., that be was discharged by ber 4th, for the benefit of the Inde wT, 1 Sixteenth Regiment, P. Mr Thropp becagse he did not buy ars 1 Good Tom or V.1, and participated in the battle of enough out of the store and that he re Laws po der rent Pia re Coamo, Porto Rico, which took place fued to move into a house one and a | EB, Pree a te - August Sth. He is in possession of one pnqif stories high with four rooms and y invited. OrRe © of the celebrated Krag-Jorgenson $5.50 a month rent: | and place cf bolding. pay | Hepubliean Raity. declared. Finally a wellknown He publican was called in to settle the dis Obsinels Removed. pute, bat be would give no definite The Clearfield Bituminous Coal com. | pany. operating the West branch. volliery at Spangler, has been experi encing a difficulty for the past year in answer. The conclusion arrived at coming in contact with rook in that by the Demworials was a good Dit Uke mine, which decreased the output of the Irishman’ elephant noe matter (con! nearly one-half, but the obwtacks which end of Lim you locked at was overcome one day last week, when only saw a tal” a vein of four feet and two inches of fine coal was found. It is stated that hereafter the capacity of this colliery wili be about 60 cars a day, or possibly mire, which will be good news for the miners as well as the operators. The “Courier” for At Hastimgs Operas Huw a hard one and the company was to considerable expense, but is now re A War Scared Veteran. Clarence W. Greene, of Brocckway- engagement. does not express the correct facta. Mr. A Republican rally will be held at Injured Again. Bowden was not discharged because he i Plottville, Susquehanna township, Dr J B. Noonan. who had the mis did not buy enough goods at the store, Monday night. Prominent speakers fortune to receive a fall recently, Deither was he discharged because he {will be present and a big time Is caused from a defective sidewalk, dis Would not move into a four-roomed | Spected. All are invited to be present. | locating his right shoulder and fractur. bouse and pay $1.50 per month rent Delisted ut Galltain. ing two ribs, is slowly recovering, and [ have had charge of renting all the The Patton foot ball team met defeat his many friends trust that be will be at the hands of the Gallitzin team at 27054 in a short time. that place Saturday by a score of 12 to Charen Services 0. Our boys took their defeat like true Rev. B. 8. Dise, pastor of the Latheran church bere, will preach in Good's hail ‘at 8 o'clock on next Monday evening, You are invited. each six rooms; all the other houses month and several for less. “1 aver that any statement to the contrary is milicionsiy false and nuntrue. “As to the statement that James OU. School Report. - The following is the report of the St. ONG nh. Augustine Grammar school for the Uo month ending Oct. 28, 1898: Number Ladies { 9%, Per cent. of attendance, males, ment of millinery goodswill be sold lect a balance of $65 due him for at very low prices. Ladies’ trimmed services, 1 aver that when Mr. MeGon- ladies’ untrimmed agie left Mr. Thropp's employ, on Dunnegan, Josephine Dunnegan, Ger- short back sailors, ail colors, at 45¢.; December 22, 1506, he filled out his trude McGuire, Olive Ford, Tillie children's trimmed hats at 75¢.; sailors own check for his services up to that Douglass, Rose Behe. ‘at 25c. Come and be convinced. ‘date and Mr. Thropp signed it or Ixa Nupp, Teacher. | Orr SwrERs. there was any amount due him it is several papers in this: i foreigners, and especially Italians. I ‘nes for Congress in this district, since rifics, which he carried throagh the Thi is a garbled statement ahd houses for the last two years. Mr. Thropp only has four houses that rent for $5.50 per month and they have with four rooms rent for $4.50 per McGonagle, at one time an employe of | enrolled, males, 6; females, 16; total, We have just received a large assort- Mr. Thropp, has not been able to col- more than certain that he would have incladed it in his final settioment with Mr. Thropp. “Mr. MeGonagle also states in a tter to a supposed friend that he had instractions to discharge every man who did not deal at the Farlston stom This is not only antroe, from the fact that Mr. Thropp sever gives such instroctions, but from the fact that Mr. McGonagle did npt have authority to discharge any one. He bold the same position as | have held sibee bls ieaving, and § have no such asthority, “His ptterings are the bredelings of a dmgrantind employe, who ef a position three different times and feels grieved because he was nol employed a fourth Time, There are letters on fle in the office written this vesr in which Mr. MeGion- age asks Mr Thropp back. “f invite any person who may donkt the correctness of these statements to call at the farnace office and 1 will show them thw original records verifying the correot ess thereo! GEORGE “Everett, Pa, Octobe State of Pennsyivania Bedford Count ¥ Bin On this 2h oy Laz En Ww - a- AYE » ay Huo ne duy of Owtoher 1808 | before me, a Notary Pablic in aod for said county, personally came Leorge W. Hoghes, who being duly sworn a cording to law, says that he is a native of Bedford county, Pa, and that he has been continuously in the employ of Joseph E. Thropp, Republican nomi April 3d, 1868, as timekeeper and book keeper and that said Joseph E Thropp bas not at any time had in his employe one Italian sither at Everett flirnacs, stone quarry or ore mines, and at the present time there are only five (3 Hungarians at furnace and oon at the One QUArry or ore mines. Aoy stale ments to the contrary are absolutely filun (. W. Hugues Sworn to ami subscribe beflare me this 25th day Octaber, & 1b 1902 M.D Bamspornuag, Notary Pohl A fontemmpiihie Ded. Somes misoreant heals phone hones on the radlroad just sant of Denlinger's ofl station at Spanglor Wednesday night, ssys the Sentinel They broke the receiver from the ‘phone and fired one corner of the building. For some reason the fire want out without doing much damage. The telephone station is one of several placed at or near the railroad switches ander control of the yardmaster at the Spungler station. Just why any person should make an «Tort to destroy the apes Chee Geli building or ‘phone cannot be readily imagined. Such dastardly tricksters should receive severe punisinvent if caught. Altwars Fresh Fish and oysters at H Atkinson's, next to Weakland's livery. Fish re ceived every Thursday and Priday and dressed free of charge. Gio to the Patton Feed and Buckwheat Mills for your rye flour, corn mead ete 2800 Na. | harness oil only SOc. per gallon at Langbein’s harness shop, Patton, Pa Ladies’ fAanneletie wrappers, the mont comfortable gown out, at Mm Dartt’s. Next Weel! C. Holter, of Patna, with his wife and two Jouhjer davghters, Mary and Thomasine, [eft last evening for bome, aller a ot visit with relatives bere. The Holters are one of Philigsburg’s contributions to Patton's popaiativa, and by rights should eventually retarn here, but we wouldn't wish Mr Holter any such bad lock as. to exchange his present profitable and pleasant berth . with the Beech Creek, at Patton, for his old place as engineer on the Mor risdale branch. Philipsburg Ledger, In a recent issue the Mountaineer Herald told of a double pig supposed to have been born at Vintondale. Sine then that journal learned further par. ticunlars. The birthplace of the curi- osity was at Nant-y-glo and the ownnr is Chas. Walde, a Hungarian, who upon noticing the freak among a new litter in his pen, found his superstitious vein getting the best of him and im- mediately took a club and killed it, saying to another: “Me no lika some- dings lika dat.” maltum in parvo, is two compbete pigs in one, and has been preserved alcohol, $50 for it, but the evil genius in it hav- ing departed with life, according to to Hungarian ideas, he ‘some lika it much now, "and refused to sell BR a ym ARs Si —oasTan:a. L. The Kind You fa & The double animal, Walde hus since been offered Dissatuti=n Notioe The partnership beretofore existing between Aaron and Samuel Weakiand, doing business as liverymen onder the firm name of Weakland Bros, was is solved by mutual consent Oct. Ist, 1H98, Aaron Weakland retiring The bosi- ness will be conducted by Samuel Weakiand, who will settie all billa Aaron WeEaARKILAND, River Wear any Det he Ns ad onad w Patt mY. Pa The Quotaiic { % ial * WANT our mg est: abiis ed from one end as the place fi Tailor- nt quot- to the other T SOUND dest qual- ties, the piace Adin gr at- est variety nd i act, to form the basis for comparisons, the measure of money's worth, See our line of suits we are offeri at $18 and 890 suitable for dress a business. made in any style. Have a look at them before they are picked over Foovsa on ane - 4 an AND Dinsmore Bros., PATTON. PA. CALL FP SEE US il STOVES, STOVES, STOVES, Heating and Cooking. a Nove, If the largest stock and west prices gt Lhe PATTON HARDWARE GO. I IETRIOK, Man, You may be in need of so you'll find » Yeager Bldg. Patton, Pa. & g A full ine of all kinds of General Hardware, Tin, Copper and Sheet ron Work. DON'T » Stove until you have seen our stock and lsarned about the LOW PRICES buy There 1s nothing more conducive to good health than proper underciothing, As the cool mghts and MOTNINES of Autumn de- velop into November's chilly days, heavy underwear becomes an absolute necess. ity. It is important to the health thag the right kind is selected and it is also important to the buyer that the kind chosen is the best wearing sort as well, It is this dependable kind of underwear that we offer our patrons—the kind that pe we are safe in recommending to their con. sideration. Men's Underwear, 25¢ 10 $3.00 cach. Write for our new mail order catalogue—it’s free. GABLE & CO, 1320.22 AND 404 15th AVENUE ALTOONA, PA. «0 28
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