PATTON, CAMBRIA Co, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1898. $1.00 PER YEAR. $15 up at the KEYSTONE CLOTHING CO. A SAD ACCIDENT Fram Haber Looses Both Eyes and an Arm i by an Expoaion A sad and probable fatal accident | | Gieaned Here and There by | occurred at Barnesboro Sanday even. “ " Reporter. jing 50, which Frau Haber, brother of the “Courier” R pe Aug. K. Huber, of this place, lost the | sight of both his eyes and lost his left councit PROCEEDINGS arm, besides receiving several vary bad | injuries about the face ard body, which | Regiilar Session Nera? Little Pusiness Was may prove fatal : Tranmeted. | Mr. Hober was an employe of the | | Patton, Pa, October 17.—Patton West Branch Coal company at Barnes PUBLIC SoHo REPORT For First Mont nth Ending Oc- eing a “slow™ city, but whatever ite buat tooer Toth, 1563. 504 PUK ILS "ENROLLED Showing an Incremge of U2 Over Last Month of Keven: Term. : Borough Council met in council chare- boro and he and a Hungarian helper, public schools for the first month end- bers this evening with the f ZHOWIDE | who was also injured quite badly, los- lng October 16, 1898: - members present ss per rofl call: Hab- ing one eye. were engsged in charging | pupils enrolled, 504; per cent of at bard, Anderson. ‘dent Monteith W. C. Habbard filled | 4 cartridge had lodged about half way ‘the chair. The minutes of reguisr in a bole made in the rock for Blasting McCormizic, Scheid, Jones, g plast of dynamite in the West Brasch "tendance, 91. Following i» a detailed In the absence of Presi- colliery when the accident took piace. report of the several grades: High Schoo’ Pupils enrolled, 35; per cent. of at- ‘menting held Monday night, October purposes and they attempted 10 force it tendance, 98; seniors, 8; juniors, 10; 8d, were read and approved. On motion of Scheid and seconded ‘by McCormick, it was unanimously ace In sogaon carried that the Clerk be instructed to alarity. n curing the or warding of a cold, meat company, to have board walk on his sufferings doubt, the corner of Fifthand M avenoes } 8 dined tress ages » his home at Mr H quickly red to bis boarding piace, He wih be removed (6 Boniface 8 soon as | grade accordiog to ordinance relating best of care Get | 10 same. in by the use of a tamping bar, when sophomores, 17. plied, Mpg as above stated. tendance: who is unmarried, was ter, | at Palmer house property, put down 10 advisable where he will receive the 50 Pupils perfect in at Virginia Dale, Sarah Hol Minnie Holter, Carrie Crowell, Edna Brideson, Agres Hunter, Eva {notify E. C. Brown, superintendent of en phremias was summoned who Craine, Marry Lewis, Duncan Ssod- most ‘the Chest Creek Land and Improve gid all that was possitle to alleviate ford, Chas Crowell, Carl Crowell, Loe Thom puon Report ¢ of B per and 1 cent. (iradies- Poplis af atiendanos, He is in the prime of go; pupils perfect in sttendanee: How. life, being aged but 27 years and bad i piom wi lie Harper, On motion of McCormick and sec- many friends in Patton and vielnity goin Asn Blanche Cornedios, Edith Hol onded by Anderson, the following bills who extend heartfeit sympathy to the ter, Mary orouser. Mage Lowe, | were accepted and Clerk instructed to unfortunate man and trust that he may pechel Sandford, Eleanor Whitman, ‘draw orders for same: Patton Water recover and especially again regain the pan, Blair, Lottie Cornelius, Mary | Co., $35.34 for water rent for month of use of bis eyes. ‘September; Chas. Rbody, $25.99 for needed. ' lamber, per bill of October 17th. Will Remain in the Service, and fresh On motion of Jones and seconded by Hamer Martz, who was a “‘Jusk y efficient pre- Mo(ormick, it wns oarried that the Tar” in Uncle Sam's navy, being on op | COmmunication fromm E. Short, relating the cruiser St. Paul during the recent OF to giass, cans, ete., being thrown on conflict with Spain and who ls spend- ri checks 1 | public thoroughfares be laid on table ing a 60 days’ furlough at his home in st amount will get the till some future meeting. this place, will depart in a few days for for otgan now on exhi- Cogncil then adjourned to meet at the Philadelphia navy yard to report IF store. : * mext regular meeting, Monday night, for duty again. His brother, William, : | November 7th. {who was also on the same vessel, will remain in Patton. As was stated in Altoona Wom by 6 10 6, Whitman, Harry Cornelius, John Ed- miston, Beanie Wilkins JOSEPHINE Waask, Teacher. Report of DD Gerade, or Fourth nter. mediate Pupils enrolled, M4; per ceut of attendance, 38. Perfect in attend ance: Carrie Holter, Enid Lewis, lona Sandford, Edith Spexoer, Mary Willis, La Roe Winslow, Clarence Blair, Jacob Hanter, Carl Laver, Victor Spencer, Cecil Wion, Sagan ComMinGs, Teacher. the COURIER at a recent date, both the Reportof Third Intermediate — Pupils After a bard and exciting contest the 1.0, received honorable discharges enrolled, #6; per centi of attendance, Altoona foot ball club defeated our with the understanding that they could 53. Perfect in attendance: Nelle Ast {home team by au score of 6 t0 0 Satur roeiry to the service within 80 days if bury, Mary Lyons, Bertha Medion, (day. The teams were evenly matched gy. 5; desired without an examination Mary Pope, Elnors Troemas, Pau (and had it not have boen for a fumble 4 Lien receive pay for the above Barton, James Cornelius, louis Gag- ion the part of the Patton team the space as specified in discharge or far liardi, lsaac Jenkins, Arthur Jenkins, game would no doubt have resulted by themselves to be in g00d the jeading war vessels apon his S54 sipable of pusing up $iretam. Should be Mopprd. alone bore hn Patton will be glad to witness another dangerous practice, game with that clab before the season jorses, And then it looks {the streets have a flthy Fishing! The fish dam belonging 10 Dr. H. be on the streets at the present time Somerville and Alex Ivory, sitasted and to arrest parties canght in the act drained on Saturday, Oct 22, rain Of | gach offense, on the grounds of “cpe- | shine, This dam covers five acres and | a nuisance.” It can be done and | was stocked three years ago with 1,870 Jating 4 be done. | carp, which weigh at the present time three to five pounds each. Besides | Arrived From the Kinndile. these there are large quantities of cat H. 8. Godcharles, former manager of ‘ fish and eels. The water will be drained Geo. 8. Good's store at this place, who down to one foot. Bring bread and departed for the Klondike gold fields butter along, as there willbeastove last spring in company with his on ground and the first haul of fish is brother, Ralph, arrived in Patton Sat- ‘tobe cooked for parties interested. urday, spending the first of the week work of all kinda. | Tickets, $1.00. : bere, when he departed for his bome at ig Towanda, Wedseaday. He in looking and reports having enjoyed the | clothing, shoes, etc.; Wm. F. Gable & | Patton ve. Gailitain. | Co. dry goods; Mirkin & Kusser, dry | The people of Patton will again be goods, ladies’ coats, clothing, shoes, given a chance to witness another in- lete.; L. W. Cook, dry goods; Corner tepesting game of Rugby foot ball on | Drug Store, stationery. the Patton grounds Saturday afternoon | at 3:30 o'clock. The strong team of | Sauve Yous ‘ Gallitzin will meet our boys for a con- i Leave your order for frols fish and | test, and the management earnestly oysters at Atkinson's Figh and Oyster ro geste that all attend who possibly | Market, next to Weakland’s livery on The game will be played, ruin or Fifth avenue. A fresh line will be shine. I adies admitted ‘kept constanty on hand, -46tf ile fee. ; i m——————" YS m—— A Spiendid Griiauncs. Dissetution Notice. | The Cambria Tribune says that Judge The partnership heretofore existing Barker has removed the fence from ‘between Aaron and Samuel Weakland, around his lawn, and the resait is quite {doing business as liverymen under the an improvement. The fence arvand firm name of Weakland Bros, was dis- the court house lawn might be removed solved by mutual consent Oct. 1at, 1898, with a similar result. Since we have Aaron Weakland retiring. The basi- an ordinace prohibiting the running at ‘ness will be conducted by Samuel large of stock, fences are only a ' Weakland, who will settle all bills. . nuisance. : AARON WEAKLAND. } SAMUEL WEAKLAND. Patton, Pa,, Oct. iat, 1898 4613 Pissalution Nelice. The partnership heretofore existing between J. B. Wilbur and C. H. Perry, ‘under the firm name of Wilbar & | AN Who are interepted in goo Boum: Perry, in the milling business at Pat- keeping should examine the Cinderella ton, Pa, is this day dissolved by mona The extra large ' mutual consent. All accounts due and {and high oven embodied in their con- Claims against said firm will be settled {struction insures a good baker. Sold, : by J. B. Wilbar. J. B. Wnsun ra 1and recommended by J. E. 4613 C. H. PErny. Patron, PA, Oct. 17. ne of Hardware and , Home. loagh. The many friends of Hamer Chas. McMabon, Earl Wilson, Mahlon r side not making a point. OOF | trae that be will be assigned to one of Shunkwiler. Miva BauTi, Teacher. Report of Second Intermediate .Pupiis enrolled, 30; per cent. of at appearance. : The Council should authorise the Street | Commissioner to remove whatever may tendance, $6. Parfert in atimdatun: a plant of aie n ERS To PAS re aie McCormick. Omer oe of the throwing glass, tin cans and other Hii Chas Abbott, David Sperry, Os ven truck on the streets of our borough. car Danielson, Hannah Bytheway, which This is a very bad practice snd should Lily Willis, Jeunet Bruneaa, Bertha attended. The visitors be stopped at once. Any Person Abbots, Franco Campbell, Mary Sam- Toad Ceuta ver to be geuticmas tod ‘knows, or cught to know, that it is 8 merville, Lily Williuma, Lisle Saits- : Holter, Mary Yeokiey. Brancue 8. Pirer, Teacher. Report of First Intermediate Pupils enrolied, 50; per omit. of attendance, 92 Perfect in attendance: Joe (hag liardi, Willie Iddings, Roger Locas, Nellie Cramer, Bianche Decker, Ella Wilki MM Ww . E F = Ma day night on the charge of having in ‘burg, Lala Holes, Edna Kessler, Lizzie Tigue, Lizzie ¥ ¥ mervilie. Logerro BE Privpinig, Teacher. Report of Third Primary— Number pupils enrolled, 35; per cent of at tendance, #2. Perfact in attendance: Blair, Rotilda Biller, Rowland, Clara Short, Maggie Whit ford, Nora W Corneiias, Mike Gatys, Chas. Jackson, Wilfred Kariheim, Willie Powell, Joe Petoniac, Herbert Person, Clair Sooale, | Wilbur Shonkwiler, John Wilson. Map Ges, Teacher. Report of Second Primary Pupils enrolled, 70; per cent. of attendance, #8 Perfect in attendance: Austin, Bessie Atkinson, Annie Cala- han, Dortha Crooks, Florence Holes, Efe Lowry, Genuwvive MeCormick, nie Rolien, Annie Shopkwiler, Lottie Willis, Ellen Washberg, Chas Baman, Earl Black, Jos Uampiell, Elmer Clemens, Geo. Delutier, Willie Leisch, Johst Monroe, Thee. Noopan, John Nothingade, Antbasy Peketill, David Ross, John Say, Carl Spencer, Willie Whitford. CATHIRINE BB. May, Teacher _ Report of First Primary Number of pupils enrolled, 87; per cent. of at- tendance, 8%. Pupils perfect in attend: ance: Prancis Bornean, Willie Elms Edward Grenninger, Geo Jones, Dick Morgan, Ereig Nolan, Mike Prizgoda, Geo. Radeliffe, Andy Shay, Stella Watkins, Rath Algood, Irene Brewer, Mary Coleman, Limve Callahan Ancie Danielson, Nettie Gutsball, Emma Hewlett, Ethel Lard, Gertrude Mo- Iva Ducxant, Teacher. T. J. Fidel TON PIII, it. Pris. 8 vim and energy that never fails to make it a soccess. ‘ delphia has been in the front, either in recruiting and forwarding volunteers, nursing sick or wounded soldiers, or Following 8 the report of Patton Total number from eight to sixteen years old “do he where he will engage in the livery haan livery at that piace, which bus a especially to Mary | i T : following new arrivals: Mr. and Mm rapido giver, ‘Chas. Johason, a son; alker, (Gust Barkey, Joba Grif Clements 3, J. Cartright 2, Joba ‘Davis, Lossie Dibbie, M. Elliott, Mise Londen, D. B Long, Bigler Maguire, | Ella MoGuaire, Miss Polly Martin, Bert Alice Noopvan, Elizabeth Nelson, Min- 'papered and shelves and counters placed therein, which will be used for Suite 1800 ; and spwarde Bear in Special Excursion Rates ia Beerh Crtel mind sur woolens come ditect from the ER. and F. & K. Ey. mills, are cut and made by os for style, Philadelphia has the reputation of price, it and service. They can’t be Dixssone Bros. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt’s Littie Barly Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough Mirtle pilis. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sum: as you lake them. OC Ww. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy reace wenee aT PunASELPIA citizens start they curry through with From the beginning | of the Hispano American war, Phils | welcoming returning troope, and now comes the Peace Jublles, every one, rich or poor, is contributing their titne, | money and energies to make it a grand demonstration. In addition (0 the great Military and Naval Reviews, to aid which the gov- srument departments have promised all the sasdstance in their power, is the grand Civic parade, which will an. doabtediy be one of the greatest dem onstrations ever witnessed on continent, To enable the remdents along ite lines to participate in onr withess this great Jubilee, the Beech Creek railroad has arranged to sell excursion tickets fo Philadelphia from ail points on its line, at the low rate of single fare for — TRIUMPHANT round trip, special rates for Mili TAILORS. organizations in uniform oni will be good going October 24th to 2th, Our line of suits, for qoality and work defles competition. They are 2 inclusive, and good to return until Ovsolber 31st, incinsive. For fall particulars as to rates, time jost what you have been looking of trains, ete., consult any Beech Creek AS 10 style, they are awiy up; "la 4 rice they are moderation iteedf ticket agent, or address F. E. Herr po 1uving do yourself the justice to man, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Phila jxamine our offers deiphia, Pa We have our fall line for full and We Have Them Here Too Mi Ser. Ne uw can : y 4 al For a gang of boys thoroughly drilled proods in the market in all the category of profanity asd binck gnardism, this tows has hardly a rival. A roost stringent carfew ordi nance rigidly observed would te s great blessing as these young striplings thie {CALL AND SEE US. Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. ALL WORK GUARANTEE town’ every night from dark to a boar. It is certainly criminal, if oe STOVES. STOVES, STOVES, Heating and Cooking. punishable, for parents to so and let children grow up lo be worth- Jems, icaflag vagabonds - Mahaffey Canpette. Pe: Bondness at Irvoss. Aaron Weakiand, formerly senior memmber of the firm of Weakiand Broa, liverymen of Pation, eft for Irvona, Clearfield county, Wednesday bosiness. He has purchased the lira You may be in need of 8 Move If so you'll find the largest stock and lowest prices at the PATTON PJ DIETRICK, Mas, Yeager B'ld’g, Patton, Pa. good business already established. Population Growing. The population of Patton, since Oe- Mr and Mm John Wallace, a daughter; Mr. and Mm. Michiel McMahon, daughter; Mr. and Mr. EM. Elis, danghter; and Mrs. J. J. Donnelly, son Asotiver Gives a Hearing. A full line of all kinds of General 2, LI. MeClintock, of Coalport, was Hardware, Tin, Copper amd Sheet Iron given a bearing before United States Work. bay a Stove antil you have seen oar stock and learned about the LOW PRICES Mr his possession and passing counterfeit money. Several withesses testified to having received bad money from the defondant. He was heid for trial Preaching Nexi Sunday. There will be preaching at the Bap-| Anna Anderson, May Boyce, Alice bist church of Patton by Rev. Glucis Cora Jackson, Annie Jones, Elizabeth Morey, Flora next Sunday morning and evening, 10:30 and 7 o'clock, respectively. All are invited to attend. ; Lat olf Unclaimed Larttors. The following letters remain in the postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Thursday, October 20, 1398: Jas. G. Biggar, Miss Lizzie Hone, . are found in our coat room. Not satisfied with the phe- nomenal success of our coat selling during the past two seasons, we have de- termined to male the present season even more successful, as far as the best styles and low oe will make it so. We have searched out the BEST ~ MADE AND MOST STYL- ISH COATS IN ALL THE COUNTRY, and offer our patrons the best selected hme of Wmter gnrments that it 1s possible to gather, while the prices are im accord with our estab lished policy of best mer. chandise at lowest prices. Write for our new coat catalogue—it tells vou all about the new garments GABLE & CO. 120-22 AND 1404 ith AVENUE ALTOONA, PA. »e Jennie Lago, Mise Flora Gedders, Thess Hitehinson, Otto Johnston, Mm P. LL. Kane, Thos Lidgett 2, Fred Nagle 2 David Joba Phillips, J. Persons calling for the above #tlers will please say they are advertised. E A Mmiox, P.M, Every Boosewife Shoukl examine the Cinderella Runge. Bread will raise nicer, sad bake more evenly, in the Cinderella than in any other. Sold and recommended by J. E Kirk Hardware Co H. K. Eastman came over from Coal port Tuesday. John Meliwain, of Grant, Pa, tran. sacted business in Patton Tuesday. C. W. Hodgkins, proprietor of the Patton Pi cy, has already come menaced to receive goods for the coming | holidays. He bas recently had his | store room, south of the pharmacy, re- | holiday goods exclusively. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers