NG 00.. Proprietors. 2. Wiis Gusex, Batter. FARE ek A hint sm—— & —- Si One copy, one year, in advance, a SF Adverdising mates made ENown apoB ap is No papers discontinned until all arrears et are paid, unless at the option of the Entered wt the : st Patton as weonod- a So uma ie, Cat ihe a Sh COUNTY OFFICERS. Prestdent Judge Hon. A. V. Barker. | cont & coke company, White, $101. | Cresson & Clearfield coal & coke company to A. A. Stevens, White, $288, | Thomas Sanburn, by Treasurer of‘ Cambria county, to J. G. Lioyd, Resde, | on J. G. Lioydet ux to A. A. Stevens, Reade, $57. A. A. Stevens et ux to Mary R. Mo Ewen, White and Reade, §1. P. Flynn et al, by Treasurer of Cam- bria county, to commissioners of Cam- | ootmty, White, $17. i Commissioners of Cambria county to Mary R. McEwen, White. P. Flynn et al, by Treasurer of Cam- briv county, to commissioners of Cam- Commissioners of Cambria county 10 Mary R. McEewen, White, $10. Jones, Hostetier and E Commissioners’ Clerk John C. Gates. | County Sugerintendent—-T. L. Gitwon, County Burveyor-8. G, Fetterman. I: Anions 1. Miltenberger, P. il ; hn Gittings, : % = v. 8, Livingston, Poor Directisr--Jumes Jomes aba Jataes Moore. Se Km ae Fawr m or NOLDING as Ist Monday of Sept, ah 3 if Jane, Lis Monday of Dee, Bel betwen the above | omrwedl Alex Montieth, president: : Po Jones. 1D Fr % " ok Andapion, John Sebold, i Reboot Bomat 0, SE FrtHdeny: 0. t. IB. Cartas, seretury: rer O40 Hotter, Ww. yo R WePeron. | ratios of 1 Poser — Jose FE. Imio, Jas, commissioners eve Mellon. " bria connty, to of Cam. © Tramsurer-W. H_ Sandford. : Clerk —E. Will Greene, | Oolleetor Jus, Mallon. rr HH. Soroerviiie, ~iftier Smale, W. A. Melon, € Tm Clark, Jatoes Giller High Conair Holes. ww. A OSBORNE, of DaBols. nominated for Senator by the Lepub- loans of the 34th district Toeeday. ‘The conferees were in session at Phil. ; Gill, Carroll, $1. BE : va CAMBRIA PREEMAN contained an article in it's last issue credited with the *Clearfielil Pablic Opinion.” Won. der if Matt hus changed the name of 8 paper from the “Ghost” to the ” shout | —— C. Ano, of DuBois, was ea Pr ok. the Thirty eighth Senatorial District at ibe Republican conferences held st Ridgway Thursday evening. But one ballot was taken in each conference. The Democratic conference, which met st DuBois Thareday, sominated J. K. | . Hall, of Elk county, the other can- fidates withdrawing on the Bret ballot. post- office sales. a ive bis a enicy not to be a candidate for re- lection. Mr. Joseph E. Thropp, of ledfor county, who is the Republican te for the next Congress from ‘ ‘comprising Cambria, Blair, t and counties, is a tleman of high character and , and will sensibly increase the it and influence of the Pennsyl- Ee Tries lace now janworthily Sled by a n et al, by the Sheriff of C'am- by, 0 €. Guyer, White and m et nl, by the Sheriff of Cam- county, to C. Guyer, White, Flynn et al, by the Sheriff of Cam. A County, to Guyer, Reade, $20. P. Flynn et al, by the Sheriff of Cam- } county, to C. Guyer, White, u Sanbarn, by by Treasurer of » county, to Thomas Griffith, : Griffith to M. D. Kitell, by Treasurer of Oam. | vi to Thomas Griffith, White, Griffith to M. D. Kittel, bris county, White, $119. Sommerville, Thos T. rol, #5 Henry Phiilips, by Treasurer of Cam- . bria county, to commissioners of Cam- | Commissioners of Cambria county to Mary B. MeBwen, White, $13. James Wilson, by Treasurer of Can | Mary R McEwen, White, $42. Simon Walker, by Treasarer of Cam. bria county, White, $119. Stmsiutiosers of Chuibiia Sumy v | Wei dbi to commissioners of Cam- bria county, White, $26. Commissioners of Cambria county to Mary R. McEwen, White, $38. Perry Troxell, by Treasurer of Cam. bria county, White, $11. Commissioners of Cambria county to Mary R. McEwen, White, $11. Perry Troxell, by Treasurer of Cam- bria tounty, to commissioners of Cam- bria county, White, $31. Comamissioners of Cambria county to ‘Mary R. McEwen, White, $31. Chest Creek land & Improvement company to Joel H. Dizon, Patton, . $125. Charles F. Gill et ux to Joseph Rolks, Chest, $1. James Mellon et ux to Charles F. Maria Sirrio et nx to Frank Loporty| . Elder, 40. William Durneil et ox Patton, $350. William G. Myers et ux to Benjamin F. Myers, Scisquehannas, $150. Paul Kreitser to Jacob Takosh, Car- 3 to Sarah A. John Asheroft et ux et al to FP. A. ‘han, Washington, $500. Charles F. Gill ot ox to John Zaday, Chest, $166. Spangler Improvement company to Marie Teressa McGonegal, Spangler, | Henry Taylor ot ux to Marie T. Me. Gonegal, Spangler, $65. Melissa Chaplin et vir to Annie Car roll, Reade, §100. Thomas Barnes #t ux et al to Charles A. Buck, Barnesboro, $50. Max Frick et ux to Annie C. Reade, $80. Jamen M. Perkins et ux to William H. Perkinsp Clearfield, $1 500. Robert F. Notley to James M. Not- ley. Reade, $800. George Sanker et al to Frank Hart 20%, Clearfield, §1,966. Louis Mathaidi et ux to Peter Bender, Eider, §70. Are Your Nerves Weak” If they are your blood is out of order. You need & nerve remedy and blood cleanser. Rives the best resaits and has more real curs to its credit than any rem- ‘edy known. Dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation will wreck the nerve ous system if left alone long enough Try this great remedy and get cured, Samples free. large packages 26 cents. Hold only by C. W. Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy. & Ole, Sword for Schley. The COURIER has been author. ized to invite and receive local subscriptions of 5 cents and up- wards to go towards the parchas- ing of a sword for Admirial Schley, one of the heroes of the Spanish-American war, who so bravely commanded the fleet which sank and captared the Spanish fleet near Santiago. let everyone who reads this and wlio believes in just rewards for the grandly hercvic, respond to the call. It is certain that quite enough money will be sub- scribed to present a very beau- tiful sword to Admirial Schley; but however large the fund may be made, the full amount will be expended in additional ornamen- tation. Contributions may be sent by mail or brought in person to the Courrier office and the names of all those who contribute will be published when the subsoription is closed. 1 bean of Barr's Celery Sarsaparilla “ts Ohin O\ OB PATTON COURIER, ser cent bottles of Baxter's se fo ss § We, the red do agree to refund the money on Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, billioumness, sick headache, or any of ‘the diseases for which it is recom. mended. Also will refond the money on a S-cent bottle of Downs’ Elixir, if it does not cure any cough, cold, croup, whooping cough, or throat or long difficaity. We also goarantee one 25-cent bottle of either of the above to prove satisfactory or money re- funded. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. General Greely's Rescoc by Sehley. Admiral Schley won the nation's ap- plaose some 15 years ago, when asa Omptain in the United States Navy, be ‘Jed & relief party successfully to the rescue of General A. W. Greely and the few survivors of his band of Arctic explorers. General Greely has at last consented to tell the story of his ter- _rible winter in the frozen North, and Commissioners of Cambria county to able paper, valuable, besides being a record of the Arctic’s darkwet tragedy, in showing the heroism and abiding | bris county, to commissioners of Cam- | faith of American soldiers wien brought face to face with death Beer peiis at 10 cents a glass in Ore- « of the war lax, fe pws thon oF the Fit Nae of Patton at Path in (he She lowe of Bust ees, taininems Cetober EVORY Bowl Penk vf Positive vnnd WRN pe seit SA a Foes RE Yamane ast 4 i Aral src gred am Saorada Sey anise ed cEreriee dy { Mow Ks meets Boning Hous t pos | Tram 4 Fores Natbwmn: Paci aA pes Vim CY Ee Dede Sst Hae Ke arnt Basu ov. me ae ESE Fun] Sears age te, Chew don gop per cant fhe of cbr Raton! Haar « Fractions japer crirfeivy, aaciivis aed cents ABN any HY 140 aR HN» Rye Lawral mos § Nporte ; Tew reserved. [agalbtespler in Bank § rte Redernption fond with 17, grey, Oh pre avin, of ciraiation ide . Toami, $ Dei AaB tie Cmphtai stork paid in | Ba ae Pox vided prodite hewn XY preromes and ane 3d... Te curteta nding Pre 1 od her Nationa! Banks Ce te State Buns and Ban er Indiv Judivilna) 4 he Tey Pluk ne prwit Arnie on io — Certified rhiewiks f Dawn 0.000 0 Tomi $ ete a MYATE oF PEX SS YI VANia, 7 Camsnty of Cambrle i I. Wie Bo Sandded ashier of The aleve tmoved Bank, 90 sademmniy dwar (hat he mbes states nt Ww trae and cornet te Lhe Bet of my knowledge ard belief Wy H savoroun Chaebier Rube rob? and sass te befor tow (Be day of Neptemtor, [Me Iwsne BF. Dare, Notary Pubdie Corre tA Tivet _- A. ts Pare, E (. Beows, CMe tory ames Kemp, + En Ti i BAA In every conceivable tern to suit all tastes. A time spent ooking over our line will Wl) souvined Zon that we have oods a at prices that a you your hoase a bit with a new > of Furnitare, or s whole of any kind, come here and mee what we can do for yoo. Undertaking, Embalming, Etc., Etc., Promptly attended to. All modern methods nsed. The best of satisfaction guaranteed. H. S. BOCK, Next to Hotel Patton. At Mill and in Rooms No. 7 THE CENTRAL DISTRICT & PRINTING TELEGRAPH CD. Of course yon can alemg without a telephe me The tim was when we ee along without the tel- graph, electric hight, kerosene oil and even tallow candies But nobody likes to do this and it the same way with a telephone If you are in busi ness, people think you should be up-to date. To be up-to date you must have a telephone. get tim 1] » 18 Ours is the only one that works. For rates, ste. apply to = F. L.. BAKER, Manager. PATTON, PA Telephone 100. bis on A RRR Ripans Tabules cure headache Ripans Tabules cure dizsinees, COMPANY, wees Mg Ser turers of and Dende (em Lomber of all Kinds, Pissing Min Wark, Sash and Doors all Kinds CWORKMANRHIP AXD . : = LUMBER GU ARANTFEVD Prices and terms reasonable. We have just received a oar lond of doors and sash to which we call your spevial atzention. OFFICE Balding. SAPS. : ARTISTIG eis Om NEWEST MODELS. FANCY wm PLAIN. ‘sous wARurACTURERS. THE BAZAAR, (>. (). Brady, Prop'r Qe GO TO THE ——=t® Where You Can Get Good GROCERIES at the Follow- ing PRICES: Sugar, 18 Pounds for $1.00. 12 Cans Tomatoes IT "New Peas 5 Lbs Tea 10 11 “sn Banquet Coffes. Lion Leverings © Soup Beans > lima * Prunes Raisins Dried Peac Dried Peas - - h $1 O00 (FS eu} pr ot Rf oy g Cakes Calum ; * Humn £ lt (Mean { me | 7% Bri Wins 23-cent Wash vw Tie r Baking Powder per pound Pick Handles Pickles per daz. Ny "% 1 Sin P Ww Aan kar Board for 1 Gallon Banquet SVrup bh $ Cans Lye You can buy any of the above articles separate. Remember of g« yods tera erties and one visit to my brightest stock 1 in town. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE store will convince l sell tor cash and 1 won't be unde rsold—quality Remember that I have Vou that l of have i 11 a full line AT THE CASH GROCERY, JOHN BOYCE, Proprietor. A of Good BIL AAV Doon oi Bi nh hd 8 Shand vd G Fac» th e Beech Creek Railroad, N.Y C&HR R Co Lessee Ohndensed Time Table. 1 Na is 5 Laas¥ty is 8 w ~ BE GET le oe mg mammrwseSH 2 E8BKEALARNE a MORE RRD BEONENNSE Ag A. WWI hh Tn gs& = 77%% 5 BEBE ww wmmn mm smmsti 4 SEs HABBO RN Bee NIE AREANT EOE AREASENENNS AS BI ERBUEERTENSGRARNNESE Bg Saw ForsnsrxeeBEBER FES w BC v Eo iv, ss ux #8 asiivne vg ave En 8 Pennmroania raif rom: at Prnnaytruati and XN. AG Palmer, Se perntandent Gon. Paws. Phil imcted Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table May 16, 1888 Main Line Lom ve Cromon- Fast ward, Sam Ebon Exijsrees, week days. A Lowes A non: da Main line Mxpeves, dal! Altaons ip bmdation, - 2 TusSeus §E9RBEE passe i Ee CEWYVIS yuvers EMaREN Cumpbeti wt Afternoon 1 Sovits mmeh Coben d a ves or 18 Edvabarg oe os Puttin 248 Gareay | Heating for Gilemn Cam Kalen Cm ii Tak THE Madi ey 10 arviving st Coben ¢ at ug mm. Ewa" a For nates: eng. or wdhel Peon Toot E Fin wvenos, Mittbarg, Pa i 8 Hutehinson, {wre Mgr. Pittsburg & Fastern Time Table. TO TAKE EFFECT MAY 23. #98 3 R. Wont, en. Pass. Apt - » ey Leavy Yu F » BR sasazBRsEEZ BAY mio Nation Oadmifey » Fhesorin © oval Jutpae tion Matin Shy Lasbtiurat £ ERuEnaeass > Bg Cites Own pled! Hawt Han Fuller Run Ag ng vl M458 SA oh al md od 28 Rad R CEs RSUREES REE. BE FEN BR BNE RE Rew be wn ae Shik te emg 7 v - aA - # a re LL fom = ¥. Fuller Run Horns Run fatennn inna pbs Pranmsiaipe Hu rvsidie EIR Laek § wrtderinnd 1 Woks f Woadeedi f Mot ww fatwmidbusest ¢ Misha tlicy Haweh 1 reel Jane tiog {nikon Station Mshaifey £ Fag "aiion Cinsneetions- AL Unson Sadion, with Heese peed resin, £8 Pennsy! vaste railed, > roi]: af Whiskey Run with Motion & New. tonburg milrowdt wt Medios with PF 4 NW radircend Noto Until further msthoe trains will ran aniy between Unlos stetion | Misla®ey (open Chhmpdsedl NEL trains Sally exoepl Sane Lay = BL Hicks Genel Maosger Maku ffiey, Pa. = B Save © - SF ERBann | * * » oF * Hess z EBB eRREy sani’ WC NR EE Eee ByvngsnnoEst Basle. Rochester and Pittsbarg Ry. oo Sn Com oaed afer Jady LN rsdn wil Powdi peek Depa, Climrtield, as Sdlowe ——— ES a Ba we Hevmpadueile Aosommodation. he Clemente hg Bode, Fails Creek and Bayne widest, Conbeeting af Dulleis be Rdg. wav, Johnsmbaly, Braiford aad Rosle, Buhl Exo, fr Curwenseilie, one ling ef Hr ah mB Pails and Malls Ureek, PvsPlisin. Br BR Hay Tramyssesnhasrg. fuel ad Balai S00 pe mW, Hills anal Punzsoiawney Hx siowm, For Dali, Falls reel and Puns- fa oe AETIVE, Wi A sud DH and 28 Traian BEE, Ax : Fae shofots, tre (abies and mill informaiton, sil om dr sald pees OB Hvadip, Fou Lage, grat, feety'd : Agt., lasted, Mu axhenter, N. ¥
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers