THE PATTON COURIER, SEPTEMBER 19, 1805. pn Ne i MedMahon Is stopping at Wilk- | Must we tolerate broken sidewalks and crossings ? . W. H. Weber, town Saturday. Mass | | DuBois Satarday. was in town Tuesday. Oysters on the halfsbell at City Restanrant. Also fresh tab oysters. | church Thursday evening, October 6th. | mouth. | gacet of hia brother, John Boyce, over | Sunday. {transacted business at Barnesboro The Annual State Firemen's conven- 13d to Sth. Hunter & Haoghman are shipping | considerable lumber from their siding in Patton. {tober 15th. Patton vs. the strong | Altoona team. Turn to the first page of this paper “and see the pew ad of C. W. Hodgkins, | Patton Pharmacy. . C. A. Sharbsingh, a prominent mer- ‘our town Monday. | invoice of new goods. It will pay yon For a neat job of shoe repairing and et who tees MB | of Altoona, was in’ £ during the Clearfield fair, October 4, 5 and 8, will ba the biggest thing of the kind ever seen in Central Pennsylva- nis. Live bird, clay pigeons, rifle matches. A. (i. Storm, who was at one time a . prominent citisen of Clearfield town- § 3 Jesse E. Dale made a business trip to ship, but who now resides at Altoona, stopped in Patton for a few hours A. Goldman, merchant of Hastings, Thursday while en-route to the Car- rolitown fiir. A mule was electrocuted at the Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Bender, of New Camberiand, W. Va., visited friends In _pext Patton Monday. Mr. Bender was a hardware merchant of Hastings, Pa. | 4 10% Fours ago aod i. suguged in the . Patton, having leased the room oppo- ~~ Jobn C. Evans has received an in- site the Patton hotel formerly occupied | {crease of pension from $8 to $12 per by Jack Scheid as a barber shop. He expects to keep a supply constantly on Garfield Boyoe, of Glen Hope, was 8 hand. George Edmiston, of the 21st In. fantry, United States Army, which is ‘Messrs. Gould & Beeser, plumbers, stationed at Plattsburg, N. Y., is vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Sam’l Edmiston, on Lang avenue. He has recently recovered from an attack of ition will be held at Lebanon October fever and will spend 30 days in Patton to recaperate. Next foot ball game Satorday, Oc The show, which was advertised to exhibit in the Firemen’s Hall Monday and Tuesday nights, did not material ize. Tt in reported that the phantsa- scope exploded near St. Boniface a few days since, hence the entertainment is a phantom, the scope having escaped during the excitement. The following officials of the Central District and Printing Telegraph com- | pany, of Pittsburg. were looking after {ehant of Carrolitown, drove down 10 ine 8 the company’s interests in Patton Tues day: J. G. Stoakes, secretary and The Bazaar bas received a large auditor; W. D. Paynter, superintend- ‘ent; RN. Litton, assistant superin- {shee making goto]. Doll, next door to i Some very uibby effects in walking out fast at Anna Dartt’s. H. 8. Buck, the farnitare dealer and undertaker, has a new ad in the Cou. RIER this week, Look it up. Miss Goen Waring, of Philipsbarg, is visiting at the home of Lemon | Dangherty on Magee avenue. Patton, has recently placed a very Jora, Md. Shoemaker and Indy, of Manager Frank Baker, of the C.D. _ spent Tharsday of last & P. T. Co, is norsing a very sore eye, ‘ which was cansed by being struck with Wilson, the popular shoe chestnut burr. of Philadelphia, spent Ban. Patton. IL. Goldstein, accompanied by hin ‘three sons, A, B., and N. Goldstein, Roxie Smith, of Tipton, Pa, is returned home Monday after spending ber sister, Mrs. J. E. Parnell, ‘Sunday at Altoona. I. A. Baird, of the firm of Miller & | meetitig of Patton bor- Mooney, wholesale liquor dealers of vouncil will be held Monday Philadelphia, was looking after busines { interests in Patton Monday. : e home industry ba Mrs. Samuel Boyce and daughter, of : and foed at sey by bering Houtadale, Mrs. Mary Wright and Mm. William Mullen, of Gien Hope, visited “Bratton and Mrs. lsasc| ‘at the home of Jobn Boyce Tuesday. F. Wharton and wife, Filmer Whar. ton and lady, Edward Smith and Wm Lannon, all of Blandshurg, this county, | were visitors to Patton one day last, week. Will Prindible, who has been looking: Clafter the interests of Geo 8 Good & :Co., radirond contractors, at Bolivar, Mo., for the past six months, returned home Tuesday night. Workmen are busily engaged in lay- ! Catholic church, and when completed | section of the country, pt D. Snyder, a member of Company ited among friends in Patton a few days last week. His regiment is home on & 30 days’ fariough. ~~ W. Boyes, of Johnstown, who is act- ing in the capacity of traveling sales man for Yoder-McKee company, wholesale cigar dealers of Pittsburg, was looking after trade in Patton Friday. ~The name of “Mountain Crest," near Chest Springs, is already becoming quite popalar and will become more so ‘ when the genial proprietor, Mr. Philip | Ross, has erected a beautiful cottage thereon. jdue bere at 1:50 p. m., was over two hours late Monday owing to a wreck track near Wallaceton. damage occurred. Persons visiting the Clearfield fair will be treated to a novelty. Co's E and L.5th Regiment, will be quartered oo the grounds and daily go through the routine of camp life. All the calls, company and battalion drills will be executed each day. Two stray pickaninnies arrived in Patton Tuesday night. They were musically inclined and furnished {dancing and funny talking. They ‘wore aged about 8 and 11 years and were ‘on de bum’ as they termed it. ing the brick for the tower of the new The Beech Creek presenger train, caused by engine No. 15, jumping the No serious | amusement to several by their singing, tendent: Mr. Foster, private secretary to the vice-president. An exchange speaks of a man who always pays for his local paper in ad- vance. sick a day in his life, never had any ‘corns on his toes, or the toothache, his Wm. A. Mellon, proprietor of Hotel handsome sign in front of that hostelry. |W. H. Moore, rosdmaster of the C. | & C. division of the P. R. R. spent ‘Sunday st hin former home at Co. will be one of the highest spires in this E, Fifth Regiment, of Clearfleld, vis- | potatoes never rot, his babies never ory | “at night, his money never rusts, the frost never kills his beans, his wife never scolds, and he succeeded in sary. ing three years on the school board without being cussed. Headache orty Years. For forty veses | suffered from slo heads ache. A your ago I began nsing Celery King The reall was gratifying and surprising, my Beadactivn joaving at once The bBewilise hes get Lo relnen very seventh day, bot thanks | to Celery King, I bave bad hot one headache ID the inst sleven months. | Know that what onred ie will beipothers Mew Jobs It Yan Kenren, samagsriien, N.Y. Celery King for the Nerves Stomach, [iver and K nen ia wid in a and Fe. pueiages by druggists snd Patton Pharmacy, C. WwW. Hodgkisa, Bailey's Mistake is the name of a postoffice in Maine. Forty-seven muscles are called into play in the production of the human voloe, The Clearfield Gun eiub's Big Whoot Of Vaiuable Farming amd Cou Lands in { fresh bread and eales. As a result he has never been | ASSIGNEE'S SALE ‘smbria Co. By virtne of an order issving out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, the undersigned, assignee of Joel A. Gates and wife, of White town- ship, Cambria county, Penn’a, will expose to public sale on the premises hereinafter described an No. 8, near the | residence of Joel A. Gates, in White township, Cambria county, Pa. on Friday, the 7th day of October, A. D., 1898, at | o'clock p. m., the following described real estate: No. 1. All the right, title and inter- | eat of the said Joel A. (Gate, (being an | ondivided one-fourth in all that cer. {joining lands of J. G. Hollen, L. S. Van Ormer, Samuel Troxell and others, containing 430 acres. This tract contains four seams of coal and is situate one-half mile from the Cresson and Irvona railroad No. 2 An ondivided one-third inter est in a tract of land situate in Reade township, Cambria coanty, Pa, con. taining 233 acres of mineral and 133 has sores surface, adjoining lands of Geo. BR. Richards Estate, Geo. W. Bowman, Geo. W. Troxell and others. This tract contains four seiims of coal 50 acres of surface cleared, and having thereon erected a two-story plank frame dwelling house and bank barn. No. 3. An nndivided one third inter. est in the coal and other minerals in a tract of land in Reade township, Cam- | bria county, Pa, adjoining No. 2 above described, land of Jacob Troxell, Han- nah Fsch and others, containing 682 acres and known as the Farm." No. 4. An andivided one-third inter: “Eakins ‘eat in the coal and other minerals in the Geo. W. Galiagher now Wm. Beers land in Reade township, Cam- bria Co., Pa, adjoining lands late of James 8. Galiagher Estate, Cresson and Irvona railroad, Mary Beers and others, containing 31 acres, more or lesa No.5. A tract of land situate in White township, Cambria Co., Pa., ad- joining lands of IL. W. & P. C. Gates, Go to Duos Bakery for your Lumbe Having secured a million feet of lumber | am now «ign to farnish it in the rough in , ate. Delivered on short notice, at the lowest price and on reasonable terms. {'an furnish all kinds of mining tira. ber such as bank rails, ele. | will also handle hard wood lumber. All bills cat to order. Kindling wood by the load. Chas. Rhody, PATTON, PA. Office in Otto building, Beech avenoe. 4 A GREAT GAME! Playing Horse. We are not “‘play- ing horse’ with our customers. We are awake and alert to the interests | M. M. McKee, D. Strayer and others, _ 4 ots of cur trade Their wants containing 112 acres, having thereon a are our wishes. That they get them at large dam. White township, Cambria Co., Pa, ad- Joining No. 5 above dewcribed, land of E. Katie B. Gates and others, containing about 3 acres, having theron erected the narrowest margin of profit is assured. You Cannot a frame dwelling hoowse, now occupied | by John I. Gates. No. 7. ‘terest in the coal and other minerals in An andivided one-fourth in- | & certain tract of land sitaate in Chest township, Cambria Co, Pa lands of John Baker, Anthony Dietrick and others, containing 118 acres Noa 5 8 and 7, above described, are | subject to the dower interest of Mrs Mary Gates, widow of Isaac Goten, 'dec'd, and balance of purchase money due the other heirs of Isaac Gates, dec'd, an set forth in deed of partition among the heirs of said Isaac Gates dec’d, duly recordsd in Cambria eonnty. Terms of Salewne-third of the pur chase money to be paid on confirmation of sade, and the balance in two equal payments at six and twelve months respectively, with interest, secured apon the premises by bond and mort. gage of purchaser. Jors C. Garms, Assignee of Joel A. Gates and wifi Fbhensbarg, Pa, Sept. 12, 1808 Go to the Patton Feed and Back wheat Mills for your rye flour. corn meal, etc 28 Mexico has had 58 Presidents since 1821. Of these, 18 have died viclent deaths. The Emporer of China has to fast 84 days in each year for the sake of religion. Nearly a million persons make their living in this country by the electric industries. Anstralian rabbit skins are being converted into sealskins for the Amer. ican market A cannon ball fired from one of the great Krupp or Armstrong guns teuvels 2,887 feet per second. Experiments made in Paris show that an electric wagon costs 47 per cent less to run than a horse wagon and 33 per cent. less than a petroleum motor. The pupil of the eye is so called be- cause when looking in it a very small image of the observer may be ween, bence the term from the Latin “‘papil- lua,’ or little papil. The avreage of Britain's wheat under cultivation this year amoonts to 2,102, 220 acres, which is an increase of 211. | 088 arces, or 11.3 per cent over the returns for last year, and an increase of 408.363, or 24.1 per cent over the return for 1596. The editor of an exchange has dis- covered that there is a wide difference between the school books of the present and those of long ago. Hesays his les. sons were something like this: ‘See the cow. Is not the vow nice? Can the cow run? Yes the cow can ran. (an the cow run as ust as the horse ¥! Hut the later, up-to-date style of read- ing it by the average hid is as follows: “Get onto the cow. Hain't she a beaut? Sare she is a corker. cow get a move on herself? Can she him hike de hoss 7’ i Can the Do Better . adjoining | Than by calling at our ‘store and inspecting our im- ' mense line of CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHINHS, SHOES, ETC. WOLF & THOMPTON, PATTON, PA ig. % * . 3 3 ¥ . Good Baldi TE TTT TTT & ‘The biggest La Common amp, rar gain. ut ALL. are low at THE QO). Brady, Prop'r, h } G. ST —— ————, VALUES ever offered to consumers 1s now awaiting vour mspection at THE BAZAAR! Compare these prices with those you have been used to paying. Fine decorated chamber set, $2.75. Cups au SANOers, ge lane berry ood shoe brush, 10e. Niee decorated parior lamp No. I burner and Coal buckets, Galvanized water pail, 20c. Tin water pail, 10e. Fibre water pail, Ze Round dinner pail, 15¢ Squibs, per box, 10e Loaded shot gun shells 38¢. Youn can look at any part of our store and s We do not just have a BAZAAR, WAAL LARA AA AAE pr set, He pitcher, 10c. dishes, 10¢. $1.00. globe, 15¢. SE 4 few low prices, Patton, Penn’'a. ZU AAA ‘Surgeon Lr ie dite iin Pate rye or cori diag ak the Patton | Peed and Buckwheat Mills-26tf Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripana Tables. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, Dentist, PATTON, PENNA. Office in Bolomon Ba City Restaurant, Pifth DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door to , Patton, Pa Al i onlin, day ar night, protapily responded to. or b Oppose DR. S. W. Worrell, FHYBICIAN AND SURGRON, Offiee in Good Building, Room No. & Sr Genersl Surgury and the Eye 2 Specially AY enlls will revive prompt attention. Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offer In Arrington Dinek, next 0 Postale Patton, Pa Ail night calle responded ia promptly. Pisses of the var, nose abd thrvat when speeind attention GFFUHUE HOURS -Yltamand Tt ip Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Parton, PA. Office in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. -10t1. WM. DAVIR Attorney and Counselor at Law, Bernssuro, Pa. ALL Tegan} Basie prompdly attendsd to, (vee in Barker Building. TOBACCO and CIGARS Tie Anewt joe is Patton of J. FITZPATRICK'S Restanrant on Magee avenue, near PF. R. R. depot. MEAS AT Ald. HOU RS, Your Watch may need Regulating. Tot usliok at it. No change fir examination, 17 i feeds allention we'll dd yo, and if vou world hisve as past it ie stamps we'llado 1 well at 8 epider charge that Fey warn advent Tn R Lo vals The Pail Joes YOU READY Pow wintaer® Does Gosir Bailey give 9m af riiety® Dare’? pit Gp #1{§ fees RINNE T xsd ciihey By led fd give you tliat og ARE i B nt gatas sient yusdl asl Vent thE Hewalilag vimly water or stam any work, GOULD & BEEZER. PATTON, BRE i, Can PA MY os HOUSE _ Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Aes B13 ENR wohiad ow wt +s Pa. : Ln a ofa bah ¥ Kid Frew arise nod 8 FEnauson, Prot'r £3 ER Parnell & Cowher, Agente fore LIFE AND IN ACUTIDENT ; REAL ENTATE AGENTS Phase Noy FIRE, tarnnd Busilifing. Patleas H's Get Your FIRE INSURANCE mins JPY AEE vert James Mellon, J. P. Good and rehable com- panies. Office corner of Filth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. YOUR FORTUNE LI ha ad A and Four mind a TCI AN Onin is “Sate on, FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. "APITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $40,000.00, Aersinte of Oorpenntions, Firms, Individa- PR anks resetvisl geen He gael EVR Fle terns consistent with safe and coaiservagliive banking stgmnship tekeds Br wie lr all Have, Fanidgn Desfts pave! i ihe sfrienk oil the 00 Wanrld 1 aprvw nos utenes gil fan fe rnorl alien iol, Interest pued on tin AE Patron, Wu President. the losating freree) pad oy ORY raed ane vo slognesiin H. SANDFORD, astuer,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers