PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1895. $1.00 PER VEAR rere ml 515 up at the KEYSTON E CLOTHING CO. { GRANGE PROCEEDINGS | ot Meeting Held at Loretto Monday, tober 3d. : . The Pomona Grange of Cambria |Gieaned Here and There by county met at Loretto, Pa, Monday a ‘of this week, with Worthy Master Alex the “Courier” Reporter. Sf itis whe, with Wy arin The forenoon session was devoted to THE ELECT RIC LIGHT the interest of the Cambria County | | Patrons’ Fire [osurance company. The | Fans for Patton to be Erected at Once company appears to be in a very pros- | Light Within 66 Duys. perous condition as the Oe- ground pear the clay works for the half million dollars. erection of the new electric light plant [n the afternoon the officers of the and within the next 60 days Patton county were elected for the term of will be illuminated with the most mod- two years. The following were chosen: ern light of the age. H. M. Gooderham, master; H. J. Ivory, The electric work is under the per- overseer: I. W. Hughes, Ilectarer; sonal supervision of (ieorge E. Worth, Leighton Roland, secretary; Joel H. ‘of Philadelphia, who has established “his headquarters in the Good build- steward; Jos. O. Thomas, chaplain; J. ing. The machinery, which is being 8 McCoy, Treasurer; W. A. Baver, furnished by the General Electric com- gate keeper; Mrs. C. A. Will, ceres; | pany of Pittsburg, will arrive in about Mrs Annie M. Biter, pomona; Mies | three weeks, when it will be placed in Mary Callahan, flora; Miss Lizzie Gar- ot Position as rapidly as possible. The rete, lady assistant steward. i work of placing the poles will be com- After the officers were elected the menced this week and Whe position of Grange was transferred to fifth degree next week. evening session convened at 7:30 and All contracts for lights will be made instalied the newly elected officers, at the office of Geo. E. Prindible at the after which Miss Lula Bannan, of Lo- clay works and persons desiring the Tetio sang a very beaatiful solo; Mise light in their residences and business Noon delivered a recitation . wired should have that work attended ,.ndered a piano solo. The {to at once in order to first enjoy the adjourned to meet the first week in ti naoded. | benefits derived when the plant is in January, 1899. and fresh operation. A Pig Cateh. pre. Martin Carl, a prominent farmer One Way lo Crawl Out. sicretary Geo. 8. Good has already broken reports the amount insured nearly one- Glass, steward, Phil Noon, assistant | places, which have not already been .,4 Miss Krumenacker, of Nicktown, 3 | with the Burgess over the borough for { | the purpose of locating the position of electric light poles. . . Council then adjourned to meet al The Street Paving Question next regular meeting night, Monday, “A Perte de Vue.’ | October 17th, 1898. AS TO bos TAXES. IMPORTANT | SESSION. | A Change Made in the Law Which Many Are Not Aware of. The legisiatore at ite last session for Billy Passed, | 1897 repealed the local laws for govern. Patton, Pa., October 3 Patton Bor- fing he sniliection s of dog tax and the ough Council met in regular session this PAYMent ou same evening with members present as per losses sustained by owners of sheep roll call: President Alex Monteith, W. Which were killed by dogs. Prior to | C. Hobbard, J. D. Blair, EP. McCorm.- 1397 the dog tax was leavied and col, jok, John Scheid and Frank Anderson. lected by the local authorities and the | The minutes of regular meeting beld fands so accumulated were paid into Monday evening, September 19th, were | read and and a ved, ppro | of sheep by dogs were paid out of the On motion of McCormick and seo. onded by Hubbard, it was anaaimovely | lovers jo the ashioo]. treasury of the carried Street Commissioner | that the The legislature of 1897 now puts the | Rotify property owners to ask Borough | {collection of the dog taxes under the Baguer Brows for grades for side- |. i diction of the county commission. : ers ander and in pursuance of an act of The following petition was presented (he jagislature passed in 1898. Here. to Council: after no money for dog taxes will be To the Honorable Town Council of the paid into school treasuries, nor losses Geo. 9% Pasian, Fe. a for sheep out of sach money, but the property owners, citizens and ighe moneys collected for taxes on dogs will ers of the Borough of Patton, respect- De paid into the county treasury amd full ank that in view of the lateness the losses for sheep killed by dope will | of the season the question of ving paid treasu avenue be rd ar next be out of such ry. and that no further action be A Change in the Date of the Coming loeture, ‘taken by your honorable body in = Ion Lo thin Gyre ai the The lecture of Rev. M. [. Guooe in time. dpectfally submitted, * the Methodist church this week will Geo. 8. Gdd, Woif & Thompson, take place Friday evening, October 7, Patton Hote! Co by A. E Patton, A. and not oo Thursday as first announced. Equally interesting to most people, it Fiectrie Light Pies to be Pinend at Ones and the losses sustained by the killing E. Patton, executor Jno Patton Estate, List of Uneinimed Lotro, The following letters remuin in the : postoffics: at Patton for the ‘week end- ing Thursday, October 8, 1808: Miss Rosie Cartright, Alice Hind- ‘man, Mim Jennie High, Eddie Kolb, | Clsad Ammerman, Mrs. Alice Mook, : Miss Edith Backbile, Eiton Parks, | Mrs. Jacob Shankwiler, Pervons calling for the above letters | will please say they are advertised. E A Meuion, P.M. - TRIUMPHANT TAILORS. Our line of suits, for quality and work defies They are jost what you have been ooking for. As to style, they are away up; - io competition price Shey they are moderation itself buying do yourself the justice to examine our offers. We have our full line for fall and winter saitings. We also ca a full line of sanples of the most l that the person or The Jotmatown Demeoseatof Meade) living a short distance east of St i$ R rT F. P. Young, G. Cc a says: “There is probabiity Augustine, treated his friends to » Tr. kh ih re i et ape Johnstown will have a foot ball team ood time Satarday by draining the C. Faber, F. ee H PEABO, water of his or PUT: trustee. Ee Sew rhe ck 4 Sr ir ot Sg dn fe Goidstein, J. A. Myers, A. promises to be specially so to the obi goods in the market. WwW. H. Sandford, Anditor General of Penney tvania, says of it: * Having heard the lecture of Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. * ° £5 4 of catching fish, and all those so ick made 3 motion to Jay Rev. M. I. Ganoe, entitled ‘A Boy in ber around Johnstown, but the frost a nice haul, as over two large barren lant year's tearm received is a nightmare of catfish, eels and suckers wore real- ‘to the management. The team Was ized and they were dandies, sore of the _ several hundred dollars bebind at the fash weighing two and three pounds close of last season and local pigskin | each. The sels were very large and ‘chasers bave no desire to witness 8 ‘Slippery as usual. No perwon was i repetition of the failure this year. disappointed and all enjoyed them- The defi from Patton is considered selves really funny by members of our old ! team, who heretofore thought them- selves familiar with the Patton idea of humor. Io view of the fact that Johine- | Medicines, Chemicals, town has no big team to entertain the Patton Kickers, last year's manager states that he finds great pleasure in | referring the Patton men to the High 18} school team. minimom of 25 cents. Tickets will be Kisoted Officers. sold October 8 to 13, good to retorn Patton Lodge, No 1088, I. O. O. F., gntil October 17, inclusive. The return ‘elected the following officers Thars limit of tickets from Harrisburg and day night to serve the ensuing term: points east thereof can be extended to - | John Hunter, noble grand; W. C. Hub- Oct. 31 upon depositing same on Oct. | n Pharmacy. Headquarters for Rodueed Rates to Pitiabarg. On scovunt of the Knighta Templar Triennial Conclave, to be held at Pittsbarg, Pa, October 10 to 14, the { Pennsylvania Ralroad company will “sell excursion tickets from stations on | ita line to Pittabuig and retarn at rate ‘of single fare for the round trip, with Stationery Confectionery, bard, vice grand; E. O. Hartshorne, 13 to 17 with the Joint Agent at Pitts- recording secretary; A. G. Abbott, burg and the payment of 50 cents. : financial secretary; Elmer Smale, treas- rarer; D. P. Jones, trustee. Past grand, B.F. Wise. The following appointed | officers were chosen: 8.1. Irvin, R. 8, |All their gouds subject to revenge are IN, G.; Wm. Walf, L. 8. N. G.; W. W, properly stamped. The revenue ofl- Stratiff, R. 5. V. G.; J. R. Tribley, L. °° are dropping in apon business men 8.V.G.; R Somerville, R. 8. 8; C.. in various parts of the State, and all W. Hodgkins, L. 8. 8.; John Culp, | goods found by them without stamps | conductor; Wm. Cramer, warden: Decome contraband of war. In Har Clark Loomis, outside guard; Luke risburg the other day some $1,500 worth Warren, inside guard; G. H. Curfman, ©f unstamped goods were found in and Sheet Iron Ware, chaplain. Installation of officers will ' drug stores and seized by Revenue Col- ; Valleys, Cornices, Tin take plsce to-night (Thursday). lector Hershey. The druggists of the Stoel Roofing, Steel A - State capital are out just that much. The new South Fork Opera House will be opened to the public Wednes- ‘day evening, October 10th, when the ‘Sam Pittman Comedy company will : Babimsates | hold the boards for three nights. This | soe the ¢mality of play bouse is one of thc finest in the {State outside the larger cities. The | stage is very large and it contains all modern improvements so that a per- | formance may be given on the same scale of excellence as in the very best ‘equipped opera houses in the large | cities. The structure is owned by | Stineman Bros. J. H. Deitrick, a man of wide experience, will act in the | capacity of manager. The large brick | structore, which contains the offices ‘ and stores of Stineman Bros, is truly as great credit to South Fork and vicinity. A Miteh in Time, Ele. Must Waar Their Unifirma. that soldiers home on a furlough wesr their uniforms for show, that a soldier is compelled to wear his aniform all the time, and the minute he removes it and dons citizen's cloth- ing he becomes a deserter and is liable to be arrested by any constable or officer and returned to camp, a reward of §10 being offered for such arrests Re- Organised. At a meeting of the stockholders of ‘the Patton Clay manufacturing com- ‘pany held at the office of Geo. 8S. ‘Good, Patton, Pa., Friday, September 130th, 1568, officers were elected as follows: President, Geo. 8. Good; sec ‘retary and treasurer, Geo. E. Prindible; directors, Geo. 8. Good, L. M. Patter mew line of window| Alf Baum, of Bellefonte, has estab-. son, Harry E Good, Ralphs 4. Good, 16¢, 25c, 400, 50c, 60, | lighed a new livery, feed and exchange First of the Season. each. stable in Patton. He bas leased the Thanks to Wilbur & Perry for a Loo to Marks barn near the old grist mill, sample sack of their celebrated buck. ' which be has remodeled to suit his re- wheat flour, the finst of the season, | quifements. Mr. Baum is a man of which was much appreaciated by the in the livery business and writer. Mr. James Randall, the effic- ' his stable is equipped with first-class ient miller is gaining considerable rep- turn-outs, which are essential in carry- “utation for the fine flour he manufac- ing on an up-to-date business of that tures for the trade, and well deserves it. kind. he : New Livery. A Hint to Honsekeepers. Mrs. Mary Reaber, of DuBois would | Nothing adds so much to the com- like to know the whereabouts of her fort of housewives as a good range, ; son “Web,” nicknamed “Reddie,” one that is a reliable baker at all times. | who left home two years ago, and | Hf you want such a range buy the | whose brother, Michael, was murdered 's | Cinderella. It is certain in its results ' December 23, 1897. Information should | {and Insts well, and looks well. Sold | be given to Mrs. Mary Reaber, DuBois, | {oy d. B. Kirk Hadware Co. Pa. Other papers please copy. §- ves. Qive us a call d see for yourself seconded by Scheid, that Council ac- and was at once set up and placed in | Merchants would do well to see that Creek on Fifth avenae be referred to For the benefit of those who imagine | we will state $2.00), team work, same; petition on the table till next meeting the War,’ or the ‘ Funny Side of Soldier which was seconded by Anderson, and Life,” it gives me great pleasure to Ail WORK GUARANTEED. a ballot was taken, which resulted as state that the lectare is of thrilling in- follows: Yeas McCormick, Scheid, terest and one which will be appriciated ii Anderson and Blair; Nays— Hubbard. and enjoyed by every old soldier who | The motion carried. may have opportunity to hearit. A A motion was made by McCormick soldier hearer will find himself carried and seconded by Blair that Council back to the war times and will have receive all bids as submitted to Council vividly presented scenes and experi- for the paving of Magee avenue and a ences once familiar but possibly for ballot was taken, which resulted as gotten. Then, too, the lecture sO follows: Yeas McCormick, Scheid, abounds in patriotism that it must Anderson and Blair, Nays Hubbard, commend itself to every lover of his Motion carried. country. Altogether it is charming McCormick made a motion that the and I hope the privilege of hearing it bids for street paving be held over for Ba De extended to many audiences.’ some future meeting and money re- ‘Be sure you hear it. The lecture de o to bidders, which was seconded "TV 8 full house. by Hubbard. A ballot resuited as The Mew Machine Hers, follows: Yeas -Hobbard, McCormick. The new patent handle and spoke ‘ Nays—Blair, Anderson, Scheid not no ihine, owned by the Patton Wooden voting, resulting in a tie vote, when Manufacturing company, which has President Monteith voted with the been ander course of constroction at Motion voted down, . Williamsport during the pest six Anderson made a motion, which was months, arrived in Patton last week General Hardware Stoves, Etc, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work. Yeager Building, PATTON, PA. oupt the bid of D. H. Ettla for the position at the company's mill near paving of Magee avenue, which was the P. R. R. and will soon be ready to the lowest. A ballot was taken which manufacture the products it was de resulted as follows: Yeas Anderson; signed for. An unusaal amount of Nays McCormick, Hubbard, Blair not interest is taken in the machine by the voting and Scheid not being present, citizens of Patton, who are andious to having retired from council chamber. see il 3 success in every particular. Motion did not carry On motion of Hubbard and seconded by Blair, it was onanimously carried that the bridge across Little Chest Champion Hi Climber, Harry Cooney, the efficient lceomot- ive night watchman for the P. IL R.| is ‘now considered the champion bicycle the Street Committers With power 10 hill climber of Patton, having ‘won a make temporary improvements as may wagur of $1.00 Saturday by nding hw Be wheel up the long steep hill road north | ¥- of Patton which leads to St. Lawrenons. | On motion of Hubbard and seconded Quite a namber of bieycle entliusiasts by McCormick, the following bills were Liinessed the ride and all declire thst {accepted and the clerk instructed 0 i was no easy task by any means. draw orders for the same: W. Jack- gefore the riding season is ended many | son, $4.00, for Board of Health services oy try to meet his record by ascend- per bill of Angus 1, i a amet, ing the same hill on their wheels. ohn Gantz, : 80 cents, lime, sanse; FE. Will Greene, Large Lumber Deal. : $6.00, clerk servioss for month of Sep- Ove of the largest timber contracts tember; G. D. Holes, $100.00, chief of ¢ver made in Clearfield county wis | police services for months of August Signed Saturday when D. E. Notley, of | and September; J. E. Kirk Hardware Barnesboro, purchased the timber om: Co., $8.81 for merchandise, per bill four tracts belonging to the estate of of August 2; ard the following bills for the late Aaroo Patchin, of Fatchin- | street work for raonth of September Ville, for §150,000. Mr. Notiey intends | per Street Commissioner's account: 8. 0 begin to cut at once. : E. Jones, $6.20: Geo. Tempo, team, $1.75; Adolph Hoffer, §1.50; W. Jack- son, 75 cents. On motion of Hubbard and seconded by Anderson, it was unanimoasly car. ried that she fdlowing petition be referred to the members of the Fire and hard work. It is a good baker and | and Police ( Committen, who are re- id with that understanding. Said | quested to investigate the maiterand .j pg Kirk Hardware Co. report to Council. To the Borough Council of Patton, Pa. | aS tiamen a would ke lo naw Bids are requested for laying about { with which this store is full water line aro ee - East 3 ) ague one mile of 8-inch cast iron waker pipe | § to overflowing. ‘ avenue, as as it is absolutely DECOSSArY in Patton, Pa. Contractor to do all | Lowest Prices Prevail. that we property owners on said street labor and farnish all material except | GABLE & CO. should bave fire protection. pipe. Bids close October 13, 1598, at’ ALTOONA, FA, Friday and Saturday, October 5,6, 7 § 8. We mvite you to be pres. ent at this time, and view the magnificent showing of stylish Modern Housswork. May be done more easily, more con- | venlently and with less expense on the | Cinderella Range than with many others; all the old objections to ranges removed. It will save you time, money | § Bids Waateld, i ta Sued ould & Booms, Ww. TF Sob. noon. Right to reject any or all bids tnson, Mr. Ellis, D. T. Bradiey, Mrs. J. reserved. For further information eal -M. Spicher, H. A. Witberow. on or address, On motion of McCormick and »sec- PATTON WATER CO. onded by Hubbard, it was unanimously * Pattos, Pa | carried that the Council go in a body E. C. Brow, Sup't.
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