en $s avin | VOL. v. NO. 42. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEM BER 22, 18g. $1.00 PER YEAR. assaf foscurian ch 3 Those $3 to ¢5 Suirs af 99 Cents at the KEYSTONE CLOTHING CO. % UE IND GENERIL NEWS epics: yieaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter BOROUGH DADS MEET. 1 bought before the war tax was put on tobaccoa large quadity and propose to give my customers the benefit. OLD PRICE Warman Cat and Dry ib Be » Honest 1 po Cat Red Boot Mail Pouch Sweet Caporal Clgaretts Best Tobies 4 for * BERNA nnD®] - a 5 - y ~ Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars #9 Tobacco. Oppose shot Butng. $225; Frod Mellon, {Ne Astion Tikes in Regards to Paviog of Mages Avenue, Patton, Pa., Sept. 19. Patton Bor- ‘ough Council met in regniar session this evening with the following mem- bers present as per roll call: Alex Monteith, president; W. OC. Habbard, DP Jonew. J Db. Rinir, John Scheid, E. P. MeCormick and Frank Anderson. The minutos of regular meeting held | Monday night, Aagust 15th, and special meeting held Saturday evening, Ang “ust 27th, were read and approved by Couneil, A communication was read from E . Brown, borough engineer, stating ‘that he had received no bids up to the hour in which the bids were to close, ' { Monday, Bept. 19th, at 8 o'clock p.m. | {On motion of Hubbard and seconded iby Scheid, it was unanimously carried i that the Street Committee be author {ized to see E. C. Brown, asking him to | advertise for bids for street paving | within the next ton dayn The Street Committee reported that several bonrd walks had been repaired by the Stroet Commissioner, two street crossings in the borough needed repairs and the culvert on Third and Magee avenoes needed cleaning om. © Om motion of Hubbard and seconded ‘by Blair, it was unanimously carried : that the communication from John | Yahner asking for grade to ersot store front be accepted as read and that the | borough engineer be instructed to give Mr. Yahner grade at once; also to give ‘Mr Goldstein grade for pavement it front of his property on Fi th and Magee AVEnues, On motion of Anderson and seconded | by Scheid, it was unasimonsly carried that the following bills be sccepted and clerk instrocted to draw orders for the ‘same: 8. FE Jones, $8.00 for board of | health services per bill of Sept. 7, E. | Will Greetie, $5.00 for clerk services for Patton Water Co. . month of August; $88.34 for water rent for month of | August; and the following for street | work for months of July and August per Street. Commissioner Jones’ ac- count: 8 E. Jonea, $36.00 for July and : August; W. Snags, 45 cents; W. Jack- sop, 60 cunts; Adolph Hoffer, $1.56; Wm. Trimbath, $1.50: John Watkins, | $5.85; W. J. Fisher, $4.65; H. Hulet, tearn, $5.25; H. | Woomer, Lenn, $4.56; | $2.25; Ed. Watkins, Tempo, team, $2.80; $240. Adolph Hoffer, GRANGE MEETING To be Hold at Lor tio sm Monday, Oct, ta om The next iat quarterly of the Cambria County meeting F omona | Grange, will convene in the hall at Loretto on Monday, October 3, 1888 at 8 o'clock am The forenoon session will be devoted to the business interests of the order “and in hearing report of the secretary | of the PP. of H. Matas! Fire Insgrance LoInpany. The afternoon session will be called to order at 1 o'clock sharp at which time the eoction of officers for the coming two years will take place. The | fifth degree session will open at $30 pom. The evening session will open at 7:30 Following is the program: Essay, Mrs, C. A. Willa; How can our country schools be made more efficient, HM (Gooderham; Pasay, Edward A. Shee han: Recitation, Mra. Maggie Noon; Farmers’ reading matter, [. Rowland, Solo, Miss Lala Bannan; How to make commercial fertilizers pay, Jos 0. Thomas, Fssay, Mrs HJ Eanuan. All fourth de gree members are cordially invited Yo at lend ATBVRVLVVAAVAVRLLAL PLAIN D Sword for Schiey. The Cot rIER has been auton and receive esl ap wards to go towards the purihas- Admiral of the whi sé Beat zed to invite * subscriptions of 5 cents and ing of a sword for Nobidey, one af they heroes Spanish American warn, Bravedy commanded the which sank and E : f captured the Spanish fleet near Santiago, fet everyone who reads this and whe believes in jost rewards randly heroic, respond It is certain that quite enough money will be sub- seribed to present a very bean tifal sword to Admirial Schley; bit however large the fund may be made, the fall amount will be expended in additional ornamen- Contributions may be seit by mail or brought in person to the Courier office and the names of all those who contribute will be published when the subscription is closed, to: the oall 5 ny 4 the public schools of Cambria county for 1898. Tt is in the form of a neatly Db bd hh hhh ido ihe VW the closing of lake navigation, . THI 1 BURN HIS MUTHER And Then Atte; npted to Kili a Con stable | AT LORETTO But Was Arnsted and Landed After a Hard Vight ik 1] i & QUITE IMPORTANT. | Sehiol Directors Shoat) Levy a B1LO00 Por Capits Tax, By a recent Act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, a law has heen enucted | whereby all male inhabitants, 21 years and upwards, are compelled by law to pay one dollar ($1.00; for school por MONDAY poses, whether assessed or not. [| will ‘wit at my office on Monday, October Yash | taxes not assessed, after that date 10. Om Monday night between 11 and 12 clock H. T. O'Friel, merchant of lLo- retto, this county, after a prolonged Ind, 1888, to receive and receipt fiir all per cont. will be added and placed in | the hands of an officer for collection. spree, entered his aged mother’s room | and after spending some time trying to get money from her, lighted the bed ‘ clothing and tried to burn her in bed. | ‘The bed clothing and furniture were | badiv damaged OF Fried mother’s door and sscaped. Ald was summoned and the fire extinguished. Toesday evening Con@ble EJ Humphreys, with Justice Parrish and PJ Little, of Fbensburg, arrested (Friel. prisoner to get needed articles from ti After entering the store with the constable, (PFriel drew a re ver from & drawer and shot at the constable, grazing his head A fight ensued between the constable and the who fired again, the ballet making a slight mark on Huomphreye Mr. Little and citizens of Lomito then appeared, and disarmed 0 Priel, taking him to Fhensburg where he wis fodged in {ail tore, viol prisoner, howd Tie Coed Trude Following av atest soft ond from three important cities: Buffalo The soft coal trade continues in fair condition, with plenty of coal in sight and bat fair demand Prices cone tinue gnchanged with but [ite prowie of improvement Pittaburg - There iv a better tone ob servabie in the coal trade, but it has not yet reached the point of better prices. The market is firmer, and orders for hurrying delivery is noted re pris for this condition vary, ate it to the approach of the time for others to expected increassd consumption by demand for domestic purposes, and still others to apprehension of a strike before there will bo time to accumulate stocks. New York This is the time of year when there ought to be some trade expected and we are guing to get it, ' bat a trifle later than usual owing to the anervating character of the weather in the early part of this month. We are going to have a very fair trade ' during the remainder of the year an- James McDevitt, The COURIER is in receipt of the first les the usual si al i the hard 75 cents; Geo. annual report of the Superintendent of _ de an) sp. wl nt Prop In On motion of Scheid and seconded printed book of 24 pages, and contains Messrs. Scheid snd Wilkin, the two by Blair, it was unanimously carried several half-tone cuts of different tonsorial artista, wish tw inform the : that the Chest Creek Land & Improve. public school buildings of this county, public that they are now comfortly | ment company be instructed to remove including an elegant one of the Patton located in their new quarters in the Jog house off of street leading to the public schools. Our county superin- Goldstein block os Mages avenue and clay works within 30 days or same will tendent, T. I. Gibson, deserves much are now ready to wait upon the trade ~ Company, & | Se anonctonrasnd Debers ify and Sheet Iron Ware, ay wen wed mow lino of winder $1.00. each. Ln {superintendent expressed great sur- ‘be removed by the Street Commis ‘soper. . No further business Council ot journed ti meet at next regular meeting night, Monday, October 3, 1508 A Yplendid Liettire ming. The Epworth League is arranging for a slendid lecture to be given in the tpiscopal church on Thars- dny eveniog, Octoter 6th The ject. nrer is the Rev. M. LI. Gasoe, the "popular pastor of the First Methodist ‘church of Altoona. The title of the Joctare is “A Boy in the War; or, the credit for publishing the same. Coming. Wait for Tn Jones & Carter's Grand Concert and Exhibition Entertainment company will exhibit in the Firemen's Hall Mon- day and Tuesday, September 26 and 27. The wonerful phantascope--a grand exhibition of the late American and Spanish war 80 pictures. Hear the Columbian male quartette and mando iin club. Admission 10 and 20 conis Port mies 32 Rugby Foot Ball, A game of Rugby foot ball will be with peatness and despatch. The shop has been equipped with all modern necesaitien and contains four chairs, which will afford ample accommoda- tions. All old enstomers and new ones are invited to call and get a nice clean shave and hair cut. Shampooing and ail other special work will be particu- iarly looked after Remember the place in the Goldstein block, opposite the Palmer house. Prosperity The employes of the Beech Creek railroad shops at Jersey Shore will at Jersey Shore. Funny Side of Soldier Life.” Of the played in Patton Friday, September 13, work 12 bours a day until December Jecture the Lewisburg Saturday News between our home team and a strong 1st. The increase of time is greatly “says: “Mr Ganoe is 8 man of most pleas- team from Coalport. The game will appreciated by the employes. - ing address. His sense of fan bubbles ‘up like an unfailing spring; it breaks : through his thought every where, makes it dance and gleam like a mountain ‘stream in the morning light © raring i the hoor and a half he takes you into _ his confidance and talks to you of army | 5 be called at 3:30 sharp. Admission cents, Ladies will be admitted free, Attention % of ¥V. « Lawek Haven Express. Public Sale. There will be exposed at pablic sale All Sons of Veterans, members of i, the Borough of Patton Thursday, ‘the order. or not, are earnestly re. ‘ quested to meet in Bell's hall Friday evening next, September 20d, at 7.30 September 20th 1508 at 3 p. m., the following described real estate: One vacant lot 50x10 feet, situated life In general and of his own in par. o'clock, for the purpose of reorganizing pn the south east corner of Fifth and ticular, you forget time. he alternates | hamor, wif, pathos, eloquence in such | a charming; manner; his power of de- iscription is unusual” Tickets for ‘admision will be on sale soon by a | committee of sclieitors. Is it Pussible? A county superintendent in a sieigh- Weinmann asked every teacher at | ‘the county institute who took their. | local or country paper to hold up their hands, and only six responded. prise and said: “You don’t spend a dollar a year with those papers, yet yon expect them to print free of charge | notices of all institutes, insert long | programs, expect them to advertise you, thus assisting you Be cliinb vp Se « the camp at Patton. Millinery ‘Opening. Millinery opening Saturday and Monday, October 1st and 3rd, at Anna Dartt’s. Wihoso digg a pat and Gelia wit Should not be pitied for a single. - Pe x List of Unclaimed Letters. The following letters remain in the | postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Thursday, September 22, 1808: Richard Bland, Wm. Beverage, Miss Mary A. Farrell, Miss Nettie Hindman, Jew &: S Hiniah, Chan Solsnin, Sow Palmer avenues, ine lot 500x160 feet on the east side of Fifth avenue, property. Both lots adjoin each other, Terms of sale. Cash. A. COMERFORD, Notice! Notice is hereby given to all persons not to give, sell or furnish to my wife ‘any goods, boarding or lodging on my | account. We have voluntarily sepa- rated and I shall not be liable for any debts contracted by her. AARON WEAKLAND. closei his | James MeLLoN, Collector. Patton, Pa, Sept 19th, 188% AN ACT- To authorize and empower the school directors and controllers of the several sehool districts within | this Commonwealth fo levy and collect 4 per capita tax, annually, for school purposes. Secrion 1. Be it enacted, &e, That on and after the passage of this act it shall be lawful for the school directors Lor school controllers of any city, bor- Permission was asked by the among shippers. The reasons cited Some attrib. ‘rare occasion when opposite the school ough or township within this Common. wealth, to levy and collect, annually, A per capita tax of one dollar for school purposes from each and every male in- habitant of the age of 21 years and apwards within their respective dis tricts. SE med in the first section of this act shall Par 9 _ law. Sie. 3. The per capita tax berein athorined shall be in ley of the coon. pation tax for school purposes, and this act shall in no wise limit or abridge directors or con. a tax on real or personal the power of schon trolises to levy property POE poses. Approved The 32d day of July, A, D. 1897, for school and bulbling Follow the (Crowd It will lead you to the Shadow Soeial, the event of the season, to be given in the Amusement Hall, Westover, Pa Satarday evening, Sept. 24, 1898. The principle feature of the evening's entertainment will be the purchasing of your partner for supper at the auction sale. The sale will be followed by an elegant repast consisting of all the delicacies of the season. You buy a partner from the shadows on a curtain and the supper is free. Oceans of fun for all. Let everyone come. Funds for the benefit of the BY. PL Cambrian County Water Melon, The editor of the COURIER is ander obligations to the family O'Leary, who resides near St. August. ine for a delicdous water melon raised on Mr. O'Leary's farm. water melons ean be successfully raised in this sec. tion of the country, but the writer ca vouch for the sample presented as be. ing as fine as any imported one ssanpled this season. Deaih of Mary A. Tibbhens. Miss Mary A. Tibbens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Tibbens, died at her home west of Patton Tuesday at 740 a m., after an illness of several weeks of typhoid fever. She wis aged 23 years. Interment took place in the The per capita tax aethor- | ; levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as sehool taxes are now Jevied and collected by | of Tim ‘A GREAT It i» quite TRIUMPHANT TAILORS. Our line of suite, for quality and work defles competition. They are just what you have been looking for. As to style, they are away up; as to price they are moderation itself. Be ore buying: do yourself the justice to examine our offers, We have our full line for fill and winter suitings. We also carry a full line of samples of the most « goods in the market. AND SEE Dinsmore Bros. PATTON, PA. WORR GUARANTEED EGO, “EREAL BRR General Hardware Stoves, Etc, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work. Yeager Building. PA TTON, PA. CALL § vin Lie, ALL 5 ON mie GAME! Patton cemetery at 3:50 o'clock Wed. nesday. Heartfelt sympathy of many friends is extended to the parents of the deceased. Her The secret of the success of the Clo. dereila Stoves and Ranges, is the superiority of the material and work. manship that enters into their cons straction; they are clean by habit, have no dirt pockets, and are sold guranteed to be good bakers and perfect roaster Seid by J. E. Kirk Hardware Co. The Harvest Moon. The harvest moon is the moon near: est the autumnal equinox. This year it will ocenr with the ful moon of September 29. To the School Children, Mrs. Rhoeok would like to angounoe that she has a beautiful line of school bags for sale cheap. Map wl sireel Paving Bids. [ am again requested by with brick the part of Magee avenue bids. All bids to be accompanied by to give bond for full cost of work, and | certified check for $300.00. Contractor . guarantee work for one year, Ww of work. Plans and specifications can | which § per cent will be sotained by | Borough for one year after completion | . be seen at office of Borough Engineer. i The right to reject any or all bids re-| A reward of $25 is offered to the served. Bids to close Saturday, Octo- | the evidence leading | ber 1, 1598, at §:30 p. m. Street paving | the conviction of the party or parties | ordinance enacted and ordained June cut the rope at the Culumbia 20, 1508. Parrox OQoal Co. E. C. BRowN, Borough Engineer. Borough Council to advertise for bids for paving | mense line of referred to in two previous requests for | Wa are not “play- customers. We Playing Horse. ing horse’’ with our are awake and alert to the interests and wants of our trade. Their wants are our wishes. That they get them at the narrowest margin of profit is assured. You Cannot Do Better Than by cal] ing at our store and CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHINHS, SHOES, ETC. WOLF & THOMPTON PATTON, PA. | Good Building.
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