® ns A A <i 2 So OR A A AN A A SN PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 3o, 1868. Ee A RR For the Grand and L. W. COOK'S DEPARTMENT STORE, ALTOONA, PA. _ Sn i HAS Ia RS wag | stores: or the scales used to | comb and soap, We have almady spohesters of diy y i i ! i fy F { The Following is Taken from the Engineer A Letier Written by s Brother of Iw. C. Gallitzin, Jane 27, 1898. — There is ; ing Journal. : rest have. g mn litte new to report this week. The FOR PATTON. “hickamauga, , Camp ( s ; : : substantial local unions of the district | . . Thomas, Sunday, June 19, 1988 11 # , show a determination to do something Dr. a ay Eenduste of Eprror Covrmen:—I will drop youa I Fp IJ 2 | to better the miners’ condition, but the |. ied in the Sob : line this morning to let ou know we § 5 1 ' majority of the miners don't BEE 10 He Raunt, whore ue 1 peat a on 187 all well 5 Company | We wil} " 3d shat they BAvS Hight thst | Kinanof Dental work, sel an ve no a to-da some | Cannonsding from 12m. toa m [AD ye taken away from them.’ FILLING TEETH, PLATE WORK, boys have gone to Chattanooga. others (Grand ne Parade composed of When the coal operators flood the dis | CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK are visiting historical points in the vie industrial and fantastics, 11 a m. | Wwiet with detectives to watch every ae Psmmin park, while others are in their tents Big Flag Raising on Patton Public move the miners or their officials make, | EXTRACTING ETC, writing letters to parents and friends Sahoo! Grounds immediately after the reasonable men should see that they Office fitted throughout with ail modern up- e learned of a large contract at home. The Fifth Regiment is now parade. when the amemblage will be Still fear the power of organization, | plisnce. Offer hours will he Sues 4 4h. Jo ving been iiade at 45 cents did there | bein visited by the old army — addressed by the Hon. Alvin Evans, DUt we are sorry to say that the miners | Ali work guarstiecd snd o fteent share of difficnity in ‘excellent ran- greybacks but as yet they have been .qandidate for Congress in this district. | 90 not seem to realize their impending your patronage wobictted 303 : asylvania or the Fairmont district | fore Company E has not been troubled svenue: Bicycle Race, Ist prive $2.00, We bave pled with them until u of West Virginia at 50 cents a ton. with the visitors, but is waiting for w.ond $1.00; Three Race, 1st Pleading bas become almost 4 mockery, | Great Reduction : Jeices ase) we believe, he low- | hem, and will try and give erat, | prize $2.00, second §1. : Tob Race on 8nd there seems nothing left but that . | est ever received in this or any other warm reception opon their arrival, dam foot of street, ist prise $3.00, slavery that comes to a erafl unwillin, in MILLINERY i , and certainly conid not be which we know is not far distant--but ond $1.00. {to protect its interests. With a sond | = or maintained if the nominal what is a soidier's life without grey- Ballon Ascension by Prof Brodie, of | OTRanization, iners of You will be able to form some idea 1 7 for coal mining backs. : Reranton. | ais never had a better it of ! were actually In the Pittsburg’ We have all been measured for oar Uniform Drill, Patton Fire Co, No. 1. | better their conditions, ARRAS oi | district the union scale is, we believe, brown canvas suits, and when ach Rage Ball Game, Patton's old club | chains of slavery are bein 33 cents per ton. If it were paid the soldier ww supplied will have the fol pu Opesson. 3 p.m. the Cuban slaves to Span tyranny, SHOW WINDOWS bat there is a tacit anderstandin that shi, a par fine teasers 1 Bloes MOP i limbs of the miners of Pennsylvania. and yet this i oaly an ide what we | mine owners would soon be bankrupt, lowing: 1 brown canvas suit, 2 pei Daylight Fire Works on principal | they are being tightly rivoted on the {the 1-ton car shall hold 1] tons of coal, blouse, 2 campaign hats, 2 suite under. Dancing and Refreshments at Fire- | The officials of the United Mine have in stock and the miner bays Lis supplies at the wear summer , 3 pair socks, 3 towels, nen's Park all day; music by crack | Workers have did all in their power to The midsammer touch is certainly : ] ; : Le : ! t the catast strophy that in com ing, tempting. the coal ut the mines are received the high U. 8 leggings, which Grand picnic in Short’s grove for but alove and u wi they will soon # or by some other device, come tothe knees, and the bine canvas benefit of Catholic church. have to give up the fight and let the S Orme Very ‘msnally well-known to the miner as web belts, which are about three inches The celebration will wind ap with a di element in the minors. . | well a the minis owner, the actual rate high and hold 45 cartridges, 48 snd 20, big y of Fire Works at 9 p. m., CArTy the battle. It is unnecessary te New Styles paid for mining is much jess than the calibre, and will t pounds guder the personal supervision of a recount the evils that surround the in sailors just come in at | nominal rate called for by the miners’ when flied The boys present a ve*¥ man of experience miners; they are on every side and of but we ligion services will be held twice Cornelius, chief marshal, who will men and officers of the district are no mize that if the nominal rate togiay in the Regiment by Rev. Bart announce his aids: Lieutenant Peter longer able to battle against condi. MILLINERY STORE the mines would have to man of Altoona, our chaplain. Thess Kuvior Post, No. 633, G. A, R; Sons tious that require onited action to . could not stand the services are held in front of Colonel of "Veterans. Patriotic Order Sons of sucessfully meet. ) 8 her distrieta. It Barchfield's hosdumarters Bach cou. Ameriea: I 0. P Members Public | Jasns W, Knipuyy, be better for the miners to lower y is the command 8 Schools; Knights Golden Eagle, Im- | nominal rate, and then insist ET en i and to the opqved on Red Men: Young New Postal Regulations. union schedule dressy appearance with their new The foliowis orders, ote, will . | every deseription, bat if they won't try : : ! We think this castom i altogether leggings and beita ticipate, under the direction of J K. to keep themmeives, the few muthitat (MIPS. [IDNA art S ‘everythi strightforward and services, which e is compelled Men's Institute: Improved Order Hep. | F Ostonaster General Charles Emory eriiting being’ tegh es br - to attend, unless being de tasophs; Siavish Society; Smoketown Sih bas put in operations several - tailed for work preventa Company E Fire Brigade, No, 0; Industrials, by Changes in the Jomat regulations. Important Notes always has a good attendance at these merchants: Fantastics by the ; Hereafter, while the postal card will The act of Congress approved June services BOYS | continge fo be sold, it will be lawful to 898, SE provias| The past week has been 8 week Will Go to War. ose cards with a 1 cent stamp affixed i vaght rest to the boys of the William F. Cody. better known as for the same purpose. These cards . i rained a shower most “Buffalo Bill," accompanied his Met be approximately of the same, : : vy. When it rains in snp the wid » Weak stow is Altoona, in conver. Shape od. | ny sum of money not ex- boys themuelves playin ) a Tribune reporter $100, and makes the same games, singing songs and sleeping, even anpoasved Mn Pettis Mery Dra ring the past week sccompan issued by the Government of who the new recruits will bs, but are Cuba F : nited States” on and after the prepared to give then a great recep- Tampa and is only aw y of July, 1588. In lien of re- tion whoever they may be. The boys to start. Mr. Cody e sd SOrrOw that revense stamps be affixed ' who come will find it the hottest place over the fate of the roagh riders who POM to, it : Friday's battle near ] of the drill. We are all gettin ed amilton Fish, Captain Capron shall be notified { pursaance of the above and becoming used to drilling, there and Major Bell,” be suid. “The major Ond-class matter 1 cent for four canes s of said act, notice is fore do not mind the work much. The and I were on a scout together back in > De pak to the postmasters at all | thermometor registers 110 degrees in '78 in the Yellowstone region. Hema orf , that beginning Sergeant Beyers' tept now, and we splendid type of a soldier—a man for they most an miod the heat more to-day than A marge: He is one of the best he of 3.000 Jn jad have at any time since our mrrival Ind 8 | ever associated with.” | Domestic Money Order issued by | here. i : until otherwise ordered. (1 bave just retarned from serv. Ey | : inet and ate say Shans, Which 2d | sing trok pt wing ay ond tag | exhibited 8 f Cra fanghter of 1. 8 ir 35 : iF suits at $17, Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. |L. Miller, i Miller of | the A : Jones Poor House Director and J. Lo : for County 8S or were nominated | 'b : g Has Should not prevent you from taking advan of the | EXCELLENT BARGAINS B - 8 1 Se ns we are offering in tha {fi scholar whip 3 : . rr ek HATS, blished by the N Sai Pab- 4 thvpir | Fahing Co., of St. Louis, Mo, and is an “ad” now running, Yo. change thie | CAPS, SHIRTS, ‘exhaustive discussion of the causes of copy in not later than Tuesday at 2 : \ . the war, and an equally exhaastive his- o'clock p. m. of each week. If handed GENTS FURN- tory of ita inchdents, and a brilliant in Inter n that time it will have to : analysis of the famous characters con- be beld over "till the next week. All ISHINGS. : : newspapers must have business a Ee pe If hould 3 War s TOVE SE€- to be iwued several hours he _. = 11 a time and then the subscribyre IOUS YOU Will need your Fon iM have good reason to complain. money and will find it to your Fn Be COPY I Oiarox Pun. Co, | advantage to buy while the to the Patton Feed and Buckwheat S17 08 Prices are on. . pa your rye flour, corn meal, Zp reamns Wolf & Thompson. F i £ Are SU BARR Se i amen WO : by
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers